Consuming Passions: Leisure and Pleasure in Victorian Britain

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Consuming Passions: Leisure and Pleasure in Victorian Britain Page 74

by Judith Flanders

  15Golby and Purdue, Modern Christmas, p. 51.

  16David Philip Miller, ‘Davies Gilbert’, Oxford Dictionary of Biography.

  17Percy Dearmer, R. Vaughan Williams and Martin Shaw, The Oxford Book of Carols (London, Oxford University Press, 1928), pp. x-xi.

  18Hindley, History of the Catnach Press, pp. 242-3.

  19Dearmer et al., Oxford Book of Carols, pp. x-xi.

  20Hannah Cullwick, The Diaries of Hannah Cullwick, Victorian Maidservant, ed. Liz Stanley (London, Virago, 1984), p. 261.

  21Golby and Purdue, Modern Christmas, p. 76; Pimlott, Englishman’s Christmas, p. 77.

  22Weightman and Humphries, Christmas Past, p. 85.

  23James Robinson Planché, Pieces of Pleasantry for Private Performance during the Christmas Holidays (London, Thomas Hailes Lacy, [1868]), passim.

  24Weightman and Humphries, Christmas Past, pp. 143, 145.

  25Ibid., p. 81.

  26Pimlott, Englishman’s Christmas, p. 90.

  27Weightman and Humphries, Christmas Past, p. 62.

  28Kathleen R. Farrar, ‘The Mechanics’ Saturnalia’, in D. S. L. Cardwell, ed., Artisan to Graduate: Essays to Commemorate the Foundation in 1824 of the Manchester Mechanics’ Institution . . . (Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1974), pp. 99-114, passim.

  29Pimlott, Englishman’s Christmas, p. 92.

  30Drotner, English Children and their Magazines, p. 143.

  31The Times, 22 December 1877, p. 5, col. f.

  32Manby Smith, Curiosities of London Life, p. 250.

  33Cited in Pimlott, Englishman’s Christmas, p. 69.

  34Weightman and Humphries, Christmas Past, pp. 125, 129.

  35Ibid., p. 43.

  36Cited in ibid., p. 111.

  37Copies of all these can be found in the British Library.

  38Manby Smith, Little World of London, p. 261.

  39Charles Dickens, The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club (1836-7), ed. Mark Wormald (Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1999), p. 431.

  40Buday, Christmas Card, pp. 45-7.

  41Golby and Purdue, Modern Christmas, p. 69.

  42Buday, Christmas Card, pp. 53-5.

  43Weightman and Humphries, Christmas Past, p. 56.

  44Golby and Purdue, Modern Christmas, p. 15.

  45Buday, Christmas Card, pp. 6, 15, 53-9, 88-9.

  46Pimlott, Englishman’s Christmas, pp. 104-5.

  47Ibid., p. 102.

  48Ibid., p. 124.

  49Weightman and Humphries, Christmas Past, p. 111.

  50Bennett, Golby, Finnegan, ‘Christmas and Ideology’, in Popular Culture: Themes and Issues, p. 18; Weightman and Humphries, Christmas Past, p. 160.

  51Manby Smith, Curiosities of London Life, pp. 323, 320.

  52Cited in Pimlott, Englishman’s Christmas, p. 74.

  53Ibid., p. 74.

  54Cited in Frederick W. Faxon, Literary Annuals and Gift Books: A Bibliography, 1823-1903 (reprint, Pinner, Private Libraries Association, 1973), p. 10.

  55Peter J. Manning, ‘Wordsworth in the Keepsake’, in John O. Jordan and Robert L. Patten, eds., Literature in the Marketplace: Nineteenth-Century British Publishing and Reading Practices (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1995), pp. 44-5.

  56The Christmas Tree: A Book of Instruction and Amusement for all Young People (London, James Blackwood, 1860), p. 30.

  57Drotner, English Children and their Magazines, p. 63.

  58Dickens, A Christmas Carol, p. 82; Pimlott, Englishman’s Christmas, p. 122.

  59Briggs, Friends of the People, p. 38; Lancaster, The Department Store, pp. 23-4, 51.

  60Weightman and Humphries, Christmas Past, p. 160.

  61Honeycombe, Selfridges, p. 26.

  62Cited in Golby and Purdue, Modern Christmas, pp. 16-17.

  63All cited in Diana and Geoffrey Hindley, Advertising in Victorian England, 1837-1901 (London, Wayland, 1972), entries 2.7-2.13.


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  Abel, Carl Friedrich, 348, 355

  Aberdeen: clubs, 6; public transport, 99

  Aberdeen, George Hamilton Gordon, 4th Earl of, 402

  Abington, Frances, 239

  Ackermann, Rudolph, 269n, 489

  Addison, Joseph, 4-5, 216, 258

  Addison, Robert, 21

  Adelaide Gallery see National Gallery of Practical Science

  Adelphi Theatre, London, 275, 291, 298 adultery, 142n

  Advertisers Guardian, The, 163, 196

  advertising: and shop circulars, 54-5; of tea, 59-60; development of, 67; for ready-made clothes, 95-7; Selfridge and, 118, 121-2; in newspapers, 130, 132-8, 150, 162; in magazines, 162; Garrick and, 238; of shows, 286; proliferation of, 287, 290; in theatres, 339; fine art in, 417-18; in cycling journals, 458; for Christmas, 487-8, 491

  aesthetic movement, 115-16

  Age (newspaper), 142

  Agnew’s (art dealers), 410-11, 414

  Agricultural Hall, Islington, 283, 453

  Albert, Prince Consort: supports Great Exhibition, 3, 11-12, 14, 17, 22, 28, 492; as President of Royal Society of Arts, 8, 11; designs tartan, 221; promotes Christmas trees, 471; favours Christmas presents for adults, 490

  Alcock, Charles, 443-4, 446-7

  Alexandra Palace, Muswell Hill, 283

  Alhambra Music Hall, London, 375-7

  Allen, Frank, 377

  Allen, Grant, 458

  Allen, Ralph, 128

  Allison, Robert (piano manufacturer), 21

  allotments, 437

  Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence, 414

  Alps: visitors to, 228

  Amateur Bicycle Club, 454

  Amberley, John Russell, Viscount, and Katharine Louisa, Viscountess, 470

  Amelia, Princess, 231

  Amherst, J.H., 314n; The Battle of Waterloo (hippodrama), 264, 318-19

  Amory, Thomas, 216

  Anacreontic Society, 345

  Andersen, Hans Christian, 306n

  Angerstein, John Julius, 392, 400

  animals: in theatre, 312-22, 337

  Annual Register, 149

  annuals, 488-90

  Applegarth and Cooper printing presses, 150

  Aqascutum cloth, 92; see also Bax & Co.

  Aquascutum (London store), 496

  Arbuthnot, John, 381

  Archer, William, 340n

  Aris’s Birmingham Gazette, 124, 138 aristocracy: opens art galleries, 392-4

  Army and Navy Co-operative Society, 81, 497

  Arne, Thomas, 239, 352-3

  Arnold, Matthew: Empedocles on Etna, 193

  Arnold, Samuel, 239; Inkle and Yarico, 357

  Arnold, Thomas, 452

  Arnold’s Library of Fine Arts, 322

  Arsenal football club, 440, 448-9

  arsenic: as whitening cosmetic, 61n

  art: in country houses, 212, 214; viewing, 212; public display, 379-80, 382-3, 385, 391-3, 399-400; and Grand Tour, 380; and patronage, 381, 385, 417; establishes cultural ideals, 384-5; aristocracy and, 392-4; exhibitions outside London, 405-8; market and dealing, 409-18; monographs on, 415; in advertising, 417-18

  Art Journal, 271

  Art Treasures Examiner (weekly journal), 408

  Ascot racecourse, 435

  Ashworth, Henry, 208, 211

  Astley, John Conway Philip, 314-15

  Astley, Philip, 313-14

  Astley’s Amphitheatre, 264, 296, 313-14, 317-18, 321

  Aston Villa football club, 440

  Athenaeum ( journal), 184, 325, 414

  Athletic News, 153

  Atkins’s Circus and Menagerie, 283-4

  Augusta, Princess, 383

  Austen, Jane: Emma, 230; Northanger Abbey, 164, 217; Persuasion, 235; Pride and Prejudice, 212

  automata (clockwork), 253-4, 275, 285

  Avon Navigation scheme, 231

  Babbage, Charles, 165n<
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  Bach, Johann Christian, 347-8, 356, 360

  Baedeker (guidebook), 243

  Bainbridge’s (Newcastle store), 110, 114, 496

  Baker Street Bazaar (London store), 257, 269

  Bakewell, Robert, 427

  Balmoral, 221

  Bamford, Samuel (weaver), 419-20

  bands see orchestras

  Banister, John, 343

  Bank Holiday Act (1871), 470

  Banks, Sir Joseph, 379

  Banks, Thomas, 383

  Bantock, Sir Granville, 250

  Baptist Magazine, 479

  Barker, Henry Aston, 263

  Barker, John, 114-15

  Barker, Robert, 262-3, 273

  Barker’s (London store), Kensington, 113, 497

  Barran, John, 90-1

  Barrie, J.M.: Peter Pan, 306n, 333n

  Barry, Ann Spranger, 239

  Barry, James: The Progress of Human Culture (painting), 387

  Barrymore, William, 179, 314n

  Barthélémon, François-Hippolyte, 352

  Bartholomew Fair, 283-4

  Bartolozzi, Francesco, 198, 298, 383n

  Barton, George, 168, 171

  Bates, Joah, 347n

  Bath: shops in, 105; coffee houses, 127; as spa town, 231-2, 248; pleasure gardens, 232-3; entertainments, 233-5; investment in, 248; theatre in, 294-5; art exhibitions, 405

  Bath Institution for Promoting the Fine Arts, 405

  bathing machines, 245

  bathing costumes, 245, 247

  Batoni, Pompeo, 380

  Bax & Co. (later Aquascutum), 92, 496

  Baylis, Lilian, 329n

  Bayswater Chronicle, 11

  bazaars, 107-9

  Beale’s (Bournemouth store), 111

  bear-baiting, 420

  Beaumont, Sir George, 399-400

  Beddoes, Thomas, 172

  beer: as standard drink, 46n

  Beethoven, Ludwig van, 355

  Beeton, Samuel, 161

  Beggarstaff Brothers (William Nicholson and James Ferrier Pryde), 418

  Belgravia (London), 11n

  Bell, Jacob, 413

  Bell, John, 173

  Belle Assemblée, La (magazine), 159-61

  Bell’s Life in London and Sporting Chronicle, 153-5, 204, 432, 439, 441-2

  Bell’s Penny Dispatch, 142

  Belzoni, Giovanni Battista: Narrative of the Operations . . . in Egypt and Nubia, 198-9

  Benjamin, Walter, 28

  Bennett, Arnold, 144

  Bennett, Frances, 58

  Bentham, Jeremy: on luxuries and necessities, 55

  Bentley, Richard, 184, 186, 190, 192

  Bentley, Thomas, 49, 63-7, 74n

  Berrow, Hervey, 165

  Bethnal Green Times, 364

  betting: on horseracing, 421, 432

  Beverley, Yorkshire, 422, 424

  bicycle: invention and development, 453-6; technological improvements, 464-5; see also cycling

  bill-posters (bill-stickers), 287, 290

  Bird, G.: Practical Scrivener, 138

  Birmingham: toy manufacture, 49n; omnibuses in, 99; shops, 106; theatre in, 294-5; Rodney music hall, 373; art exhibitions, 406

  Birmingham Flour and Bread Company, 79

  Birmingham Saturday Half Holiday-Guide, 203

  Birmingham Society of Art, 399

  Blackburn Rovers football club, 444-6, 451

  Blackpool: railway line, 33

  Blandford, Dorset: horseracing, 428-9, 431-2

  Blériot, Louis, 122

  Blood Red Knight, The (hippodrama), 314

  Blumenfeld, Ralph D., 121

  Board of Trustees for the Encouragement of Arts and Manufactures in Scotland, 220

  Bolton: Star Music Hall, 373

  Bolton Chronicle, 446

  Bolton Evening News, 143

  Bolton Weekly Journal, 143

  Bon Marché (London store), 113, 497

  Bon Marché (Liverpool store), 490

  Bon Marché, (Paris store), 109, 113n

  Book of Economy, The (by ‘A Gentleman’), 94

  bookbinding, 182-3

  books: availability, 164-6, 169; prices, 164-7, 184, 189-90, 193; sales, 167-8; popular and sensational, 174-6; production, 182-3; buying, 184; effect of railways on, 187-8, 190-4; as Christmas gifts, 488-9; see also annuals; chapbooks; libraries; novels

  booksellers, 165-6, 168, 174; see also under individual company names

  Booksellers Committee, 184

  Booth, ‘General’ William, 374n

  Boruwlaski, Count (dwarf ), 256

  Boswell, James, 237n, 257

  Botanical Society, 74n

  Boucicault, Dion, 332, 338; The Colleen Bawn, 337-8; The Corsican Brothers (adaptation), 333-5; Janet Pride, 338; London Assurance, 333; London by Night, 336; The Octoroon, 336; Pauvrette, 336; The Poor of New York (rewritten as The Poor of Liverpool, and variants), 336, 338

  Boucicault, Dion, Jr, 333n

  Boucicault, Nina, 333n

  Boucicaut, Aristide, 109, 113n

  Boulton & Fothergill (company), 67

  Boulton, Matthew, 30, 53, 74n, 79

  Bourgeois, Sir Peter Francis, 398

  Bourne and Hollingsworth (London store), 113, 497

  Bournemouth, 247-9

  Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, 249

  Bournonville, August, 298n

  Bow pottery, 62

  Bow Printing Office, 176

  bowling (sport), 420

  Boydell, John (printseller), 101, 388-91, 411

  Boys’ Own Paper, 458

  Bradshaw, George: railway timetables and companions, 195-6

  Bremner (music publisher), 357

  breweries: and football, 450-1

  Bridgewater, Francis Egerton, 3rd Duke of, 73, 392

  Brighton: rail link to London, 229-30; as tourist resort, 243-4

  Brighton Co-operative Benevolent Association, 80

  Brindley, James, 73

  Brinsmead, John, 20

  Bristol: shops, 105; library, 172

  Bristol Institution, 399

  Bristol Journal, 124

  Bristol Library Society, 172

  British and Foreign School Society, 139

  British Institution for Promoting the Fine Arts in the United Kingdom, 212, 393-4, 399

  British Museum: opening hours, 211; purpose and collections, 394-7; admission and opening extended, 397-8, 401-2; maintenance costs, 397; and National Gallery, 400; Cole disparages, 404; attendance figures, 405

  British Quarterly Review, 143

  Britton, Tom, 343

  broadsides, 176-7, 179-81

  Broadstairs, Kent, 247

  Broadwood, John, 355, 360, 363

  Broadwood’s (piano manufacturers), 20, 360-2

  Brodsky, Adolph, 372

  Brown, Ford Madox, 26

  Browne, Hablot Knight see Phiz

  Buckstone, John Baldwin, 39-40

  bull-baiting, 320

  Bullock, William, 219, 264-5

  Bull’s Library, 185

  Burberry (London store), 463, 496

  Burgess’s Circulating Library, Ramsgate, 166

  Burke, Edmund, 172, 379, 385; Enquiry into . . . the Sublime and the Beautiful, 216

  Burke and Hare (resurrectionists), 177

  Burney, Charles, 351 & n, 379

  Burney, Frances (Mme d’Arblay): Cecilia, 165, 351; Evelina, 253, 269, 280, 351; The Wanderer, 107

  Burns, Robert, 220

  Burslem: roads, 69-70

  Burton upon Trent, 74-5

  buses see omnibuses

  Butler, Samuel, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, 452

  Buxton, Derbyshire, 248

  Byng, John see Torrington, 5th Viscount

  Byron, George Gordon, 6th Baron: romantic cult, 220n; copies Napoleon’s coach, 264n; ‘Bride of Abydos’, 199n; Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, 167, 168; The Corsair, 330; Mazeppa, 319, 330; Sardanapalus, 325-6

  Byron, Henry James: Our Boys, 303

nbsp; cabinets of curiosities, 396

  Caldecott, Randolph, 487

  Calvert, Charles, 326

  Cambrian Traveller’s Guide, 202, 223

  Cambridge Chronicle and Journal, 124-5

  Campbell, Hector, 148

  Campbell, Thomas, 126

  Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal), 380

  canals and waterways: system developed, 72-5

  Canning, Stratford (1st Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe), 199

  Cannon, John, 164

  Canterbury Music Hall (earlier Canterbury Arms tavern), Lambeth, 374-7

  Cardiff: shops, 106

  Carey, George Saville: performances, 256; Shakespeare’s Jubilee, 240

  Carlisle, Frederick Howard, 5th Earl of, 392

  carols: at Christmas, 473-4

  Carr, Joseph Comyns, 116n, 414

  Cartlitch, John: Mazeppa, 319, 321-2

  Caryll, Ivan: Our Miss Gibbs, 340

  Cassell, John, 35, 37, 157

  Cassell’s Illustrated Family Paper, 159

  Castle Society, Paternoster Row, London, 344

  Catherine II (the Great), Empress of Russia, 65, 106

  Catherine of Braganza, Queen of Charles II, 231

  Catnach, James, 177, 179-80, 474

  Cattanach, Charles, 88

  Cawthorn’s Library, 187

  censorship, 123

  chain stores see multiple stores

  Challinier of New Bond Street (dressmakers), 89

  Chamberlain, Joseph, 106

  Chambers, William (music publisher), 383, 385

  Champion, Joseph: Practical Arithmetic, 138

  Chandos, James Brydges, 1st Duke of, 248

  chapbooks, 165, 176

  Chapman and Hall (publishers), 190

  Chappell, William (music publisher), 474

  Charlecote Park, Warwickshire, 241

  Charles II, King, 231

  Charles Edward Stuart, Prince (‘Bonny Prince Charlie’), 71n

  Charles, Prince of Wales, 11n

  Charlotte, Queen of George III, 63, 65-6

  Cheap Repository Tract Society, 139

  Cheltenham, 235-6

  Cheny, John, 424, 426

  Chester: shops, 97; newspapers, 132

  Chester and Holyhead Railway, 195

  children: excursions for, 225-6

  China: porcelain imports from, 61-2

  china (ceramic), 61-7

  Christian Observer, 275

  Christie, James (auctioneer), 383

  Christmas: family traditions, 466-9, 472-3; Lord of Misrule, 469, 481; development as popular festival, 469-70, 477-9; Mistletoe, 473; Carols, 473-4; Father Christmas, 475-6, 478-9, 490-1; and charity, 476, 479; plays, 478-9; Nonconformists reject, 479; food and drink, 480-1, 488; crackers, 481-2; commercialization, 482-3, 487-8; decorations, 482; presents, 488-9; grottos, 490-1; internationalism, 491-2


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