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Charming Asshole (Killer of Kings Book 3)

Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “Then you loved her, but I had no love for my father or the way he ran the club. Now that I’m prez, I want things to be different.”

  Killian rested his hand on one of his guns. Shadow still had his weapon trained on Manic. “Explain to me why I’m here then. Revenge for killing those losers in the bar? They were messing with my woman. I didn’t even know they were part of your club.”

  Manic laughed. “Don’t you get it, Killian? I wanted you here. I wanted you to bring a shit storm of pain to my front door.”


  June couldn’t sleep. She tossed and turned, worrying about Killian. He wanted to make things right so they could be a family, but the risks were too great. She still had a hard time believing any of this was possible.

  Why couldn’t things be simpler?

  When the cell Killian had given her vibrated on the night table, she rushed to grab it, her thoughts focused on the man she loved.


  A low chuckle on the other line was deep and menacing.

  “Who is this?”

  “Your man works for me, June. Right now, I need your help.”

  She sat up in the bed, her heart racing. Why was Killian’s crazy boss calling her? Was Killian hurt or worse?

  “What’s going on? Is something wrong?” she whispered, not wanting anyone else in the house to hear her.

  “When it comes to you, Killian doesn’t seem to think straight. He’s trying to take on an army with two men. Nothing I say will stop him because he wants the contract on you and your son gone.”

  “Are you saying he has no chance? Why aren’t you doing something?”

  “That’s why I’m calling you. If I offer you in exchange for the contract, I can get the head of the snake and end all this. Neither of you has to get hurt.”

  “Why didn’t Killian tell me anything?”

  He scoffed. “If there’s any risk for you, there’s no way he’d be on board.”

  “I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure he’s safe. I want this nightmare over with,” she said.

  “That’s a good girl. Now, I want you to get ready and be at the front door in exactly twenty minutes. Don’t tell anyone. Keep it quiet.”

  “You’re picking me up?”

  “No, not me. You’ve got nineteen minutes.” Then the phone went dead.

  June put the phone down and rubbed her hands together, trying to bring some warmth to them since her whole body seemed to be going into shock. This wasn’t what she’d signed up for, but what choice did she have? Killian’s boss said no one would get hurt if she helped him.

  She got dressed, tiptoeing around to ensure she didn’t wake anyone up. Then she crept down the stairs, cringing when some of the old wooden planks squeaked. When she made it to the foyer, she leaned over, bracing a hand on each knee to calm herself.

  “Going somewhere?”

  June gasped and spun around. In the dim lighting, Bain looked like the devil himself. How had he heard her?

  “I have to do something. Please don’t try and stop me.”

  “Who called you?”

  She sighed, not ready to start creating lies. “It was Killian’s boss. He has a plan to get Killian back safely. He needs me. I can’t screw this up, so I’m going.”

  Bain exhaled, his eyes narrowed. “He wants you as bait.”


  “Boss doesn’t care about you, sweetheart. He just wants to keep one of his top men from dying in a blaze of glory.”

  “No, he said I’d be able to draw out whoever put a hit on me and my son. Then he’d take care of it and end all this.”

  “I’m sure that’s what he said. I guarantee you, he leaves you on their front doorstep and then fucks off.” There was a soft rapping on the door. “Let me guess…”

  Bain wrenched open the door, a gun coming seemingly out of nowhere, pointed straight ahead.

  “Whoa there, Bain. Just doing a pick-up.”

  “Not today, you’re not, Chains,” said Bain.

  “Boss’s orders.”

  Bain cocked his gun, apparently not against killing a friend. “Boss wants Killian to come out of this alive, but he’s not using his woman to do it. He still has a favor from Viper, tell him to use it.”

  He slammed the door in Chain’s face, and turned around after tucking the gun in the back of his pants.

  “I don’t want him to get hurt,” she whispered, close to tears.

  “Killian’s good at what he does. He wouldn’t have gone if he didn’t think he could handle it. Now, Scarlett likes you, and your kid is upstairs sleeping, so I’ll let this slide. Don’t try and leave this house again. Understand?”

  She nodded and trudged back upstairs, occasionally looking over her shoulder. Bain stood at the bottom of the stairs, his arms crossed over his chest. The man was like a centurion, unmoving and intense.

  June flopped on the bed without undressing, staring up at the ceiling. She had to have faith that Killian would come back to her. She wanted her son to know his father, for their relationship to grow and thrive. And June needed her man: his love, his presence, his body. She remembered his unique skillset, the way he used his wicked tongue, and the feel of his cock filling her. If he never came back, she’d never want another man.

  Her mind wandered in so many directions. What if Boss was right and she’d blown her chance to help Killian? What if two men, no matter how efficient, weren’t enough to take on an entire MC?

  Chapter Nine

  “This makes no fucking sense,” Shadow said. “This son of a bitch killed your dad.”

  “Thanks, Shadow.” Killian stared at Manic, impressed with the man he saw today. He was older, wiser, and he clearly had his shit together. When his cell phone started to ring, Killian ignored it, and stared at the new prez. “What the fuck do you want?”

  “Ten years ago, you came, and even though your actions helped make my life great, you left a lot of shit behind. My father was rotten to the core. He was a wife beater, a rapist, a murderer. He was everything that made this world an evil place, and he surrounded himself with the same kind of people.”

  Killian frowned. When he’d been put on the hunt for Manic’s father it was because he’d been experimenting in the kind of drugs that hurt a lot of people, women mostly. It kept them sated, but also meant they were sexually responsive so a man could rape them. The drug never made it into production as that had been Killian’s job. Boss wanted the drug gone, and the only way to do that was to take out the line that knew about it. He’d done his job, and then left, leaving behind the only woman he’d ever loved along with an unborn child he didn’t know about.

  “What the fuck do you want from me?” Killian repeated.

  “I need your help.”

  Shadow burst out laughing. “You really think you’re going to get his help? You went after his woman and kid.”

  This had Manic frowning. “I didn’t do any of that.”

  “You didn’t put a hit out on my family?” Killian asked, staring into Manic’s eyes. Years of being around scum and he’d learned a thing or two. Manic wasn’t lying. He clearly didn’t have a clue what was going on.

  “I made sure Boss got the intel on the MC. I needed you here. Are you not here because of that?”

  “No,” Killian said. “Boss has a shitload of explaining to do.”

  “Agreed,” Shadow said.

  Killian’s cell phone began to ring again.

  “I think you should answer that. Whoever it is, isn’t going to go away,” Manic said.

  He didn’t want to answer his cell. What he wanted was fucking answers. Pulling out his cell phone he saw Bain was calling.

  “Is everything okay?” Killian asked, moving a few steps away.

  “Yeah, June and your kid are fine. Boss just tried to lure her out. He got Chains to try and pick her up.”

  “What the fuck?”

  “Something’s going on, and I don’t like it, Killian. Get to the bottom of thi
s. For now, I’ve got this place covered, but you need to know something else is playing out, and they’re after June.”

  “Keep them safe.” He hung up his cell, and looked toward Manic. “Okay, let’s get this straight, you need and want my help.”

  “That’s right.”


  “You only took out a couple of the MC ten years ago. My father’s poison has spread like a cancer. Now there are some people who want this way of life. Who want to…” Manic stopped, and looked away. The shame on his face was clear.

  “What is it?”

  “I need you to kill the bastards that followed my father. I’ve got a list ready, but I need you. You’re a hardened killer, and right now I need someone who can kill without asking questions.”

  Shadow sighed. “Why now?”

  Killian looked toward Shadow. “Does it matter?”

  “Yeah, it matters. You killed this little prick’s dad ten years ago, and now he magically asks for your help? He knows you’re a killer, and you’re going to go wandering into the lion’s den, and be shocked that you got fucking bit. You don’t go in all guns a blazing. You don’t get shit done like that.”

  “Worked just fine, I think,” Killian said.

  “Why?” Shadow asked, pointing a gun at Manic’s forehead. “I have no problem killing you. In fact, it would give me a great deal of pleasure because I’m bored. When I’m bored, I like to kill people and make beautiful art with their blood.”

  Killian had to give it to Manic, the guy didn’t bat an eye.

  “You want the truth? There are a group of us that want the MC on the straight and narrow. We’re all about the bikes, the life, the cause. I want to make a fucking difference. I don’t want kids to be afraid. How can I make a difference when three weeks ago, my father’s buddies took two teenage girls, chained them to a table, and did a train on them?”

  “A train?” Killian asked. He wasn’t exactly well-versed in lingo.

  “Each member took a turn,” Shadow said. “One after the other. Was it consensual?”

  Manic shook his head. “No. What I found out was that they wanted to amuse themselves and put the town in place, they took two random girls. They weren’t even fucking eighteen years old. They didn’t want it. What I walked into, that shit is fucked up. I took them to the hospital, and I got word that both girls killed themselves. My club was responsible for that shit. There’s a cancer within us, and I need to get rid of it. I have to stop it one way or the other. You’re my only hope. You think I’m a pussy for caring, I don’t give a fuck. Ten years ago I watched you, I saw how you killed my father. You didn’t even fucking blink, and then you walked away. That’s what I need, and I will pay whatever fucking price you need, but I have to take them out.”

  “Will you be joining in the fun?” Killian asked.

  “Yes. I’m club prez, and I’ve made sure that my men are ready for this. We all want them fuckers to pay for what they did, and what they’ve done.” Manic ran a hand down his face. “One of the girls was a brother’s sister’s friend. She wasn’t family but close. While I was taking her to the hospital, she asked him why he didn’t save her. That shit, it’s got to stop. I know how to stop it.”

  Killian held his hand up. He didn’t need to hear anymore, and was done listening to this shit. “I need to know who put the hit on my woman and my kid. He’s ten years old, and I’ve got them safe for now. I want answers.”

  “I didn’t put any fucking hit on any kid or woman. I’ve got standards, man. I don’t do that kind of shit.”

  “Someone did. Someone close to you.”

  “I can find out. It could be one of the guys checking in on my old man’s killer.”

  “Then you find out, and you call us. Until then, I’m not helping you with shit.”

  Killian didn’t wait around. He left with Shadow close at his back.

  “I’ve got something to take care of.”

  “Why do I feel you’re about to do something really stupid?” Shadow asked.

  “Because I am.” He stopped as Shadow grabbed his arm.

  “You’ve got to rethink everything you’re about to do.”

  “What I’m about to do is deal with the bastard who thinks he can harm what’s mine. No one, and I mean no one, uses my woman as bait.”

  “You’re going after Boss?”

  Killian didn’t say anything. He was so fucking pissed. He wanted to hurt everyone and everything. After ten years of being a loyal fucking dog to that bastard, and the first time his back was turned, he went to the only woman he had ever loved, and intended to use her as fucking bait. That shit didn’t sit well with him.

  There was a pit of rage that needed to get out, and the only person who was going to satisfy him right now was Boss. From the moment he began working for Boss all those years ago, he’d known deep down in his heart that the fucker was a cruel man. He’d even been convinced that the bastard didn’t have a heart, and he was right. There was nothing in Boss. All that man cared about was his bottom fucking line.

  “Look, I get that you’re pissed right now, and I do understand, but there are bigger fish right now.”

  “I know Manic needs our help, but until he tells me exactly who’s responsible for sending hitmen after my woman and kid, then I’m not playing.”

  “Those old club members are bad news for a lot of people.”

  “I know. And I don’t give a shit. Now, unless you want to end up on the dead pile, you’ll get out of my fucking way. I want blood, and I want it now, and you’re the only person standing in my way.”

  There was no fear in Shadow’s eyes, but Killian didn’t expect it. Every single man and woman that was associated with Killer of Kings, had lost that part of themselves years ago. None of them had feeling, or remorse, or even love. The only time he’d seen it in Viper or Bain recently was when they were with their women.

  “You’re making a mistake.”

  “Don’t care.” He shoved Shadow off, and kept on walking.

  “Do you even know where Boss is?”

  “I know where that fucker is.” He’d been working for him for longer than he’d not been working for him. Heading toward the now closed pier as it was late, he climbed the gate, and dropped down on the other side. Glancing toward the security cameras he saw they weren’t in operation, which was a guarantee to him that Boss was here. Wherever the owner of Killer of Kings went, nothing and no one followed him unless he wanted it.

  His hands were shaking he was so wired, so ready to kill, and he wanted to. He made his way toward the peak of the pier, and paused when he felt a presence behind him.

  “Looking for someone?” asked Boss.

  Killian whirled around. “What the fuck do you think you’re using my woman for, huh? You think that shit is funny?”

  There was no laughter in Boss’s eyes. “Are you quite finished?” Boss asked.

  “You tried to take her away from me.”

  “I did nothing of the sort.”

  “You sent Chains. Your little lapdog driver. Don’t fucking lie.” He was past any rational thought and grabbed his Glock, pointing it at Boss’s neck.

  “I’d think twice about pulling that trigger.”

  “Why? Because you’ve got that revenge hit on anyone who kills you? You think I give a shit? I’ve spent my entire fucking life looking over my back. You think I won’t be prepared to take out every single asshole who comes after me for taking a hit out on you?” He spat the words at him, wanting Boss to know exactly how he felt.

  Still, Boss didn’t show any signs of fear or anger, or even remorse. There was nothing there. His eyes were empty. “What about June and Killian Junior? Are you going to let them live the rest of their lives constantly looking over their shoulders? Neither of them deserves that.”

  “Do not bring them into this. Do not bring them fucking into this!” He yelled the words, feeling the raw pain more than ever before. He was a father to a ten-year-old kid. There was no wa
y he was ever going to be able to allow him to go through any more shit, not from him. It was unfair, and he wouldn’t do it, he couldn’t.

  He didn’t lower the Glock immediately. There were moments like this that he wished he had Boss’s balls of steel.

  He had a son and a woman to take care of now. There was no way he could risk killing Boss, and spending the rest of his life constantly being hunted down. Slowly, he stepped away, and glared at Boss. “Are you going to attack me? Put me in my place for daring to mess with the king?”

  “I’m not a king, Killian. I never claimed to be one. I kill those that need to be brought down, but I’m not one of them.”

  “You were going to use my woman.” All the adrenaline was beginning to fade away.

  “Yes, because I know what the fuck I’m doing. I was going to use her to bring out the person who started that hit,” said Boss.

  “What do you mean?”

  “There’s some twisted shit going down in the Dead Angels MC. That club needs purification.”

  “But Manic said it wasn’t him.”

  “It wasn’t, as otherwise I’d have called you to end him. The kid is trying to do shit right, and I can’t fault him for that.”

  Killian paced, rubbing at his temple. “Then who?”

  Boss held his hands up. “Enough with the questions. Just understand that I was trying to save your woman and kid. They would never have been in danger. They would have had protection, Killian.”

  “June’s been through enough. No more. I won’t have her hurting because of me. Whatever you need to find, you come to me and only me.”

  “Fine, but it’s going to take longer.”

  “I don’t care. I really don’t fucking care right now.” He stepped away. “I’ve got to go to her.”

  “Then go, Killian.”

  He turned away from Boss and left, surprised that the man he worked for didn’t try to stab him in the back.


  When the bed dipped beside June, she jumped out, gasping. She held her hands into fists, ready to hurt anyone who came near her.

  “It’s me, baby. It’s me,” Killian said.


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