Billionaires Runaway Bride

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Billionaires Runaway Bride Page 57

by Claire Adams

  “Hope for the best,” said Luna from her knees. Mason nodded and downed the next one.

  “I’m going to go out for some fresh air, but I’ll be back as soon as I hear more. I’ve asked the detective to call me when they hit the elevator. They won’t give us too much time, but at least you can prepare to meet them at the door.”

  He released a long breath and he and Luna exchanged a strained look, as if the two were helpless to help me. And, they were. Neither could do a thing.

  After Mason left, I crossed the room where Luna still dabbed the mess. “Stop it. I’ll call the cleaning service.” I reached down and grabbed her hands, stilling them and bringing them together until I was able to take the bar towel she’d used from her hands.

  She jerked away and met my eyes. “I feel helpless. It’s like I need to do something, anything, to help make this all better, but I know I can’t.” She stared down at the spot. “At least cleaning the rug is useful.”

  I pulled her into my arms. “You’re the only thing keeping me grounded right now. Without you here, I think I’d lose my fucking mind. So, don’t you ever feel that way with me, okay?” She nodded, and I drew her in close and held her.

  It was nice to have someone to hold when everything seemed to be collapsing around me, and it was as if by holding her, I held myself together. The last time I’d felt this way was when my brother Robert died. I hadn’t felt as helpless since, not even at the start of all of this.

  A memory of Robert came to mind and the sinking feeling started to grip tighter, threatening to pull me under. The pain and guilt from his loss still haunted me, but I had to be strong.

  Her arms trembled around me and I brought my hands up to warm them, rubbing the chills away. “It’s going to be okay. They won’t keep me, Luna. I swear I don’t know that name. I’ve never met that girl, and I think her family is just distraught and trying to place the blame.”

  Her head bobbed against my arm as she nodded. “I believe you, and I think you’re right.”

  “About this girl’s family?”

  “No, that someone is framing you and we’re wasting time when we could be looking into things a lot closer.” The words surprised me, but I loved the sound of them.

  I leaned my head down to meet her eyes. “Mason’s had my hands tied, but I’m not going down without a fight.”

  “I’ll help you any way I can. We’re in this together.” She spoke with such conviction that I couldn’t help myself; I brought my mouth down to hers.

  “Thanks for being here for me, Luna. I know you don’t have much choice, but you’ve been amazing, and it’s good to have someone to depend on. The last person I could rely on was my brother, and I guess with everything going on, I’ve missed him more than normal.”

  She tilted her head and gazed up with a thoughtful glance. “I bet he was amazing.”

  “He was the best.” I nodded and closed my eyes, imagining him. When I did, I would always picture him on his last day, the last time I’d seen him. If only I’d driven out to the client’s house and let him have his day off, then he’d be there with me.

  “It’s times like these I miss my mom, too.” Luna’s voice was gravelly with emotion. I’d never known what happened to her mother, but knew it was a painful loss. Now wasn’t the time to pry, though. Besides, I didn’t feel like having to share my brother’s story. It was time to change the subject before we were both in tears.

  “Well, the good news is, if they do arrest me, you’ll be free to go home.” I brushed her hair away from her face and stared down into her eyes as she frowned. The depths of blue were bottomless as the tears welled up and they ringed red.

  “Don’t say that, Gabriel. What am I supposed to do if that happens? What about my job and the marriage? Do I wait it out?”

  “I hate to ask you to, but that’s all I can do. But I do want you to go home, and I’ll make arrangements for you. I’m sure the press will be all over you.” The thought of anyone harassing her made my blood boil, and my jaw clenched knowing I would be helpless to protect her from it. Unless…

  “It might be best for you to stay at my house, and I’ll have Joe watch over you.” Joe had been my personal guard for years, knew the insides and outs of all my homes, and of course I wouldn’t want anyone else driving me. He was a real pro, and by that I mean he used to drive cars with me when we did stunt work back in the Hollywood days of my life. She’d be in good hands.

  “I like Joe. He tells me about the jobs he’s done and his daughter. He’s even told me about you back in the day.”

  “Yeah, we pulled some stunts. I lasted about a year before going into security. I thought it would be the safer route in life. Look at me now. I’d rather be in a free fall off a twelve-story building than facing an arrest.”

  After a quiet moment, she stepped back. “I could stay with my dad. He might prefer it, and I don’t want to put you or Joe out.”

  “No, I’d prefer you stay at my house. Unless your dad wants Joe lurking around and added security, it would be for the best. I’m not leaving you out there unprotected. I wouldn’t be able to make it knowing there was a chance that whoever is out there hurting women who are associated with me might find you.”

  I hadn’t wanted to think about it before, and I’d wondered if she realized she’d be a target, too. The way she drew in on herself, tucking her chin and pulling her shoulders forward, I thought it might be sinking in.

  She shook her head. “I’ll be fine. But if it makes you feel better, I’ll let you make the arrangements. I’m still hoping it doesn’t come to that.”

  “You and me both.” I tilted her chin upward and captured her mouth hard. Her breath hitched as she took it deeper. I hoped to God it wasn’t the last time I tasted her.

  Chapter Fifteen


  After the police came and took Gabriel away, I’d had Joe drive me down to the station to find out if they had officially arrested him. After waiting an hour to talk to someone, they sent me home, stating that he’d been picked up for questioning primarily on the LA case. Picking him up was a formality and there hadn’t been any arrest in the system yet. All I could do was wait, but they’d call.

  Not even Mason would tell me anything, and for the short time I was in the same room with him, he’d stayed busy speaking with other lawyers and talking it up with the cops.

  When I couldn’t take the smell of stale coffee and sterile floor cleaner any longer, I had Joe drive me back to the hotel. He walked me in and sat with me a while, but as the day turned into night, he went to watch the door out in the hallway when the persistent reporter returned.

  Would this be what my life would be like? Would I have to sit and wait on him to return from prison? Knowing he’d put me up in a home was little consolation, and no fancy place would be a substitute for him. Besides, I loved my job. Being his assistant was hard work and lots of fun.

  In a way, I wished that time could go back. But as I put my hand to my lips, remembering his mouth there against me, I knew I wouldn’t want to change that part of it all. Too bad we couldn’t pick and choose and reboot the rest.

  I paced the room hundreds of times as the evening wore on and only stopped now and then to check the news outlets. There wasn’t any new news, other than what I already knew. Considering how they’d screwed things up before, at least they’d gotten it right so far.

  It wasn’t all for worry. I missed him, too. I hadn’t thought I could feel that way, but there it was. It burned in my chest and welled up with my tears. I thought of his kisses and how my body had responded. I wanted more than his mouth, and as the warmth spread through me, I wondered what it would be like to make love to him. I imagined his hands on me, caressing me, entering me, and how I’d respond.

  I’d been the good girl, hell, I’d even waited for marriage, and with my father’s disappointment in check, there wasn’t anything else holding me back. There was no doubt I’d give myself to him.

  What if I neve
r got that chance? What if they kept him and he granted my annulment from prison? Would I have to touch him through glass? All of the thoughts threatened to take me down, but I stayed on my feet, determined to stay strong…even if I had to walk a rut in the floor.

  Finally, the gods smiled on me and there was a commotion out in the hallway. I heard Joe’s friendly tone and then the shouts of the reporter as I stood near the door, waiting for it to swing open.

  I held my breath, and as my eyes met Gabriel’s, I rushed forward. I didn’t have far to go because he did the same, pulling me up into his arms until my feet left the floor. A quick glance behind him, and I watched as Mason smiled and shut the door, leaving us alone.

  Gabriel didn’t hold back or pause to say goodbye. He found my mouth and kissed me hard, then pulled away and held me.

  He placed me on my feet, but didn’t let go. “I didn’t think I’d ever get out of that place.”

  “I know. Is it over?” I stared at him with hopeful eyes.

  Shaking his head, he stroked my hair. “Not yet, but I’m done sitting on my hands.”

  “I don’t blame you. I’ll help you any way I can.” I locked my arms around his shoulders and stared up into his eyes. “I really missed you.”

  A tired smile spread his lips, and he released a low growling sound. “Did you?”

  I nodded, and he found my lips again. This time, I gripped his hair and held him to me, stroking my tongue against his. Instead of going hard and deep, I caressed his mouth with mine, kissing down his stubbly chin and to his neck before finding his lips again.

  Our eyes met, and he smiled. I started walking backward toward the bedroom door, and his eyes widened with surprise. “You want to take a shower with me?”

  It wasn’t exactly what I had in mind, but the idea excited me. I’d never done anything like that before, and in the past my low self-esteem would have never allowed it.

  He must have read the uncertainty in my expression because he gave me another quick peck. “We can take things slow, Luna.” I nodded again, and we went into the bathroom. While I slipped out of my shoes, he turned on the shower.

  Once he seemed satisfied with the temperature, he turned to shrug out of his jacket. He loosened his tie, and I stopped what I was doing as he unbuttoned his shirt to slip it off. He laughed and stepped closer, his fingertips brushing my waist as he pulled my blouse up over my head and tossed it to the floor.

  I took in every inch of his body, my eyes lingering down along his abs and back up across his chest to his strong shoulders. He unbuttoned my slacks and smiled before moving his hand to his own button.

  I swallowed hard and imagined what I was about to see, knowing it would be impressive from the bulge that punched out in the front of his pants. As his thick, proud cock sprang forward between us, I licked my lips and then went for his mouth, wanting to taste him again.

  Kissing me with care, he pulled me close before stepping out of his clothes. I kicked off the rest of my clothes as he led us to the shower where the hot steam billowed into the room. He stepped under the spray, and when I joined him, he turned me to the wall and stood behind me. The water shot down across his shoulder and hit my back, and I closed my eyes, waiting for his touch to find me again.

  The fresh, crisp scent of citrus hit my nose as his hands landed on my breasts. I opened my eyes to see the sudsy peaks, and heat flared between my legs as he worked his way across my tight nipples and down my stomach. Before he hit the place of my desire, his hands circled up across my breasts again, working up the lather.

  “Relax, Luna, and touch me,” he whispered into my ear sending chills down my neck.

  I hadn’t realized my hands were holding me up against the shower walls, and on his command, I placed my hand on his leg behind me.

  His skin was so warm and tight, and as I rubbed his hip with one hand and placed the other on his arm, his cock brushed against my lower back. My breath hitched and I tensed as he dipped his hand down to cup my mound. He turned me around and kissed me as his hands brushed all the suds away. Once we were both soap free, he backed me up against the wall and kissed me.

  His kiss lingered down my neck and to my breasts, capturing my nipple between his lips. That sent a shot of electricity tingling at my core and I moaned, flinching at the sensation. He kept working his mouth in the same manner, grazing his teeth across my sensitive buds. He pulled back with a smile.

  “Do you like that?” I nodded and croaked out a sound that was meant to be a yes and he chuckled. “You still haven’t touched me, Luna.”

  For a moment, I was confused because my hands had been all over him. His chest, his arms, and even his hips and ass, but then I realized what he meant. I glanced down to his thick erection and looked back up. It seemed strange to share, and I wondered if the two of us being on full display, considering I’d never even been in bed with a man, was a good idea.

  He leaned in and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on his feet to get even closer. I pressed myself against him until his cock pressed against my stomach.

  Much to my dismay, the water was shut off and Gabriel stepped out, his gorgeous body dripping wet and the same smile plastered on his face. He held out his hand to me, and I stepped out with him, reaching out for a towel.

  He opened one up and held it for me, and as I stepped into it, he closed it around me and rubbed my arms. “You’re beautiful, you know that?”

  I took hold of the towel, ignoring the question. “Thank you – and likewise.” He dried himself off before taking my hand and leading me to the bed.

  “So, what’s next?” I climbed into the bed and nestled down into the covers. The tingles between my legs hadn’t ebbed, and I wanted him to ease the ache any way he wanted.

  He pulled back the covers and lay down, nestling against me. “Now we sleep, and when you’re ready, we’ll do more.” He kissed my hair and placed his arm across me.

  I didn’t understand. I thought that’s what we were doing? “I’m ready now. I thought we’d-”

  “We’re both stressed, we’ve both got too much on our minds, and you couldn’t even touch me in there. Your head isn’t in it, and I highly doubt that your heart is.”

  “But I did feel it, I do want it.” I hadn’t ever been so exposed or vulnerable, and now he would deprive me?

  “Well, then maybe your head is too into it, too crammed full of things to know what you’re doing. I need you aware. I need your touch, too. I don’t want it half way.” He squeezed me tight and kissed me.

  “I care too much for you to let that be how it goes down. Besides, Luna, it’s not fair to you. I could be going away. If I do, I might not come back, and you’d be long moved on. You should give it to someone you love, not someone you’re stuck with.”

  Humiliation cut like a knife. I had turned him off. “Sorry you feel that way. I guess you’re right: I should save it for someone who loves me.” I turned away, done with the idea. I’d be damned if I begged my own husband to deflower me.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I was two seconds away from ordering myself a new desk before I decided against it. The crappy coffee table desk was a cluttered mess, and after spilling coffee all over the floor yet a second time, I was ready to get out of the damned honeymoon suite.

  Honeymoon? What a joke. Unfortunately, I hadn’t laughed since mine and Luna’s shower two nights ago. I should have taken her anyway. Instead, I let my integrity get the best of me. It wasn’t that I didn’t believe everything I’d laid out for her, but dammit, I wanted her so fucking bad. And then to hear her admit that she should give it to someone who loves her, man, that cut deep.

  I guess I couldn’t blame her. Things had been going much better since the drunken wedding night, when you didn’t count all the other drama, but I could hardly say I loved her. As I wanted to, it was all too soon, and wishing all the other drama of the investigation didn’t exist wasn’t enough to make it any better.

  It wasn’t like she loved me, either. She’d made that clear enough, wanting the annulment so badly, and I doubted that had changed. When she thought I’d deny her the privilege, she freaked right out on me.

  My head throbbed as I searched through my email, and before I could find relief from the pills I stashed in my briefcase, Joe knocked.

  I crossed the room and checked the peephole and opened the door. “Thanks, man. You have any trouble?”

  He passed me the envelope and shook his head. “Not a bit. Let me know if I can help out.”

  “As always, man.” I bumped his fist and my oldest friend turned to take his post.

  I scrambled to the computer, eager to get started. I’d requested the footage from the Serendipity, and sure enough, they’d delivered with no questions asked. But then again, it helps to own the company providing their service. I plugged in the drive and with a few quick strokes on the keyboard, the footage appeared on my monitor.

  It was time to take charge of the situation. Someone was out there hurting people I cared about and hoping to frame me, which meant they had to know me.

  I’d racked my brain for nights and nights wondering who that could be, but always came up short. I’d never been disrespectful to anyone and wasn’t the type to let my money go to my head. I’d come from a meat-and-potatoes family where divorce finally played its final card the day after my graduation. It hadn’t been horrible, but there weren’t any silver spoons in the Grant household.

  My only hope of figuring this out was to search through footage for anyone I might know. If I recognized them, then maybe I could figure out their agenda. If it were strangers, then they had a hell of a connection that would lead them to my past.

  In the other room, Luna turned on the shower. I adjusted myself knowing she’d soon be naked and under the warm spray of the showerhead. I shook my head, hoping the image would go away. I didn’t have time for the distractions. I had to get my mind off of her and this whole marriage issue and focus on finding out who was trying to destroy my life.


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