No Boys Allowed

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by Lucy Felthouse

  Title Page

  No Boys Allowed

  Three Short Stories of Lesbian Love


  Lucy Felthouse

  Publisher Information

  No Boys Allowed

  published in 2012 by Andrews UK Limited

  This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior written consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  The characters and situations in this book are entirely imaginary and bear no relation to any real person or actual happening.

  Copyright © Lucy Felthouse 2012

  The right of Lucy Felthouse to be identified as author of this book has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyrights Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  No Boys Allowed

  Chapter One

  Leigh checked her reflection in the glass of the street door before pressing the button corresponding to the relevant flat. Her hair and makeup had survived the stuffy and crowded Tube journey, thankfully. She was eager to make a good impression on her potential flatmates - this was an exclusive area, and rooms didn’t come up too often. Therefore living here was something she wanted very badly.

  After a second or two, the speaker crackled into life, and a female voice said, “Hello?”

  “Hi,” she replied, “I’m here about the room. I’m Leigh.”

  “Oh, hi,” the voice sounded more enthusiastic now, “come on up.”

  The buzzer sounded, and Leigh pushed the door quickly and went inside. She looked at the sign on the wall that indicated which flats were where, and made her way up a flight of stairs and along a wide corridor, towards the one she was hoping to live in.

  Arriving at the correct door, she knocked on it. She heard noises from inside, the shuffling of feet and footsteps across the floor. Then a pause - perhaps the person on the other side of the door was checking her out through the peephole. Instinctively, she pulled and tugged at her clothes, making sure they were looking their best. Finally, the door opened. A tall, slim blonde stood behind it and she smiled at Leigh and stuck out her hand.

  “Hi,” the blonde said, “I’m Keira. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Leigh took her hand and shook it. “It’s nice to meet you too, Keira. Thanks for seeing me.”

  They disengaged, then Keira stepped back and gestured Leigh inside the flat. “No problem. I hope this visit can be mutually beneficial.”

  Leigh smiled. “Me too.” Her grin widened when she looked around the room. The building itself was deceptive from the front. It looked quite small, but it seemed that although it was quite narrow from left to right, its depth more than made up for it. She stood in a large, beautifully decorated open plan living room, dining room and kitchen. It was tidy - though she suspected that the occupants had cleaned up before her arrival - with lots of natural light and all the mod cons. She loved it already, and she hadn’t even seen the rest of the place yet.

  “You like?” Keira asked.

  “So far, I’m very impressed.”

  “Well, that’s great. Let me show you the rest of the rooms, then we can sit down and have a chat over a cup of tea.”

  Leigh nodded her agreement, then followed the blonde as she moved towards the first of five doors which led off the open plan area.

  “This is the bathroom,” Keira said, opening the door. “Shower, bath, toilet and sink. And most importantly, plenty of storage space, which is useful when three people are sharing a flat!”

  Leigh nodded and made approving noises as she looked around the bathroom. She did pretty much the same thing when she was shown Keira’s room and a walk-in closet. She took considerably more time checking out the room that would be hers if they came to an agreement, and liked it very much.

  Finally, they came to the last room. “Kacey’s not home right now, but she should be here any minute - I deliberately requested this time for you to come round so you could meet us both.”

  “Okay, no problem.” It was then that she noticed the sign on the door. It said ‘No Boys Allowed.’ It was pink and flowery, and looked like something that a pre-pubescent girl would have.

  Keira spotted what she was looking at and gave a wry smile. “Ah, yes. That brings me nicely to this - Kacey is a lesbian. I trust that’s not a problem for you?”

  Widening her eyes, Leigh shook her head. “God, no. It’s not a problem for me at all.” She figured she may as well give the response that was on the tip of her tongue, and get it over and done with. “Far from it, actually. I’m a lesbian, too.”

  “Wow.” Keira grinned. “What are the chances? Well that’s cool then, isn’t it? If everything goes to plan, we’ll be a happy, lesbian-friendly household.”

  “Absolutely,” Leigh replied.

  Just then, the main door to the flat opened and a woman that Leigh assumed was Kacey came in. She had very dark - almost black - hair, pale skin and the most startling pair of green eyes Leigh had ever seen. The best part was that it all appeared natural. Instantly, she was smitten. And that was before taking into consideration the figure to die for and the funky dress sense. Leigh suspected that she and Kacey would get on really well.

  “Hey!” the dark-haired girl shut the flat door behind her and dumped her bag down onto the nearest sofa. Walking over to where Leigh and Keira stood, she beamed at them, and held her hand out to Leigh. “You must be Leigh, our potential flatmate. I’m Kacey. It’s lovely to meet you.”

  Leigh fought a blush, and lost miserably. Heat raced beneath the skin on her cheeks as she shook Kacey’s hand. “N - nice to meet you, too.”

  “You checked out all the rooms? I tidied mine specially. It doesn’t always look like that.”

  “We haven’t looked at yours yet, actually, Kacey.” Keira interjected. “We were just having a conversation about the sign on your door. It seems that Leigh here bats for your team, too.”

  Kacey’s expression became one of surprise, then happiness. She turned to Leigh. “Seriously? You too? That’s great! When can you move in?”

  “Hey,” Keira said, shooting a mock-glare at her flatmate. “Don’t jump the gun. We all need to talk and get to know each other a little better first. Sorry, Leigh, for my flatmate’s over-enthusiasm. We wouldn’t put you on the spot like that. I’m sure you want to think about it, as do we.” She nudged Kacey, who looked suitably chagrined, then made her way towards the kitchen area and switched on the kettle.

  “Okay,” she said, “who’s drinking what? Let’s talk.”

  After half an hour or so, the three of them had covered all of the financial and legal bases of the flat share, discussed rules and had now moved onto more general topics. It seemed the three of them had quite a bit in common in terms of TV and film watching habits, books and music, which delighted them all.

  Kacey laughed. “That’s awesome! How many households can say that they’ve got three copies of Pride and Prejudice?”

  Leigh stayed much longer than she’d expected to, but without realising it, which she figured was a good sign. The two girls were good company; friendly, laid-back and smart. She reckoned they’d all get on really well if they lived together, and given that Keira was totally okay with the lesbian situation, if something happened between her and Kacey, then it wouldn’t be an issue. Presumably.

  It was a big if, of course. There was no doubt in Leigh’s mind that she had the serious hots f
or Kacey, but she had no idea if the other girl felt the same. Even if she did, she might not feel comfortable forming a romantic relationship with a flatmate. And there were so many other reasons it might or might not happen. She decided to stop over-analysing the situation. Although she was more than happy to move in there, they might not want her to. So it was pointless stressing about it. She’d just have to wait and see what happened. Whatever would be, would be.

  Chapter Two

  Leigh needn’t have worried. Just over an hour after she’d left the flat, Keira had phoned her and said that if she was interested, she and Kacey would be more than happy to have her move in. She’d accepted as coolly as possible, then put the phone down and started building boxes straight away. They’d said she could move in whenever she was ready, and given that her current place was only hers for another week, then time was of the essence. If she could get everything sorted within seven days, then she wouldn’t have to pay another month’s rent on her existing place. Not giving another penny to her arsehole of a landlord would most definitely be the icing on the cake.

  Begging her brother for the loan of his car, she made several trips across London, moving as much stuff as she could cram into the Ford Focus each time. Kacey and Keira helped at the other end when they were home, and soon Leigh’s new bedroom was piled high with boxes. A few had to be shoved into the walk-in cupboard, which she promised the girls would be removed as soon as she got everything sorted.

  Several days later, Leigh handed the keys to her old place to her smarmy landlord, glad of the fact she wouldn’t have to deal with him ever again, then hopped on the Tube. When she arrived at her new flat, she was surprised and delighted to see that her new flatmates had put together an impromptu welcome, with a banner and a few balloons. It was a great start to a new chapter in her life with a beautiful new home, a much shorter commute to work and fantastic flatmates.

  Later that evening, after a takeaway, the three of them settled down in the living room with a couple of bottles of wine. The TV choice was poor, so they opted to watch a film. Their similar taste in movies came in handy when they quickly agreed on Atonement, starring James McAvoy and Keira Knightley. It seemed everyone was happy - Keira could drool at James, and Kacey and Leigh could drool over Keira.

  “I had this name before it was cool, you know,” Keira said.

  “We know, we know,” Kacey replied. They’d clearly had this discussion before. “Though I would say it’s pretty obvious. You’re older than her and she didn’t get famous the instant she was born! Even the divine Ms. Knightley isn’t that magical.”

  Keira stuck out her tongue, making the three of them giggle. Then the crappy DVD ads were finished and the film began. They all fell silent, ready to watch. Throughout the film, their concentration was broken only when they needed top ups of wine and toilet breaks.

  All too soon, Atonement was finished, and they all stretched and groaned. Keira let out a huge yawn, followed by a laugh. “Well, I think that was my body ordering me to bed.” She checked her watch. “And not a moment too soon, either. I’ve got an early start tomorrow, so I’m going to give in to my yawns and call it a night.”

  Once Keira had finished in the bathroom, then headed to her bedroom and closed the door, a silence fell over the living room. Kacey shot Leigh a smile, then slid to the floor and crawled on all fours to the DVD player, where she removed the disc and put it away, then flicked the TV back to its setting to receive digital TV signal. Leigh certainly wasn’t complaining - the entire time Kacey was on the floor, she had a spectacular view of her arse, encased in figure-hugging jeans.

  When the other girl moved, she quickly flicked her gaze elsewhere, which happened to be her lap. She stared at her hands.

  “You all right?” Kacey asked. “Are you tired? If so, please don’t stay up on my account. I’m a bit of a night owl.”

  “No, no,” Leigh replied, looking back up. The light from the now-muted television made Kacey’s skin look even paler than usual. “I’m fine. Unless you want me to get out of your way...”

  Kacey flopped back onto the sofa next to her. “No way. Of course I don’t. I’m glad of the company.”

  Leigh wasn’t sure how to respond, so she gave a tight smile.

  “Are you sure you’re all right? You’ve gone all quiet on me.”

  The smile stayed fixed on Leigh’s face. What was she supposed to say? That she wished she’d gone to bed already so she didn’t have to sit on the sofa next to her, thinking about reaching across to touch her, to kiss her, and maybe more? She was suddenly very glad that she hadn’t had any more wine - it would probably have made her blurt out the very words she was thinking.

  But then, she thought, would that be such a bad thing? It wasn’t a crime to be attracted to a flatmate, was it? And the only way she’d find out if Kacey felt the same was if she said - or did - something.

  She didn’t get the chance. The questions and thoughts were still whirring through her head when Kacey shuffled along the sofa towards her and put a hand on her knee.

  “Look, I wouldn’t normally be this forward, but hey, I’ve had a couple of glasses of wine. Plus I want to get this over with so whatever the outcome is, we can get on with our lives. I like you - have done since I met you - and I’m just wondering... if you feel the same?”

  Leigh snorted. She couldn’t help it. She’d been so busy psyching herself up to make a move on Kacey that it simply hadn’t occurred to her that the reverse was also happening. “I was just going to say something rather similar myself.”

  Kacey’s eyes widened. “Seriously? I was convinced you were going to tell me to get lost. But I just knew that if I didn’t ask, I’d never know. But now it seems that I would have known, because if I hadn’t asked, you’d have asked me. Oh, you know what I mean! Come here.”

  Now the two of them knew their feelings were reciprocated, the awkwardness dissipated. Leigh moved into Kacey’s open arms, and wrapped her own around the other girl. There were mere millimetres between their faces. They stared at one another for a few seconds, tension sizzling below the surface. Leigh watched as Kacey’s lips curved into a devilish smile, then she bit her lip, as though trying to behave.

  Leigh smiled back, and the spell was broken. Good behaviour was no longer an option. They both moved to close the gap between them. Leigh closed her eyes and pulled in a breath through her nostrils as their lips touched. There was a faint taste of lip balm. Cherry, or strawberry perhaps, she wasn’t sure. She quickly stopped caring as their kiss deepened, and she slid her tongue into the moist warmth of Kacey’s mouth. She sought the other girl’s tongue, and they tangled together, battling for dominance. There was give and take, however, and they explored one another’s mouths, tasting, tickling, teasing. It was delicious; soft, warm, and unbelievably erotic. A groan issued from deep in her throat.

  Then Kacey sucked Leigh’s bottom lip into her mouth. The dampness between her thighs increased, and the throbbing of her clit intensified. She moved her hands around to Kacey’s front and cupped her breasts, kneading the soft flesh and smiling as she felt the other girl’s nipples stiffen beneath her palms. She pinched them, and smiled when Kacey made an indignant noise - all without breaking their kiss.

  Moving one hand up behind Kacey’s neck and tangling it into her hair, Leigh pulled the brunette more tightly to her. Their kissing grew more frenzied, urgent; tongues dancing and caressing one another, breathing increasingly erratic, bodies pressing together. Leigh’s heart pounded, and the pulse in her throat raced. The soft warmth of the other girl’s mouth against her own was sending her into a blissful pre-orgasmic meltdown.

  Suddenly Kacey pulled back, heaving a sigh. “Phew.” She grinned. “What’s say we take this into my room?”

  Chapter Three

  The two women hurried through the door, and Kacey closed and locked it quietly behind them before joini
ng Leigh on the bed. They reconvened their kiss, rapidly becoming red-faced and breathless once more. Then they began a strange dance of kissing, parting briefly to remove an item of clothing, then locking lips once more. Soon they were both completely naked and enjoying the feel of each other’s skin. When Kacey slipped a hand between Leigh’s thighs, she reciprocated. She moaned eagerly at the sensation of the hot, slippery pussy that met her fingers. Immediately she wanted to taste it, but forced herself to be patient. They had all night, after all, as neither of them had to worry about getting home.

  Leigh struggled to concentrate on stroking Kacey’s clit as the other girl did the same to her. Jolts of pleasure buzzed through her body, and juices seeped from her sex onto her inner thighs as well as Kacey’s skilled fingers. Slick, wet noises filled the room, adding to Leigh’s arousal and making it increasingly difficult for her to take things slow. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been this horny; wanted someone so much. Moving her hand, she pressed her thumb against the brunette’s clit and pushed two fingers inside her.

  Kacey pulled away from their kiss with a delighted gasp. Leigh responded by adding a third finger. It was tight, but the other girl was so wet that she slid in easily and manipulated her clit and g-spot simultaneously. Kacey moaned, then, clearly conscious of waking their flatmate, grabbed a pillow and pulled the corner between her teeth and clamped down hard, her jaw tensing. She pulled her hand from Leigh’s crotch and tangled it into the bed sheets as the other girl upped the ante, flicking and stroking her most sensitive spots and propelling her towards climax.

  After a while, Leigh’s brain left the building and she became powered utterly by lust. Therefore, any further thoughts about taking things slow disappeared. The sexy, passionate girl beneath her was all she could concentrate on. That and making that particular girl writhe and buck on the bed before coming all over her face.


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