Chasing Danger

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Chasing Danger Page 6

by Katie Reus

  “What else should I call you? Man friend?”

  A burst of laughter escaped as he turned down a busy street. “‘Boyfriend’ works. As long as it means we’re not seeing anyone else, you can call me whatever you want. Because I don’t fucking share.” He glanced at her as he pulled up to another light.

  Her expression heated, her dark eyes went heavy lidded for a moment. “That’s the hottest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”

  His gaze fell to her mouth and his entire body tightened in a way that was becoming all too familiar around her. The sexy woman had the ability to bring him to his knees. Somehow he tore his gaze from hers. “We need to talk about your problem.”

  Sighing, she shifted against the seat. “Yeah. I know.”

  He gave her hand a squeeze before letting it go. Traffic was getting thicker as he turned onto Ocean Boulevard. “We’re going to figure out who this guy is.” And he was going to pay. Dax would make sure of it. “I’ve got a lot of resources.” And if Karen or Wesley wouldn’t help him, Dax had plenty of other contacts from his Delta days. He’d call in every damn favor he was owed to help Hannah. “First, we’re heading to your place and packing a bag. You’ll be staying with me until we catch this guy.”


  He’d expected a little resistance and was pleased she didn’t balk. The thought of her under his roof, in his bed . . . oh yeah. That was right where she belonged. “I need a list of any enemies or conflicts you’ve had in the past six months, no matter how small you think it might be. We’ll focus on work first, since this second incident was at a work function.”

  Out of the corner of his eye he saw her nod. “Okay. It’s just hard to believe someone wants me—dead, I guess. They must, right?”

  Dax’s jaw tightened and he gave a sharp nod because he couldn’t force any words out. There wasn’t a good reason for a man to come after a woman with a knife. The guy could want to more than kill her. The idea of anyone hurting Hannah made him see red, but he reined in the savage curse at the thought. He’d take care of her. No one was going to hurt this woman.

  * * *

  “You should fire your decorator,” Hannah murmured, looking around Dax’s place as he locked the front door of his one-and-a-half-story home behind him. She recognized the neighborhood as one of the newer ones, where everything he could need was in walking distance. Shopping, eating, even entertainment. He had pretty much no furniture except two expensive-looking couches and a giant flat-screen television in the living room. He was such a guy. At least the walls weren’t painted a boring white, but a soft sage green.

  He snorted and set his alarm. “Most of my stuff is still boxed up in one of the guest rooms. I’ve got a bed, which is all we need.”

  She opened her mouth to respond but couldn’t think of a single thing to say. Yep, he was right. And she wanted to see his bed very soon. On the way from her place to his he’d put in a call to someone named Karen, who was now looking into traffic cameras for . . . something. Hannah hadn’t been able to follow the entire conversation since it was one-sided, but she knew Dax was doing his best to figure out who wanted to hurt her. And he had resources the Miami PD probably didn’t dream of.

  No one knew she was at Dax’s place and she didn’t have work the next couple of days, so she could get some distance from work and hopefully by then they’d figure out who was after her. It was the worst thing—trying to narrow down someone who could possibly hate her enough to want to kill her. She might have some issues with people at work, but that was just normal work politics. Or she’d assumed it was. Now it seemed clear someone had serious animosity toward her.

  “Hannah.” Dax’s voice snapped her back from her thoughts.

  Blinking, she looked up at him and guessed he must have said her name more than once by the look on his face. “Yeah?”

  “I’m going to check the rest of the house just as a precaution, then put in another call to my boss. If you want to head upstairs, feel free. My room’s the one at the end of the hall, and the open guest room is the second on the left.” Without waiting for a response, he stepped into the living room, heading for the windows, likely to check his locks, even though she had no doubt his house was secure.

  She’d never even been here before and hadn’t planned to come here tonight either. But she liked how vigilant he was. As she headed up the stairs, bag in hand, she mulled over his words. He’d told her where his room and the guest room were. Did he want her sleeping in the guest room? No, she immediately dismissed that thought. He was giving her the option.

  Well, she knew exactly what her choice would be. Bypassing the first two rooms, she nudged open the door at the end of the hall. The big bed was perfectly made, the king-sized comforter a dark blue and brown. Spartan, but nice furniture and two photos on one of his nightstands.

  One with him and three other men in camouflage and face paint. The other was with him and an older couple she assumed were his grandparents. He’d told her that his mom had abandoned him to live with them and they’d raised him. She’d died of an overdose when he was five and he’d never known who his father was. But he’d certainly loved his grandparents. She’d heard it in his voice when he’d told her and she could see the love shining in his eyes in what looked like a graduation photo. Boot camp, she guessed. And the pride in their eyes was palpable.

  At a slight sound behind her, she turned to find him standing in the doorway, watching her with that dark, intense hunger. “You’re so young in this picture. A baby.”

  His lips twitched as he stepped into the room, all graceful predator as he moved in on her. And she knew that was exactly what he was doing. She’d made the choice to come to his room, so now he was making his move. “Eighteen, and thought I was the shit.”

  “I bet.” She dropped her bag next to the bed and pulled the blue-and-purple wig off. Made of yarn, it was surprisingly light, but she was glad to have it off. When his gaze flicked to the wig, she laughed under her breath. “If you want I can keep it on,” she said teasingly.

  Those piercing blue eyes pinned her. “Keep it on for what?”

  “Really, you need me to spell it out?” She reached up and pulled the elastic band holding her hair in a ponytail free, then finger combed it. He tracked her movements with hunger in his gaze.

  The sight of him so affected by her was an incredible turn-on. Dax was incredibly strong and sexy, and she knew she could literally bring him to his knees. That knowledge was so erotic it made every part of her tingle in anticipation for what was to come.

  Slowly, she reached behind her back and tugged down the zipper of the dress. Since it had built-in support and she wasn’t overly endowed, she hadn’t bothered with a strapless bra. As she finished unzipping it and the material loosened, sliding down her body, her nipples tightened with pleasure at the heated look Dax raked over her.

  His breathing hitched once, his jaw clenched as tight as the rest of his rigid body. As the dress pooled around her ankles, she started to step out of the ballet slippers, and then Dax made his move.

  Apparently tired of just watching, he crossed the distance between them in two long strides, his mouth devouring hers in an intense kiss that had all the blood rushing to her ears. His fingers slid into her hair, cupping the back of her head tight as she arched into him.

  Her nipples rubbed against his shirt, the stimulation sending a rush of heat to the already building inferno between her legs.

  Feeling frantic, she grabbed at the bottom of his shirt, but he beat her to it, grabbing it and tearing it over his head. In seconds he was out of his boots and pants, his thick cock jutting against his lean stomach.

  Before he could stop her, she went down on her knees and wrapped her fingers around the base of his erection.

  He slid a hand into her hair, as if to stop her. “Hannah—”

  She cut him off as she sucked just the tip
of his head between her lips. He seemed to get off on teasing her until she was crying out his name, and she planned to do exactly the same to him. Swirling her tongue around the head of his cock, she grinned when he groaned, letting out a curse in that savage tone that made her even wetter.

  So far he’d been the dominating one, taking control of everything in the bedroom, and she wanted a turn to get him as worked up as he got her. Pulling him deeper into her mouth, she savored the way his big body shuddered under her touch.

  As she started to stroke him with her mouth and hand, his fingers tightened in her hair, tugging her slightly back. When she looked up at him, his blue eyes seemed darker.

  “Need in you,” he rasped out.

  While she wanted to drag this out, he looked as if he was on the brink of losing his control. “Yes.”

  She’d barely gotten the word out before he lifted her up and had her flat on her back. The comforter was cool, in direct opposition to the raw heat and hunger rolling through her as Dax crushed his mouth over hers, his body pinning her to the bed.

  The skin-to-skin contact was enough to overload her senses. It didn’t matter how many times they were together; she always felt frantic to have him pushing deep into her. Now was no different.

  Groaning, he reached between their bodies and cupped her mound. When he slid a thick finger into her wet heat, he pulled back from her mouth and nipped along her jaw. “Already so wet for me.”

  She made a strangled sound, unable to find her voice.

  “Did you like taking me in your mouth?” he asked in a wicked tone, tweaking her clit as he did.

  She made another sound she hoped passed as a yes as he began rubbing her sensitive bundle of nerves in a slow, torturous rhythm. Her nipples tingled, begging for attention too.

  “I can tell you liked it.” His voice was a low whisper as he nipped her earlobe between his teeth, sliding another finger inside her.

  She clenched around him, his words washing over her as she silently begged him to give her what she wanted.

  When he let out a low chuckle next to her ear, she swore he could read her mind. “Tell me what you want next.” A soft demand.

  “You. In me.” She was surprised she could even find her voice.

  “I am in you.” He pushed his two fingers deep, the penetration making her roll her hips, demanding more.

  “You’re maddening,” she growled, sheer frustration welling up inside her.

  “Say it.” Another nip of his teeth, this time against her jaw as he made his way back to her mouth.

  “I want your cock in me.” Her voice was a breathless whisper.

  Dax let out a triumphant sound before his mouth was on hers again, his tongue stroking against hers in a rhythm that matched his stroking fingers. Her inner walls clenched even tighter at the erotic rhythm, her muscles pulling taut. It wouldn’t take much for her to come, not when she was so primed.

  And she wanted him inside her when she did.

  Dax suddenly tore his mouth from hers, his breathing harsh as he stared down at her, his electric eyes piercing. “Soon I’m going to be inside you with no barrier.” An erotic promise.

  Her nipples pebbled even tighter at his words. They’d been tested even though it had been a while for them both, but she was dying to feel him inside her without anything between them. As soon as she’d been on the pill for a full month, it was happening. “Yes. Condom now.” The words came out as a pleading moan.

  Instead of looking smug at her begging, his jaw tightened as if he didn’t want to grab one or move away from her, but he reached inside the nightstand drawer and ripped open the new box with shaking hands. Everything about him was always rock steady, so it amazed her that he shook now.

  She tried to grab the packet he’d pulled out from his hands, but he refused to let her, tearing it open and sheathing himself in seconds. She watched with a building hunger as he stroked a big hand down his length, then back up again.

  Reaching up, she grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down to her. “No more teasing.”

  That damn grin, the slow, wicked one that should be illegal, spread across his face as he positioned himself at her entrance. One of his hands cupped her breast, his thumb strumming her nipple as he pushed inside her.

  The moment he filled her, that grin fled as the sweetest groan tore from him. The sensation of him stretching and filling her pushed her to the edge. She’d been building up to this from the moment he’d told her that he believed her. Because the chemistry between them was a foregone conclusion. The fact that he was going above and beyond to help her made her want him even more.

  She arched her back and grabbed onto the back of his neck, pulling his head to hers, meeting his mouth in a frenzied need as he began thrusting. Meeting him stroke for stroke, her tongue danced with his in the same frantic rhythm as their bodies.

  He pulled his mouth from hers, his thrusts growing more ragged as he buried his face against her neck. He rubbed against her clit, tweaking the nerves with a pressure that had her arching off the bed. “Every fucking time. Every time I feel like I’ll die if I don’t get inside you,” he growled against her neck, the words almost an accusation. “God, Hannah.”

  His words made her lose it, her orgasm suddenly surging through her. Her toes curled as she tightened her legs around him. She never wanted to let him go.

  His thrusts and groans of pleasure increased as he let go of his restraint, the growl that vibrated against her neck an erotic sensation.

  He continued thrusting into her as her orgasm surged higher and higher. When it finally faded, she fell boneless against the sheets. He stilled inside her, his forearms propped up on either side of her head as he looked down at her, his expression intense.

  Leaning down, he gently brushed his lips over hers before he slowly pulled out of her on a groan. She didn’t want to let him go, but she did so he could dispose of the condom.

  As she watched him slide off the bed and head for the bathroom door, another rush of heat slid through her at the sight of his tight backside. She really hoped they were just getting started tonight.

  Even with everything going on, she felt incredibly safe with Dax, especially now that she knew what he did for a living. There was no place else she’d rather be than in his bed and in his arms.

  Chapter 8

  Hannah breathed in the delicious scent of coffee as she carried two mugs upstairs to Dax’s room. She’d actually slept in this morning, and even though she was still stressed about everything, she felt safe in his home.

  When she entered his bedroom, the bathroom door was still closed but she couldn’t hear the shower running anymore. It sounded like he was talking to someone, so maybe he had his phone in there. She hoped it was someone from his job with news about her would-be attacker. She couldn’t imagine how they’d be able to track the man, but Dax seemed more than just hopeful; he seemed almost certain they could. Which gave her hope.

  Setting the mugs down on the nightstand next to her phone and purse, she grabbed the remote control and turned on the television. Another flat-screen. Keeping the volume low, she turned it to a local news channel and stretched out on his bed. She’d put on one of his T-shirts to go make coffee and loved that it smelled so much like him. Masculine and sexy. A second later the bathroom door opened and Dax walked out carrying his phone.

  And wearing just a towel.

  But one look at his expression made her tense. She sat up, letting her legs hang off the edge of the bed. “What is it?”

  “Maybe good news. Karen ran scans of vehicles around your neighborhood before and after we saw the man at your house. She used traffic cameras to pull owners’ information and came up with a pretty comprehensive list. From there she cross-referenced it with anyone who worked at the hospital. That narrowed it down to six people. There’s only one man who fits the information.” He held
out his phone to her.

  She looked at the contents of an e-mail Karen had sent Dax with names and addresses. She recognized two of the women but not the other three. The only man on the list was Joseph Sandor. A slight thread of shock slid through her that anyone she knew could want to hurt her, but she couldn’t dismiss his name. She’d gotten a weird vibe from him before. “Sandor is the head of surgery. He’s gone up against a couple sexual harassment suits but nothing’s stuck. He doesn’t have a beef with me, though. Not that I know of.” She frowned, a shiver rolling down her spine as she handed the phone back to Dax. “The party was at his house.”

  He sat on the edge of the bed. “I know. Karen’s already pulled his info. It bothered me last night that the guy in the hallway knew about the other door. It could mean he was familiar with the layout of the house.”

  An icy fist clenched around her heart. That would make sense. Still . . . “Oh my God,” she murmured, her gaze landing on the quiet television behind Dax. “Hold on.” She nodded at the screen as she grabbed the remote from the bed. Turning up the volume, she said, “That’s Corrine Frye.”

  Dax had already turned and was watching as a woman in a black-and-white skirt suit talked on-screen about the murder of a local nurse. No details were being given, but someone at the condo complex where she lived had given her name. “You know her?”

  “Yeah, she’s a nurse at the hospital. Good at her job, bad at relationships . . . Sweet Lord.” She covered her mouth. “She was having an affair with Sandor. I caught them in an empty room not too long ago. He was raging pissed that I’d stumbled on them but never brought it up again. She did, though. She came to see me personally and was really apologetic. I let it slide, mainly because they were both on break and they’re both adults. Even if he is married. It just wasn’t my business.”

  “Does anyone else know about the affair?”

  She shrugged, frustrated when the screen went to commercial. She pressed MUTE and looked at Dax. “I don’t know. Shaun never mentioned it and he’s usually up on hospital gossip. A year ago I would have probably told him, but now that I’m the CNO, things are different. We’re still friends but I have to keep a certain distance with everyone I work with, especially my staff, so I didn’t tell anyone. I have no idea if any other staff knew.”


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