Fire Born_a Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance

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Fire Born_a Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance Page 6

by Kallista Dane

  She looked puzzled. “You mean like the innate goodness of human beings? Of course I do.”

  “And do you believe there is evil in the world?”

  She nodded again.

  “Good and evil. Opposite forces. We are free to choose which one we harbor in our hearts. Both have the power to shape our actions and our lives. Unimaginable power.”

  She shivered at my tone.

  “It’s frightening, I know…the thought of an unseen world coexisting with our own. A world ruled by magic spells, populated by demonic beings intent on enslaving humanity. It’s frightening to think you’ll have to face an evil force all alone.” Casually, I put my arm around her shoulder. “But you’re not alone, my lady. The Goddess in her wisdom has brought us together to fight on the side of good.”

  She sighed. “You’re right. It is frightening. I dream of him – the Lord of Darkness. I see him slaughtering innocent people, turning others into his slaves. When I wake, I pray that I’ll be strong enough to do whatever I must do to save our world.”

  I pulled her close. Nestled her head on my shoulder. “You’re not alone anymore,” I repeated. “Although you don’t know me, I’m here for you now. I’ll be by your side.”

  She snuggled against me, and I realized the truth of my words. She had been alone. Alone and afraid, forced to put on a brave face for the world. A young woman thrust into a position she neither chose nor desired. As I had been years ago when I first morphed into a dragon.

  Something stirred inside me. A feeling of protectiveness. I lifted her chin to give her a comforting kiss.

  She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me back. Wild and fierce, with a pent-up hunger.

  The beast within me awakened. My kiss became an attack. I claimed her mouth. Pillaged it, ravished it. She answered with savage fury, digging her nails into my back and grinding her body against mine.

  Ripping away the sheet she had tucked around her, I laid her on her back and slid over her. She gasped when the head of my cock grazed the lips of her pussy.

  “It’s so hot – and so big!”

  “The better to please you with, my lady.”

  “Yes,” she breathed. “I’ve waited so long for you. Please – make love to me.”

  Make love? I froze. That wasn’t part of the deal. The Oracle said I should fuck her, and fuck her I planned to do. To me, making love was something more. It meant tenderness and caring. Commitment, not the meaningless rut in the hay I’d always indulged in in the past. I wasn’t ready for that.

  My cock was shouting for action; my queen was begging for my attention. I banished every misgiving, every doubt from my head. Captured her mouth in a passionate kiss.

  I slid the head in – and met resistance. Oh Goddess. Was my queen still a virgin?

  Chapter Ten


  I panicked. It was so big. And it hurt!

  His mouth muffled my scream.

  Until that moment, it was incredible. Exciting. Just like in my dreams, only better. I didn’t expect the stab of pain. I couldn’t speak, so I tried to squeeze my legs together. Stop him.

  He didn’t move, but he didn’t pull away either. He just kept kissing me. Seducing me with that wicked tongue of his. My fear slowly disappeared as my body melted into his.

  Before long, I was caught up in the dance again, no longer a novice. I swirled the tip of my tongue around his, and a tremor shot through me. He answered by rocking his pelvis against mine, bringing the tiny bud nestled between my thighs to life. I rocked back, and it throbbed. The last twinges of pain disappeared, along with every thought in my head.

  I realize now how fortunate I was to have such a skilled lover for my first time because, instead of thrusting in, he backed away. Withdrew his penis. His lips left mine and began a slow journey down my body. Nibbling at my neck first, sending a shiver through me. He moved down, caressing my breast. Rolling the puckered nipple between his finger and thumb then drawing it into his mouth and sucking, sending a wild rush flowing through me all the way to my throbbing clit.

  I let out a shocked cry, and he transferred his attention to my other breast. Licking all around then pinching and sucking on the nipple until it was swollen and so tender I didn’t think I could bear it a moment longer.

  I reached down to pull his head away, but he slid lower, kissing his way down my stomach. Dear heaven, did he mean to put his mouth there?

  At first, he ran his tongue up the inside of my thigh. So wet. So hot. So tantalizing. A wild hunger poured through me, a nameless need I’d never felt before. When his tongue finally probed the entrance to my pussy, I was trembling all over.

  But he was just beginning. He explored the folds of my womanhood then touched the tip of his tongue to my little clit. I moaned, and he circled it. Delicately.

  Oh Goddess! I’d rubbed myself there alone in my bed at night, but my own moves seemed clumsy by comparison.

  Drayke took his time, tempting me, teasing me. First licking up and down then flicking his tongue back and forth over the swollen bud. Making me want more. Taking me higher than I’d ever been before. When he finally fastened his lips over it and sucked, I exploded. My pussy spasmed as wave after wave poured over me.

  I was still shuddering, my pussy dripping, aching with a need for which I had no name, when he poised his body between my legs again and thrust his cock in. Pain melded with pleasure. Once again, he stifled my scream with a kiss. This time I kissed him back. Frantically.

  He started rocking gently, rubbing against my swollen clit. I found myself moving with him, and soon the pain disappeared. Only the pleasure remained. He led me slowly, allowing my hunger to build. Giving me an inch at a time then drawing back.

  By the time he’d slid his cock in to the hilt, I was lost. The world ceased to exist. The only thing left was his huge hard cock and my hot wet pussy and the wild thrills coursing through me. I met his thrusts eagerly, shuddering as the wave built again. When the crest finally poured over me, I clung to him as though I’d be swept away.

  He tensed, then his cock began pulsing. He gave one last thrust, burying himself to the balls, and I felt the heat of his seed filling me.

  Chapter Eleven


  I lay in his arms, spent. Every nerve ending in my body thrummed.

  He brought me down so sweetly. Holding me close. Stroking my hair, kissing my forehead, my cheek.

  Finally, I stirred. “Is it always so…” I stopped, unsure how to describe what I was feeling. There’d been a maelstrom brewing inside me. Wild and thrilling, yet frightening in its intensity.

  “So exciting? So intoxicating?”

  “Yes, and …and more.”

  He tilted my head up, kissed my lips. “No, my lady, not always. Only when you’re with someone very special.” He kissed me again. “It was very special for me. Thank you for granting me the gift of your virginity.”

  Those words shocked me back to reality. I lowered my eyes and ducked my head, embarrassed. Dear heaven, what had I done? Given myself to a naked stranger who’d climbed up my balcony and invaded my bedchamber. I was no better than a prostitute. No, worse. For a prostitute, it would have been a business transaction. She’d have come away with a handful of coins, while I had nothing to show for it but bloodstained sheets I’d have to hide from my lady’s maid or risk the entire kingdom knowing I’d been violated.

  Violated? Ridiculous. Do you feel violated?

  In truth, I did not. I felt – free. Empowered. And at the moment, in Drayke’s arms, I felt cared for. Cherished. Dare I say – loved? I resolved to banish all negative thoughts from my head. It was time I started defining myself instead of accepting the constraints of old stereotypes.

  Emboldened, I kissed him. He didn’t ramp it up, as he’d done earlier. Simply kissed me back, allowing me to lead. My soft kiss became a long, slow, sensual experiment.

  I marveled at the texture of his lips,
the softness. I let the tip of my tongue trace them. He opened his mouth, and I ventured farther, sliding my tongue in.

  It was as though all my senses had been asleep till now. I’d spoken, eaten, used my tongue my entire life. But I had no idea it was capable of producing such erotic sensations. I swept my tongue around his, and suddenly I tingled all over. Intensely aware of our bodies pressed together. His skin against mine. The firm smoothness covering a layer of hard muscle. The heat of him.

  The heat. My eyes flew open, and I pulled away. In my highly aroused state, I’d forgotten one thing. In the vision given to me by the Oracle, this man, my lover, had morphed into a fire-breathing dragon before my eyes. I’d thought it bizarre. Unbelievable. Chalked it up to a vestige of those erotically charged nightmares I’d had about him for years. Yet, tonight he confirmed it as fact. He obviously suffered from delusions. What if they made him violent?

  Dear heaven. I’d given my virginity to a madman!

  He must have seen the flash of terror in my eyes and misread it because his arms tightened around me.

  “Ssssh. It’s all right. You’re safe from him.”

  “Safe?” My voice rose. “Safe from him? What about being safe from you?”

  He looked hurt. “I would never harm you, my lady.”

  “Maybe you wouldn’t. But what about that creature you claim you can turn into?”

  His jaw clenched. “I don’t know why the Goddess chose to grant me the power to become a dragon. The Oracle tells me it is so I can fulfill my destiny. What I do know is that when I assume its form, I’m imbued with immense power. But as the dragon is within me even now, I am within the dragon. I know the difference between right and wrong at all times. Between good and evil. And I swear to you on my very life, I will never harm you. Not as a man and not as a dragon.”

  I gazed into his eyes. Warm brown eyes, full of tenderness. The eyes of the man who’d just made love to me for the first time. I believed him. This man would never hurt me The Oracle had sent him to me, to fight by my side when the time came. Perhaps he wasn’t mad after all. Maybe his fanciful delusion had been caused by the mind-altering smoke from her braziers.

  I reached up to caress his cheek, show him all was well – and caught a flicker of something. Perhaps it was caused by a reflection of the starlight coming in through the doorway. Perhaps it was only a figment of my imagination.

  But, for a moment, I could swear his eyes gleamed red.

  Chapter Twelve


  I lied to her.

  I had no idea if I could control the beast within me. I hoped I could. I prayed I would. But I’d never been tested. In the past, I’d shied away from contact with anyone after I shifted. I’d stayed hidden in the mountains until my body resumed its human form and never flew except in the dark of night. Till now, only the Oracle had seen me in my dragon form.

  I had to lie. She’d been so comfortable with me. Then I felt her body tense as she confessed her fear. It was essential the queen trust me. Only if she had complete faith would she follow my lead. And I knew she would never consent to what I was about to propose if she was afraid of me.

  “In the ancient folklore of our world, there’s a legend about a flask of fire. According to this tale, anyone who drinks from it will be able to harness its power. He or she will have the ability to set objects – or even people – aflame at will. Until I shifted for the first time, I thought it was a myth. I thought all the ancient tales were pure fancy, concocted by ignorant beings trying to explain the unexplainable forces at work in the Universe.” I shrugged. “Now, I’m inclined to believe every one of them.

  “According to these tales,” I explained, “in the past, the Lord of Darkness possessed the same ability. But during his forced slumber, his powers have faded. The legends say his followers must find the flask and take it to him to recharge the element of fire within him.”

  “Why would anyone want to help him?”

  “They believe he will grant wealth and power to those who pledge loyalty to him. Unimaginable wealth. Unlimited power.” I gave her a wry smile. “Believe me, my lady, for one who has not experienced it before, the feeling of unlimited power can be more seductive than the charms of the most beautiful maiden.”

  “Is that how you feel when…” She stopped.

  “When I shift into dragon form? Yes, my lady.”

  “But when the Oracle showed you to me, it looked horribly painful.”

  “It was, the first time. My body has gradually gotten used to the transformation. Now I can shift at will.” I grinned. “Thankfully, I no longer need to plunge into a river of lava.”

  She shuddered. “I don’t know how you can joke about it. That night…I thought I was witnessing your death.”

  I didn’t tell her I’d feared the same thing. She’d want to know why I did it if I thought I was walking into a fiery grave. And that was a question I still couldn’t answer. All I knew was that some force greater than me compelled it. Was it the Oracle with her incessant whisper deep in my brain? Claim your destiny. Or had I in that moment surrendered to the will of the gods?

  “Yet here I am, alive and well. And I’ve been given a power of my own. A power we’ll need if we are to stop the evil forces from overtaking our world.” I took her hands in mine. “I think I know where the flask is hidden. If we combine our magic, we can destroy it before his followers get their hands on it.”

  Melisandre shook her head wearily. “I’ve told you before, I have no magic.”

  ‘Ah, but you do.” I winked. “You’ve cast a spell on me.”

  A tiny smile played at the corners of her mouth. “Thank you, sir. You’re quite the spell-caster yourself.” Her smile disappeared. “But I doubt if I can do the same to the very real enemies we’ll face.”

  She needed proof.

  “You’re the granddaughter many times removed of the most powerful sorceress who ever lived in our world. Her blood flows in your veins. You have the ability to harness the energy of the Seven Stars.”

  I could see by her face that I was losing her. “Come here.” I pulled her from the bed, and the sheet she’d been wrapped in fell away.


  Blushing, she tried to retrieve it.

  “Let it go. Your body is magnificent, just as the Goddess made it. There’s no need to cover yourself. In fact, it’s easier at first to harness the power when you’re naked. With no barriers between you and the Universe.”

  I led her out onto the balcony. “Look up. See the stars? They watch over our world. Their energy field protects us. The Oracle says you can tap into that energy field. Use it to protect yourself – or anyone you choose.”

  She opened her mouth to disagree, but I went on before she could utter a word. “I’ll prove it to you. I’m going to dive off this balcony, and you’re going to send out an energy field to cushion my fall. Let me down gently to ensure that I don’t get hurt.”

  Her eyes widened. “No! You’ll break your neck. That’s a flagstone terrace below us, and we’re three stories up.”

  It was a risk. In my dragon form, I could have made the jump easily. Even pulled up at the last second and taken flight, soaring over the palace roof. But that wouldn’t prove to her that I was right.

  The Oracle told me the queen had magic in her but it would take something drastic for her to draw it out. I couldn’t wait till we were battling a horde of enemies to find out if it was true. If she didn’t, they’d slaughter me – if I was lucky. Capture me and condemn me to a slow and painful death if I wasn’t. The queen they’d keep alive to become the mate of the dark lord.

  I’d sworn an oath to the Goddess one night long ago in that fortress hidden deep within the mountain. I would protect my queen, fight by her side to defeat the Lord of Darkness. Fight to the death if I must.

  If the Oracle was wrong and she couldn’t tap into her powers, I’d end up dead sooner or later. At least, this way, the en
d would be quick.

  I climbed onto the railing. Balanced there.

  Melisandre reached for me.

  “No!” My voice, sharp as a whip, stopped her. I went on, softer. “Don’t look at me. Look up at the stars. Clear your mind. Breathe deep. Banish your fears, your doubts, and let the pure white light of their energy bathe you.”

  She did as I bade her. I went on, talking in a slow, hypnotic tone, a trick I’d learned from the Oracle. “Deep in your heart, you know the magic exists, even though your rational mind won’t believe it. You’ve seen it with your own eyes. Seen me transform into a fire-breathing dragon, Now it’s your turn to harness the magic within you. Raise your arms to the sky. Feel the energy flowing into you. Entering through the palms of your hands. Now breathe it in. Can you feel it?”

  She nodded. “I think so.”

  “Hush. Don’t speak. Empty your mind. Just concentrate on the energy. Listen to my voice, and let the power fill you. Let it pour through your body, flow through your veins. Breathe it in again until you’re bursting with it. Now – gather a ball of it deep inside. Can you feel it there? A bright light pulsing deep inside you? I want you to take a deep breath, count to three, then send that burst of light rushing through your outstretched arms and shoot it from your fingertips back up to the stars. Are you ready? One, two…”

  I didn’t know what to expect. The dazzling rays shooting from her fingertips startled me so badly I almost fell from my perch. But the look on her face shocked me even more. In an instant, the woman before me went from a shy maiden who’d just had her first sexual experience to a mighty warrior bending the laws of the Universe to her will. I could see the power flowing through her. She glowed with it.

  All worry, all fear about her safety, vanished in an instant. No matter what happened after I shifted, this woman could hold her own with my dragon.


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