Charming Asshole (Killer of Kings Book 3)

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Charming Asshole (Killer of Kings Book 3) Page 10

by Sam Crescent


  “Yes. It’s me. There’s no one else around. It’s just me.”

  “Thank God!” She jumped on the bed, and threw her arms around his neck. “I thought you were dead. I thought that something bad had happened to you because I didn’t get to go to Boss.”

  The moment he touched her, she moaned in a good way. Ten years without his touch, and she was desperate to feel his hands on her.

  “Nothing can happen to you,” she said. “Do you hear me? Nothing.”

  “I won’t let anything happen to me, baby. I promise. I love you so much.” He breathed her in, and she closed her eyes.

  “Does Bain know you’re here?”

  “Yeah, he nearly shot one of my nuts off. He’s so damn bad at times.”

  “Don’t try to make a joke. I can’t handle a joke right now.”

  “Hey.” He cupped her chin. “Everything is going to be okay. I promise.” He pressed a kiss to her lips, and she felt like she was drowning. Her pussy was on fire, and she craved his touch more than her next breath.

  When she made to push him to the bed, Killian took control, and pressed her against the mattress. He moved between her thighs, and she gasped. His cock was hard as he thrust it against her core.

  “I just wanted to hold you.”

  “I want you to make love to me, Killian. Please.” She tugged on his shirt, and as he began to take clothes off her body, she did the same with him, needing his bare skin next to hers.

  When they were both naked, Killian kissed her once again, only this time he didn’t linger on her lips. He kissed to her neck, then to breasts, sucking one nipple and then the other. She arched up as the sensation of his lips on her tits went straight to her clit.

  “Your body is fucking beautiful, baby. So beautiful.”

  Down his lips went, stroking over her stomach before going to her mound. He held her legs spread, and then his tongue slid between her slit. He stroked her clit, gliding down to plunge inside her.

  He held the lips of her pussy open, and when she glanced down, he was staring up at her.

  “You taste so good.”

  “Oh, wow, you feel amazing,” she said. “You’re so good at this.”

  “I could live between your legs.”

  When he thrust his tongue again inside her, she cried out. It felt great, but she needed his big cock so much more. They had been apart for too long, and they were making up for lost time. Their feelings for each other were the same, but now it was more, deeper. She had no idea she could feel this way about anyone, especially not for Killian.

  “I love you, baby,” he said. “I want you to come on my tongue.”

  She fisted the blankets beneath her, and as he circled her clit, stroking over the highly sensitive bud, she couldn’t control her orgasm, or prolong it. She hurtled straight to that beautiful place of raw bliss, crying out his name, and giving him everything he ever wanted.

  The pleasure rushed through her body, leaving her panting.

  Before she had finished, Killian moved over her. She saw him quickly roll on a rubber, and then he was inside her—deep and hard. He took hold of her hands, pressing them above her head as he slammed every inch of his dick to the hilt.

  They both groaned.

  “You’re all mine. All fucking mine.”

  She held onto his hands, intertwining their fingers, not wanting to let go. From the first moment she’d seen him, she’d belonged to him. No one else would ever do. There was no way she would ever have been with anyone else because deep in her heart, she’d known all along that Killian was the only man she was ever going to love. Going with anyone else would have been a betrayal to herself.

  In the back of her mind, she had always been hopeful that he would come back, and he did. It was surreal.

  “Love you, baby. Fucking love you so much.”

  He began to fuck her, pulling out, only to push back inside, going deeper still.

  “You were born to belong to me,” he said.

  “Yes. I’m yours, Killian. Always.” She wrapped her hands around his neck, kissing him, tasting herself on his lips.

  He held her down as he thrust inside her. Lifting her hips up to meet every single thrust, she stared into his eyes, knowing she’d do anything for him, risk her very life to make sure he survived.

  When he rolled over so that she was on top of him, she smiled down with a giggle. His hands went to her hips as she began to rock on his cock. He was so big, filling every inch of her and then some.

  “Let me see you come apart, sweetheart. Touch your clit for me.”

  “You want me to do naughty things for you?” she asked, teasing him.

  “Yeah, I do, and I can feel how much you want to do them.” His hands tightened on her hips, which made her moan.

  Rocking on his cock, she decided to give him a bit of a shot. Cupping her tits, she teased her nipples, feeling his cock pulse inside her.

  Down she went, running her hands over her body. Finally, she got to her pussy, and teased a finger through her slit, finding her clit.

  Staring into his eyes, she played with her pussy, bringing herself closer and closer to another orgasm.

  “That’s a pretty sight,” he said. “So damn pretty. Come for me, June. I want you to do it all over my cock.”

  His hands moved up her body to cup her breasts, and then down to her hips. She loved the way he gripped them, and seemed to know exactly what he was doing with her body.

  “Please, Killian. I’m so close.”

  “I’m not going to fuck you until you give me what I want.”

  She teased her clit, and as the peak began to happen, she came, screaming his name, wanting him more than anything else as the orgasm overwhelmed her. Killian changed position, pushing her to the bed. He held her hips as he rode her, thrusting deep inside her cunt, taking control as she came all over his cock. When she pulled her fingers from between them, he placed them in his mouth, sucking on the tips.

  “You taste amazing,” he said.

  “Come for me now,” she said.

  He did. Killian held her to the bed, and began to fuck inside her, riding her hard. Throughout it all she held him close, feeling and seeing his pleasure was something she loved to watch.

  She had him just as he had her.

  Afterward, he didn’t pull out of her, and they lay together, staring into each other’s eyes.

  “I missed you today,” he said.

  “I did you as well. I miss you all the time that you’re not here. Does that make me sound like a crazy person?”

  “Not at all.”

  The smile on his lips faded.

  “It’s not over, is it?” she asked.

  “Not yet. The threat is still out there, and while it is, I need you and our boy to be here.”

  This was the hard-hitting reality for her. What if he didn’t make it home?

  “Don’t go. We could go anywhere, Killian.”

  “I won’t run from this, June. I can’t. That’s no life for you or for Killian. I can fix this.”

  “But what if something happens? What if I’m left all alone again? I don’t think I can do it.”

  “You won’t have to. I’ve put provisions in place. You won’t have to wor—”

  She slapped his chest. “Do you really think this is about the money? I don’t give a fuck about the money, Killian. I want you, not some damn dollars. You.”

  He smiled and that only made her frown. “Baby, you’re the only person in my entire life who has ever just wanted me, and it makes me love you even more for it.”

  She kissed him again, needing him to know that for her, it was always about him, not anything else.

  Chapter Ten

  Killian had always lived life in the fast lane, never stopping to reflect. When he was young, it had been about survival, and then it had been about forgetting everything that had fucked with his head. He’d never expected to have a family, because he’d never really had one growing up. Killian lov
ed his mother, but she’d been a lost cause, and he spent most of his time on the streets. He’d learned how to steal, to fight, to charm, and later, to kill. There were no other options. When he excelled in his life of crime, he never looked back.

  Now that June and Killian were in his life, he was ready to become everything he never had. It wouldn’t be easy, but it would be worth it. He wanted to be a good husband and father, to embrace that love he’d first felt with June ten years ago.

  First things first. Killian needed to help Boss tear down the Dead Angels MC. He wasn’t afraid to kill, and he was damn good at what he did.

  He stopped at a hotel along the highway to get some sleep. There was no way he could get any rest with June in his arms, and it would be harder to walk away in the morning. She was too much of a temptation. Just thinking about her gave him a boner. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have her as his woman. And not just any woman, but the mother of his son.

  After a decent night’s sleep, he showered, changed, and hit the road. By the time he pulled into town it was ten in the morning. He wasn’t worried about the element of surprise, not when Manic had practically begged him to kill his own fucking crew. He wasn’t sure if it was an act of valor or the worst kind of mutiny, but it wasn’t his club to worry about. Manic wanted the old-school bastards dead and gone. They were lazy, disobedient to the new prez, and lacked the basic decency that even stone-cold killers managed to hang on to.

  Killian didn’t have a problem with prostitution. His own mother had been a whore, but he didn’t agree when under-aged girls were forced into it. Manic’s new members weren’t saints, far from it. They were still hardcore criminals, but at least they had some standards. Even Boss knew where to draw the line.

  Killian picked up his cell and called Shadow. “I’m back in town. Did Manic give you anything we can use?”

  “He has no fucking clue,” said Shadow.

  Killian exhaled his irritation. All the time he’d been away and they were nowhere closer to finding the source of the problem. “Then what? We start handling Manic’s problem? Maybe one of them will name drop with a gun to their head.”

  “Boss is sending backup. I think he knows more than he’s letting on.”

  Killian squeezed the steering wheel as he drove, trying to contain the fire he felt growing inside him. Didn’t Boss trust him to handle the job? It pissed him off that he’d sent more backup. Killian didn’t need a babysitter. He’d made one fucking mistake when he’d killed the original prez, leaving witnesses, but there had been ten years of clean hits since then. Didn’t that amount to anything in Boss’s books? And why the secrets? After all these years, he’d hoped Boss trusted him with sensitive intel. Maybe pulling a gun on Boss was a fucked-up mistake he’d live to regret.

  “Who’s he sending?”

  “He didn’t say,” said Shadow.

  “Let’s just get this shit done. If I have to end every one of them, including Manic, so be it.”

  They met at the safe house near the water. Shadow walked out to meet him at the car. “Have you eaten?”

  “I can’t think about food right now,” said Killian.

  “Well, I’m fucking starved. Let’s get a bite to eat before business.”

  Killian ran a hand through his hair, too tired to argue. He supposed it would be smart to be at their best. Killing worked up an appetite.

  Shadow got in the passenger seat, and they drove into town. It wasn’t exactly smart showing their faces around town after the bloodbath last night, but Killian never was one to cower in fear.

  There was an all-day breakfast diner close by, so they went in and took a table by the window, facing each other so they could watch each other’s back. Some things were unconscious in their line of work.

  “Can I get you boys something?” asked the waitress, pulling a pen from behind her ear, poising it over her worn pad of paper. The place was a dive, a greasy-spoon if ever he saw one. Killian was used to the best. Ever since getting hired on at Killer of Kings when he’d moved over from Ireland, he’d enjoyed the high life. But he wasn’t an asshole, and remembered where he came from every day of his life.

  “Give us a minute, sweetheart,” said Killian, still busy scanning the interior. He hated this town, and not just because of all the bullshit since he showed up, but because it reminded him of losing June and finding out he’d missed out on so many years of his son’s life. When this was all over, he wanted to stay as far away as possible, start fresh with the woman he loved.

  “Cop,” said Shadow.

  Killian looked over his shoulder and watched the lone cop walking the beat along the sidewalk. It didn’t surprise him to see an extra police presence. There was nothing out of the ordinary, until the cop stopped dead in his tracks looking Killian straight in the eyes.

  Shadow cleared his throat. None of them liked cops. They didn’t meld with their lifestyle.

  “Relax,” Killian whispered.

  The cop entered the diner, the bells clanging against the glass. Why was he staring at him? Killian played with the saltshaker, twirling it one way then the other, not taking his eyes off the cop.

  “Killian, right?”

  The officer pulled an empty chair from another table, the legs scraping along the tile, and sat down at the side of their two-person table. As soon as Killian heard his name, his hackles rose.

  “I don’t remember ever seeing you before,” he answered.

  “Well, I’d recognize you anywhere. You’re the spitting image of your kid.”

  He braced himself to stand up, but Shadow kicked him from under the table. Killian ground his teeth together and sat back down.

  “You know my son?”

  “I think the whole police department does,” he said before chuckling. Killian wanted to punch him right in the face. “But then again, I’m more concerned about you.”


  “A few days ago I picked up your ex from the town hall. She was worried about you, thought you were in trouble again.”

  “Again?” asked Killian.

  So this was the bastard who had his eyes on June, and wanted his son out of the way. He gave the other man the once over, not feeling emasculated in the least. Killian would be able to take him down bare-handed in ten seconds flat. What he didn’t like was a history he wasn’t sure of since he wasn’t around. Had anything happened between the cop and June?

  The cop had a cocky smirk that Killian wanted to wipe off. “She’s been single for a reason, right?”

  He couldn’t bite his tongue another minute, even though he knew he should. They were in town for a reason, and this asshole was just a distraction he should avoid.

  “You know nothing about our relationship, so I’m really not sure why we’re having this conversation.”

  “What relationship? You don’t think she’d take you back after all these years, do you?”

  “Already happened, Huckleberry Finn,” said Killian. “In fact, I was busy fucking her all night long.”

  “Oh shit,” Shadow muttered, leaning back in his chair.

  Killian was never one to follow rules or respect authority. There’d only been a couple times in the past twenty years that he’d been hauled into jail, but he’d always been out within the hour thanks to Boss. No charges. Besides, this cop was way out of line.

  “You wouldn’t know anything about the shooting last night, would you?”

  “What shooting?” asked Killian.

  The cop nodded, his eyes narrowed. Did he want to fuck June? She was Killian’s, and he didn’t plan on handing her over.

  “June’s not at her apartment.”

  “And how the fuck would you know that?” asked Killian.

  “Someone had to look out for her all these long, lonely years.”

  This wise-ass needed the shit beat out of him. “Well, I’m back, and I’m not going anywhere.” He raised his hand in the air to get the waitress’s attention. Another minute with this asshole and he�
��d put a bullet between his eyes. “We’re about to order, so if you don’t mind…”

  The officer stood up, adjusted his hat and palmed his service revolver as some kind of pitiful threat. Killian had a .357 Magnum in the back of his pants and an arsenal in his trunk. Shadow was always well strapped, and Killian knew that bastard would have his back.

  “Good to meet you. I’ll be seeing you around.” The cop sauntered out of the diner, looking back a few times as he disappeared up the street.

  “Are you insane?” asked Shadow. “We’re supposed to be on the down low. When shit starts going down again, that cop will have you in mind for the charges.”

  Killian scoffed. “I’m untraceable, same as you. Besides, I don’t get caught, and I sure as hell ain’t worried about that hick cop.” Every hitman to sign up with Killer of Kings was wiped clean and had their fingerprints removed. Killian wasn’t worried about being called out for a crime. He was busy planning how he’d fuck him up for playing games with his woman. He needed to show him, police officer or not, that she was his property and Killian didn’t share.

  They finished up their breakfast in silence. Killian’s head was elsewhere. The fact the person who’d put out the hit was still out there didn’t sit well with him. He needed to talk with Manic and find out if he’d had any luck rooting out the problem. They drove out to the mansion on the outskirts of town, walking up to the front door this time. Before they even pushed the damn doorbell, they were flanked by four of Manic’s men.

  “Why the fuck are you ready for trouble this early in the morning?” asked Killian.

  “You showed up, didn’t you?” asked the one with the short beard and facial tattoo.

  Killian put his palm over his heart. “Do I look like fucking trouble? I’m just here to see a friend.”

  The front door opened, and Manic stood in the entryway wearing just a pair of grey joggers. “It’s okay, Rebel. I was expecting them.”

  The men gave them the once over and then left them alone with their prez. He invited them inside, and Killian reluctantly entered. This wasn’t a social call, as he just wanted information.

  “I’ll admit, I wasn’t expecting you to show up here,” said Manic. He walked over to a black leather bar with granite top and poured himself a hit of hard liquor, knocking it back.


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