Josiah Reynolds Box Set 4

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by Abigail Keam

  Josiah Reynolds Mysteries

  Box Set Volume 4

  Abigail Keam

  Worker Bee Press

  Josiah Reynolds Mystery Series Box Set Volume 3

  Copyright © Abigail Keam 2017, 2018, 2019

  Kobo Edition


  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission of the author.

  ISBN 978 1 7329743 40

  8 5 2019

  Published in the USA

  Worker Bee Press

  P.O. Box 485

  Nicholasville, KY 40340

  Box Set Contents

  Death By Malice

  Death By Drama

  Death By Stalking

  By Abigail Keam

  Josiah Reynolds Mysteries

  Death By A HoneyBee I

  Death By Drowning II

  Death By Bridle III

  Death By Bourbon IV

  Death By Lotto V

  Death By Chocolate VI

  Death By Haunting VII

  Death By Derby VIII

  Death By Design IX

  Death By Malice X

  Death By Drama XI

  Death By Stalking XII

  Mona Moon Mystery Series

  Murder Under a Blue Moon I

  Murder Under a Blood Moon II

  Murder Under a Bad Moon III

  The Princess Maura Fantasy Series

  Wall Of Doom I

  Wall Of Peril II

  Wall Of Glory III

  Wall Of Conquest IV

  Wall Of Victory V

  Last Chance For Love Series

  Last Chance Motel I

  Gasping For Air II

  The Siren’s Call III

  Hard Landing IV

  The Mermaid’s Carol V

  Death By Malice

  A Josiah Reynolds Mystery

  Abigail Keam

  Josiah Reynolds opens her front door to find Sandy Sloan, a neighbor, clutching her poodle mutt, Georgie. “Hi Josiah. Sorry to bother you. Can you keep my dog for a couple of days while I check on my mother? She’s ill and needs help.”

  Josiah reluctantly says yes, not because she doesn’t want to take care of the animal. She has plenty of room for a little dog like Georgie. She is reluctant because Sandy’s mother couldn’t be ill. She is, in fact, dead. Josiah knows this since she attended the woman’s funeral.

  Why would Sandy tell such a lie? And a stupid lie at that. Is Sandy trying to signal she is in distress and needs help? Josiah was trying to sort out a possible reason when Sandy hands the dog over and jogs to her minivan, waving farewell.

  Josiah returns Sandy’s wave while Georgie barks goodbye, neither one having a clue when they will see Sandy Sloan again. They could not know that in four hours, Sandy will disappear from the face of the earth, and no one, not even Josiah, will be able to find her.

  Death By Malice

  Copyright © 2017 Abigail Keam


  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission of the author.

  The characters are not based on you.

  So don’t go around town and brag about it.

  Any similarity to any person or place is coincidental.

  The Butterfly, Lady Elsmere’s Big House, and Wickliffe Manor do not exist. However, if you buy enough of my books,

  I might have the money to build the Butterfly.

  The history is researched and right on, except for Charles Wickliffe’s siblings and their descendants. I made that up.

  Published in the USA by

  Worker Bee Press

  P.O. Box 485

  Nicholasville, KY 40340

  To my three dogs–a Mastiff, a Labrador, and a Peekapoo–devoted companions and friends.

  I’ll meet you on the other side.


  Thanks to my editor, Faith Freewoman

  Artwork by Cricket Press

  Book jacket by Peter Keam

  Author’s photograph by Peter Keam


  Sandy Sloan knocked on my door. She waited several minutes before waving at the security camera. She knew it took me a long time to walk to the front door and check the security monitors. I had a bad leg that acted up from time to time and slowed me down.

  Finally, I opened the door. “Hello, Sandy. What’s cookin’?” I asked, looking down curiously at Sandy’s mutt, Georgie.

  “Josiah, I have a favor to ask. My mother has taken ill, and my husband is working very long hours. Can you take care of Georgie for a few days? Please. I’m in a real bind here.”

  I gave Sandy a long stare before I said yes, as Sandy’s mother had died several years before. I know this for a fact since I had attended her funeral. What would cause Sandy to tell such a lie?

  Wondering if I should call Toby, her husband, I asked, “Sure. I’ll help, Sandy. Where ya going again?”

  “That’s great you’ll take in Georgie,” answered Sandy, ignoring my question. She handed me Georgie’s leash with the dog attached to the other end and a bag. “Here’s all her stuff–her bed, toys, and food bowl. Can you spot me some of Baby’s food until I get back?”

  I started to say something.

  “Great. Thanks a lot,” interrupted Sandy, kissing Georgie goodbye before hopping into her van.

  Georgie and I watched forlornly while the disappearing vehicle rushed down the driveway, spraying gravel onto newly-mowed grass.

  Georgie started to whimper.

  I picked her up clumsily because Georgie was heavier than she looked. “Don’t worry, Georgie. I’ll take good care of you until Sandy comes back. You’ll have fun while she’s gone. You’ll see.”

  Little did Georgie and I know that Sandy Sloan would soon become a missing person.


  Sandy Sloan waited patiently in line until it was her turn for the bank teller. “I would like to close my account, please,” she stated softly.

  “Yes, Mrs. Sloan,” replied the bank teller, looking at his computer. “You said you wanted to close your joint account?”


  “Would you like that amount in the form of a cashier’s check or shall we transfer it to another bank?”

  “Cash please.”

  The bank teller tore his eyes from the computer to Mrs. Sloan’s blotchy face. It was evident she had been crying. “Are you sure, Mrs. Sloan? That’s a lot of cash to be carrying around.”

  “I’m sure. I want my money and I want it in cash. Please.”

  “Just one moment.” The bank teller left his post and hurried over to the bank manager. He leaned down and whispered to the manager, who swiveled his head and looked in alarm at Mrs. Sloan.

  Mrs. Sloan stared back.

  Since the bank manager and Mrs. Sloan worshipped at the same church, he thought he could be a little more familiar than usual. He walked over. “Sandy, Tom tells me you want to close your account for cash. Is that right?”

  “Yes. Is there problem?”

  “Not really, but we don’t advise people to carry such large amounts from the bank. They could be robbed.”

  “Do you have the money in the bank or not?”

  “Yes. We can cover it.”

  “Then I want my money now. In cash.”

  The bank manager went to the front door and looked out into the parking lot. There were no other cars, but Sandy’s. He quickly left the bank and went over to her navy minivan, checking the inside. No one was in it. Scratching his head, the bank manager wondered if someone was forcing her to take the money out like he had seen on TV crime programs. He we
nt back inside and questioned Sandy. “Is something wrong, Sandy? Is someone forcing you to cash in your account?”

  “No. I just want my money. Is there a law against closing out my account and getting my money in cash?”

  “No, ma’am.”

  “I want my money. Now. Today.”

  Knowing he had no choice, the bank manager nodded to Tom. “Give Mrs. Sloan what she wants.” He tugged at his shirt collar. “I hope you know what you’re doing. You could tell me if something is wrong.”

  Sandy flashed the bank manager a brilliant smile. “Nothing is wrong, but thanks for looking out for me. I won’t forget it. Really, I won’t.”

  The bank manager left Sandy standing at Tom’s station while the teller closed out the account. He just couldn’t shake the feeling that something about this was not right. Not right at all.


  Sandy scattered bills throughout the living room. The total she had taken from the bank was thirty-two thousand dollars.

  Content, Sandy surveyed the money thrown helter-skelter on the furniture and the hardwood floor. Locking the front door, she strained to pick up the five-gallon gas can she had brought in from the barn. Carefully, she poured the gasoline around the room all the way to the kitchen. There’s no turning back now, she thought to herself. Standing inside the kitchen, Sandy struck a match and threw it into the living room.

  It died.

  She struck another one and threw it.

  It died too.

  Determined, she struck one more match and placed it in the large kitchen matchbox. After a few seconds, the box became alive with fire. Smiling, Sandy threw it into the living room.


  Tall flames danced about the living room floor and the furniture. Soon the entire room became engulfed in fire.

  Sandy emitted a maniacal laugh, dancing around in the kitchen doorframe, watching the money and the living room burn.

  She even laughed when the fire licked her toes.


  It had been several hours since Sandy had left. Holding Georgie, I went into the great room where Walter Neff had taken up residence on my mid-century blue-green couch, with his unshaven face, stained T-shirt, and much-too-snug tighty-whities.

  “Walter, for the last time, would you please put on a pair of britches? When I said you could stay with me while you recuperated, it did not mean I was willing to see your junk on a daily basis.”

  “I’d be glad to put on my pants if I had some help,” he whined, trying to look pathetic.

  “You can put on your own pants. In fact, your physical therapist said you’re well enough to live on your own now.”

  Walter shook his head. “No Toots, you musta’ heard wrong. She said I would be well enough SOON.”

  I was determined to stay firm with this rascal. “NO! She said you were well enough NOW!”

  Almost in tears, I sat down hugging Georgie. “Walter, you’ve been here for six weeks–six very long weeks. I gotta tell ya–you’re driving me nuts. I don’t mean to be personal, but you never wear clothes, you talk with your mouth full while eating, and you stay in the bathroom for hours doing God knows what. I need my privacy. I need quiet. I need to pass the guest bathroom without having to put on a gas mask. In short–I NEED YOU TO GO HOME!

  “Walter, I’m begging you. Haven’t I been good to you? I acquired a large sum of money for that ruby Liam left, and put it in your bank account. I could have kept the money and never told you about the ruby, but I did the right thing by you. I let you recuperate at the Butterfly after you were released from the hospital. Wouldn’t you say I’ve been a good buddy to you? So now, I’m asking for a favor in return. GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE! Please, Walter, please. I can’t take much more.”

  I buried my face in Georgie’s fur. She was now squirming, trying to get out of my grip and hide somewhere. Obviously, Georgie was a lover, not a fighter.

  Walter opened his mouth to say something, but was cut short when Eunice banged open the front door and hurried over to the phone in the great room.

  “Eunice, what is it?”

  “My cell phone is dead. I have to use the landline.”

  She waved at Walter and me, motioning us to be quiet while she dialed. “Hello? Hello? I want to report a fire.” Eunice rapidly gave the address. “A house is going up in flames. Hurry, please!” Eunice slammed down the phone. “I have to sit down. My nerves are frayed.”

  I pulled a rocking chair over for Eunice since Walter hadn’t moved his flabby carcass, although he did cover himself with an afghan my mother had crocheted. Made a mental note to get the afghan fumigated.

  Rushing into the kitchen, I got a glass of cold water for Eunice. After handing her the glass, I asked, “Would you like a little bourbon?”

  “This will do nicely, thank you. I just have to catch my breath.” Eunice squinted at Georgie squirming in my arms. “Isn’t that Sandy Sloan’s dog? What’s she doing here?”

  “Sandy brought her over earlier. She said the strangest thing.”

  Eunice interrupted, “Sandy brings her dog over this morning and now her house is on fire? That sounds odd. Did she say she was going back to her house?”

  “She said she was going to her mother’s, but her mother is dead,” I replied, worried that Sandy had done something awful. “I hope she’s okay. Should we go to the house to help?”

  Eunice tilted her head to listen. “I hear the fire trucks coming. I think we should stay here, Jo. We’d just be in the way. If there’s bad news, we’ll know soon enough.”

  She took another sip of water before commenting, “Why are you clutching Sandy’s dog so tightly?”

  “Baby keeps holding Georgie down with one of his paws and engulfing the little dog’s head in his mouth. I’m simply trying to keep Georgie safe before she ends up down Baby’s throat. I locked Baby up, but he keeps getting out, so I’m holding Georgie out of danger. Ah, speak of the devil.”

  Baby, my two-hundred-pound Mastiff, trotted into the room, sniffing the air. He caught Georgie’s scent and made straight for me. I held Georgie high when Baby lunged at me. “Stop, Baby! You’re being a pest–like Walter.”

  Walter sneered, “Oh, that’s a funny one, Toots.”

  Eunice ordered, “BABY! STOP! Lie down and behave.”

  Eunice was the only person Baby feared and promptly obeyed. He sneezed to show his displeasure, but lumbered over to his dog bed in the corner of the room and plopped down, glaring at me like it was my fault.

  Eunice also directed her ire at me. “Put that dog down. Baby’s not going to bother her anymore–are you, Baby?” Eunice turned, giving Baby the evil eye.

  Baby shifted so he didn’t have to see her, but he didn’t race over to eat Georgie when I put her down.

  “Whose house is on fire?” questioned Walter, happy that the conversation had drifted from the subject of him leaving the Butterfly.

  “Sandy and Toby Sloan. They’re two farms down from the Butterfly,” said Eunice.

  “I hope Sandy and Toby are safe,” I remarked, glancing at Georgie who was now attempting to get her mouth around one of Baby’s dinosaur-sized bones.

  My mind raced through hundreds of scenarios that might explain Sandy’s odd behavior today.

  Was it a coincidence that Sandy dropped Georgie off the very morning her house was ablaze?

  Was the fire an accident or had something more sinister occurred?

  And where, oh where, was Sandy Sloan at this moment?


  Two days later, Eunice, Baby, Georgie, and I trod along the path leading along the Palisades. While my neighbors on my left, which included Lady Elsmere, had direct access to the river, I and my neighbors on my right lived on the beautiful cliffs overlooking the Kentucky River. We either used Lady Elsmere’s road to the river, or we went to the John Craig Ferry landing to gain access to the water.

  But we were not interested in the river. We were interested in Sandy’s house. There had been nothing about
the fire on TV or in the paper, and we hadn’t heard from either Toby or Sandy. We were worried, tense, and just plain concerned about our friends, so we decided to have a look-see for ourselves.

  Our walk took about ten minutes, and when we finally arrived–my, oh my–what we saw.

  “This is much worse than I anticipated,” declared Eunice, looking at the still-smoldering debris.

  It was indeed a terrible sight for most of the front of the house had been burned to the ground.

  I shook my head in bewilderment. “Why has nothing been in the paper about this? And why hasn’t Sandy come for Georgie?”

  Speaking of Georgie, she strained at her leash until she yanked it out of my hand. Rushing over to the charred debris, she began pawing through it.

  “Hey, get that dog out of here! This is an investigation site.”

  Startled, Eunice and I both swung around. Baby growled as I pulled out my taser.

  A man about my age, dressed in a thick white jumpsuit complete with booties, gloves, and a hoodie, came around a large burnt beam lying upright against the still-standing fireplace. He picked up a whimpering Georgie, and ducked under the crime scene tape. “Don’t you see this tape? It says for you to stay out,” he barked, handing Georgie to me.

  Baby growled again as he began thumping his tail against my bad leg, which felt like someone whipping me with a tree branch. I could tell Baby was getting very agitated.

  “Excuse me, but I wouldn’t move suddenly. This dog is a trained attack animal, and if I give the word, he’ll tear you apart.”


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