Love's Autograph

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Love's Autograph Page 22

by Michele M. Reynolds

  “Open. Come after me. Come after me,” Ellie whispered. The elevator closed and Ellie fell to the elevator floor with her back against the wall. The elevator reached the lobby faster than Ellie would've liked. She sat on the floor as the doors opened and then closed. She rested her head on the elevator wall and pulled her knees in to her chest.

  She was not sure how long she had been sitting there. She opened her phone. Jazzie had another client and could not pick her up for another hour. She grabbed the elevator railing and pulled herself to her feet. She pushed the door open button. The lobby was cold, quiet and empty.

  She opened her phone and texted Ria, I'm sorry I left so abruptly. It hurts. You're afraid of me breaking your heart. Funny because you're breaking mine. Good night.

  Ellie walked out onto the street. She pulled a bandana out of her pocket and tied it over her head. She did not have a wig, so this would have to do as a disguise. The night air was brisk and wet. The smell of the air threatened rain. She stuffed her hands into her pockets and walked down the street. She looked up five floors to Ria's apartment. The living room lights were still on.

  Ellie thought about the tour. She had months of shows to go and nothing seemed interesting. She closed her eyes and saw Ria's face. She heard Maggie's laughter. A shadowy person stopped up ahead and turned around toward her.

  “Ellie,” the voice said.

  Ellie stopped and whispered, “Ria?” Ria put her head down and crossed her arms in front of her and walked toward Ellie.

  “I...” Ria started.

  “You ran after me?” Ellie said.

  “Yeah, I don't know,” Ria said, “I don't know about us.”

  “I know,” Ellie said. “I'll stop pushing you. It'll hurt like hell, but I'll stop.”

  “Don't,” Ria said. “I'm not sure, but I'm sure that when you left the apartment, when you walked out, I know that didn't feel right. That actually felt horrible. I love being with you.”

  “So?” Ellie said. “You're confusing the hell out of me.”

  “Get used to it,” Ria said. “So, I was wondering. Will you come back up to the apartment? I have something to show you.”

  “Something to show me? Okay,” Ellie said. Ria led Ellie back to the elevator and they took it up to the fifth floor.

  “Do you know you made me run down five flights of stairs? I never run, and then I thought I missed catching you,” Ria said. “I don't run for anybody.”

  “Serves you right,” Ellie laughed. Ria punched Ellie in the arm.

  “At this point, I've lost count of the number of times you've punched me in the arm,” Ellie said. They got to the apartment and Ria keyed them in. Ellie was about to enter when Ria put her hand on Ellie's shoulder.

  “Wait here a few minutes. I'll text you when I'm ready,” Ria said.

  “Okay,” Ellie said accompanied by a nervous laugh. Ria closed the door and left Ellie in the hallway. She paced back and forth. She saw the light go out under the door.

  About two to three minutes later, Ellie got a text from Ria, Knock lightly on the door. Ellie knocked lightly on the door.


  Ria opened the door and Ellie was greeted with soft music. She recognized it as a Jason Mraz song, You and I Both. The living room was lit by a few candles. Ria pulled her in and closed the door behind her. She wrapped her arms around Ellie and passionately kissed her and held her body tightly.

  Ria then hugged her tighter and whispered into her ear, “I'm so glad you're here. I missed you so much.”

  Ellie pulled away confused, “Are you on some sort of meds? Not that I care. I want to know.”

  “No, I'm just showing you how I should've properly welcomed you back,” Ria said. “This is me not being scared. Taking a chance.”

  “Okay…” Ellie said. “Okay, I like this Ria.” Ellie pulled her in for another kiss, as they pulled away, Ellie smiled at how the candlelight shone off Ria's beautiful face. Ria's eyes still glistened from the recent crying. “Okay, this is how I was hoping the evening would go. Now, I can tell you that I missed you horribly. I'm so glad to be here. I missed you and Maggie so much.”

  “Well, you're here now,” Ria said.

  “Now what?” Ellie said.

  “Dance with me?” Ria said.


  The two moved to the open space by the window. Ria grabbed both of Ellie's hands and intertwined their fingers. The next song that came on was faster than the last. Ellie did not know it. Ria spun Ellie around and pulled her into her. They danced for seven or eight songs, and Ellie's phone kept vibrating. Ria reached into Ellie's pocket and pulled out her phone.

  “Password?” Ria asked.

  “Why is six afraid of seven?” Ellie asked.


  “The joke. Seven ate nine. Get it 789?” Ellie said and Ria shrugged. “0789.” Ria typed the number.

  “Oh, Jazzie texted like three times; she's here and worried something happened to you,” Ria said.

  “Oh crap, I texted her for a ride,” Ellie said.

  “I got this.” She started texting back.

  “What are you texting?” Ellie asked.

  “Don't worry about it,” Ria said as she used her body to block Ellie from seeing the text. Ellie wrapped her arms around Ria's waist and danced her fingers up to Ria's breasts. “It's hard to text with you doing that.”

  “That's the point,” Ellie said.

  “Okay done,” Ria said as she tossed the phone on the couch. Ellie leaned over the couch and grabbed the still illuminated phone. As she read the text, the room went dark. She heard Ria blowing out the candles. The music then stopped.

  The text read, Hi it's Ria. Sorry Ellie kept you waiting. She will be happy to pay you for your time. She is fine. You don't have to call in the cavalry. She is in good hands and won't need a ride tonight. She is staying here.

  Jazzie texted back, Lucky girl. No problem.

  Ellie looked across the dark room for Ria. Staring at the light from the phone rendered her night vision at a disadvantage. She saw faint light coming from Ria's bedroom. She tiptoed by Maggie's closed door. She quietly and slowly opened Ria's door. There was a candle lit by the side of Ria’s bed. Ria's phone was already connected to speakers on the dresser, and more soft music fell across the room. Ria was standing by the window with closed shades. She slowly walked across the room toward Ellie.

  “You sure this is okay with,” Ellie pointed to the hallway.

  Ria closed the door, “I guess neither of us can scream. It’ll be fine. If you're okay with it.”

  “She won't walk in here will she?”

  “No,” Ria said. “Relax.” Ria started to unbutton Ellie's jeans.

  “You're crazy,” Ellie said. “You go from almost breaking up with me to this.”

  “Like you said, less talk and more kissing,” Ria said.

  They moved to Ria's bed. The same bed Ellie saw Ria sleeping in the first night they met. The same bed Ellie had wished that she could have been in, cuddling with Ria. The same bed she slept alone in while Ria was at work saving a life.

  “I like your room,” Ellie said.

  “What part of less talk don't you understand,” Ria said as she kissed Ellie's neck.

  “Are these flannel sheets?” Ellie asked. Ria stopped kissing.

  “Miss EJ Way, are you now the one who's nervous?” Ria asked.

  “Maybe a little,” Ellie said. She heard Everything by the band Lifehouse come through the speakers. “Is this Lifehouse?”

  Ria leaned down kissed Ellie's lips and said, “You relax. Don't worry I'll take care of everything.”

  Ellie awoke to a clock that read 9:00 a.m. She sat up and looked around the room. Ria wasn’t around. She didn’t hear any movement in the apartment. She picked up her phone; it was Monday. Monday? Being on tour screws up my sense of days. Maggie must be at school. She was disappointed that she might have missed seeing Ria before work. Ellie got up and got dressed. She crept ou
t of Ria's room, past Maggie's empty room, and to the kitchen.

  She opened her phone to a text; Maggie missed the bus so I took Maggie to school. She doesn't know you stayed over. I'll be back to properly say good morning and make you breakfast. Love, Ria. PS Thanks for last night. Ellie walked down to the bathroom and decided to take a shower. As she stepped in the shower she heard someone enter the apartment.

  “Ellie,” Ria called.

  “Yes!” Ellie called. She heard Ria walk into the bathroom.

  “Hey,” Ria said as she stepped into the bathroom.

  “You call that a proper good morning?” Ellie asked as she opened the shower curtain. Ellie's muscular body dripped with water. “Get yourself in here.”

  “I already showered,” Ria said.

  “Not with me you didn't,” Ellie said. Ellie tried to pull Ria into the shower and Ria resisted. Ellie stepped out of the shower and started to undress Ria. Ria tried to distract her by kissing her and then trying to escape the bathroom. “I have a text that proves that you said you wanted to properly say good morning. Get your beautiful butt in here.”

  “I’ve never showered with anyone,” Ria said.

  “No way,” Ellie said. “A shower virgin. Now you have to get in here.” Ellie successfully stripped Ria and pulled her into the shower. “See it's not that bad, right? It saves water, if you don't get too distracted. You have a buddy to make sure you get all the hard to reach spots.” Ria laughed. “I love your laugh. I love your smile.”

  “Anything you don't like?” Ria asked while smiling.

  “Hmm,” Ellie said. “Some of your taste in music.”

  “Oh, Miss Music Queen,” Ria said.

  “No, it's like a cook being picky with food,” Ellie said. “No work today?” Ellie asked as she lathered soap in her hands.

  “Called out today,” Ria said. “Here give me the soap. I already showered. I'll help you.”

  “See, shower virgin no more. You're so beautiful. I vote you stay naked the whole day,” Ellie said as she relinquished the soap. “You called out. So, does that mean I have you for the day?”

  “All yours,” Ria said as she pulled Ellie's soapy body against her own.

  “We're going to be tired,” Ellie said.

  “I was counting on it,” Ria said.

  Ellie and Ria spent the morning making love, eating and sleeping. Ellie and Ria were snuggling on the couch listening to the radio when Ellie's phone vibrated. Ellie reached to the coffee table and checked the text.

  They know where you are, Jazzie texted.

  What do you mean? Ellie texted back.

  There are several photographers and news crews at Ria's house. I read it on your fan sites, and also did a drive by. They are all there, Jazzie texted. Ellie sat up and slid off the couch.

  “What's up?” Ria asked. Ellie walked to the window and saw a crowd of people below, and two media crew trucks outside the apartment.

  Thanks Jazzie. I might need some help escaping. Are you around to help?

  Sure thing. Let me know when and where.

  Ellie walked over to the couch where Ria was still lying and said, “Ria, I'm not sure how to say this.” Ria sat up and fear read in her eyes. “Somehow people found out that I'm here.”

  “Who? How?” Ria asked.

  “Everyone, fans, media,” Ellie said. “I don't know how. That was Jazzie texting.”

  Ria got up and tiptoed to the window, and said, “Holy crap. No way. What do we do?”

  “Well, I've been in tighter circumstances. I need to know where the exits are in the building,” Ellie said.

  Ellie avoided the paparazzi with the help from her look-alike, Kelly, as well as Jazzie and Ria. Ellie looked into who tipped the media and fans. It seemed that some kid told her friend that she knew EJ Way and said she comes to her apartment a lot.

  Later that night Ria called Ellie.

  “So, Maggie told her friends that she knew you to try to get a play date,” Ria said.

  “Oh, that explains it,” Ellie answered.

  “I can't believe she did that. What was she thinking?” Ria said.

  “Well, we never told her not to tell anyone. We assumed she knew,” Ellie said.

  “Yeah, but... does this ruin you being able to come here again?”

  “We should lie low for a while,” Ellie said. “You and Maggie can come here. You have to be careful that nobody is following you.”

  “Okay,” Ria said. “This whole dating a star thing is complicated.”

  “Oh, we're dating?” Ellie teased.

  “Yes, I'd hope so after last night and this morning, and again this morning,” Ria said.

  “And again this morning,” Ellie laughed. “So I can call you my girlfriend?”

  “Yes or your lover,” Ria laughed.

  “I prefer sex slave,” Ellie said. “Hold on,” Ellie said. A few seconds passed.

  “What are you doing?” Ria asked.

  “I’m updating my website, social media and Friends News to say that I'm dating,” Ellie said.

  “You are not,” Ria said.

  “Check it out for yourself,” Ellie said. There were a few more seconds of silence.

  “You tease! It says you're out on the town picking up girls' numbers,” Ria said.

  “Ooops,” Ellie answered and started laughing.

  “Ellie,” Ria said.

  “What?” Ellie said still laughing.

  “Log into a fan page,” Ria said. “Oh no.”

  Ellie walked to her laptop, put her phone down on speaker phone, and typed in a search. Several sites came up with recent information on EJ Way. The most recent pictures were of Ellie and Ria on the street last night. There was a series of pictures of Ellie and Ria dancing in her living room. There were a few pictures of a close-up of them kissing.

  “Oh Ria, I'm sorry,” Ellie said.

  “Oh no,” Ria said. “You do realize that Maggie will see these?”

  “I'm on it right now. I'll get my people to get these down right away. This is invasion of privacy,” Ellie said.

  “That's not good enough,” Ria said.

  “That's the best I can do,” Ellie said. “At least they don't have any pictures of us in the bedroom.” Ellie tried her best to use the optimistic track. “We look amazing together. Don't you think?” Ellie's statement was met by silence.

  “I’m going to go,” Ria said.

  “Ok,” Ellie said. “Can I do anything?”

  “No,” Ria answered. “Good night.”

  “I'm sorry, Ria,” Ellie said.

  “I know. It's not your fault,” Ria said.

  Ellie hung up the phone and called anyone and everyone she knew to get the pictures taken down. She activated her lawyer instantly at double the price to get the pictures down immediately. She called some old tech friends to illegally scramble the sites. After a few hours of pulling every string she could, she could not shake what she felt deep in the pit of her stomach. She felt that Ria and she were going on another downward spiral.

  A text came from Ria, They said I'm fat and ugly. They say you should stick to the gorgeous models and actresses. They even have a poll of who you should be with.

  You're beautiful, sexy, funny, and smart. I'm luckier than I deserve, Ellie replied.

  You're crazy, Ria said.

  The only thing I wish right now is to be in your arms. Can I call you? Ellie asked.

  No, I don't feel like talking. Good night. I hope tomorrow is better, Ria said.

  Good night and tomorrow will be better, Ellie texted.


  Ellie awakened the next morning as if her love butterflies had been swatted down and pinned on a cork board.

  She received a text from Ria. Last night solidified that we can't be together right now. I can't expose Maggie to all this. I'm so sorry. It is all too much. Please, don't call or come by. Please respect this decision.

  Ellie's heart fell and splintered into a million pieces.

  Ellie picked up where her tour left off. She wrote song after song about Ria, her love, her smile and her heartbreak. She poured her heartache into every note, every chord and fell asleep every night thinking of Ria.

  Ria did not text, call or email her. Her only tie to Ria was now through Maggie. When she was not in concert, she did webcasts and spoke cryptically to Ria. Her heart went to war every morning. It woke with a little oatmeal for breakfast and strapped on army boots. It crawled under barbed wire, dodged arrows, walked miles and miles, came out tired, hungry and covered in dirt. Ellie took her heart off her sleeve and strapped it in tightly close to her chest. It was protected under layers and layers of clothes.

  She texted with Maggie almost daily. In a roundabout way, Maggie told her that Gwen and Ria were seeing each other. Although it hurt Ellie to hear about Ria, she kept her word, and continued her relationship with Maggie. She loved talking to Maggie.

  One morning while she was touring in Tampa she got a text from Maggie, 42 Chords Reached and a month without any incidents. You're welcome.

  A few minutes later she got a text from Ria, I guess I'm coming to Florida to fulfill the promise to Maggie. Where will you be in Florida?

  Without hesitating, before she chickened out, Ellie texted back, Don't bother.

  A deal is a deal, Ellie. What do we tell Maggie? Ria asked. Ellie stared at the phone and the words played over and over in her head.

  Ellie thought, What would she tell Maggie? Maggie would be devastated.

  For Maggie you can come to Florida, Ellie answered.

  Don't sound so excited, Ria replied.

  Ellie said, This isn't easy for me.

  We can pretend to go on a date. She doesn't have to know.

  Ellie said, Honesty is my policy with Maggie. I'll have my team set up travel arrangements.

  No, I'll get my flight. Send me the address of where you want to meet, Ria answered.

  Ellie texted, Okay, see you soon.


  Ellie sat opposite her driver. He was holding a sign that read Ria. Ellie had texted Ria and insisted on sending someone to the airport for her. As time crept closer to Ria landing in Miami, Ellie got more excited to see Ria and decide to meet her at the airport. She missed Ria, and against her mind’s insistence to feel differently, her heart won.


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