At Large

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At Large Page 20

by Andrew Seiple

  To her horror, the pale don caught her eye and smiled, just briefly. And like a stillness spreading through a rushing brook, one by one the conversations nearest him stopped, and his neighbors looked down at Chase. And then THEIR neighbors looked at Chase. And so on, and so forth, until the entire table had fallen silent.

  “Merda,” Don Coltello whispered, so faintly she almost missed it.

  Chase put her fork down. Doing her best to ignore every other set of eyes, she stared back at Don Sangue. “Signore,” she said into the silence. “You serve a wonderful dinner.”

  “I know. Tell me something I do not know, please.” Don Sangue’s face was like glass... but at least it lacked the horrible intensity she’d been subjected to at their first conversation.

  This is a different sort of Charisma. Far more than mine but focused, and he’s got some sort of intimidation effect. He’s not using it now... The thought gave her strength.

  “I am uncertain what you do and do not know, Don Sangue,” she said, and stood up on her chair. “But if you wish, I can Lecture everyone here about the results of my investigations into the werewolf problem.”

  Your Lecture skill is now level 5!

  Your Lecture skill is now level 6!

  Your Lecture skill is now level 7!

  Your Lecture skill is now level 8!

  Your Lecture skill is now level 9!

  Your Lecture skill is now level 10!

  Your Lecture skill is maxed! Level up your Teacher job to increase this skill!

  As one, the rest of the table looked to Don Sangue. The red-eyed man smiled back and lifted his wine glass. “Please proceed. And enjoy the experience, I imagine this will net you a few levels once you’re done.”

  A nervous laughter rippled through the room, and Chase swallowed.

  She spoke of her trip to visit the leatherworker and how she’d conducted a séance to ask his slain daughter for help. There was muttering and murmuring as she put the knife on the table and grunts of satisfaction.

  “Good,” Don Coltello grunted. “Now tell them about today.”

  “I’m just getting to that, Signore...” Chase said. “Okay. Everyone knows the Rossi casino out on the waterfront got blown up, right?”

  THAT got a lot of attention on her, very quickly. All save for Don Sangue. She hesitated, watching him speak to one of his pale attendants. The man was dressed in armor, armored like the figures that she had seen coming in through the gates. She watched the Don frown at his minion and nod.

  “Ahem,” she coughed to buy time. Should I continue?

  After a bit of reflection, it seemed rude not to. He’d wanted her to speak for the full table, and even if he was in charge at the moment, his attention was his own business. He didn’t have to listen to Chase.


  Well, that settles it, Chase thought and started to relate her trip to the casino.

  But she’d barely gotten to the point where the cloaked figure had rushed Enrico Rossi, when the doors opened once more, and a contingent of armed guards came in, herding someone between them.

  “What the hell?” Don Coltello barked, and around the table the gangsters shot to their feet, as steel sung clear of scabbards, and mages readied to cast spells. “What is this cazza?”

  “This is a parley,” an unfamiliar voice spoke. “Isn’t that right, Don Sangue?”

  “You are correct. For now,” the Don stood, and gestured. “Get him a seat.”

  But the gangsters didn’t sit down, and Chase was left craning her neck, wiggling around, trying to see through the multitude of people in her way.

  Just as she’d given up hope, strong arms wrapped around her, and Chase squeaked as the Muscle Wizaard lifted her...

  ...and Chase stared.

  She might not have known the voice, but she knew that face.

  He was wearing different clothes, yes, but that was the face she’d seen in her crystal ball not two hours ago.

  “I’m so glad we could meet under more pleasant circumstances,” said the werewolf Alpha. “So, could I ask someone to get me a plate? That food smells lovely.”


  You are now a level 3 Teacher!



  You are now a level 4 Teacher!



  The words shocked Chase back into reality, drew her attention off the foolish, audacious werewolf who had come into the den of his enemies. It brought her mind back to the present and reminded her that she wasn’t exactly in the safest of positions, either.

  However, with all eyes on him now, she had a heck of a lot more freedom to act.

  I don’t know what his game is, but the more I know about him the better.

  “Silent Activation, Size Up. Silent Activation, Diagnose.” And then, because she didn’t know how long eyes would be off her, she decided to throw in a few other buffs. Everything she could think of, really. “Silent Activation, Silver Tongue. Silent Activation, Quickdraw.”

  Your Silent Activation skill is now level 15!

  Sizing him up proved helpful.

  Werewolf Alpha

  Charisma – Moderately worse

  Perception – Greatly better

  Willpower – Moderately better

  Wisdom – Much worse

  Influencing conditions: None

  Your Size Up skill is now level 4!

  Diagnosing him proved less so.

  Your Silent Activation skill is now level 16!

  Werewolf Alpha

  Conditions: Blessing – Agility, Slow Poison

  Debuffs: Full Moon Fever

  You are now a level 8 Grifter!




  That was a surprise! For a second she was giddy as the energy coursed through her again... and then the joy was replaced with dread.

  He’s THAT dangerous. Oh gods.


  Chase’s eyes slid to the other insanely dangerous man in the room. She looked upon Don Sangue and found his red eyes fixated on the werewolf.

  Do I dare? Well why the heck not! Easy level!

  “Silent Activation, Size Up. Silent Activation, Diagnose.”

  And instantly the Don’s eyes flickered to her.

  Chase slammed her head away, sweat breaking out on her brow, sweat that turned cold as the words rolled up out of nowhere.

  Don Prezzo Sangue

  Charisma – Insanely better

  Perception – Insanely better

  Willpower – Insanely better

  Wisdom – About equal

  Influencing Conditions: Predator’s Gaze

  Don Prezzo Sangue

  Conditions: Undead, Light Allergies, Predator’s Gaze, Wood Allergies

  Debuffs: Bloodthirst

  Oh gods he IS a monster! And he saw me! Surrounded by a crowd, with his enemy before him, he had the perception to see I was trying something against him!

  But after a second she felt the heat of those red, red eyes leave her. He had bigger problems, after all. Though she had no doubt she’d be in trouble, later. If there was a later.

  You are now a level 9 Grifter!




  The words confirmed the danger... but then the werewolf was speaking.

  Someone had brought him a plate, she saw as the crowd shifted. He wasn’t eating any of it, but he did drink the wine. “A subtle hint of wolfsbane. Nice. I wonder how many of your guests will have diarrhea tomorrow.”

  “A little discomfort is well worth the security,” Don Sangue replied. “Please, everyone, be seated. He is a guest at our table. For now.”

  Chase tapped the Muscle Wizaard’s arm and he put her back into her chair before resuming his post. She glanced back to find him looking around the room. Cagna was doing the same thing.

  That makes sense. There are enough eyes on the Alpha, and this feels off. He’s a distraction? Maybe
. There won’t be any threat from him, but it’s quite likely there will be something from an unexpected angle... if it happens.

  “Thank you,” the Alpha broke off a small piece of bread, dipped it in salt, and gulped it down. “Your time is valuable. So is mine. I won’t waste it.”

  “Oh, you’re welcome to stay as long as you like.” Don Sangue smiled, showing sharp, sharp teeth.

  What IS he? Chase wondered. Some sort of undead, though it seemed impossible. The undead she’d heard of were rotting or skeletal or ghostly figures, and aside from his coloration, he seemed human. If it weren’t for that aura, he could have passed as an exotic living person.

  But the Alpha had finished chewing, and she glanced back toward him. “You’d like that, I suppose. You know as well as I do that the moon is calling me. Soon I’ll have to hunt and kill. And the higher She rises, the louder the call.” He smiled. “And the second I attack anyone in here that’ll void my guest right.”

  “You’re not wrong.” Don Sangue angled his neck a fraction of an inch. “And you’re obviously smart enough to know that I don’t have to let you leave. So the longer this goes on, the less likely you are to walk out of here. Not that there was much of a chance of that to begin with. So...” he drummed his pale fingers against his wineglass. “Why then, are you here?”

  “To offer peace.”

  There was a long pause. Then the table erupted in laughter, all the dons howling like the wolves they were fighting.

  Even a few of the bodyguards and servants joined in, and Don Sangue himself offered a fang-filled chuckle. Eventually he waved a languid hand, and the table quieted. “If you had come to me with respect, before the Bianchi woman or the Rossi man were killed, I might have considered it. If you had arrived with this invitation before you took Dona Tarantino from us, there might still have been a chance. But now there is blood on your hands, werewolf. And that blood is one of ours. And I am hard-pressed to think of a reason why I should entertain this request as anything besides the lunacy it so obviously is.”

  “There is blood between us. But truly, was she one of you any longer?” The Alpha shifted his gaze around the table. “We found records in Dona Tarantino’s house. Records and ledgers and letters. What would you say if I told you she had broken omerta?”

  THAT got a response. Rumbling and discussion and whispers throughout the table, and Sangue himself opened his eyes wide, face freezing into a pale, marble-like mask.

  Beside her, Chase saw Don Coltello tense up.

  And a thread of worry started to grow in the back of her mind as she remembered Cagna had told her that Dona Tarantino was the only one Don Coltello associated with anymore. This could go to a dangerous place for him... and us, by proxy. I need information.

  Chase leaned over and whispered. “Omerta. What is it?”

  The old man shot her a horrified look and shook his head.

  “Please! Tell me. I need to know.”


  The old man again said nothing... but he looked up to Cagna and nodded.

  Cagna leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Omerta, among other things, is a vow of silence and loyalty to the famiglias. No police, no talking about business with outsiders, respect for your elders... even when you’re trying to kill them. Especially when you’re trying to kill them.”

  “Impossible,” Don Sangue said, into the shocked silence, and Chase patted Cagna on the hand in thanks and went back to watching the byplay. “The vow is magically enforced. Her blood would have burned in her veins.”

  “You didn’t think it strange she was bedridden these last few months?” the Alpha replied. “And magic cast by one person can be weakened by another. The Doge had his top wizards and enchanters on the task. I have correspondence and letters between them, that showed she was almost free of the vow. All of these missives I am willing to turn over to you... in exchange for peace and a few concessions.”

  And now the dons were murmuring, chatting among themselves. Chase saw more than a few lips moving soundlessly... no shortage of Grifters in this crowd, and they were checking things out for themselves, using Size Up and activating who knows what other skills. They could see just as well as she could that his charisma was probably decent but not great. Not good enough for him to be able to bluff his way through a lie of this magnitude. Not to Don Sangue.

  And one by one, every eye moved to look at the undead thing at the head of the table.

  “If what you say is true,” Don Sangue replied, “we will need to investigate it. I will acknowledge that the current doge has been troublesome this last decade. If his idealism is leading him to foolishness, we may have to reassess a few matters. In light of this, I think I could perhaps offer a truce. You cease your vendetta, hand over the evidence, and stay with me as a guest for a month. At the end of it, if you speak truly, you will be released. Then, depending on your behavior, we may discuss a longer-term peace.”

  The Alpha nodded. “That is a generous offer. May I present a counter-offer?”

  Chase frowned.

  Something was off about the way he’d spoken. He’d spoken just a bit too quickly. His sincerity was a bit lacking, and there was a tension underlying his words. She wasn’t the only one who had noticed that, she was sure, as the crowd muttered.

  Don Sangue hadn’t missed it either. He waved a pale, ringed hand, sneering at the werewolf as he did so.

  The Alpha barely seemed to notice. “Our counteroffer is this: we have but one matter of vengeance left to resolve that affects you. Give us Don Coltello, let us take his possessions and estates and servants as our own, let us join you as a new famiglia, and we shall serve you loyally and well in your war against the Doge and his court.”

  And there it was. Chase’s premonition had been right.

  They think I’m his servant. So that means...

  The entirety of the table turned to stare at Don Coltello, who shot to his feet. “You bastard! You stugat! You ran from me like a coward and I put your woman down, and I can put YOU down just as—”


  Don Sangue spoke quietly, but the word resounded through the room with such clarity that Chase thought he’d shouted for a second.

  “You cannot be considering this,” Don Coltello said, his face sagging, his corpulent frame sinking back into his chair, as if the world was pulling him down.

  “If he has proof that Dona Tarantino betrayed us, we must investigate this. All of this. Including anyone she has had business dealings with.” Don Sangue’s red eyes bored into Don Coltello.

  Chase licked her lips... Don Sangue is trying to regain control of the situation. He’s not as in charge here as he’s pretending to be. He needs these people, even if he is a... whatever he is. This is politics.

  She looked back to the Alpha. His face was still, and he barely moved, but Chase looked over his posture, looked for the tells...

  And found what she needed.


  “You’re desperate!”

  And only when every eye at the table turned to her, did Chase realize that she’d spoken out loud.

  The Alpha sneered at her. “You’re one of Don Coltello’s servants, aren’t you? I expect you’re feeling pretty desperate yourself, right now.” He took a drink of wine.

  Chase inhaled, and she knew that if she stopped, if she gave in to her nerves, then it was all over. This was the best and only chance to derail the way this conversation was going. If she didn’t, then there were far, far too many consequence, both for her and her friends.

  “No, you’re desperate. That’s the only reason you’re here. Up until now you were winning.”

  Muttering around the table, some irritated tones, and Chase spoke more forcefully. “You were winning. We—” Her tongue caught on the word. She wasn’t truly one of this council. But it made sense, now that she thought of it. ‘We’ was appropriate here. The more I establish myself as a part of the dons and their circle, the more they’ll listen to me, here. S
olidarity, and maybe they’ll hesitate to throw me to the wolves. Literally. She gathered her breath and spoke again. “We couldn’t find you. You were striking out of the night, holding the city hostage, taking everyone you aimed at. You would have won eventually, if you kept on this path. So why change? Everything was going your way. Why put your head into the noose? No, you are desperate, signore, and I think I know why.”

  She didn’t, not really. But it would buy her time to think. An accusation of the sort she had posed required a serious rebuttal, and it would take the werewolf some time to put up his counter argument. But it didn’t matter what he said, because she wasn’t going to listen to him anyway. Chase was going to be doing something else. She just... had... to wait...


  The werewolf spoke again, and all eyes turned to him. But Chase wasn’t listening. Chase was mouthing words. “Silent Activation, Foresight.”

  It took three tries before she got the vision she wanted. Three tries, three frantic attempts while the pain grew in her chest, but finally, finally she had the words that got the reaction she wanted.

  She came back to herself, hearing the tail end of the werewolf’s speech. “—ultimately, we know this bloodshed serves no purpose. Arretzi is a profitable and convenient city, and together we can—”

  “You’re here because Pwner is after you!” Chase blurted out.

  Your Foresight skill is now level 28!

  The werewolf’s head snapped back as if he’d been punched.

  The chamber erupted into noise as roared as the dons started shouting. A few rose and headed for the exits, and for a second Chase was tempted to join them—

  —And then a cold, unyielding hand clamped down on her shoulder with strength that rivaled the Muscle Wizaard’s.

  “I will have order.” Don Sangue snarled, and she almost hurt her head as she whipped it up to stare at him. Somehow he’d gotten around the table, around all of the table in a heartbeat.


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