Promised at the Moon: Shifter Rising, Book 1

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Promised at the Moon: Shifter Rising, Book 1 Page 12

by Rebekah R. Ganiere

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. Mama and I are getting in the car right now and heading home. I’ll call you when we get there.”

  She hiccupped and sighed with relief. Both Clint’s and Daniel’s packmates flooded into the yard. Daniel’s buddies ran to him on the ground and then rounded on Liam.

  Natasha stepped forward. “It’s over. Cole released my parents. I suggest you get him back to his father before my father’s pack has time to call in allies. It was stupid what he did, but you don’t need to suffer his fate. I’ll put in a good word if you leave now.”

  The males looked from one to another.

  “She’s right.” Cole joined the group. “Daniel crossed the line. I’ll take my judgment and pay the price for my role in helping him, but starting a war here won’t solve anything.”

  There was a murmur of agreement.

  “I suggest you remove him from my property and out of my lands before I lose all hospitality,” said Frank Judd.

  The group picked up Daniel, grabbed him by the arms and legs and carried him from the backyard. Cole watched them go and then turned. “I’m sorry, Nat. For my brother and for helping him.”

  “Family sticks together. I understand that.” She gave him his phone back.

  He stared at it for a long moment. “I shouldn’t have.”

  “Get him home safe,” Natasha said.

  Cole shoved his hands in his pockets and nodded. He looked at her one more time and then left.

  Natasha’s gut clenched for Cole and for Daniel. None of them would receive mercy from either Alpha. But possibly this one thing could finally bring peace.

  A shout of pain caught her attention. Rock and Buck held Liam between them. Liam cradled his arm and breathed heavily.

  “He’s okay,” said Rock. “Just puttin’ his elbow back in.”

  Buck clapped Liam on the shoulder, “You did good, buddy.”

  Liam’s brows knit together as he looked between the two brothers. Natasha stifled a giggle.

  “Liam.” Frank joined them. “You did well. I’d be honored to have you as a member of my pack.” His gaze traveled to Natasha. “And you as well.”

  “Thanks,” said Liam. “But I don’t think two alphas would work very well.”

  Clint’s father shrugged. “It’s been done before.”

  “Not by me. But I thank you for the offer.”

  Natasha stood next to Liam and entwined her fingers in his. “I thank you as well, but I’m going to have to decline too.” Liam beamed down at her, though his face remained swollen “Come on,” she said. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

  His eyes glittered with interest, and butterflies rose in her belly.

  Chapter Fourteen

  It’d been three days since the fight with Daniel. Natasha had spent every waking minute tending to Liam and Cara in her condo. She made sure they were both completely healed from their wounds and had everything they needed. They were family and they’d sacrificed for her, she could never repay what they’d done. But that morning the mounting desire between her and Liam had practically forced them to head for somewhere more private.

  Natasha laid her head on Liam’s warm back as they rode down the highway. She reveled in the feel of his hard body. The fingers from his left arm intertwined with hers. She squeezed her thighs tighter around him. His jeans rubbed against her bare legs. She breathed in his scent through his tank top and trailed her fingers over his right arm, feeling each scar underneath the tattoos.

  He stopped in the driveway of a small beach bungalow overlooking the water. She took off her helmet and finger-combed her hair. Liam stood from the bike and helped her off. She looked over the cream house with the black front door and black wrought-iron bars over the windows. He took her hand and they walked up the red cement steps.

  Inside the front room held a futon, coffee table and flat screen television. He set his keys on the table and walked toward the rear of the house. Natasha stepped inside and closed the door, locking it. To the right was a small nook and kitchen that sported fifties-style crafting and Formica counters that had a metal band encasing the edge.

  She opened the window and stared out at the water. The sunlight glistened off the waves and a soul-soothing breeze brought with it the light scent of the ocean. She relaxed and hugged her arms around herself. So much had happened in the last months. Between hiding in the house and then running to California. Even in the weeks of trying to start over she’d felt a dark cloud loomed over her. But now with Daniel finally out of the picture, it was like she could breathe for the first time. She was free to move on with her life without his darkness overshadowing her every step.

  “Hey.” Liam kissed her neck, wrapped his arms around her from behind and set his chin on her shoulder.

  She smiled. “Hey, yourself.”

  They stood enfolded in each other’s arms for a long time just staring out at the water. The soft breeze caressed her skin, and she pressed her body back into his solid chest. Finally, he rotated her to face him. His eye still looked like it’d been lightly colored in with black-and-blue markers and his lip was still mildly swollen, but his cheek had healed fully.

  “How’s your face?” She touched it tentatively.

  He shrugged. “I’ve had worse.”

  Her gaze and fingertips traveled down his arm that had healed so quickly after being put back in place. She traced his scars. Some were long and jagged, several were thin and in rows, others were small and round like cigarette burns. She swallowed at the thought of the torture he had endured.

  She’d not gotten up the courage to ask before, but now she needed to know.

  “Did your father do these?” she asked.


  She ran her thumb over his scabbed knuckles, then lifted them to her mouth and pressed kisses onto them. He turned his hand and cradled her cheek in his palm.

  She locked eyes with him, reached up on her toes and pressed her lips to his. He laced his hands behind her head and pulled her closer. Her lips parted and their kiss deepened. He grimaced and touched his mouth where the split still healed.


  “Don’t be.” He squeezed her rear, and tingles skittered over her. Turning, he laid her down on the futon and covered her with his body. Her mind whirled as his lips trailed over her shoulder and down to the top of her sundress. He ran his palm up her leg to the inside of her thigh, and her breath caught in her throat.

  “Liam,” she moaned, tangling her hands in his hair. Her heart pounded, and she froze as memories of the last time this had happened darkened her thoughts.

  His golden eyes stared at her, mere inches above. “I want you.” He rested his hips on hers, his arousal lying against her core. “I want to be with you. To make love to you. But I won’t pressure you.”

  “I want you too,” she replied.

  He went to kiss her but stopped. “But maybe I should shower first.”

  He stood, stripped off his tank and threw it at her. His hard, muscled chest and flat, packed abs made her temperature rise. She sucked in a breath at the sight of the small silver nipple ring.

  He threw her a sexy grin and headed for the bathroom.

  Natasha lay her head down and listened to the sounds of the shower. Her body trembled with anticipation, and she wished she were in there with him. Raising his shirt to her nose, she inhaled and then rolled off the futon and went in search of his bed.

  She found a light-blue room next to the bathroom. A large, simple bed draped in a black comforter and sheets waited for her.

  She stripped down to her bra and panties and climbed under the cool covers to wait.

  Liam emerged minutes later in a towel. He stood motionless upon finding her. She sat up and bit her lower lip. She wanted this. With Liam it was right. He was her one.

  His gaze
traveled over her exposed skin. He entered the room and sat on the edge of the bed, barely holding his towel together over his muscular legs with one hand. He kissed her softly.

  “If we do this, there’s no going back,” he said. “The way I feel about you—”

  “I know what it means. I feel the same.” She let the covers fall away and wrapped her fingers in the wet hair at the base of his neck. The scent of his shampoo filled her nose. “It’s what I’ve been waiting for. You’re the one I’ve been waiting for.” His eyes held conflict. “I understand if you don’t want to. I know that it’s a big commitment.”

  “I do.” He pressed his lips to hers, and their tongues locked in an intimate dance. He withdrew from her. “I love you, Natasha.”

  Nervousness suddenly overtook her, and she trembled. This was it. The moment she’d thought about for years. His gaze swept over the curves of her body, and she fought the urge to cover herself. He touched her cheek and then guided her under him.

  A throbbing need rocked her core. Goose bumps pebbled her skin as he laid her back and slid his mouth over her bra and down to her stomach. He threw his towel to the floor and got into the bed with her. Covering her skin in tender, sucking kisses, he grabbed her lacy panties and slid them down, kissing her all the way to her toes. Her skin tingled at his touch, and she reached behind and unclasped her bra, throwing it off.

  She arched toward him as he kissed his way up to her mouth. Her skin became moist from sweat and the humid ocean air. Her brain was fuzzy with desire. His arousal rested on her belly, large and warm. He locked eyes with her again.

  “Are you sure?” he asked. “I’m fine if we wait.”

  His silver nipple ring beckoned her forward. She answered him by lifting herself up and running her tongue over the curve of his nipple. She pulled the silver hoop and firm bud into her mouth with her teeth and sucked on it. A growl rumbled deep in his chest, and his hands planted on either side of her. His arousal rocked against her skin, and he kissed her face.

  “Natasha.” His body grew slick, and a ripple rolled over his skin.

  She playfully bit his nipple, and he grabbed the back of her head and pulled her lips from his skin, then plunged his tongue deep into her mouth.

  He groaned and broke the kiss, his fingers still tight in her hair. “I want you,” he growled.

  “I’m yours.”

  He reached into his nightstand drawer, ripped a condom open with his teeth and then kissed her deep and hard.

  Poised above her, he spread her legs with his thighs. Their eyes locked, and she sucked in a breath as he entered her slowly. His jaw clenched, and the shake of his arms told her he was holding back.

  The sensation of fullness was uncomfortable at first. His eyes searched hers, and she nodded. He pressed forward again, a sharp twinge shot up through her and then he was all the way in. She blew out her breath, and he kissed her. He moved slowly, gently, letting her become accustomed to him. The need inside her mounted the more he moved.

  He broke the kiss and dropped his head onto her shoulder, nipping at it. He grabbed the headboard for support and wrapped his other arm behind her. Sensations ran through her body so fast she couldn’t register them all. Fear, elation, pleasure and pain.

  His rhythm increased and she clawed at his back, trying to press him closer to her. His breathing became short and raspy, and she lifted her hips to meet his.

  They moved in a flawless rhythm, their bodies joining perfectly. She held her breath. The ecstasy and pain so exquisite it was almost too much. His muscles bunched beneath her fingers and then he shuddered, calling to her over and over. After a minute, the rhythm slowed. He brought his mouth to hers once more, and she moaned at the spicy taste of him on her tongue. He entwined his fingers with hers as all around them the scent of their bonding took over. His chiseled chest pressed flat onto hers, rubbing his scent on her skin, marking her.

  There was no going back for them now.

  He looked deep into her eyes and ran his finger over her collarbone. “I love you, Natasha.”

  She reached up and stroked the outside of his ear. “And I love you, Liam.”

  A sexy smile curled the corners of his mouth.


  “For the record. I’ve never seen you more beautiful than when you get hot.”


  Liam shuffled from foot to foot, his arms twitched, and he ran his fingers through his hair.

  “Stop.” Natasha laughed. “You’ll be fine.”

  He gave her a weak smile and watched the bustle of the baggage-claim area. So many people coming and going. He wished he were going. He could still run out and wait in the car with Cara.

  She’d been getting better day by day, though on more than half a dozen nights she’d awakened screaming and reliving the attack. Natasha and Liam planned on moving in to his bungalow together, they’d both been staying in the condo to make sure Cara was all right for the time being. She’d told them a dozen times that she was, but they wanted to be sure. Cara was like a sister to them both. They weren’t just going to leave her to fend for herself.

  Natasha squealed and let go of him. She ran toward a tall dark-haired man and a petite blonde. Too late.

  “Papa! Mama!” She raced into their arms. The three huddled together with tears in their eyes.

  Liam shoved his hands deep into his jeans pockets and waited. His chest tightened at the sight.

  They let go of each other, and Natasha glanced around. She spotted him and waved him over. He rubbed his neck and trudged forward. His boots hit the floor, and his bracelets clinked. He reached the small group, and Natasha reached for him.

  “Mama, Papa, this is Liam.” She beamed up at him, but he couldn’t think of what to say. He chewed the inside of his lip as her parents inspected him.

  Her father’s stern dark eyes turned Alpha gold for a moment before going dark again. Liam swallowed, trying to remember the words he’d been practicing for the last week.

  Natasha’s mother stepped forward and wrapped her arms about Liam’s waist, hugging him tight. Stunned, he looked down at Natasha and then at her father.

  Her mother lifted her face from his T-shirt. “Thank you for saving our Natasha.”

  Natasha’s father clapped Liam on the shoulder. “Thank you for saving my bebe.” He stuck out his hand to Liam. “I owe you my life.”

  Liam took the firm grip and shook it. Natasha’s father pulled him close, and the four of them stood in a group hug. His chest puffed with so much happiness he thought it would burst like a piñata full of confetti.

  He’d found his pack. His family.

  About the Author

  Rebekah R. Ganiere is a bestselling, award-winning author whose debut novel released in January, 2014. Rebekah is either on the board of or a member of several RWA chapters including the Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal chapter, the YA chapter, and the Los Angeles and Orange County chapters. When Rebekah isn’t writing she can be found cosplaying with her four kids, and speaking on panels at San Diego Comic Con as well as Comic Cons all over the West Coast. You can find Rebekah all over the Internet at


  Twitter: @VampWereZombie



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