Unwrapping the Innocent's Secret

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Unwrapping the Innocent's Secret Page 1

by Caitlin Crews

  Their desire haunts him...

  Will her revelation reunite them?

  Billionaire Pascal prides himself on his rigid control. So it infuriates him beyond belief that he can’t forget Cecilia, the sweet and innocent woman who saved his life...or the forbidden passion they shared. This Christmas, he’s determined to forget her—until they suddenly come face-to-face!

  Seeing Pascal again blindsides Cecilia. She gave him more than her innocence during their explosive encounter—she gave him a piece of her heart. Their still-searing chemistry is startling! As is Cecilia’s stunning baby secret...

  “I expected you to be wearing a nun’s habit,” Pascal said.

  “I chose not to become a nun.” She did not say, Because of you.

  But his eyes narrowed anyway. “I thought that was your life’s ambition. Was it not?”

  “People change.”

  “You seem markedly changed, in fact. One might even say distinctly hardened.”

  “I’m no longer a foolish girl easily taken advantage of by traveling soldiers, if that’s what you mean.”

  His head canted to one side, and his black eyes gleamed. “Did I take advantage of you, Cecilia? That’s not how I recall it.”

  She eyed him. “Whether you recall it that way or not, that’s how it was.”

  “Tell me, then, how precisely did I take advantage of you? Was it when you crawled into my hospital bed, threw your leg over me and then rode us both to a mad finish?”

  She remembered it as he said it. She remembered everything. The wonder of taking him inside her. The madness, the dizzy whirl. His big hands wrapped around her hips and his intent, ferociously greedy gaze.

  No one had ever explained to her that the trouble with temptation was that it felt like coming home, wreathed in light and glory.

  Secret Heirs of Billionaires

  There are some things money can’t buy...

  Living life at lightning pace, these magnates are no strangers to stakes at their highest. It seems they’ve got it all... That is, until they find out that there’s an unplanned item to add to their list of accomplishments!


  1. Successful business empire.

  2. Beautiful women in their bed.

  3. An heir to bear their name?

  Though every billionaire needs to leave his legacy in safe hands, discovering a secret heir shakes up the carefully orchestrated plan in more ways than one!

  Uncover their secrets in:

  Claimed for the Sheikh’s Shock Son by Carol Marinelli

  Shock Heir for the King by Clare Connelly

  Demanding His Hidden Heir by Jackie Ashenden

  The Maid’s Spanish Secret by Dani Collins

  Sheikh’s Royal Baby Revelation by Annie West

  Cinderella’s Scandalous Secret by Melanie Milburne

  Look out for more stories in the Secret Heirs of Billionaires series coming soon!

  Caitlin Crews

  Unwrapping the Innocent’s Secret

  USA TODAY bestselling and RITA® Award–nominated author Caitlin Crews loves writing romance. She teaches her favorite romance novels in creative-writing classes at places like UCLA Extension’s prestigious Writers’ Program, where she finally gets to utilize the MA and PhD in English literature she received from the University of York in England. She currently lives in the Pacific Northwest with her very own hero and too many pets. Visit her at caitlincrews.com.

  Books by Caitlin Crews

  Harlequin Presents

  Conveniently Wed!

  Imprisoned by the Greek’s Ring

  My Bought Virgin Wife

  One Night With Consequences

  A Baby to Bind His Bride

  Bound to the Desert King

  Sheikh’s Secret Love-Child

  Stolen Brides

  The Bride’s Baby of Shame

  The Combe Family Scandals

  The Italian’s Twin Consequences

  Untamed Billionaire’s Innocent Bride

  His Two Royal Secrets

  Visit the Author Profile page at Harlequin.com for more titles.

  To all our wonderful Presents readers—this one is for you!
















  “I BEG YOUR PARDON, sir,” his secretary said in the pointedly diffident way that always managed to convey the full range of his feelings.

  Pascal Furlani shared them.

  And he was not a man who ordinarilyf accepted the existence of feelings, unless they suited him. Or benefited him in some way.

  “I have taken the liberty of compiling yet another slate of candidates,” Guglielmo continued in that same tone, because he was not the sort of secretary who was afraid to share his opinions, feelings, or thoughts, however he might dress them up. “As the last several met with disfavor.”

  There was a dig in that, Pascal knew. He stood, not at the window that looked out over one of Rome’s wealthiest neighborhoods, but at the glass partition that separated him from the rest of his sleek, modern office. It was the perfect antidote to the fussiness and great weight of Roman history everywhere else in the city.

  Pascal knew too well what the three-thousand-year-old city looked like, from its forgotten streets to its most renowned piazzas. He knew how it felt to grow up rough and ignored in the shadow of the ruins of former great glories. And what life in this city had made him, the cast-off bastard son of a man who acknowledged only his legitimate issue and turned his back entirely on his mistakes.

  He had earned every inch of the sweeping views his office commanded, but he was far prouder of what he’d done inside the walls of The Furlani Company.

  Pascal had considered it a decent start when his personal wealth exceeded not only that of his father, but of all his father’s legitimate children, too. Combined. He’d achieved that milestone in the first year after the accident.

  The accident.

  Pascal’s lips thinned in inevitable displeasure as his mind tugged him back to the period of his life he most wanted to forget. The one stretch of his life where he’d lost focus. Where he’d come this close to forgetting himself completely.

  He would never forget that his father had thrown him away like so much trash. He refused to forgive it. He did not hunger for revenge, necessarily—he wanted his life to be its own reckoning. Pascal chose to dominate from afar and show his father precisely as much interest as had been shown to him. And he had not wavered in this purpose since he’d been a small boy—save for that one regrettable winter.

  It was not every man who could say that his rise from the ashes was not metaphoric, but entirely literal. The way they always did, Pascal’s fingers found the grooves on his jaw that told the tale of the car crash that had left him scarred forever.

  He quite liked them. The scars reminded him who he was and where he’d been, and how close he’d come to walking away from his purpose and ambition for what was, in the end, such a small temptation.

  Not that his memories of that time were...small, exactly.

  Nonetheless, the office reminded him
where he was going. What he’d built with his own hands and force of will. It reinforced his goals. All of them sleek, moneyed, and each a pointed jab at the father who had never claimed him and the memory of a lost mother who had left him to his fate with no more than a shrug.

  He had no intention of forgetting every last moment of how he’d come to be here.

  “If you’ll turn your attention to your tablet, sir,” came his secretary’s voice, excessively placid. Its own pointed jab, as usual. “I have arranged a selection of heiresses for your viewing pleasure, ordered in terms of their social standing.”

  Pascal turned away from his offices, all that granite and steel that he found so comforting here in the middle of ancient Rome. The building was filled to bursting with his vision. His money. His people acting to bring his dreams to fruition.

  It was time for him to take the next step and find a wife.

  Whether Pascal wanted to be married had little to do with it. A wife would make him look more stable, more settled, which some of the more conservative accounts preferred. A wife would conceivably keep him out of the tabloids, which his board would certainly prefer. And a wife would give Pascal legitimate heirs to his fortune and power.

  Pascal would die before he consigned a child of his to the things he’d suffered, first and foremost being the lack of his father’s name.

  In addition, getting married would put an end to the mutterings of his board. That Pascal, as a single man with healthy appetites, was an embarrassment to his own company. That Pascal was somehow less trustworthy than other CEOs, imbued as they all were with wives and children, all legitimate and legal.

  No one ever mentioned the mistresses and unclaimed bastards on the side, of course. No one ever did.

  Pascal dropped his hand from his jaw. Something about his scars—which he knew were faded now to white instead of the angry red they’d been at first—was making him maudlin today.

  Welcome to December, a voice inside him said. Snidely.

  He knew what time of year it was. And why his thoughts kept returning to the crash and the flames that had very nearly been the end of him. But he had no intention of celebrating that anniversary. He never did.

  He eyed his secretary, waiting with obvious impatience, instead.

  “What makes you think that this collection of desperate, grasping socialites will be more appealing than the last?” he asked.

  “Are we looking for appealing, sir? I’m not sure I had that on my list. I was looking more for suitable.”

  Pascal was sure he saw the hint of a smirk on his secretary’s face, though the other man knew better than to succumb in full.

  “Careful, Guglielmo,” he murmured. “Or I may begin to suspect that you do not take this enterprise as seriously as you should.”

  He walked back to his desk, a massive slab of granite that looked like what it was. A throne and a monument to Pascal’s hard-won power and influence. Guglielmo gestured toward the tablet computer that lay in the center, and Pascal checked a sigh as he picked it up and scrolled through the offerings.

  Lady this, daughter of Somebody Pedigreed, the toast of this or that finishing school. The daughter of a Chinese philanthropist. Two French girls from separate families that were connected—somewhere back in the deep, dark, tangled roots of their family trees—to ancient kings and queens. An Argentinian heiress, raised on cattle money halfway across the world.

  They were all beautiful, in their way. If not classically so, then polished to shine. They were all accomplished, in one way or another. One ran her own charity. One performed the flute with a world-renowned orchestra. Another spent the bulk of her time on humanitarian missions. And not one of them had ever been mentioned in a tabloid newspaper.

  Pascal refused to consider anyone with a whiff of paparazzi interest about them or near them, like the California wine heiress who was herself marvelously spotless, but had been best friends since boarding school with a celebrity whose life played out in headlines across the globe. No, thank you. He wanted no scandals. No dark secrets, poised to emerge at the worst possible time. No secrets at all, come to that.

  Pascal was a scandal. His whole life had been first a secret, then a shock, trumpeted in headlines of its own. His tawdry, illegitimate birth and his shipping magnate father’s steadfast refusal to acknowledge his existence throughout his life might as well have been another set of scars on the other side of his face. He had always felt marked by the circumstances of his birth, his parents’ poor choices.

  He would always be marked by these things.

  His wife, accordingly, had to be without stain.

  “You do not look pleased, sir,” Guglielmo said drily. “Yet again. I fear I must remind you that an unblemished heiress of reasonable social standing is, in fact, a finite resource. One we may have exhausted.” He inclined his head slightly when Pascal glared at him. “Sir.”

  “I’m meeting with the last of the previous selection of possibilities tonight,” Pascal reminded him.

  “I made the reservation myself, sir. Moments after you informed me that the meeting you’d had with another woman on that list was, in your words, appalling beyond reason.”

  “She did not resemble her photograph,” Pascal said darkly.

  “Sadly, that is part and parcel of the digital dating culture we all now—”

  “Guglielmo. She was a sweet-looking, conservatively dressed blonde in the pictures you showed me. She showed up with a blue and pink Mohawk and a sleeve of tattoos. I liked her more that way, if I am honest, but I can hardly parade a punk rock princess in front of my board. If I could, I would.”

  “The woman you’re meeting tonight has a robust social media presence and absolutely no hint of punk rock about her,” Guglielmo replied blandly. “I checked myself.”

  Pascal found his fingers on his scars again. “Perhaps I will be swept away tonight and all of this will prove unnecessary.”

  “Hope springs eternal,” Guglielmo murmured.

  After Pascal dismissed him, he didn’t launch himself into one of the numerous tasks awaiting his attention. He could see his emails piling up. His message light was blinking. But instead of handling them he found himself sitting at his desk, scowling out at the physical evidence of the empire he’d built. Brick by bloody brick.

  Because once again, the only thing in his head was her.

  His angel of mercy. His greatest temptation.

  The woman who had nearly wrecked him before he’d begun.

  It is December, he reminded himself. This is always how it feels in December. Come the New Year she will fade again, the way she always does.

  His phone rang, snapping him back to reality and far away from that godforsaken northern village in a forgotten valley in the Dolomites. Where he had crashed and burned—literally.

  And she had nursed him back to life.

  Then had haunted him ever since, for his sins.

  Tonight, he vowed as he turned his attention to the tasks awaiting him, he would leave the past where it belonged, and concentrate on the next bright part of his glorious future.

  “I think it’s important to set very clear boundaries from the start,” his date informed him much later that evening. She had arrived late, clearly full of herself in her role as a minor member of the Danish nobility. She had swept into one of the most exclusive restaurants in Rome with her nose in the air, as if Pascal had suggested she meet him at one of those sticky, plastic American fast food restaurants. Her expression had not improved over the course of their initial drinks. “Obviously, the point of any merger is to secure the line.”

  “The line?”

  “I am prepared to commit to an heir and a spare,” she told him loftily. “To be commenced and completed within a four-year period. And I think it’s best to agree, up front and in writing, that the production of any progeny should be conducted unde
r controlled circumstances.”

  Pascal was sure he’d had more romantic conversations on industrial sites.

  “Is it a production line?” he asked, his voice dry. “A factory of some kind?”

  “I already have an excellent fertility specialist, discreet and capable, who can ensure to everyone’s satisfaction and all legalities that the correct DNA carries on into the next generation.”

  Pascal blinked at that. He had had simpering dinners. Overtly sexual ones. Direct, frank approaches. But this was new. It all seemed so...mechanical.

  “You are staring at me as if I’ve said something astonishing,” his date said.

  “I beg your pardon.” Pascal attempted to smile, though he wasn’t sure when or if he’d ever felt less charming. “Are you suggesting that we concoct offspring in a laboratory? Rather than go about making them in the more time-honored fashion, favored as it has been for a great many eons already?”

  “This is a business arrangement,” his chilly date replied, looking, if possible, more severe than before. “I expect you will find your release elsewhere, as will I. Discreetly, of course. I do not hold with scandal.”

  “Nothing is less scandalous than a sexless marriage, naturally.”

  A faint suggestion of a line appeared between her perfectly shaped brows. “There’s no need to muddy a perfectly functional marriage with that sort of thing, surely.”

  “You’ve thought of everything,” he replied.

  And later, after he had left his date with a curt nod and an insincere promise to have his people contact her, Pascal waved off his driver and walked instead.

  Because Rome was its own reward. The city of his birth and his poverty-stricken childhood. The city where he had become a man, by his own estimation, then joined the military to give himself what his mother couldn’t and his father would never. Discipline. A life. Even a career. It had seemed such an elegant solution.

  Until that night six years ago when he’d followed a reckless whim, on a moody December night very much like this one. It had been raining in Rome. He’d hoped that meant it was snowing in the Dolomites, on the edge of the Alps, and had decided he might as well drive himself up north and learn how to ski.


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