Niklosi's Nightmare (First Wave Book 10)

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Niklosi's Nightmare (First Wave Book 10) Page 26

by Mikayla Lane

  “Momma! What the hell?” BJ asked as her mom pushed her towards the trail to the cave.

  “You are wasting time. If you don’t leave soon, you won’t get to the cottage by nightfall,” Bess warned them.

  “Come on, BJ,” Nik said with a grin as he handed her the paper with the map on it. “You can be the navigator.”

  BJ took the paper from him and looked back at her mom and Mojo. Her brother just shrugged his shoulders and waved at her.

  “Have fun, guys. And for the love of all that you hold dear, don’t name your kids like our parents named us!” Mojo warned before he ducked the slap Bess aimed at his head.

  BJ only blushed at the thought of kids while Nik laughed and pulled BJ down the trail.

  “Let’s go before he says something that will get him in more trouble,” Nik said, hoping she’d come along with him.

  He had no idea where the hell they were going, but he didn’t care as long as it meant they could have some privacy to get to know one another better.

  They can call the place Fuck Fest Cabin for all I care; nothing will happen that both of us don’t want, he thought, then wondered if that was what concerned BJ.

  He stopped right before the cave entrance and turned to her.

  “I swear I won’t hurt you, and I would never do anything you didn’t want. It doesn’t matter to me what the place is called, nothing will happen that we aren’t ready for,” he assured her.

  “I’m not afraid of you!” BJ said with a laugh. “I was worried about you.”

  “Then let’s go,” Nik said as he turned and pulled her into the cave system. “Now where the hell are we going? I can’t understand half of what your mom wrote on there.”

  BJ looked down at the map and sucked in a breath.

  “This place was never there before. Mojo and I were here, and there was nothing there,” she said as she looked more closely at the map.

  “Are you sure? Maybe it’s hidden behind something?” Nik suggested. He had a feeling Bess wouldn’t steer them wrong.

  “It’s got to be behind something that we missed when we were there,” BJ said with a shake of her head, remembering the area clearly, but she didn’t recall a cottage. “She’s right about one thing, it will take us most of the day to get there. Do you know how to ride a horse?”

  Nik winced at the question.

  “Never,” he admitted, really wishing he had.

  “That’s OK. All of our horses are really tame, and we won’t be running them anywhere. The terrain won’t allow it,” BJ assured him.

  Nik hoped it was true because he didn’t think landing on his ass a dozen times was going to help him woo his mate.

  “Is there other food sources? Because I don’t think there’s enough food in here to make it through dinner,” Nik asked as he easily hefted the basket up and down.

  “There’s fruit, wild onions, potatoes, and other edibles down here that grow naturally. But nothing you’d sustain yourself on unless you had to,” BJ explained, unsure how long he expected them to stay down here.

  Nik didn’t say anything and only nodded his head. He felt confident that Bess would have food covered in some way.

  Bess has to know I wanted more than just a day and night with BJ, Nik thought, hoping he was right.

  The cave opened up into the large cavern they’d been in that last time, and Nik reached his hand back to help BJ down the trail that led to the bottom. He was thrilled when she didn’t hesitate to take his hand.

  When they finally reached the bottom, BJ moved to the pair of horses standing at the trail, their reins dragging the ground as they chewed lazily on the lush grass.

  Nik walked around the horses curiously, noting the bulging saddlebags.

  “Your mom packed us pretty well for something,” he said as BJ moved to the saddlebags.

  He watched a safe distance from the large animals while BJ rummaged through the bags.

  “Looks like non-perishable foods. Which means the basket is probably fresh stuff for the trip there,” BJ said as she grinned at him. “Let’s get the basket secured.”

  Nik looked at the large animals and BJ’s outstretched hand, and he sucked up his reticence and walked over to her.

  “Where should I secure it?” he asked.

  “Here,” BJ told him as she held up a few straps on the side of the dark brown horse. “She’s the biggest one, so you’ll ride her.”

  Nik just nodded and began securing the basket to the horse with the straps. When he was done, he looked down at BJ.

  “OK, show me how to drive it.”

  BJ just laughed at him.

  “Steer her. You want to steer her. But Star here doesn’t really need steering. I’ll take the lead with Moon, and she’ll follow him,” BJ suggested. “We’ll go over basics along the way so you get a feel for riding.”

  “Sounds good. How do I mount it?” Nik asked, trying to figure it out as he stared at the horse.

  “Watch me,” BJ said, then put her foot in the stirrup and swung her leg over the saddle.

  Looks easy, Nik thought with a nod.

  He grabbed the pommel of the saddle, didn’t account for the animal moving on him as he lifted his leg, and he ended up on his ass on the ground.

  BJ smothered her grin as she dismounted and held onto Star to keep her from moving.

  “Let’s try this again. I’ll keep her from moving this time,” BJ said, her eyes daring him to try it again.

  Nik stood, dusted off his ass, and grabbed the pommel tightly before launching himself into the saddle. He grinned broadly as he sat atop the horse and admired the view for a moment before he looked down at BJ.

  “This is kind of cool.”

  “It’s a lot of fun when you get used to it. Here are the reins,” BJ said as she held them up to him. “Keep them loose in your hands. A slight tug left and Star goes left, slight tug right . . . you get the idea.”

  BJ launched herself back into the saddle and easily turned Moon to take the lead. She turned back to Nik.

  “You going to be OK?” she asked.

  Nik was amazed at the way the sunlight streaming down through the cavern highlighted her beautiful face.

  “I’m more than OK,” Nik admitted.


  Kyle watched dispassionately as the miles stretched between them and Baker’s Creek. It wasn’t until his men began complaining about food before he ordered them to exit the highway. He wasn’t sure why they’d bothered since none of them ate much and had spent the entire meal picking at their food in silence.

  He stood, walked over to the cashier to pay the bill, and when he opened his wallet, he saw a small piece of paper flutter to the floor. He handed the girl his credit card as he stooped to pick up the paper.

  Kyle signed the receipt the young woman handed him and unfolded the piece of paper he didn’t recall putting in his wallet.

  We know you’re one of us. We can help you find who you’re looking for. Call the number you find on your cell phone at 6 p.m.

  Kyle looked around the restaurant, trying to see if he could find who’d left him the note. When he saw his men come towards him, he quickly shoved the note into his pants pocket.

  “We’re going to get loaded,” Greg said.

  “I’m hitting the head; I’ll be out in a minute,” Kyle assured the captain before moving towards the bathroom.

  He shut the door behind him and quickly locked it. Heading over to the sink, his shoulders slumped as he put his hands on either side of the sink.

  Kyle looked into the dull mirror and stared into his reflection for a moment before he turned on the cold water and splashed his face. He dried himself with a wad of paper towels and sighed as he looked at himself again.

  Knowing he didn’t have much time before his men were pounding on the door, he reached into the side pocket of his pants and pulled out a shatter proof black case. He opened it, set it on the side of the sink, and began to take the first contact out of his eyes.
  He refused to pay too close attention to the color until they were both removed. When they were both finally out, he stared at himself again and had to cover his mouth to stifle his gasp.

  What the hell am I going to do now? he thought, shaking his head.

  Kyle stared at the once small pinpricks of blue that marred his normally brown eyes and couldn’t believe the swirling mass they had become overnight.

  He gripped the edges of the sink and struggled to control the panic that surged through him. He trembled as he breathed deeply, centering himself the way he’d been taught as a child until he could calmly look into the swirling blue masses in his eyes.

  He carefully pulled a contact out of the black case and placed it into his eye, then did the other one before he stared back into his face. He moved his head around at different angles making sure that no sign of the swirls could be see through the contacts.

  He jumped at the knock on the door.

  “Sir, we’re ready to head out. Just waiting on you,” Greg called from the other side of the door.

  “I’ll be out in a minute,” Kyle replied.

  He waited until he heard Greg’s footsteps receding from the door before he allowed his rage to take over and put his fist through the mirror where his eyes had been staring back at him. He ignored the shattered mirror and grabbed a few paper towels to stop the blood from his knuckles and cursed his own stupidity.

  He looked down at the cuts on his knuckles, centered his energy, and watched as the open wounds began to close. Moments later when there was no sign of an injury, he washed the remaining blood off of his hands and left the bathroom.

  Without looking back at the store, he mentally left the man in mirror there and got into the passenger seat of the lead vehicle beside Greg.

  “Let’s go home,” he ordered as he put on his sun glasses and stared out of the window.

  “What are we going to put in the report, sir?” Greg asked.

  “That the prisoners escaped before we got there,” Kyle replied.

  “You’re not going to mention anything else?” Greg asked, thinking of the visions and the monsters loose in Baker’s Creek.

  “Would you?” Kyle countered.

  “Fuck no, sir,” Greg admitted.

  Kyle turned back to look out the window and counted off the hours in his mind. He was determined to make sure he was alone and able to talk privately at 6 p.m., when he intended to make a phone call he hoped would end the nightmare his life had become almost a decade ago.


  Traze sat beside Grai on the transport, a small, secretive smile on his face.

  “You ever going to tell me what happened? What she showed you?” Grai asked.

  Traze chuckled and leaned his head back in the seat and closed his eyes.

  “One day I will have a story to tell, but right now my book is still being written; the middle and the ending are unfinished,” Traze said then turned to look at Grai. “Let me get through the first few chapters before I reveal the end.”

  “The end?” Grai asked worriedly.

  “Every end has a beginning,” Traze said cryptically before he drifted off into an exhausted sleep.

  Grai leaned back with a frustrated sigh, wishing he knew what had wrought the change in his brother, while at the same time being grateful for those same changes. Somehow he knew things were going to change. Whether it was for the better or not, he didn’t know, but he was damn sure hoping they’d catch a break.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Nik and BJ reached the place where the cottage was supposed to be and looked around the area in confusion. They expected there to be something that would block the cottage from view, but there was nothing there at all, no tree, shrubs or even vines.

  BJ huffed in frustration and dismounted her horse while Nik did the same. After the half dozen stops they’d made getting there, he was getting better at handling the horse and was able to get off the beast without landing on his ass.

  Nik stood beside BJ and looked around for a trail or something that they may have missed.

  “It’s supposed to be right here. See on the map?” BJ asked, showing Nik the piece of paper. “It says that it’s between the stream and the heart-shaped rock.”

  Nik could clearly see the heart-shaped rock on one side of them and a small stream on the other. According to the map, they were in the right spot. Nik shook his head, completely confused.

  “I don’t get it. Maybe you need to do something,” Nik suggested.

  “What do you think I’m supposed to do?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “I don’t know . . . something witchy maybe?” Nik asked, shrugging his shoulders in confusion.

  “Wit . . . I can’t believe you just said that!” BJ said with a laugh as she slapped at his shoulder. “You’re an ass. You know that?”

  “Yes, I do know. I didn’t mean anything by it though! Honestly, I wasn’t sure if you could wave your hand or something and make it appear,” he replied, trying to defend his stupidity.

  “I don’t have power like that,” BJ said with a grin. “I wish I did, but you might be on to something.”

  BJ moved to stand back a few feet from the exact spot the cottage should be according to the map. She shoved the map in her pocket, held both hands up in front of her, and began to mumble something that Nik couldn’t understand.

  He was getting ready to ask what she was saying when he sucked in a gasp as a cottage popped in front of them.

  “What the fuck . . .” Nik whispered as he took a step back.

  BJ turned to him with a brilliant smile that sucked the breath right out of him.

  “It was hidden! We just had to ask that it be revealed,” BJ said in excitement before she ran inside.

  Nik stood outside for a moment, catching his breath as he studied the small but cozy-looking cabin. Like Bess’s house, it appeared to be made almost completely out of living elements, and he shook off the shiver that skittered up his spine at the thought of sleeping inside it.

  She’s worth it, he thought, remembering her beautiful smile.

  He strode to the partially opened door and stepped inside. He took one look around before he went back outside to examine the outside of the cottage again. This time he walked around the entire cottage before he stepped back inside.

  “There’s no fucking way . . .” he whispered before looking around franticly. “BJ? BJ, where are you?”

  Nik looked around the massive interior of the cottage and couldn’t see BJ anywhere. Unsure which way to go to try and find her, he was getting ready to guess when BJ appeared in a hallway and waved to him.

  “What the fuck is this?” Nik asked as he looked around the mansion-like interior he’d stepped into.

  BJ laughed, the sound echoing down the pink marble hallway.

  “I have no idea! This is incredible isn’t it? The queen had one hell of an idea of a sanctuary!” BJ said as she ran down the hallway towards him.

  “Where the hell are we?” Nik whispered as BJ finally reached him.

  “Honestly? I don’t know,” BJ admitted.

  Nik walked over to the wall and touched it just to make sure it was real.

  “How is this possible?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. Come here, let me show you this,” BJ said as she tugged him through the hallway she’d come down only moments earlier.

  “Why is it so big?” Nik asked as they passed a bedroom with the largest bed he’d ever seen.

  “I don’t know that either,” BJ said with a shrug. “The only thing I can think of is that the queen wanted to make sure that she had enough room to move around.”

  Nik shot her a doubtful look, and BJ laughed.

  “They’re really tall and need more room than most to even pace!” BJ suggested then pointed at the door at the end of the hallway. “Check this out.”

  Curiosity got the best of him and Nik opened the door and grinned as he shook his head and stepped outs
ide to stand only feet from the creek outside the cottage. BJ stepped up beside him and nodded her head towards the front door.

  “It’s a hell of a short cut back to the front,” BJ said then ran to the front door of the cottage.

  Nik took off after her and they both skidded to a stop in the enormous front hallway of cottage.

  “That’s seriously fucked up,” Nik whispered with a grin.

  BJ shook her head in amazement.

  “I have to admit, it’s really cool. A little creepy, but cool.”

  Nik pulled her close and looked around the interior.

  “What do you say we go exploring and figure this place out? Or at least get our bearings,” Nik suggested, hoping the tour would ease their trepidation about the unusual place.

  “It’s like the outside is in the cavern, but the inside is in another realm,” BJ whispered.

  “Do you think something like that is possible?” Nik asked.

  BJ gestured to the immense interior of the cottage.

  “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” she teased.

  Nik laughed and nodded.

  “OK, I get it. But why would your mom send us here?”

  That had BJ stumped. She was tempted to ask her mom but was afraid to ruin the moment with Nik and the chance to discover it together.

  “Maybe she wanted to keep us busy exploring?” BJ suggested with a shrug.

  “That I can believe. So let’s get started.”

  Nik tugged BJ gently into a room right off the entrance, which turned out to be a dining room.

  It took more than an hour for them to fully inspect each room in the cottage’s palatial interior. They ended the tour in one of the first rooms they visited and collapsed on one of the many sprawling couches.

  “I’m starving, and we need to take care of the horses,” Nik stated before he stood again. “You stay there, and I’ll get the horses done and bring in the rest of the basket your mom gave us.”

  “No, I’ll help. Pull me up,” BJ said and held her hand out to Nik.


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