Love's Autograph

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Love's Autograph Page 20

by Michele M. Reynolds

  “Who's Diana Prince anyway?” Ria asked. Ellie laughed and walked to the back of the plane. “How do you get used to this?”

  “What?” Ellie said.

  “All this publicity. All those screaming girls,” Ria said. “I even had one of them give me her number.” Ria held up a piece of paper. Ellie grabbed it, ripped it up and threw it onto the nearby seat.

  “I didn’t get used to it. It got old fast,” Ellie said.

  “Will I get to meet your friends Dina and Davie?” Ria whispered.

  “No, Davie won't be here and Dina won't get here until the second concert. You'll meet her after the second concert,” Ellie said.

  The crew and everyone else got settled in for the flight. Ellie and her band sat at the back of the plane behind closed doors while everyone else sat at the front. As they headed out to New York City, the pilot came on the intercom.

  “Ladies and gentleman welcome aboard the EJ Way Tour plane. We'll be landing in New York City in approximately seventy minutes. Please sit back and relax. And I’m told that we have a special guest on the plane with us this evening, please make sure to introduce yourself to Ellie's new girlfriend sitting in seat 7A. Enjoy your flight.” The announcement was followed by a bunch of laughter and clapping, followed by people walking up and shaking Ria's hand.

  “I'm not,” Ria said, “I’m just the makeup artist.”

  “Yeah right,” a tall woman with blonde hair said. “I've never seen Ellie look at someone like she looks at you. We knew she was head over heels over someone. She's been cranking songs out like she has hearts floating around her head.”

  A large woman walked up to her and shook her hand, “Hold on to her. She’s one of the good ones.”

  “I... I will,” Ria shook her hand and blushed. Ria felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around to find Ellie. Ellie reached her hand out to Ria.

  “Would you like to come back with me and the band?” Ellie said. “Everyone knows anyway. Don't worry, my crew is very loyal and won't say a word.” Ria held Ellie's hand as they walked to the back of the plane. People stood and clapped and whistled, shaking their hands, giving them hugs, and kissing them on the cheeks. Ellie sat Ria in a huge plush chair.

  “Where are you going to sit?” Ria asked. Ellie fell into Ria's lap.

  “This okay?” Ellie asked as she turned and kissed Ria on the lips. Ria blushed. “What's the matter?” Ellie asked.

  “I’ve never dated anyone who kissed me in public,” Ria whispered back.

  “Well, at some point you'll have to get used to it,” Ellie said. During the flight band members told stories of tours, they jammed and made last minute adjustments to the play list. A couple of band members vacated a couch and went to the front of the plane to flirt. Ellie and Ria moved to the couch. Ria sat and Ellie laid her head in Ria's lap. Ria ran her hand through Ellie's hair. Ellie looked up at Ria and smiled.

  “I’m so glad I came,” Ria said.

  “Me too,” Ellie said. “This is the best of both worlds. All that's missing is Maggie.”

  “You’re amazing,” Ria said.

  “What do you mean?” Ellie asked.

  “Most women wouldn’t think twice at leaving a kid behind for a romantic weekend, and you say it would make things more perfect,” Ria said.

  “I'm not most women,” Ellie said.

  “I'm beginning to realize this,” Ria said.

  They landed at LaGuardia and made their way to the hotel. Ria rode in a separate limousine than Ellie so the media would not suspect them. Ellie made sure not to make eye contact with Ria just in case the paparazzi noticed. There was a huge crowd of screaming fans waiting for her at the hotel’s entrance. A few of them held up signs saying, “I have your glass slipper,” “I will be your Princess Charming,” and “I'll meet you at midnight.” Her security formed a barrier around Ellie as she exited the limousine. Ellie waved as the crowd chanted, “EJ Way! EJ Way!”

  She was rushed to the penthouse suite with Clara.

  Ellie texted Ria, I can't wait any longer. Get here as soon as you can.

  Ria texted back, I'll be there soon enough. Patience.

  “Clara, only let Ria in okay? She'll be staying here,” Ellie said.

  “Not Jenny?” Clara asked. Ellie turned and gave her a startled look. “I'm kidding Miss Way. I'm kidding.”

  “When did you get a sense of humor?” Ellie laughed.

  “When did you fall in love?” Clara asked. “You told me to loosen up.”

  “It's pretty obvious, huh?” Ellie said. “You're right. I did tell you to loosen up.”

  “You look more smitten than when you were with you-know-who.”

  “Smitten. Who uses that word? Okay I'm going to take a quick shower. Room service will be here any minute. I think I ordered one of everything. If they ask why so much food, tell them the band is coming. And, let's see...”

  Clara said, “I got it, Miss Way. This isn't my first tour. I have this under control. Go do what you need to do.”

  Ellie took a shower and heard the door open and close. “Clara?!” Ellie called out. There was no answer. Ellie dried off quickly and threw on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. She walked out with her cell phone in her hand. Room service was putting dishes on the table.

  “Oh, hello,” Ellie said. Clara was nowhere in sight. The room service waitress kept putting dishes on the table while keeping her back to Ellie. Clara would never leave someone here alone. Did someone stab her or something? I don't see blood or any sign of a struggle.

  Ellie said, “You can leave that and the cart. Don't bother setting the table.”

  The room service waitress turned around. She hung her head low and her hat was pulled over her eyes as she walked toward Ellie. Ellie stepped back and was about to yell for Clara, when the woman took off her hat. Her hair cascaded to her shoulders. She had wavy black hair and a smile to die for. It was Ria.

  “Geez, you scared the...”

  “I wanted to get your autograph,” Ria said seductively.

  “That's not funny. Do you know how many crazy fans come in here?” Ria reached Ellie and grabbed Ellie's hands and moved them to her uniform top. Ria's firm breasts pushed into Ellie's hands. Ellie started to unbutton the shirt.

  “I don't make it a habit to sleep with my fans or hotel staff,” Ellie said.

  “Well, I'm both,” Ria said. “Won't you make an exception?”

  “I think I'll have to,” Ellie said.

  “Why is that?”

  “Because I don't have any money for a tip,” Ellie said and laughed. “Isn't it a little early in the relationship to be role playing? Where did you get this uniform?”

  “We walked through the kitchen to avoid the media,” Ria said. “I couldn't resist. When I got up here the food was already here and you were still in the shower. Your brute agreed to leave me here alone.”

  “Her name's Clara, and she's wonderful.”

  “Clara?” Ria said. “You ever sleep with her?”


  “She really likes you,” Ria said.

  “She does?” Ellie asked.

  “She made me promise not to break your heart. In my experience, only sisters and people who love you do that.” Ria asked, “You slept with your makeup artist?”

  “No,” Ellie said.

  “Your bass player?” Ria asked.

  “Are you going to go through my whole crew?” Ellie asked. Ellie pulled Ria's shirt down off her shoulders. She slid it down to her wrists and restrained Ria's arms behind her back. Ellie buried her face between Ria's breasts and caressed them with her lips. She moved her lips up to Ria’s neck.

  “Maybe,” Ria whispered.

  “Okay fine, I have to replace all my crew every tour because I run through them so quickly. It gets boring after a while sleeping with the same ones,” Ellie laughed.

  “Cut it out,” Ria said as she wiggled her hands free and pushed Ellie back. Ellie took in Ria's body and then gazed into her eyes

  “How about this? You let me walk around your hospital and point to the doctors and nurses and ask you who you've slept with,” Ellie said.

  “Point taken,” Ria said. “That would be a lot of yeses.”

  “You're funny. Would it make you feel better if I promised to tell you if I slept with someone you meet?” Ellie asked as she stepped toward Ria and Ria held Ellie at arm’s length.


  “Deal,” Ellie said. “I'll do a sign like this.” Ellie touched her head, ran her hand down her arm, and then across her stomach as if she was a third base coach in baseball.

  “Works for me,” Ria said. “Before you touch me again, let's eat, because then you're due for some expensive hotel bed testing.”

  “Sounds good to me, but you better eat fast. I can't resist for too long,” Ellie said. “I didn't know what you would want so I ordered one of everything.”

  “Seriously?” Ria said as she looked at the dishes. “Heck, I guess you did.” They ate and then they moved back to the bedroom. Ellie picked up her phone one last time before she undressed and texted a message.

  “Who you texting?” Ria asked.

  “Housekeeping. I asked them to send up their cutest housekeeper for a threesome. No, I was texting Clara to tell her I was going to bed. If it was up to her, she'd room with me.”

  “See, she has a crush on you,” Ria said.

  “Just doing her job,” Ellie said.

  “Speaking of jobs,” Ria said. “Don't you dare take off your clothes. That’s my job.”


  The next morning, Ellie woke with Ria by her side. Ria was still sleeping and the morning light was cascading over Ria's naked torso. Ellie pushed Ria's hair away from her face and kissed her shoulder and neck. Ria turned to face Ellie. Ellie slid on top of Ria and kissed Ria's lips.

  “Good morning,” Ria said in a raspy voice.

  “Good morning,” Ellie said. “I’m playing in Yankee Stadium tonight!” Ellie said as she bounced up and down.

  “Ahh,” Ria said. “Are you always like this in the morning?”



  “Only when I awaken to a gorgeous woman and I’m playing in Yankee Stadium!” Ellie said.

  “Okay, okay, I haven't had my coffee and I have a full bladder,” Ria said. “Get off me!” Ria pushed Ellie off of her and sat up. “Don't look.” Ria said.

  Ellie said, “What? I've seen you naked.”

  “Yeah, but not walking naked,” Ria said. “Cover your eyes.” Ellie closed her eyes and Ria ran to the bathroom.

  “You better come right back out here!” Ellie yelled.

  “Order some breakfast please?” Ria called. “Strong coffee!”

  “Sure,” Ellie grabbed her phone and texted Clara to get some breakfast.

  After some more sheet time and breakfast, Ellie had to do an interview over the phone for a local radio station. Ria showered and headed down to the hotel gift shop to look for some souvenirs. Ellie finished the interview and hopped in the shower. She walked out of the shower to find Ria back in bed.

  “We have to get out of bed sometime,” Ellie said as she hopped on the bed straddling Ria. When she pulled down the sheets she found Jenny.

  “Who would be in your bed but me?” Jenny asked. “I knew it. I knew you had another girl. Who is it? Do I know her?”

  “No! Jenny get out,” Ellie said as she pulled her towel back around her. “Get out of here. Don't make me get a restraining order on you. Who let you in?”


  Ria rode the elevator up to the penthouse and slid her card key into the door. She threw her bag of souvenirs on the table next to the door. She heard voices from the bedroom.

  “Jenny, get the hell out of here. What are you doing here? In my bed?”

  “You’re looking so hot. You know I love when you just get out of the shower,” a female voice replied. “Do you remember the pre-show sex we used to have? I know you do.”

  “I choose not to think of those,” Ellie said. “Now, get out, now. I’m calling Clara.”

  “Too bad your phone is here,” Jenny said.

  “Give me it,” Ellie said.

  “Ellie come on, you know we’re great together,” Jenny said.

  “Maybe that was true once, but not anymore,” Ellie said. “You just want to be in the limelight again.”

  “No, I miss you,” Jenny said.

  “You can't see past your own reflection to miss me,” Ellie said. “You need to leave.” Ria walked back to the door and slammed it.

  Jenny said, “Oh, this must be your fling, huh. Who you sleeping with?”

  “Jenny, stay out of my life. Get dressed,” Ellie said as she walked out of the bedroom and into the living room. She found Ria standing there looking at her.

  “Who's in there with you?” Ria asked.

  “It's Jenny,” Ellie said. “Look Ria you should go until I get rid of her...” Behind Ellie, Ria saw a tall blonde draped in a sheet.

  “Who is she?” Jenny asked. “And why is she in my room?”

  “Why am I in your room?” Ria asked.

  “You see,” Jenny started. “Ellie has this thing. She sleeps with a different girl every night. I don't mind it, but now I'm here. So you can go now.” Jenny saw the room service uniform on the floor. “Oh nice Ellie, a hotel staff chick. That's an all-time low.”

  “Jenny!” Ellie said.

  “Oh, is this Jenny Vito? You're Jenny Vito.” Ria said in an excited voice. Ria walked toward Jenny with an outstretched hand.

  “Yes, I'm Jenny,” Jenny said as she held out her hand. Ria grabbed her hand and yanked Jenny toward the door, opened the door, and tossed Jenny out.

  “What the?” Ellie said. “I can explain, nothing happened. I don't even know how she got in here.”

  “What the hell!” Jenny yelled pounding on the door. “I’m out here in a sheet. Nobody does that to me.”

  Ria held up her pointer finger to Ellie. Ria opened the door, “You’re right, Jenny. Apologies.” Ria grabbed Ellie's cell phone from Jenny's hand and with two strong tugs ripped the sheet from Jenny. Jenny stood there in dark green bra and panties. Ria slammed the door. Jenny screamed at the top of her lungs. Ria looked out the peep hole and saw Clara running down the hall toward Jenny. Ria walked into the bedroom, scooped up Jenny's clothes and purse and tossed them out the door. Ria turned to Ellie with a scowl.

  Ellie stammered, “Wow, so I swear... I didn't know she was coming.”

  “Please,” Ria said. “Do you really think that I don't know Jenny's history with you? Also, do you think I believe in the half hour I was at the gift shop you were planning to have a quickie with her?”

  Ellie said, “Thank goodness. I'd hate for her to come between you and me.” Ellie started laughing and said, “You threw her half-naked into the hall.”

  “I did, didn't I? I can't believe I did that,” Ria said. “She has a hot body, too. Doesn't she?”

  “She does,” Ellie said. “Do you want me to go get her? Would you like to have a go at her?”

  “Don't you dare,” Ria said as she walked toward Ellie and kissed her passionately. Ria tugged at her towel.

  “Easy, killer,” Ellie said. “I need to save some energy for the concert.”

  Ellie and the crew headed to Yankee Stadium at 11:00 a.m. There were last minute stage adjustments to be made, interviews, makeup, and sound checks. Ria and Ellie did not see each other until 4:00 p.m. when everyone got together for sandwiches. There was a lot of Yankee Stadium crew and media around so Ria had to steer clear of Ellie.

  Somehow through all the interviews and madness of the show, Ellie found time to text Ria.

  Wanted: Woman to throw crazy exes out of my hotel room.

  You are the sweetest, most beautiful woman.

  Try the roast beef. It’s delicious.

  Diet Coke really?

  Stop flirting with the sound woman. I'm watching

  Where can I sign an autograph on you?

  I'm head over heels in love with you. In case you didn't know.

  Ria texted back:

  I already have a job, sorry.

  You are pretty amazing.

  Half-rum, jk.

  You weren't watching me close enough.

  We did more than flirt.

  We just came out of the janitor's closet.

  Where CAN'T you sign one?

  I have noticed.

  The Tunnels, an Australian band, opened for EJ Way. Ellie insisted that Clara sit in the front row with Ria for the concert. She promised Ria it was better than watching from the stage and it would be less conspicuous. Ria was surrounded by sweating, screaming fans when Ellie hit the stage. Ria heard Ellie's fans talking to the right, left, and behind her.

  “I touched her hand once.”

  “I have a tattoo of her initials.”

  “I have been to twenty-three of her concerts.”

  “I wonder what she's like in person.”

  “She's pretty great,” Ria found herself saying out loud.

  “What?” a girl next to her yelled. “You met her.”

  “No, no I wish. I said this song is pretty great,” Ria said.

  Ria stared up at Ellie jumping, strumming, dancing and singing on the stage. She was like a different person. She was not Ellie. She was EJ Way. She was not the same goofy girl who chased her around the bed. She was not the sensitive woman who entered Maggie's social walls. She was a rock star. She had her pick of any of these twenty-something hot chicks. She was EJ Way.

  A few songs into the concert, a tall blonde entered the stage, and the crowd went wild. It was Jenny. EJ turned around and motioned for the band to cut and the music stopped. EJ Way stood eye to eye with Jenny. Jenny moved toward EJ and EJ backed away. The crowd grew quiet.

  “Hey, so you all know, I won’t play another song until Jenny leaves the stage,” EJ said. “I’m serious. I’m done with her. Jenny, you broke my heart, but never again.”


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