Deadly Obsession

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Deadly Obsession Page 24

by K. L. Humphreys

  “Told you, bro, she’s a fighter. Have no doubt. Your woman is the strongest woman I have ever known. No offense Soph.” Oscar says with a massive smile on his face.

  “None taken. She is the strongest person I know.” Soph says with so much pride in her voice.

  “I’m not strong. I was scared out of my mind.” The most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard says. My hand spasms and I turn and face those amazing brown eyes, so full of pain. Winter squeezes my hand and I lean down and kiss her lips again. This time she kisses me back. I bury my head into her hair and breathe.

  “Oh hon, I’m so glad you're okay,” Soph says and starts crying again. I swear to God, this woman needs to stop getting pregnant, it makes her weepy, and I hate woman crying. Winter’s right arm comes up and touches the back of my head.

  “Shit. I thought I lost you Sweets.” My voice comes out stilted. Her hand starts stroking my head. “I figured you were gone. I thought I’d lost you.”

  “I’m here, and I’m okay. I promise I’m okay.” She’s reassuring me? Damn. I’m such a douche. I should be reassuring her. I lift my head and kiss her head and she closes her eyes and leans into my kiss.

  “Okay, I need to tell you this so you can move on and be free.” Her eyes look so hopeful. “David has been arrested.” I thought if I told her that she would be happy. “Sweets, why don’t you look happy?” She looks around the room and I do the same. I realize only Ryder and Sophia are still here.

  “I thought you were going to tell me he was dead. I want him to be dead. That way I know he can’t get to me.”

  “Sweets, he can’t get to you anymore.”

  “So he won’t be able to send me anything? Or he won’t be able to call me?” She asks and I can’t say no because the honest answer is yes, he still could do those things. “Remember what I said to you last night when we were talking about our future and where I see myself?” I think back and remember that conversation, she said she wants to live in Maui. I nod at her and see relief in her eyes. “I want to go as soon as I’m released.”

  “I’ll talk to the doctor and see if you can fly. If he says yes. I’ll have the flight ready as soon as possible.” She grabs my hand as I take the seat.

  “You're leaving?” Soph’s shocked voice penetrates the bubble Winter and I were in.

  “Soph -” Winter says and Sophia holds her hands up and shakes her head.

  “Don’t. You don’t need to explain. I told you hon, do what makes you happy. I will be behind you all the way.” She leans down and kisses Winters cheek and waits for Ryder.

  “I will sort it. You will be safe Winter. I promise you.” With that, he looks to Soph who grabs the handles on the wheelchair and they leave the room.

  “Um, should I even ask what Ryder meant?” Winter asks looking at the door.

  I laugh. “No, it’s best you don’t. Even I don’t want to know. We need to talk. We can wait for the cops if you want. But I need to know what happened Sweets.” She looks at me with tears in her eyes.

  “He only stabbed me. I swear. I passed out when I heard you coming up the stairs. He heard it too, that’s why he was leaning over me. The pain became overwhelming and I passed out.” I release a breath I didn’t know I was holding and squeeze her hand. Fuck. She’s okay. She’s alive and we’re going to be okay. “I knew you were coming for me.”

  “Always.” Is my instant reply. “I will always come for you. I love you, Winter.”

  She smiles at me. “I love you too Sammy. How’s Katelynn?” How the hell does she do that? She’s in the hospital and thinking about my niece.

  I laugh. “Only you could be kidnapped and lying in the hospital bed and think of my niece. She’s good, excited to meet you. She loves shopping, only because she knows she’s getting something new. What about you? Are you sore? What are you thinking? I hate not knowing.”

  “I’m okay, honestly. I’m in a little pain, but it’s manageable. When it becomes unmanageable I will call the nurse okay?”

  “Yeah, Sweets. Do you want me to call your mom?”

  “Yes please, I’m going to have to tell her.” She has tears in her eyes. There is a knock on the door, and the Detectives walk in.

  “Do you want me to stay?” I ask and see Detective Yates stiffen.

  “No, go call my Mom. I’ll be fine.” I nod and kiss her lips, I walk out and into the waiting room and everyone is still here except Ryder.

  “Where’s Ryder?” I ask and Nathan and Oscar start laughing.

  “The nurse shouted at him, telling him he’s not allowed to be out of bed. So she pushed him back to his room. She also told Skye off for bringing him.” Soph answers and I chuckle.

  “Do you have Winter’s mom’s cell number?” She nods and walks over to me while pulling the number up on her phone. She gives it to me and I walk out of the hospital, wishing I smoked just so my hands were busy. I dial the number and it rings. I start getting nervous and I don’t know why.


  “Hello, Ms. Cortez? My name is Sam Mitchell I’m a friend of your daughters.”

  “Is Winter okay? Where is my baby?”

  “Ma’am, your daughter is okay, she is currently in the hospital. She has been stabbed but she is doing okay. She wants to see you.”

  “Mr. Mitchell I’m on my way. Just what type of friend are you?”

  Fuck. “Ma’am, your daughter is the love of my life. Does that answer your question?”

  “Yes, Sam. I’ll see you shortly.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I hang up and take a deep breath. That wasn’t as bad as I thought. I need to call my mom; she will be worried out of her mind. She answers on the first ring. She must have been sitting on the damn phone.

  “Have you found her Samuel? Is she okay?”

  “Yeah mom, I found her, she is okay. She’s awake and I’ve spoken to her.”

  “What happened to her Samuel?” I hear the fear in her voice.

  I sigh. “She was stabbed three times mom, but she’s okay. I swear to you mom, she’s okay.”

  “Thank God. He didn’t do anything else did he?”

  “No mom. He didn’t.”

  “Oh God. Thank God. When can I come and see her Samuel?” Shit. Of course, she wants to see her.

  “I’ll talk to her mom and I will let you know okay?”

  “Yeah son, that’s okay.”

  “I’ll call you soon mom.”

  “Okay. I love you, Samuel.”

  “I love you too mom.” I hang up and walk back into the hospital. I see the detectives coming out of Winter’s room. Soph stops me.

  “Are you going with her to Maui?” Her question is whispered.

  “Yes, I’m not living without her. She’s my life Soph. Where she goes. I go.”

  “I know and I’m so happy that you have found her. I’m so thrilled for her. She deserves happiness.” She’s nervous and I don’t know why. She’s shifting from side to side.

  “Yeah she does and I’m going to make her happy for the rest of our lives.” It sounds cocky, but it’s the truth.

  “You’re a good man Sam. I’m going to miss you just as much as I’m going to miss her.” I lean down and kiss her cheek. I walk away and into Winter’s room. She must have been waiting for me as her eyes seemed to have been glued to the door.

  “Your mom’s on her way, I also called mine since she was so worried about you. She wants to know when she can see you? She won’t take no for an answer. I’ll try and put it off for as long as I can.”

  “Sammy! Don’t be mean. Tell her as soon as I’m out of here I’ll see her. Before we leave for Maui.” I walk over to the bed and kiss her lips. “What did my mom sound like?”

  “She’s worried about you Sweets.”

  “I know, I’m scared. We haven’t spoken in a few months and I don’t want another argument with her.” She sighs and looks up to the ceiling. She moves and gasps out in pain.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I moved and fe
lt the stitches pulling. I’m fine.”

  “Fuck Sweets, don’t do that shit again. And your mom, she may be mad at you Sweets for not telling her what happened to you. But she’s your mother and she loves you.” I sit and bring my lips to her hand, careful not to jar it due to the drip.

  “Your right. I love you Sammy.” She’s getting sleepy, I can hear it in her voice.

  “I love you too Sweets. Now get some sleep. I’ll be here with you.” I lean up and kiss her lips.

  “You sleep for a bit too Sammy.” She murmurs against my lips.

  “Sleep Sweets.” I give her one more kiss and watch her as she falls asleep.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Mom is hurt and mad that I never told her about David, she blames herself. “I’m so angry right now. Why didn't you say anything? Your own mom. I would have been there for you Winter. I would have moved to Maui with you.” Her tears are streaming down her face. Her hands are animated as she cries and berates me. “And then when you do come home, you don’t tell me. You don’t tell me that the asshole that violated my baby is obsessed and stalking her. You don’t tell me that you have a very nice respectable sexy young man.” Her eyes roaming over Sammy who looks as if he’s trying not to laugh.

  “Mom, will you please stop checking Sammy out. It makes me uncomfortable.” I tell her and move on the bed, wincing when pain radiates through my body when the stitches pull on my stomach and back.

  “Sweets, what have I told you about moving?” Sammy growls at me, his eyes narrowing.

  “I forgot. I’ll try not too, but I forget.” I tell him honestly.

  “How the hell do you forget you were stabbed three times and have stitches?” Mom asks, but she has humor in her voice.

  “Carmel, this is not funny. We could have lost her.” Sammy growls at my mom and she laughs.

  “I know, but she’s here and I’m so grateful that you found her in time. But honestly, who forgets that they have been stabbed?” I burst out laughing and mom joins me. Sam just shakes his head. “Don’t think I’ll be forgetting that you didn’t tell me about that fucking asshole anytime soon. Why didn’t you Wints?” Mom says and I can hear the hurt in her tone, and I hate it.

  I sigh. “I don’t know mom. I just didn’t. I didn’t tell anyone. Then, it got too late to tell anyone and I thought I could handle it. I’m sorry.”

  “I know I haven’t exactly been the best mom, but you're my baby and I love you.” She’s crying now. “That’s it, isn’t it. You didn’t tell me because I wasn’t the best mom?” She completely breaks down. She starts sobbing uncontrollably and her body starts bucking from her sobs. I don’t know what to do. I just stare at her; I’ve never seen my mom cry before. I look to Sammy for help and see he’s no help. He’s edging towards the door. The traitor.

  “Mom, please don’t cry, I’m going to have to move to give you a hug and then I’ll end up pulling my stitches and Sammy will get mad.” Sammy’s eyes narrow, it’s his way of communicating with me that I better not move. Well it gets her to stop crying.

  “Don’t move. So where am I staying?” I look to Sammy and mouth the words ’annoying’. He just grins at me.

  “Carmel, we’ll get you a hotel for the night,” Sammy tells her.

  “Oh, that is so nice of you.” And walks out of the room.

  “I’m tired after all that. I forget how tiring that woman is.” I tell him.

  “Sweets, your mom is a nut.” I nod at him because it’s true. “Sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.”

  I got released from the hospital two days ago, and Sammy brought me to Steven’s house where we will be staying until we go to Maui. It’s Connor’s funeral today, and I still feel guilty, I don’t think that there will ever be a day that I don’t feel guilty.

  Everyone is here including Ryder who has ditched his wheelchair for a cane and knowing Ryder, it’s some sort of weapon. Sammy has his arms firmly on me since I’m still weak but able to walk. We follow behind Asher who is with his girl Kellie, she’s really nice and I only met her once before when I was in the hospital. Asher brought her with him and he brought me a hamper full of soaps and stuff. I should say Kellie picked it out. We walk up to the family at the graveside and shake their hands. There is this cute little girl, see has to be about eight years old. She’s holding onto a woman who can only be Connor’s sister, she looks so much like him it makes my heart hurt. We walk closer to the family, and I notice that Connor’s parents are sitting on the opposite side of his sister.

  “Mommy. That has to be Winter. Uncle Connor said she was pretty and that she looks like she was in the sun for a while.” I hear Sammy chuckling and I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing.

  “Hi, yes I’m Winter. Who are you hon?” I smile at her. I see her mom smiling at me too. I hold out my hand, and the little girl takes my hand and shakes it.

  “My name is Clara, I’m eight years old and this is my mommy, her name is Emma. Don’t go over there. They are my grandparents, and they’re mean. Uncle Connor told me you were his friend. Who’s your friend?” She is so sweet and so innocent.

  “This is my boyfriend, Sam. Sam, sweetie, say hello to Connor’s niece Clara and his sister Emma.” Sam shakes their hand saying hello. “Clara hon, we’re going to take a seat, but I will talk to you later, okay?” She nods her head and smiles; I walk over to Emma. “I’m so sorry for your loss. Connor was an amazing friend.” She takes my hand and just nods. I see the priest walking towards Connor’s parents and decide to skip giving them my condolences. I find a seat and sit.

  The service was so beautiful. A woman who was sat behind Emma and Clara gets up and walks towards the casket and the alter. The opening bars to Amazing Grace start, and I know I’m not going to make it through without shedding a few tears. The woman starts to sing and my body breaks out in goosebumps, she’s amazing. Her voice is so special. I close my eyes and listen to every word. The tears flow freely and I let them. She sounds like an angel. So fitting. I can imagine that her voice is lifting Connor’s spirit to heaven.

  We don’t stay too long. Just long enough to stay goodbye to Nathan and Soph. I feel someone pull my hand and I jump. Sammy pulls me to him and I look down. It’s Clara. “I’m sorry hon, you scared me. Are you okay?” I ask her, she looks at me and I see her red cheeks and her wet eyes.

  “You’re leaving already?” She sounds upset like she doesn’t want me to go.

  “Yes, I was hurt not long ago and I am sore and tired. I’m sorry.”

  “You’re the lady that Uncle Connor was protecting.” It’s a statement, but I nod anyway. “I’m glad it was someone he cared about. He loved you loads. Will you come and see me?” She sounds so lost and as much as it hurts me to lose a friend, she lost her Uncle, and I can’t imagine the pain she’s going through right now.

  I bend down and wince, I hear Sammy’s low growl but ignore it. I’m face to face with Clara and I hug her. “I’ll definitely come and see you. I’ll tell you stories about your Uncle Connor and you can too okay?”

  “Yes, that will be so good, I have loads. I know Mommy would like that too. Bye Winter and Sam. I will see you soon.” She hugs me and I let go and she runs back to her Mom.

  “Come on Sweets, let’s get you home,” Sammy says as he helps me to stand. Once I’m standing he places his arm around my waist and takes most of my weight. We walk to his truck and I turn around. I see Clara standing by herself staring at me. I give her a small wave and she waves back. She looks so lost.


  It’s been six weeks since David kidnapped me and it’s been a crazy six weeks. We’ve been in Maui now for five of the six weeks and are returning to New York, Sophia’s wedding is in three days. As maid of honor, I am beyond excited, Sam is standing up with Nathan, but there will not be a Best Man. That was and still is Connor’s job and it’s their way of including him.

  I met Sammy’s mom but not Katelynn. She came to the hospital. Sammy was pissed. His
mom is really nice and she kept hugging me. She and my mom got along really well. Too well in fact.


  “Carmel, we have to discuss the wedding. What the color arrangement should be. What are you thinking?” I’m lying in the hospital bed watching as Tracey waves her hands as she gets all excited, talking about Soph’s wedding. A wedding I don’t think she’s invited to. I know my mom definitely isn’t.

  “With her skin color? Um, Gold and Silver. It would look amazing on Sammy.” Mom says and I freeze. Holy shit.

  “What the hell mom? You are seriously not organizing my wedding? A wedding I might add that doesn’t exist.” She gasps and off course she gets louder, God forbid anyone in the waiting room didn’t hear her the first time

  “Doesn’t exist? Baby, that man is so gone over you. Of course there’s going to be a wedding. Soon hopefully.” She is just as gleeful as Tracey is.

  “What if I don’t want to get married?” They both gasp. Looking shocked.

  “Why? Baby, why don’t you want to get married?” Her voice has actually lowered so she’s almost whispering.

  “How many times have you been married, mom? And look no wedding ring again. He left you? Or did you leave him?” I see hurt all over her face, she tries to mask it but it’s still there, and I feel like a bitch. But then again, I’ve always come second with her, hell she didn’t even tell me her marriage ended.

  “I left him. I’m sorry baby. I never meant to hurt you. I just wanted to be happy.” She says as an excuse. This time it’s me that tries to mask the hurt I’m feeling.

  “What about me mom? Couldn’t you have been happy with just me? I’m tired. I’m going to sleep. Thank you Tracey, for coming to see me. Tell Katelynn that I can’t wait to see her.” She walks over to the bed and kisses my cheek.


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