The Winner Takes It All (Love in L.A. Book 3)

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The Winner Takes It All (Love in L.A. Book 3) Page 5

by Audrey Harte

  Erin read the text out loud to them.

  Mike: What time are you landing and how long are you staying?

  Keri groaned and shook her head at her friend just as the baggage carousel light flashed, signaling that their bags were finally on their way out to them. Casey rejoined them, and Annie grinned as she leaned up to give him a kiss. She was relieved he’d missed most of the conversation. She was sure he was confident of his own manhood, but she didn’t need him to be thinking that she was anything less than satisfied with his.

  “So are you going to see him tonight?” Annie asked Erin as she scanned the bags, looking for her bejeweled Hello Kitty luggage tag. It had been a good luck gift from her sister, and she loved it.

  “I don’t know. Tonight’s really my only chance to see him before everything starts. I guess if it works out.”

  “Right. Well, keep me posted. I hope it all works out for you.”

  “I will, and thanks. I really hope I get to see him.”

  “Oh there’s mine,” Annie said as she spotted her bag, but before she could step forward to grab it, Casey beat her to it and easily lifted it away from the carousel and set it down next to her.

  “Jesus, what’d you pack? Everything in your closet?” he complained.

  Annie smirked at him. “What are you complaining about? You just lifted my bag like it was nothing. I may pack heavy, but that’s cuz I know I have a man who can handle it.”

  “Is that so?” he asked, smirking back at her.

  “Yep. Hey, is that your bag?” she said to distract him, pointing at the carousel. Funnily enough, it was his bag. Moments later, Keri and Erin had their suitcases as well, and all four of them headed outside to join the taxi line.

  They took separate cars since they had to fit their luggage along with themselves, and soon Annie and Casey were on their way to the hotel and a hot shower. They both checked into their rooms, but since Casey was bunking with one of his crew on paper, he just followed Annie to her room so they could enjoy some privacy.

  “Are you still feeling nervous?” Casey asked as he shampooed Annie’s hair, working his fingertips in a swirling motion around her scalp.

  “Feeling… mmm… wonderful right now. Oh my God, don’t stop. That feels so good.”


  “You really are magic, you know?”

  “Right, Magic Mike,” Casey said in a flat tone. Sounding slightly irritated, he asked, “What’s your infatuation with that dude anyway?”

  Annie opened her eyes and looked up at him, wincing and shutting them again as some shampoo suds slid down her forehead. She shrugged and rubbed her fingers over her face, trying to get the suds away from her eyes again.

  “I don’t know. I mean, Channing is super attractive, but it’s when he dances that I want to jump him and have his babies.”

  Casey gave her a look, but she just grinned and shrugged again. “What? It’s just a celebrity crush, and you’re way better than Channing anyway.”

  “Can I get that in writing?” he asked sarcastically, making Annie roll her eyes.

  “Come on, do not tell me you’re threatened by a celebrity that neither of us even knows.”

  “I might know him a little.”

  “What?” Annie said a little too loudly, smacking her hand flat against his chest. With wide eyes, she started to drill him. “When? How? Explain please.”

  Casey just looked at her with an arched eyebrow. “Like you said. I kinda look like the dude.”

  “Uh huh, and?”

  “And I may have done some extra work as his stunt double once or twice.”

  “Oh my God.”

  “It’s not that serious.”

  “Yes, it is. Yes. You stunt doubled for Channing Tatum? Oh my God, that’s amazing. And awesome. And amazing awesome. What’s he like in person? Wait a minute. Never mind, don’t answer that.” Annie clapped her hands giddily. Casey just rolled his eyes and shook his head at her.

  “You know he’s just a dude, right?” he asked wryly.

  “Just a dude who can move his hips like—” Annie broke off and bit her lip. “Never mind.”

  “Oh don’t stop on my account,” Casey said, giving her another look.

  “I’m sorry. Seriously. But I still think it’s pretty cool that you did stunt double work for him. And I think you’re both crazy hot, but I’m glad I have you and not him. I’d take you over him any day. He’s probably a seriously lousy kisser, and like I said, you’re an amazing kisser.”

  “That’s the best thing that’s come out of your mouth since we got here,” he said,

  “I’m sorry, baby. I love you. You’re the best,” she said soothingly as she reached up and started sliding her fingers around his buzzed scalp.

  “Hey, that’s… cheating… no fair… can’t stay mad at you… cheater,” Casey muttered in protest, but he finally trailed off into silence broken by the occasional moan. He couldn’t ever put up much of a fight once she started rubbing his head. He was like putty in her hands. And she wasn’t ashamed to use it to her full advantage.

  After their shower, which to Annie’s disappointment was surprisingly devoid of any sexual activity, although she suspected this was due to his being compared once again to Channing Tatum, they dressed and left for dinner. Casey had considerately made them a reservation at a favorite Italian restaurant of his that he’d discovered on one of his many trips to New York. The food was delicious, and he kept her laughing through the whole meal as he told her about some of the shenanigans the other male dancers had gotten up to while on tour.

  It was apparently tradition amongst these guys to play practical jokes on each other. They never let it get too out of hand, but to them, it was serious competition to see who could outdo the other. The highest respect was paid to the one who could outsmart them all and plan and execute a flawless practical joke. Annie just shook her head and laughed at their antics as Casey retold each story.

  By the time they got back to the hotel, she was exhausted and ready to crash. They had to report for orientation at eight the next morning. Breakfast would start serving at six-thirty. That meant she needed to be up by five to shower and get ready in time. Snuggling up against Casey, her eyes drifted shut as sleep quickly overcame her.

  Morning came all too early for Annie’s taste. She’d been having a delicious dream about how her shower with Casey might have gone if he hadn’t gotten his panties in a bunch over her celebrity crush. She couldn’t believe that she’d basically been cock blocked, and by freaking Channing Tatum of all people! In her dream, Casey palmed her breasts, cupping them firmly in his large hands as he rolled her nipples through his fingers, then positioned himself to thrust deep into her from behind when her phone alarm went off, leaving her wide awake and sexually frustrated.

  Normally she could’ve turned around and satisfied the urge, but this morning there was no time. This was the first day of the rest of her life, and she needed to be alert and look fabulous. Kissing a groggy Casey on the cheek instead, she murmured at him that he could sleep a little longer, then rolled off her side of the bed and rushed into the bathroom to shower.

  When he took his turn in the shower, she hurried to finish getting ready and started doing some light warm-up to get her voice ready. By six-thirty, she was ready to go down to breakfast, but she had absolutely no appetite and the beginnings of a raging headache. Her stomach was tied in knots. This was it. She had to sing today in front of the judges—the celebrity ones on TV—not just the producers of the show like she had auditioned for in Hollywood, as well as in front of all the other talented finalists who’d been invited to New York. As Alex had said, this was the big leagues.

  Annie watched Casey attack his breakfast and inhale scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and breakfast potatoes, then get up for more food.

  “How can you eat like that right now?” she asked in exasperation as he returned to their table after getting a bowl of oatmeal loaded with brown sugar, almonds and raisins.

  “Like what?” he asked her with a raised eyebrow as he dug into his oatmeal.

  “Like today is no big deal. Like today is just the same as any other day.”

  “Uh, well… today is just like any other day.”

  “No, it’s not. Today can make or break the rest of our lives.”

  “Lighten up, princess. You need to eat something.”

  “I can’t,” Annie protested as she pushed the now cold scrambled eggs around on her plate with her fork. “Everything just turns to sawdust in my mouth right now.”

  “Then here. Take an energy bar for later,” he instructed, taking one out of the front pocket of his hoodie and pushing it in front of her plate.

  “Okay… thank you. I’m sorry I’m such a nervous wreck,” she said apologetically.

  “It’s okay. But listen, I need to go meet up with the other guys. I don’t know what the set-up is going to be like once we get in there, but if I can, I’ll save you a seat.”

  “All good, babe. Don’t worry about me—I’ll be fine. I’m going to text Keri and Erin and see where they’re sitting. You don’t need me tagging along with your crew. You’ve got to focus now, too.”

  “Thanks… okay, well, break a leg.”

  Remembering her mom’s fumbled attempt at American slang when her parents dropped her off at the airport, Annie grinned and replied, “Nope, just a fingernail.” When he raised a questioning eyebrow at her, she shook her head and waved him on. “Nothing… just something my mom said before I left.”

  “I love you. You’re going to be great,” he said firmly, hugging her tightly to his side before kissing her forehead and getting up to leave the table.

  “Damn, baby girl, he is fine,” an older black woman sitting at a table next to her commented as Casey left. “Better hang on tight to that one.”

  Annie grimaced and then gave the woman a weak smile before getting up to clear her tray and throw away her trash. “Don’t I know it,” she mumbled before leaving the table, nodding politely to the woman.

  Meanwhile, Keri had texted back, saying she and Erin were sitting down towards the front of the auditorium. After using the ladies’ room, she texted Keri back and told her she’d be joining them momentarily and asked if they could save her a seat. She just needed to get a quick breath of fresh air and clear her head for a minute… before she lost it and threw up the little breakfast she’d been able to force down.

  When she got outside and past security, promising them she’d only need a few moments and then she’d be back inside, she walked right into a FedEx delivery guy who was loitering around the entrance and knocked the phone he’d been texting on out of his hand.

  “Oh my God, I’m so sorry I didn’t see you there. Is your phone—” she started to say, but when she got a good look at the startled green eyes that were staring back at her, her mouth fell open. “It’s you!” she exclaimed in surprise.

  His eyes twinkled as he smiled slightly at her, appearing to look a little confused as to how she thought she knew him.

  “Erin’s guy—Hawaii—you’re Mike,” she blurted out, then immediately wished she could take it back. Who was she to be letting this guy know how much Erin talked about him or how much effect he obviously still had on her? And she was figuring that he probably wouldn’t be thrilled if he knew that Annie knew he was extremely well-endowed. As the thought came to her, she instinctively glanced down at his crotch.

  “You’re a friend of Erin’s? Should I know you?” Mike asked hesitantly.

  Her eyes flew back up to his face as she turned beet red. “No! I mean, I just met Erin yesterday at the airport.” Really, she knew she should just shut up now. Mike was starting to look uncomfortable, like he might bolt at any second. “I mean, she goes to karaoke with a girl I know, and then we all auditioned for this talent competition, and now we’re here in New York because we’re all trying to win a five million dollar contract for our own show in Vegas.”

  Mike’s eyebrows shot up and he smiled widely. “For real? You could win five million dollars and your own show in Vegas? Yo, that’s dope.” His Puerto Rican, Brooklyn accent rang out loud and clear.

  Oh great. She’d just set up the man of Erin’s dreams to be a golddigger.

  Hurriedly, Annie tried to backtrack. “I mean, only one person—or group, I guess—can win, and the chance of one of us winning is so slim, although I’m sure Erin is an amazingly talented singer.”

  “Erin sings?” he asked, the confused look returning to his face. “I didn’t know that.”

  “Yup, I’m pretty sure that’s what she told me her talent is, although I’ve never actually heard her sing before. But she’s here in New York, so I suppose she has to be pretty decent. Like me. I’m no professional, but I do love to sing, and my voice isn’t half-bad, so here I am, babbling to some guy in the middle of NYC when I should be inside somewhere, doing warm-up exercises and not throwing up. I’m so sorry. I’m going to shut up now. I just need to sit. Yeah. Just for a minute.”

  “Hey, um, whatever your name is—”

  “Annie. My name is Annie Chang,” she recited almost tonelessly as she sat down on one of the steps, leaned her head forward onto her knees, and tried desperately to slow her racing heart and calm her breathing.

  “Okay, Annie. Are you gonna hurl or something? Do you need me to call someone for you? Should I get those security guards to come over here?”

  “No!” Her head shot up as she answered him. “No, that’s not necessary. I’ll be fine. Just give me a minute.”

  “Okay,” he said skeptically. “Take a minute, but if you’re not feeling better soon, I’m going to call those guys to come over here. You don’t look so good. You look kinda green,” he observed candidly as he stooped down next to her, his hand on her shoulder.

  “I’ll be fine. It’s just the biggest day of my life. No big deal,” she said, cringing at the hysterical note her voice had taken. “Really, I’m fine.”

  “You don’t look fine,” Mike said matter-of-factly as he patted her gently on the back.

  Narrowing her eyes, Annie shot him a look. “And like you’re the expert?”

  His eyes narrowing as well, Mike stood up and checked the time on his cell phone. “Well um, my break is over. I need to get going.”

  “I’m sorry, Mike. I didn’t mean that. I’m just freaking out a little right now.”

  “A little?”

  “Okay, a lot. I’m freaking out a lot, but don’t hold that against Erin. She thinks the world of you. I’m sure she’d love to see you. God, I’m so selfish. Do you want me to go get her for you?”

  Mike glanced at his phone again and then shook his head, muttering under his breath. “Nah, it’s cool. I don’t want to like, break her concentration or whatever. I’ll hit her up later. You gonna be okay?”

  Nodding emphatically, Annie gave Mike a crooked smile. “It was nice meeting you… sorry it wasn’t under better circumstances.”

  “Don’t trip. Hey uh, break a leg or whatever.”


  “Later,” he said, waving once as he turned and pulled his sunglasses back down on his face and headed down the stairs and then down the street. Annie could see why Erin was infatuated with him. His accent held a certain charm, and he was certainly attractive enough. Those green eyes of his were amazing. Shaking her head, she glanced down at her phone to check the time and yelped. Orientation was starting in five minutes.

  When she finally sat down next to Keri, Annie thought her heart was going to beat out of her chest. She could feel the blood rushing through her body, and things seemed to be moving in both slow motion and at the speed of light at the same time. She glanced nervously at Erin, who was sitting on the other side of Keri. Erin gave her a shy smile and a little wave.

  Oh God. Annie smiled and waved back. She’d wait until later to tell Erin she’d seen Mike outside. She knew telling her right then would be disastrous to her concentration and could cost her the competition
, so she mentioned nothing about him and only asked how Erin and Keri and slept. They were just responding when an attractive man with sandy blonde hair, dressed in a nice suit walked to the center of the stage and started speaking into a microphone.

  “Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the first season of The Next American Superstar. I am your host, Kyle Atkinson. I know many of you have traveled a long ways to get here, and we are very happy to have you here with us in the Big Apple. Now we have a lot of acts to get through today, so I’m just going to give everyone a brief run-down of today’s schedule and then we’ll get started. When you checked into your hotel, you were given a badge with a number. Does everybody have their badge? Great. Okay, we are now going to pass out a schedule for today. Look for your badge number on the schedule. That is the approximate time you are performing today. Please make sure you are ready to go half an hour prior to that. If you do not see your badge number on the schedule, congratulations. Your previous audition has guaranteed you a pass into the next round tomorrow. You may, however, choose to stick around… and I’d recommend it. Check out your competition. All of this is being recorded, and per the waivers you signed, any and all film can be used, so please remember that this is a family show, people. Keep it clean. Okay, that’s about it. I don’t know about you, everybody, but I know I’m excited. Are you excited?”

  The contestants all cheered loudly, filling the auditorium with applause. When the noise died down, Kyle said, “Alright then, we will start in half an hour. Thank you,” and walked off the stage.

  Everyone applauded again as ushers moved about the auditorium passing out schedules. As each contestant checked the schedule for their badge number, some people started getting up to do their last minute preparations. Those who were performing went to change into costumes and do last minute warm-ups. Those who were safe until the next round elected to stay and watch. So far, nobody was stupid enough to leave and not see the competition they would face. There were five million dollars on the line, and everybody seemed to be taking that fact very seriously. It made Annie want to throw up. To her, the money meant freedom and the chance to do something she loved for a living, but not at the cost of her sanity.


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