by Donald Keene
Law of Election of Members of the House of Representatives
League for Establishing a National Assembly
league of Asian nations, proposed
lectures, for New Year
legal system, reform of
legations, in China
LeGendre, Charles W. (general United States)
legislators, lack of training in parliamentary procedures
legislature. See also Diet; House of Peers; House of Representatives
Leo XIII (pope)
Li Ching-fang (Hung-chang’s son)
Li Hung-chang (viceroy of Chihli Province): and Soejima; and Grant; and Korea; Itō’s negotiations with; and Kim Ok-kyun’s assassination; and Russia; desire of for peace with Japan; and negotiations to end Sino-Japanese War; attack on
Liaotung Peninsula
liberal parties
liberal thought
Liliuokalani (queen of Hawaii)
“Limitations of Government, The”(Hoshi)
Liu K’un-i (commanding general, China)
Lobanov-Rostovskii (foreign minister, Russia)
Lodge, Henry Cabot
Longford, Joseph H.
Loti, Pierre
Louis XIV (king of France)
Louise Marguérite (Queen Victoria’s daughter-in-law)
Lowell, John Russell
Lowther, Claude (Member of Parliament)
Lytton, Lord
MacDonald, Claude M. (British minister to Japan)
Mac-Mahon, Patrice de (president of France)
Madenokōji Hirofusa (acting imperial household minister)
Maebara Issei
Maeda Nariyasu (daimyo of Kaga)
Maejima Hisoka
Makino Nobuaki (minister to Austria)
Manabe Akikatsu (senior councillor)
Manchu dynasty (China)
Manchuria. See also Russo-Japanese War
Maria Luz, case of
martial law
Marugame, Meiji’s visit to
Maruki Toshiaki (photographer)
Masako (Prince Nashinomoto’s oldest daughter)
Masako, Princess (Meiji’s sixth daughter)
Mason R. H. P.
Masuda Sentarō (army private)
Masuda Tarō (kabuki author)
Matsuda Masahisa (politician)
Matsuda Michiyuki (Interior Ministry chief secretary)
Matsudaira Katamori (daimyo of Aizu later Kyōto deputy)
Matsudaira Sadanori
Matsudaira Yoshinaga (daimyo of Echizen)
Matsukata Masayoshi (finance minister, later prime minister); on Article of criminal code; and appointment of new interior minister; on war with China; concern of over Meiji’s lack of male heirs; as finance minister; as prime minister; and cabinet; mission of to Itō and revenue bill; as member of Privy Council
Matsumae Takahiro (member of Council of Elders)
Matsumoto Takeichirō
Matsumura Akitarō
Matsushima (Japanese flagship)
Matsuzaki Naoomi (captain)
May Day celebrations
Meiji (Sachinomiya [given name], Mutsuhito [adult name])
APPEARANCE: Mitford’s descriptions of; Satow’s description of; Yokoi’s description of; non-visibility of face of; Young’s descriptions of; beard of; Prince Albert Victor and Prince George’s description of; weight of; Makino Nobuaki’s description of; height of
CEREMONIES AND RITUALS: accession of as emperor; first reading; Boy’s Day; birthday celebrations of; first wearing of colored clothes by; himo naoshi (himo-toki adult sash); fukasogi (hair-trimming); naming of as crown prince; marriage of; gembuku (initiation into manhood); accompanying pronouncement of Charter Oath; coronation of; as part of general duties; awards and honors; public presentation of constitution; opening of Diet; loss of interest in performance of; New Year first poetry reading; funeral of
CHARACTERISTICS: decision making; stubbornness; dislike of study; impulsiveness; harshness; Iwakura Tomomi on; passion of for horseback riding; shyness; largesse; spontaneity; bi-bulosity; sense of duty; simplicity; frugality; diligence; retentive memory; sangfroid; adherence to duties; combination of East and West; concern for his people; immobility at audiences; firmness; compassion; self-examination; interest of in Japanese history and ancestors; sovereignly virtue; aversion to doctors; responsibility; sense of own authority; stoicism; self-confidence; conservatism; boredom with official ceremonies; indifference to surroundings; determination; seeming coldness as father; indifference to petty concerns; devotion to work; temper; sense of humor; dislike of receiving foreign guests; ability to judge character; sadism; intellectual interests; dislike of excessive fondness for Western things
CHILDHOOD: birthplace of; birth of events surrounding; first bath of; Boy’s Day celebration; residences of; visits of to father; birthday celebrations of; and earthquake; first wearing of colored clothes by; response of to gift giving; hair cutting of; proclamation of as crown prince; and death of Kōmei. See also Kōmei and Meiji
CHILDREN: mortality rate of; by Natsuko; number of; death of first daughter; death of first son; birth of second daughter; birth of second son; birth of third son; mourning over deaths of; birth and death of fifth daughter; birth of fourth son; birth of sixth daughter; birth of seventh daughter; birth of eighth daughter; relationship with daughters; birth of first grandson. See also names of individual children
DOCUMENTATION OF LIFE: in Meiji tennō ki; in letters; in photographs; in paintings and sketches; in poetry (see also tanka Meiji’s); in tributes; in woodblock prints
DRESS: colored clothes, first wearing of; as young boy; himo-naoshi (himo-toki adult sash ceremony); during mourning period for father; for coronation; frugality of; Western style of; uniforms of; fittings of for new clothes
EDUCATION; ceremony of first reading; methodology of; Kōmei as part of; gaps in; after becoming emperor; while in Ōsaka; of German language and law; slow progress in; of Chinese classics; in Tōkyō about Japan; lectures; of Japanese grammar; of calligraphy; and Satsuma Rebellion; preferences in; diminishing time for; balance in; in. See also Motoda Nagazane
EMPEROR: accession as; and action on Christians in Nagasaki; participation of in discussions of state policy; abduction of rumored plans for; power of under proposed government organization; duty of to produce heir to throne; authority of; foreign recognition of after Sino-Japanese War; assassination plot against; evaluation of. See also Meiji: political/governmental actions
HEALTH: as baby; illness of after first birthday; fevers; chicken pox; sleeplessness; fainting; recurrent dream; diet of; robust constitution of; beriberi; possible depression of; illnesses of in s; illness of in; Tanaka Mitsuaki’s concern over; illness of in; deterioration of; final illness and death of; smoking
NAMES: posthumous designation of; adult name choice of; derivation of; bestowal of Meiji on; Sachinomiya origin of
POETRY. See tanka Meiji’s
POLITICAL/GOVERNMENTAL ACTIONS: political views of; approval of edict against Yoshinobu by; and government reform; on Korea; on Taiwan; on crisis in Kumamoto; interest in; and abolition of Ryūkyū domain; decisions of not consensus based; regularity of; on financial matters; on draft constitution; on changes in Genrō-in; on Ōkuma; on convening of parliament; appointment of Stein as adviser to; lack of attention to; on China; on political appointments; on Privy Council; and promulgation of Imperial House Act and Imperial Constitution; on treaty revision; rescript of on education; rescript of on punishment of Czarevitch Nicholas’s attacker; as supreme commander of armed forces; and recall of Yamagata; on political crisis of; reaction of to Ozaki’s speech; on formation of new cabiet; on Itō’s forming new political party; re-script of against House of Peers; on judges’ strike; on Russia
READING: ceremony of first reading; Classic of Filial Piety (Confucian text); Confucian classics
; literary preferences of; books on warfare and prodigies; Analects; Mencius; newspapers
TRAVELS AND MISSIONS (junkō): to Nijō Castle; to Ōsaka; to Tōkyō to Kyōto from Tōkyō to Chūgoku and Saigoku; to northeast; to Yamato Province; function of; to Hokuriku and Tōkai; pains of; distance covered by; to Yamanashi Mie and Kyōto Prefectures; expense of preparing for; to Yamagata Akita and Hokkaidō to Yamaguchi Hiroshima and Okayama; suggestion for trip to West; to Kyōto with empress; to Nagoya to observe military maneuvers; to Kyōto and Ōsaka; to ancestral tombs; day excursions; Six Great Imperial Tours (roku daijunkō)
Meiji literature
Meiji Restoration. See imperial rule
Meiji Shrine (Meiji jingū Tōkyō)
Meiji tennō ki (Record of the Emperor Meiji)
Meirokusha (intellectual group)
Meitō Prefecture
Memento of Prison: Anarcho-Communism A (Gudō)
“Memorandum to the Russian Socialist Party” (Kōtoku)
mercantile law
Meyer, George von Lengerke (American minister to Russia)
Michihito, Prince
Michinomiya. See Hirohito; Yoshihisa, Prince
Mie Prefecture
Miho no Matsubara (Pine Grove at Miho)
Mikado. See emperors
Mikado, The (Gilbert and Sullivan)
military. See also army; conscription; Household Guards; military drills and maneuvers; navy
Military Account of the Later Three-Year War in Ōshū A (Mokuami)
military censorship, of the press
military drills and maneuvers: Kōmei’s observation of; Meiji’s observation of; Meiji’s participation in; Meiji’s interest in; Meiji and Grant at; in Aichi Prefecture; for New Year; Meiji on attendance at
Min (queen of Korea): and modernization of Korea; escape of from rioters’ attack; and Korean crisis; friendship of with Waeber; assassination of
Min Kyom-ho (overseer of government finances, Korea)
Min Pyong-sok (imperial household minister, Korea)
Minamoto Tametomo
mines: copper; coal
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Religious Instruction
Ministry of Shintō (Jingikan)
Ministry of the Imperial Household
Minken-tō (political party)
Mishima Michitsune (governor of Fukushima)
Mitford A. B. (Lord Redesdale diplomat)
Mitsui Bank
Miura Anjin (William Adams)
Miura Gorō (minister to Korea)
Miyaji Iwao (court ritualist)
Miyajima Seiichiō
Miyake Setsurei
Miyake Shōichi
Miyamoto Teruaki (military attaché)
Miyashita Taikichi (anarchist)
Miyukiyama (Imperial Visit Mountain)
Mizobuchi Takao (public prosecutor)
moral training (shūshin)
Mori Arinori (education minister): as minister plenipotentiary in China; as education minister Meiji on; on Yoshihito’s education; on Essays on Japanese Morality; death of; posthumous promotion of; on function of education; on mission to United States
Mōri Motoaki
Mori Ōgari (writer formerly Mori Rintarō)
Mori Rintarō (medical officer later Mori Ōgai)
Mōri Sadahiro
Mōri Takachika
Mōri Yoshichika (daimyo of Chōshū)
Moriya Koresuke
Morooka Matsu (restaurateur)
Morse, Edward (scientist)
Motoda Nagazane (Meiji’s chief tutor); philosophy of; service of in Kumamoto domain; memorial of on government; Rescript on Education; and Meiji; and Soejima; abolition of office of; on education; lack of world knowledge; and Yoshihito; and treaty revision; death of; New Year lectures by
VIEWS: on sovereign’s relation with subjects; on foreign loan; on dismissal of Ōkuma; on Western-style palaces; on union of palace and state
Mukden, Manchuria
Murata Shimpachi
Muromachi Kiyoko (court lady)
Mushakōji Saneatsu (writer)
Mutsu Munemitsu (minister to United States, later agriculture and commerce minister, later foreign minister): on treaty revision; as agriculture and commerce minister; Meiji’s dislike of; on Article of criminal code; on xenophobia; on Tonghak revolt; on Sino-Japanese War; and Korea; report of on Port Arthur massacre; on attack on Li Hung-chang; resignation of as foreign minister; and Hoshi; imprisonment of
Mutsuhito. See Meiji
Nabeshima Naohiro (chief protocol officer)
Nagai Kafū (writer)
Nagai Kaoyuki (shogunate official)
Nagai Ussai
Nagai Uta
Nagano, Meiji’s visit to
Nagaoka, Meiji’s visit to
Nagaoka Gaishi (vice chief of general staff)
Nagasaki Express (newspaper)
Naha (port city)
Nakae Chōmin (materialist philosopher)
Nakagawa, Prince (Son’yu, Kayanomiya, Prince Asahiko): as confidant of Kōmei, and kōbu gattai faction; as target of planned Chōshū attack; on foreigners; rumors about; Kōmei’s belief in; on nobles’ meeting with Kōmei; resignation of; and Meiji; exile of; and Kawaji; multiple names of
Nakagawanomiya. See Nakagawa, Prince
Nakahara Hisao
Nakai Hiroshi
Nakajima Saburōsuke (Uraga magistrate)
Nakamikado Tsuneyuki (nobleman)
Nakamura Kusatao
Nakaoka Shintarō
Nakatsugawa village
Nakayama Isako (Meiji’s great-great-aunt)
Nakayama Naruchika
Nakayama Tadamitsu (Meiji’s uncle)
Nakayama Tadanaru (Meiji’s uncle)
Nakayama Tadayasu (Meiji’s maternal grandfather, later adviser to the throne); false accusations against; action of on son’s plotting against Iwakura Tomomi; memories of; on palace women’s quarters; as chair of meeting on new government; on site of capital; at Charter Oath ceremonies; as head of Ministry of Shintō antiforeign sentiments of; on traditional medicine
Nakayama Tadayasu, and Meiji: and Meiji’s birth; first New Year presents to Meiji from; on Meiji’s visits to palace; anger of at Meiji’s behavior; concern of over Meiji’s dreams; as grandfather of Meiji; at Meiji’s wedding ceremonies; at Meiji’s audience with foreign ministers; travel with Meiji to Tōkyō on Meiji’s second visit to east; on Meiji’s “mission” to distant parts of Japan; Meiji’s visits to; as godfather of Meiji’s son
Nakayama Takamaro (Meiji’s cousin)
Nakayama Tsunako (Meiji’s great-grandmother)
Nakayama Yoshiko (Meiji’s mother, Nii no tsubone, Nii-dono, Ichii): and Meiji’s birth ix–x; journey with baby Meiji to Kōmei; at ritual meal for Meiji’s first colored clothing; relinquishing of maternal rights by; as supervisor of Meiji’s calligraphy; at court after Kōmei’s death; and Yoshihito; final illness and death of; funeral of; relationship with Meiji
names: inauspicious; god names; of emperors posthumous; of empresses posthumous; for empress dowager; Genji for concubines.; Chinese classics as source of imperial. See also nengō
Naniwa (cruiser)
Nansai Toshitada (artist)
Narashinohara (Maneuver Fields)
national defense. See also army; navy; warships
national holidays
national polity
national religion. See also Buddhism; Shintō
Natsume Sōseki
natural disasters
natural resources
Naval Ministry
navy: Meiji’s interest in; Meiji’s personal command of; reviews of maneuvers held by; battles fought by; and Russo-Japanese War; sailors’ suffering from
navy band
nengō (reign-name); Meiji xiii; Ansei (Peaceful Government); Mannen change to Bunkyū Genji change to Keiō Kōka change to Kōmei; in China; in Korea
Nesselrode, Karl Robert (foreign minister, Russia)
New Year. See also lectures
Nezu Masashi
Nicholas (czarevitch of Russia): visit of, to Japan; assassination attempt on; Japanese doctors prohibited from seeing; Meiji’s visit to; Meiji’s luncheon with
Nicholas II (czar of Russia): coronation of; message of friendship to Meiji from; expansionist views of; on war with Japan; character of; attempt on life of; reaction of, to defeat at Mukden; and peace negotiations with Japan
Nihon dōtoku ron (Essays on Japanese Morality; Nishimura)
Nihon heimin-tō (Japan People’s Party)
Nihon shakai-tō (Japan Social Party)
Nii no tsubone. See Nakayama Yoshiko
Niigata, Meiji’s visit to
Niimura Tadao (anarchist)
Nijō Akizane (chancellor)
Nijō Castle
Nijō Nariyuki (regent, chancellor)
Nikkō, Meiji’s visit to
Ninkai (priest of Iwashimizu Hachimangū shrine)
Ninkō (Meiji’s paternal grandfather)
Nippon Club
Nirei Kagenori (rear admiral)
Nish, Ian
Nishi Amane
Nishi Tokujirō (foreign minister)
Nishikawa Mitsujirō (member of Heiminsha)
nishikie (woodblock prints): of Meiji; of Grant; of Yoshihito; of Shirakami as hero; of Harada as hero; of soldiers in Manchuria; of Haruko visiting hospitals; of Li Hung-chang in; of Meiji’s silver wedding anniversary; of battle of Yellow Sea; of dying sailor
Nishimura Shigeki (scholar); lectures by; and Yoshihito’s education; on treaty revision
Nishino Buntarō
nō: revival of; shogunate’s patron age of; Meiji’s attendance at; Grant’s reaction to; livelihoods of performers of
nobility: code of behavior followed by; and shogunate; on treaty with United States; forced resignations of; in government; extremism of; sonnō jōi faction of; as supporters of restoration of imperial rule; in charge of warfare; conservatism of female officials of; Shō Tai named to; plight of former high-ranking; education of sons of; Meiji on duties of; Meiji on future of; devious activities of
nobility (Korea)
Nobuko, Princess
Noda Chiaki (reporter)
Nogi Maresuke (acting major, later general); Meiji’s gift of poetry to; shame of over Japan’s military success; as candidate for chief of general staff; suicide of