Love's Autograph

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Love's Autograph Page 28

by Michele M. Reynolds

“What? Who does?”

  “Just me, Jazzie, Davie and Jim,” Dina said.

  “Jim the sound guy?”

  “Yup, so we have a pool on a date that you guys will do the jump in to bed again. We even have a special pool for this weekend and what will happen.”

  “Nice. I have to get working on my to do list and find a new group of friends,” Ellie said. “What did you bet?”

  “I can't say. We're up to $800. There's a rule that says I can't influence your decisions,” Dina said.

  “You know that Ria is scared of you,” Ellie said.

  “Fabulous,” Dina said. “I was serious when I said she was going to have to deal with me if she broke your heart again.”

  “You’re too much,” Ellie said. “At some point you guys will have to get along.”

  “Oh, I actually like her. I trust your judgment despite the Jenny decision. But, you come first,” Dina said.

  “Thanks Dina,” Ellie said. “I hope you make some good money off the pool.”

  “Speaking of money,” Dina said. “Can we discuss some work stuff?”

  “Yeah, it’ll distract me from waiting for them to arrive,” Ellie said.

  “So, Jazzie is doing a great job filling the recording studio. We're booked until October with only a few slots open. We saved some room for you. So as far as sponsors, we have a few. One is a beer.”

  “Nope,” Ellie said.

  “I figured you would say that. I already politely said no. Then there was Stagger Strings.”

  “Yeah, they have quality strings,” Ellie said. “Let's do that. What does that entail?”

  “Just a photo shoot,” Dina said. “They aren't doing radio or television ads yet. Then we're close to getting an offer from some cereal, a cell phone carrier, and then there is a car company.”

  “Really? That's huge. Which car company?” Ellie asked.

  “Does it matter?”

  “No, I guess not. Do I get a car?” Ellie asked.

  “Yeah, and usually the deal is you have to agree to drive that car. That deal would include TV, radio and photo shoots. I'm excited because that'll bring in a lot of money. How many sponsors are you willing to use?”

  “I’m willing to do whatever you think is good. As long as it's something that we support. Like no alcohol, guns, or things like that. But that list is small. There is also a conflict of interest clause in the sponsorship agreements usually...” Ellie said.

  Dina interrupted, “Yes, I got that covered. I’m your manager you know.”

  “Okay okay, I was trying to be helpful. I can't believe you guys got all these sponsors -that's impressive. I knew you were the woman for the job,” Ellie said.

  “I might need a raise after this,” Dina laughed. “It's a lot of work.”

  “Name your price,” Ellie said.

  “I was kidding Ellie. Are you kidding me? I get paid more than most managers. I checked. I probably owe you some change,” Dina said.

  “No way. You signed the contract,” Ellie said. There was a beep on the phone, as she pulled it away from her ear she saw a picture of Ria. Ria was sticking out her tongue and was making a disgusted face. They had retaken pictures of each other for their phones. Their goal was to make each others pictures the least enticing. Ellie still thought Ria looked adorable. “I’ve got to go. Ria is calling.”

  “Okay, have fun, but not too much fun,” Dina said. “That's my way of being neutral.”

  “Thanks,” Ellie said. “I'll call you soon.”

  Ellie flipped over to Ria's call, “Hey Ria.”

  “Ellie, so we're in Ware,” Ria said. “Not sure if we're lost.”


  “Ware,” Ria repeated


  “Yes Ware,” Ria yelled into the phone.

  Ellie heard Maggie in the background, “Mom she is joking with you.”

  “Ellie!” Ria said. “I’m not good with directions. Is this how this weekend is going to go?”

  “If you mean me being hilarious and adorable, yes,” Ellie said. “Yes, you're right on track. You should be following route 9 to 189 to 202. I'm not far off of 202.”

  “It's a miracle that I haven't gotten us lost,” Ria said.

  “How much farther?” Maggie called to the phone.

  “You should be here in about seven minutes give or take a wrong turn,” Ellie said. “You can call me back when you hit 189 and I can walk you through the last two minutes if you want.”

  “I might do that. I can't wait to see your place,” Ria said.

  “And I can't wait to see you guys,” Ellie said. “Especially you.”

  “Guidelines,” Ria reminded.

  “Platonic of course. Well, mostly platonic,” Ellie said.

  “Okay, I'll call you when I hit 189,” Ria said.

  “I'll be here,” Ellie said. Ellie hung up the phone. “Remi, Maggie is coming!” Remi lifted up her head, barked and searched around the room. “Not yet, but soon. Ria is coming too. You have to get along with her, okay? I kind of like her, okay?” Ellie scratched behind Remi’s ears and Remi jumped onto the couch next to Ellie. “Okay, you're right. I'm so in love with her. Even you can tell.”

  Ria's Jetta pulled up in Ellie's dirt driveway without Ria giving her a call. Ellie opened her front door and Remi barked and sprung toward the car. Ria barely had time to stop the car as Maggie jumped out and greeted Remi.

  “Hi Remi! How are you? I missed you. What have you been doing? I am staying here for the weekend? Do you want to go on the trail?” Maggie shot questions at Remi. Remi only understood the word trail. “Can I?” Maggie looked at Ellie. Remi sat obediently at Ellie's feet. Ria shrugged.

  “Maggie, are you going to say hi to Ellie?” Ria asked.

  “Hi Ellie,” Maggie said as she hugged Ellie. “Sorry Remi distracted me. Can I?”

  “Sure. Make sure you listen for me or your mom calling. Also, Remi has been running after b-u-n-n-y, so if she runs off call her back,” Ellie said.

  “I know the command you are using is 'Leave it,’ right?” Maggie asked.

  “Yes, good memory,” Ellie said. “Remi go with Maggie.” Maggie and Remi ran off into the woods.

  “She'll be okay?” Ria asked.

  “She did this a hundred times when she was out here,” Ellie said. “It's a short trail. Remi won't let anything happen to her.” Ellie walked up to Ria who was wearing khaki shorts and a striped v-neck shirt that Ellie had never seen. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail. “New shirt?”

  “Yes, I got it the other day,” Ria said. “You noticed. You always notice those things.”

  “We're as bad as Maggie. Hi, it’s so good to see you,” Ellie said as she moved in and hugged Ria. She smelled of berries and something spicy. Ria ran her hands around Ellie's waist and tingles went throughout Ellie's body.

  “How are you?” Ria asked.

  “Good, how was the drive?”

  “Not bad at all. It was shorter than I thought it would be. Your house is isolated, huh? Far cry from Boston. We’d have been here by 7:00 a.m. if Maggie had her way. She was ready to go by five,” Ria said.

  “Yeah not a bad drive. I like being out here. It's a nice break from the city. You could have been here by seven. I was up,” Ellie said. “Let me grab your bags.” Ellie and Ria grabbed the bags from the car, and Ellie escorted her into the house.

  “Oh, Ellie,” Ria said, “This is beautiful. Look at that kitchen!”

  “I knew you would love the kitchen,” Ellie said.

  “Well, yeah,” Ria said. “So your bedroom is up there?” Ellie raise an eyebrow to Ria. “I’m only asking because that's where Maggie and I are sleeping, right?”

  “Oh, yeah,” Ellie said. “Right up here.” Ellie said as she walked up the spiral stairs and Ria followed. Ria had some difficulty getting her huge bag up the staircase. “Leave that there. I’ll show you a cool trick for getting that up here.”

  “This is gorgeous,” Ria said.
They both stood at the foot of the bed. There were sloping eaves of the room on each side of them. There was a huge window at the head of the bed. “Look at that view of the mountains. Wow, this is something to wake up to.”

  “Yeah, the sun sets there, and the sun rises there,” Ellie pointed across the balcony to the windows above the front door.

  “Nice,” Ria said. “This was a great find. What's this?” Ria pointed to the cot beside the bed.

  “I wasn't sure if Maggie would be okay sleeping in the same bed, so this is for her if she chooses,” Ellie said. “It's okay, but not that comfortable for you or I to sleep on.”

  “Kids are resilient,” Ria said. “She’ll probably choose the cot.” Ria sat on the edge of the bed and laid back. “Wow, this is comfortable.” Ellie crept back and scratched the back of her head as she scanned the room. The site of Ria on her bed was very enticing.

  “Yeah your same bed, remember. I think I told you,” Ellie said. Ria noticed Ellie was uncomfortable with her on Ellie's bed and sat up. “Oh, and check this out. Come stand here.” Ellie pointed to the ledge overlooking the first floor. Ellie hurried down the spiral staircase. She rolled Ria's suitcase over to below Ria and took a carabineer and hooked it up to the handle of the suitcase. “Now pull on that rope there.” Ria pulled on the rope and the suitcase started to rise. Ria looked up and saw there was a pulley hanging from the ceiling. Ellie hurried back up the stairs and was next to Ria by the time the suitcase was eye level with Ria. “Now give it a quick tug and let go of the rope.” Ria did and the suitcase stayed suspended. Ellie helped Ria pull the suitcase over the ledge and into the loft.

  “Neat,” Ria said. “What else do you use this for?”

  “My laundry,” Ellie said. “It's mostly fun. I met a climbing friend out here. She set it up for me and is trying to talk me into screwing in these holds, you know the things you screw into the wall and climb. She wants me to be able to climb up the wall to bed.”

  “She,” Ria said. “Who's this person who has been to your bedroom?” Ria put her hands on her hips.

  “Relax,” Ellie said. “She's straight anyway. Also, not my type, and my heart belongs to someone else.”

  “It does?” Ria said as she looked into Ellie's eyes. Their bodies were only about a foot apart with a suitcase between them.

  Ellie stepped back, “Oh, and it's strong enough to hold 300 pounds!” Ellie said as she jumped off the balcony and rappelled with the use of the two ropes.

  “Ellie!” Ria panicked. She ran down the spiral steps and met Ellie on the bottom floor. “What was that?” Ria asked. “You’re crazy!”

  “Ria, we're going to have to avoid being up there together,” Ellie said. “I was safe. I do that a hundred times a week.”

  “Don't do it with me here or let Maggie see you do it,” Ria said. Ellie sucked her lips in and walked into the kitchen. “Ellie? Did Maggie already see you do it?”

  “Yes,” Ellie said. “And she has done it once or fifty times.” Ellie smiled an apology.

  “Oh my gosh,” Ria said. “She didn't tell me that. Did you tell her not to?”

  “No, I guess she used her judgment in not telling you. She probably thought you'd freak. When she does it, I have her wear a harness. There's no way she can fall. Even if she drops the rope, she'll only fall one to three feet before it catches.”

  “I guess it's good she has someone that allows her to be more reckless,” Ria said. “Like right now I'm dying that she isn't back yet. How long is the trail?”

  “She’s right in the backyard there playing fetch with Remi,” Ellie pointed to the backyard where the two were playing.

  “She’s so taken with Remi,” Ria said. “She has her as her screen saver. She has a notebook about her. I don't even have a notebook.”

  “Oh, but you do,” Ellie said.

  “I do?” Ria said.

  “Oh yes,” Ellie said. “Don't even ask what it’s about. I’ve been sworn to secrecy, and I'm storing up the information for ammunition.” Ria smiled and looked Ellie up and down, and then looked from Ellie's lips to her eyes.

  “I came here planning to behave, and avoid any physical contact, but this is hard. You look so cute, and... how are we going to do this exactly? Are you having the same problem?”

  “Yes, I'm having a very hard time. Well, our one saving grace is Maggie, and then there is keeping very busy,” Ellie said. “And no alcohol.”

  “Yes rule four I think,” Ria said.

  “Yes,” Ellie said. “It'll be fine. I intend not to take a shower the whole time you're here. Oh, let me show you the rest of the house.”

  Ellie, Maggie and Ria went into Northampton for lunch. Against Maggie's will Remi stayed at the house. Maggie only agreed to it when Ellie told Maggie that Remi needed at least fifteen hours of sleep and had not slept yet today. They went to a pizza place on one of the side streets of town. Several younger women came up to Ellie and asked for her autograph, and took photographs with Ellie.

  “I still get noticed here, but for some reason people are more respectful of my privacy,” Ellie said. “That's not to say that you two might not end up on some media by tonight.”

  “That's okay,” Ria said.

  “It is?” Ellie asked.

  “Yeah, everyone at work knows that I know or that I'm seeing you or something,” Ria said. “I don't care.”

  “I think it would be cool,” Maggie said. “Can I tell people that I was on your album?” Maggie said.

  “Of course,” Ellie said.

  “Ellie, hey how are you?” a brunette sauntered up to the table. She was a little taller than Ellie had bright green eyes, and a body that only existed in Photoshop.

  “Theresa, how are you?” Ellie asked.

  “I’m good. Picking up some pizzas for my office,” Theresa said as she looked at Maggie and Ria inviting Ellie to introduce them.

  “Oh, Theresa this is Maggie and Ria.”

  “I played a song on her album,” Maggie announced.

  “Oh, how nice,” Theresa said. “I'm a big fan of EJ's. I mean Ellie's.” Theresa eyed Ria.

  “And Theresa this is my... girlfriend Ria,” Ellie said as she smiled at Ria.

  Theresa extended her hand to Ria. Ria shook her hand as Theresa whispered, “Glad she has a girlfriend. I was starting to wonder if she was a hermit. I asked her out a dozen times. Now I know why she said no.”

  “Yeah, thanks,” Ria said. Theresa left and Ria smiled at Ellie as Ellie bit into a fresh slice of pizza.

  Maggie broke the silence, “So you guys are girlfriends now?” Ria looked at Ellie shrugged and pointed to Ellie for Ellie to answer.

  “Would that be okay?” Ellie asked.

  “Finally,” Maggie said. “You guys are going to go on another date soon.”

  “Yeah, are we?” Ria asked.

  “Would you like to, Ria?” Ellie asked.

  “I'd love to,” Ria said. “What do you think Maggie?”

  “Like I said, it is about time,” Maggie said.

  “That's what I'm saying,” Ria said. They all laughed. After lunch they walked around Northampton. The center of the town had a main street with restaurants, art galleries and a variety of stores. Each store front had a unique artistic sign over the front display window. The sidewalks were adorned with families wearing two-hundred-dollar fleeces, homeless people, and assorted street performers. At a crosswalk they waited for the walk sign to illuminate. As they waited, Ria slid her hand into Ellie's. Ellie squeezed her hand, and brought it to her lips and kissed it.

  “I could get used to this PDA,” Ria whispered in Ellie's ear. The walk sign illuminated and an auditory walk signal played the background music for their crossing. Beep boop, beep boop.

  “Hey, I have to pick up a necklace in here,” Ellie said as she ducked into a gallery filled with jewelry and glass art. There was a rounded ceiling with a cloud-filled sky painted on it. Ellie went to the counter and talked to a sales clerk while Ria and Maggie
peered through the glass cases. A sales clerk came up to Ria and encouraged her to try on some rings while Ellie paid for her necklace.

  “I’m just looking while my girlfriend picks something up,” Ria said.

  “Oh, that's fine,” the clerk said. “It doesn't hurt to look. It will be a while before we complete her order. Our owner goes all over the world finding artists to feature in there. All these are handmade and one of a kind. Let me show you this new artist we now feature here.” Ria seemed glad to oblige and after a few minutes had tried on several beautiful rings.

  “You ready?” Ellie called from the front of the store. Ria hurried to Ellie and Maggie's side.

  They headed back to Ellie's house after Ria grabbed some groceries for the weekend of meals. Maggie took Remi on another adventure through the trail in the woods while Ellie helped Ria make dinner.

  “So, can I chop something or peel something?” Ellie asked.

  “No, you can sit and keep me company,” Ria said.

  “Okay,” Ellie said.

  “So, girlfriend huh? What does that mean?” Ria asked.

  “Yeah, I think we’re, or at least I'm ready to leave Platonicville,” Ellie said. A huge smile formed on Ria's face. Ellie noticed she rose onto her toes and then went back down to being flat footed.

  “Mom, we saw a bear,” Maggie said as she ran through the door. “It was far away from us and walking away, but it was a bear.”

  “What?” Ria said.

  “Oh, yeah there are a lot of bears around here,” Ellie said. “Was it big or small?”

  “About a little bigger than Remi,” Maggie said.

  “Oh, that's the cub,” Ellie said. “Be careful, because the mom is around. Maybe during early morning and at dusk you should stay in.”

  “Definitely,” Ria said.

  “Okay, I am going to go on my laptop now,” Maggie said as she walked up the stairs to Ellie's bedroom.

  “Dinner will be ready soon,” Ria called after her.

  “Bad timing,” Ellie whispered to Ria.

  “Are we safe here with the bear?” Ria asked.

  “Yes, it won't get through the door, and if anything, Remi will scare him or her off,” Ellie said. “I also have a bell that we can give Maggie to carry when she's out there. The noise will keep the bear away.”


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