Billionaires Runaway Bride

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Billionaires Runaway Bride Page 101

by Claire Adams

  “I was a bit nervous and unsure of myself, as it was totally different than what I was used to doing, but I knew my capabilities and knew I could learn what I needed to know as I got through it. It was a good challenge for my skills, and I feel like I made the switch really well. Everything went very smoothly,” I responded.

  Complete, big fat lie. Still, I’d helped organize big corporate events all the time, and figured that it couldn’t be that much different than scheduling tour stops and their venues. His smile widened at me, and a small flutter shook in my stomach. Damn, the man was good looking. Especially when he smiled. He was much more handsome than I thought he would be. No wonder Grace liked his band.

  “How comfortable would you be with organizing marketing and promotions for the tour? Things like radio interviews, interviews with rock bloggers, YouTube vloggers, that type of thing,” Owen asked.

  Well, if what Grace had said was true, these guys had been kind of a big deal a few years ago. I doubted it would be that hard getting them on the radio, the web, or YouTube during their reunion tour. I was sure, in fact, that it was something that could possibly be done with relative ease, especially with a name as well-known as theirs. Most bloggers or radio hosts would jump at the opportunity.

  “I definitely think I can handle that, no problem,” I told him, trying my best to look confident as I sat up a little taller. So far, it seemed the interview was at least going better than his first one—though that probably wasn’t saying too much considering how it ended in water works.

  “Well, I'll say this, it’s going to be a lot of work, a lot more than you've done in these previous tours listed on your resume. In addition to that, you’ll be on the road with us during all of this, too, so you need to keep that in mind because that brings with it a whole different set of pressures and troubles to deal with. We have very comfortable accommodations on the bus, but it is still being on the road for nearly three months straight with a bunch of sweaty, crazy guys. And while that might sound like fun initially, I can promise you that it'll be pretty stressful and nerve-wracking, as well. Especially seeing as we're going to have a very tight schedule to stick to, so you need to take all of that into consideration.

  “The pay is ten thousand a month, so it'll be thirty thousand for the first leg of the tour. Depending on how the first leg goes, we want to have a second leg of smaller venues later in the year. Also, bear in mind that this is a position with other potential. If you do a good job with it, I am always looking for reliable and dedicated people to work with me at my record company. So, if you impress me on this tour, there may well be a permanent position in line for you—a permanent position with very generous pay and plenty of perks and benefits.

  “Do you think you could deal with three months on the road while organizing all of that and keeping the band in check and on schedule?”

  I didn’t say anything for the moment. Ten thousand a month was still running through my head. Not to mention the possibility of working permanently at the record company. This would be a dream come true—if I got it, of course.

  “Um…yeah, I think that seems fair. If you guys need someone to keep you organized, I’m definitely your woman,” I spouted, surprised at my confidence. I almost had myself fooled that I knew what the hell I was doing trying to organize a three-month tour. Still, if he gave me this job, I’d bust my ass making sure it got done right.

  Owen’s face lit up as he studied me. “Well, that’s great to hear. I definitely need to know we’ll be in good hands, whoever we hire. The other guys can get a little crazy, and with the record company to take care of, I simply can’t handle taking care of the tour and them on top of my already insane workload. I mean, I know how to work hard, but doing all of that combined is beyond the capabilities of any human being who wants to maintain their sanity.”

  So, he wasn’t a party boy like the rest of them. Interesting. There was definitely something about him, and that little admission that had me even more intrigued as to who Owen Young really was outside of the persona of a successful record company owner and rock star. He stood upright, and I couldn’t help but admire his body as he walked around the desk and held his hand out for me.

  “Nalia, it really was a pleasure speaking with you,” he said as he took my hand and helped me out of my seat.

  “Likewise,” I responded.

  “We’ll definitely be in touch.”

  I shook his hand and noticed his gaze roam over my outfit all the way down to my heels. I was glad I went with this particular ensemble. It was my power suit. It made me feel more confident, it looked great for interviews, and it happened to hug the right curves without doing it in too obvious a manner.

  Indeed, it seemed like it might be working on him. For good measure, I flipped my hair over my shoulder casually as he let go of my hand. He started to open the door for me, but then stopped.

  Chapter Nine


  I couldn’t get over how beautiful this woman was. The outfit she was wearing was killing me. It was like something born straight out of one of those secretary fantasies. Her confidence was sexy as hell on top of her tanned, curvy figure, and I was trying desperately not to get lost in those gorgeous eyes of hers. As hard as it was to believe, she looked even more stunning in person than she had in her photos.

  It had been pretty hard to concentrate on the interview questions the whole time I'd been talking to her. In fact, I wondered if she'd noticed me staring at her. I'd done my best to conceal it, trying desperately to keep my eyes locked on her face when they were really scanning her body the whole time.

  Thoughts from the night before crept back, the fantasies of my own that I was having about her, and I couldn't deny that I wanted to take her home right on the spot. To hell with the next interview. But fantasies and desires aside, I simply knew I couldn’t do that.

  Apart from that being highly unprofessional conduct, I really did need to find a touring assistant, and quick. So far, out of the two girls I had already interviewed, Nalia was definitely the most qualified, and on top of that, she hadn’t run out of the room crying. That was an obvious plus. Besides, I owed it to the band to give this third applicant an interview; it was only fair. But, if the third one even remotely sucked compared to Nalia, the job was going to her.

  I looked her over once again as we stood in the office, shaking her hand, then started to pull the door open for her. However, halfway through doing that, I stopped. Regardless of whether she was the most qualified or not, I wanted to see her again. I had to. I knew that much, at least. Somehow, I had to make it happen.

  “Nalia, I’d like to see you for a second interview,” I said, trying to sound as professional as possible. It was hard with her standing so close. I could smell her soft, sweet perfume, see how warm her eyes were. “My band is rehearsing at the record company tomorrow around two in the afternoon. I’d like the rest of them to meet you. Just to see if you’d mesh well with everyone. That is pretty important to check out, given that you may well be around us 24/7 over a period of three months.”

  Nalia smiled at me and nodded. “Sure, I can make that.”

  “If things go well, we could grab a bite to eat and talk more about the tour and the to-dos that we would need to get done.”

  “Sounds great. I can start as soon as you need me to,” Nalia added.

  So far, she was hitting everything on my list for an assistant, as well as a few things off the list.

  “Perfect. I’ll have my secretary call you with the address in the morning. See you tomorrow, and thanks for coming in on such short notice.”

  Nalia gave me a smile and a small wave before disappearing down the hall. I couldn’t hide my own smile as I watched her go. She really did seem to be perfect for the job. Everything I had in mind for an assistant and beautiful to boot. My heart was still racing from being so close to her, and the thoughts from last night weren’t making standing there any easier. I adjusted my jeans, trying hide my excitement as
best I could before Mike brought in the last applicant.

  I knew that I would need to warn Talon to stay away from Nalia. Granted, we had all made an agreement to not mess around with the new assistant, but I knew my brother all too well. He wouldn’t go back on his promise to not have sex with her, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t push the limits of it. Although, now I was thinking that if anyone was going to blur those lines or even break the pact we had about her, it was going to be me.

  Mike brought the last girl in, and from her rounded eyes and the insane smile plastered across her face, I was guessing she was another fan. Great, maybe I should have skipped the last interview after all.

  “Sorry for staring. I just can’t believe it’s actually you who is interviewing,” she practically squealed as Mike led her into the office. I waved off his apologetic look. I’d still give her the benefit of the doubt and interview her.

  “Yes, I am the one interviewing,” I stated, keeping my tone as polite as possible. While I was always flattered when meeting a fan, a job interview wasn’t really the place for gushing. “Why don’t we get to that?”

  She put her hand out, shaking mine a little too enthusiastically. “I'm Mary! It’s so amazing to meet you, Owen. Oh, um, am I allowed to call you Owen? Is that all right with you?”

  “Yes, it's not a problem at all. I prefer to keep things informal,” I smiled, gritting my teeth as I took my hand back. I sat in the desk chair, watching her fidget with the sides of her dress.

  “So, tell me about yourself, Mary,” I requested. Her eyes widened more.

  “Um, well… I’m a big, no, a huge fan of Bleeding Heart. I've seriously followed you guys from the first album! I've got all the live DVDs, too, and um… Well, all right, I think I should talk more about my actual work experience, right?”

  “Yes, please,” I replied, “I'm flattered that you're such a fan, but I really do need to hear about what you feel qualifies you for this position, if you don't mind.”

  She let out a nervous laugh. “I, um… I love music. I’ve managed a few tours, um…” She bit her lip and fidgeted more. I glanced down at her resume. She actually had some legit experience with several bands, but if she was this nervous around me, how would she be around the rest of the band…or even just Talon?

  “Sorry I’m so nervous. I am just a really big fan of you guys. I had no idea you would be here in person for the interview when they called me,” she apologized, a frown on her face. “I'm sorry, I really shouldn't be acting like this. It's just, it's just that... Well, wow, I never thought I'd actually be meeting you face to face.”

  “Can you tell me about the tours you managed? Were they larger scale tours, local indie tours?” I asked, trying to avoid a repeat of interview number one.

  “I, um…both. Uh…sorry.”

  I frowned. This was not going well at all. And besides, despite her gushing, my thoughts kept returning to Nalia. She’d set the bar fairly high. So much so, it was getting rather difficult to concentrate on what this girl was actually saying. Still, I breathed in and out slowly and tried to force all of the thoughts of Nalia out of my head.

  “This job would be very demanding. Three months of hard work, being stuck with us on a bus nearly 24/7. A lot is riding on this tour, so there would be a lot of pressure on you, including promotions, marketing, setting up interviews, and more. Not to mention the stress of keeping all of the band members in line and on schedule. And I'll tell you this, some of us can be a real handful, especially out there on the road. Do you think you could handle those kind of high pressure situations?”

  She bit her lip, her frown deepening. I took that to be a probable no from her as she fidgeted with her dress more.

  “I am crazy nervous. And, I’m doing horrible with this interview, aren’t I?” she asked, her eyes getting a little misty.

  God, please no, not another crier.

  “It’s not that. My concern is that if you’re this nervous around me, how will you be around the rest of the band? Working with them daily and keeping them in line, on top of all the duties that would be your responsibility. It's going to require someone who is totally unfazed by our celebrity status. Someone who is willing to look past all of that and put duty and responsibility first. Someone who is able to exercise very strict self-control.”

  With that, a few tears streamed down her cheek, and she sniffled. I cursed a few choice phrases in my head and looked for Mike since the office door had been left open on this one. He was standing at the end of the hall. I shook my head and nodded for him to come get her.

  “I’m sorry, Mary. I’m sure you’re good at what you do, but I think we need someone that isn’t such a huge fan to be our assistant on the road. It's just that we have so much riding on this tour, and we're going to need someone who treats us as if we're students who need to be shepherded in the right direction, not a fan who is star struck and lets us get away with anything,” I told her sympathetically and offered her a hug as she stood up to leave.

  She squeezed me tight and sniffled, or was she sniffing me? Was that a thing now? When she released me, I added a little something to soften the blow because she did have decent qualifications. “Mary, why don’t you meet with one of the staffing assistants here later this week and see what positions you might qualify for at Young Records. We are always looking for bright talent in some of our departments.”

  “Thank you so much,” she said, her face lighting up a little.

  Mike took her away, and I felt some relief. Not just due to her absence, but at the thought of Nalia. She was my girl for the job, and of that fact I was now absolutely sure…without a shadow of a doubt.

  Chapter Ten


  I couldn’t believe how well the interview had gone. What’s more, it actually was Owen Young from Bleeding Heart who conducted it. I couldn’t wait to tell Grace. She was going to freak out over the fact that I had sat across from him, and there was no doubt in my mind that she'd be super jealous.

  But not as much as she would be when she learned I was set to have a second interview with him tomorrow! I could hardly believe my luck; maybe things were finally going in the right direction for me. There was no way I could have imagined all of this turning out as well as it had for me so far.

  How was such a huge change possible in such a short span of time? It was just the day before that I was unemployed, scrounging my last pennies together and thinking of moving out of this town. Now, there I was, looking as if I may well be taking on a ten-thousand-dollar-a-month job, working with one of the biggest rock bands in the industry! I was practically skipping as I walked down the sidewalk to the dive bar/wing house that had been my last job location.

  I hadn’t lasted very long there. The job had been a terrible idea and an absolute nightmare. I’d dreaded going to work so much that I was constantly late, and I apparently didn’t dress slutty enough for them, either. Could have fooled me, though, considering all the drunken creeps who hit on me, or worse, the completely smashed assholes who managed to grab my ass or tried to cop a feel of my breasts as I had walked by them.

  Nope, I did not miss that place. At all.

  I cringed a little as I walked in through the front door. The smell of barbecue and beer hit my nose immediately. I spotted the new manager behind the bar and headed for her, hoping to get it over with as quickly as possible. The less time I spent in that dump the better.

  “Hi, Allison, here to pick up my last check.” I plopped down on one of the barstools. Allison looked frustrated and judging by the slow service, completely understaffed.

  “Look, if you could just get here on time, and dress more appropriate for the wing house, we can talk about you getting your job back,” she started, but I was quick to stop her right there.

  “Oh no. I’m only here for my last check, and I’m not about to show half my tits just to get better tips from a bunch of drunken idiots in downtown L.A. Period,” I said. “Sorry, Allison, but there's no way in hell
I'd ever work here again. Not a chance. Nothing personal. Just not one for being fondled and borderline molested on the regular.”

  Yeah, this outfit really did give me extra confidence for some reason. Allison blinked stupidly at me, then frowned and shook her head like I was giving up such a huge opportunity. A huge opportunity for a sexual harassment lawsuit, maybe. She disappeared into the back and then came out a few minutes later, tossing the envelope onto the bar in front of me.

  “There you go. Go on then. Don’t say I didn’t try to be helpful. I made you an offer, and you turned it down, and God knows I'm not the kind of woman who makes such a generous offer twice. Good luck finding another job in this hell hole of an economy and don't come crawling back to me when you're down and out,” she grumbled.

  I only grinned. “Thanks! I appreciate that!” My voice was so chipper she looked back up to make sure I had actually said what she’d heard. I smiled at her, turned on my heels, and left. My brother Jackson lived nearby and worked from home, so I decided to go see him and tell him about my possible new job. I knew he’d be thrilled for me, especially since it would be working in the music industry, and he had known since we were kids that it had always been a dream of mine.

  I used the doorknocker when I got there, just to annoy him. He hated that thing for some reason. He answered the door in surf shorts and a tank top, frowning with annoyance as he opened the door. However, when he saw it was me, his frown morphed into a smile, and he quickly enveloped me in a huge bear hug before setting me back on my feet.

  “Well, hey, sis, great to see you! What brings you this way, Nay?”

  “Not too much. I thought maybe we could go grab some lunch so I can tell you about the job interview I just left and the second interview I have lined up for tomorrow!” I beamed at him.


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