Walker Bride

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Walker Bride Page 9

by Bernadette Marie

  His fingers gripped her hips, and his hard body pushed against hers.

  This was wrong. They had both just established that this wasn’t a good move. They were all going to get hurt. There was so much more at stake here, but she couldn’t stop. There was a desperate need to keep him close and feel his body pressing against hers.

  Tyson sucked in a hard breath and looked at her. “What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her,” he said gasping before taking her mouth again with his.

  Thank God that’s how he felt because Pearl was sure she was going to burst.

  Chapter Thirteen

  When Tyson had watched her drive up the road, he’d had all intentions of turning her back down it.

  As his hand skimmed the skin just under the hem of her shirt and her fingers worked up into his hair, he remembered the promise he’d made to his sister. Then he thought about how he was going to break it.

  Was this what had driven his biological mother, Eric’s mother, mad—passion? Had she given up her child over lust? Was that what he was doing?

  The bonding of the Walkers and the Morgans was one thing when it came to nailing the son-of-a-bitches that had been messing with them. But hard feelings and family secrets had torn the families apart for years. Having sex with a Walker wasn’t going to mend it.

  Pearl’s legs were tight around his waist. Her lips were on his neck and her skin soft under his fingertips. A moan escaped between them—from him.

  It was so much more than burying a hatchet. He’d done that. The moment he accepted his biological mother’s fate, Eric as his brother, and the lie his mother, father and grandfather had fed him his whole life had been the moment the feud between families didn’t matter.

  But Pearl was Byron Walker’s daughter. That did make a huge difference in the house he was raised in.

  However, as her fingers began to work the snaps on his shirt, just as they had a week ago, none of it mattered.

  This was Pearl. She was a mystery wrapped in a beautiful package. She did things to him, physically, without ever having to touch him. She did things to him mentally that he just couldn’t explain.

  Susan had been on his case to get that damn tux fitted. He’d held off as long as he possibly could. Since finding out Pearl’s cousin was his brother, he’d spent his share of time around her. A fire had begun to fuel months ago, and he didn’t want to feel its burn.

  It was stupid. He was lonely, he thought, but then retracted it as he moved his hand up under her shirt and cupped her breast.

  The moan now came from Pearl.

  This was crazy. This lust put them both into the same category as their families—liars.

  He winced as she gently nipped at his skin and he absorbed the pleasure of the pain. There was no stopping the momentum of what they had started. And why should he?

  They were grown adults, and they were about to make a very adult decision—one he couldn’t wait much longer for.

  He lowered Pearl to her feet, and her eyes met his. “You’re not going to stop are you? You’re not going to say we can’t.”

  He brushed his hand over her cheek. “I don’t want to.”

  “Then don’t,” she said as she pressed her mouth to his. “Where can we go?”

  The years peeled away, and he felt seventeen again. Sneaking around and finding pleasure in the body of a willing and beautiful girl.

  He took her hand and led her to the couch on the other side of the room. Oh, this had surely been his escape for years. The big screen TV that hung above the fireplace and the small kitchenette allowed him to stay in that space as long as he wanted. He couldn’t help but wonder if his grandfather even knew about the setup he had. Though he oversaw everything in the family’s business, he very rarely left the house.

  Still, Tyson couldn’t help but want to keep him out.

  Pearl positioned herself on the couch as Tyson stood.

  “Where are you going?”

  He smiled back at her. “I’m not leaving. Just locking the door—in case.”

  She batted her eyes at him and licked her lips. “Okay, hurry.”

  He did as he said he’d do and locked the world out. For this moment, it would be only him and Pearl. For this moment, it would be shutting the world away and embracing the moment that they might later regret.

  When he turned back toward her, she was lying on the couch, her blouse unbuttoned, and the breath of life tattoo moved as her breathing increased.

  The closer he got to her, the more intense her blue eyes became. Her full lips parted as if she waited for him to seal them with his.

  For a moment he merely looked down at her, wanting to capture this moment in his memory.

  “You’re stunning,” he said, his eyes on hers and not on her body.

  The corner of her mouth lifted into a seductive grin. “Now’s your chance to see that tattoo on my back.”

  He’d released the bad girl, he realized. Now the question would be, would he be able to keep up with her?


  The day had quickly gone into the night, or so it had seemed. Pearl lay entangled in blankets on the floor of the barn office, in front of the fireplace, which they’d turned on more for ambiance than heat.

  Tyson’s body was curled up behind her. He brushed her hair over her shoulder and placed a precise kiss on the base of her neck. That sent a chill straight down her spine.

  “I don’t know if I have enough energy to continue,” she said with a breathy voice replaying the afternoon of making love in her mind. “But we could try.”

  He chuckled. “We haven’t used the shower in the bathroom yet.”

  Now she laughed. “I think it’s the only area we haven’t hit yet.”

  His hand skimmed down her side and over her hip. “Chinese symbols on your rib cage. Angel wings low on your back. A rose on your ankle and an infinity symbol with a dangling heart on your thigh. Have I seen them all?”

  Her stomach did a little flip thinking about him seeing all her tattoos. He’d done much more than that she thought, remembering the kisses he’d feathered over her skin, lingering at each tattoo.

  “I think you’ve seen everything,” she said rolling so that she could face him. “The scar down your back, the one on your elbow, and another on your shoulder. No tattoos?”

  “More accident prone than anything.”

  She ran her finger down his chest. “I doubt that.”

  “Lydia gave me the one on my shoulder. I was pushing her on a tree swing and got in the way. It knocked me down on a rock.”

  Pearl pressed her lips to the scar. “Your elbow?”


  “Your back?”

  His eyes narrowed, and the playfulness faded. “Nothing awesome.”

  Pearl locked her gaze onto his. “I stumbled on something.”

  She watched as he processed it and she wondered if he’d trust her with the information.


  She didn’t remark right away, but she couldn’t keep quiet. “Not an accident?”

  Tyson’s lips tightened. “What does it matter?”

  “It doesn’t,” she pressed a kiss to his lips. “Where do we go from here? I mean, I let you see my tattoos.”

  A smile crept onto his lips. “Are you willing to let me see them again?”


  He shrugged. “And tomorrow. Maybe even the next?”

  There was a new pattern to her heart beat. It had ramped up to a remarkable pace, and that thrilled her as much as his promise had.

  Lying there naked, her body wrapped around his, and running through her head was only one question. “What about Lydia?”

  He shook his head. “This isn’t the time I want to talk about my sister.”

  “Kind of a turn off?”


  “Do you have food in that kitchen?”

  Tyson’s face scrunched up. “Microwave popcorn?”

  “That’s not good for

  “Wasn’t thinking I was going to be entertaining.”

  Pearl rolled him back so that he was flat on the floor and poised her body atop of his. “I’ll tell you what. Why don’t we try that shower and then I’ll make you dinner at my place?”

  There were no more words or promises before he maneuvered her up and carried her away toward the shower.

  Chapter Fourteen

  It was nearing nine o’clock by the time Pearl parked in her driveway. A few moments later, Tyson parked his truck, the nice one, on the street in front of the house.

  Was it wrong to like the look of him parked there?

  As she climbed from her car, she thought it would be very obvious who was at her house if anyone she knew were to drive by. They needed to decide how they were going to handle this. Either they were going to have a secret relationship, which had its enticements, or they were going to have to let Lydia know that they’d deal with anything that came their way. They were grown adults having sex and involved in a business. She didn’t want to think they were involved more than the sex. That would be presumptuous of her. And her father always said, “If you assume, you make an ass of you and me.”

  She winced. She hated that saying.

  Tyson walked toward her as she gathered her bag from the back seat. “Is my truck okay there?”

  Maybe they were in sync with their thinking.

  “It’ll be fine. As long as you don’t mind anyone seeing it.”

  He nodded slowly, his face highlighted by the street light. “I’m going to risk that, tonight. I’m not quite done being with you yet.”

  Her heart did that little trip again, and she was finding she rather enjoyed it.

  “Thanks again for the flowers,” she said, closing the car door and walking toward him. “I never would have gone to see you otherwise.”

  “Thanks for measuring me for that tux,” he joked. “I never would have stopped in otherwise. I would have just waited for my brother to invite me to another dinner.”

  She couldn’t fight the smile that surfaced. “That’s why you came to dinners with everyone?”

  “I think that since you know the reasons behind all my scars, and since I’ve kissed all your tattoos, then you can know that. Yes, that’s why I went.”

  She moved closer to him until their chests were pressed together. “I’ve had sex with you more than just tonight, you know?”

  His brows rose, and his eyes widened. “You have?”

  Slowly she nodded as she licked her lips. “I’ve been dreaming about you for months.”

  Tyson cleared his throat. “Oh, really?”

  “I don’t measure everyone the way I measured you,” she said, running her fingers up his chest. “I couldn’t help myself.”

  “I hate the city,” he said, and she stepped back.

  Where had that come from?


  “Too many neighbors. At least out at my place, I could drop you right on the ground and take you. Now I have to hurry you inside. We might as well forget dinner. That’s not happening tonight.”

  He took her hand and hurried her up the front steps and through the front door.


  There were mornings when Pearl wished she had a staff. Someone to open and someone to close. And someone to work on Saturday mornings so she could sleep in the arms of the man she’d brought home.

  She felt the smile form in her heart long before it formed on her lips.

  Tyson snored softly behind her, his body pressed to hers. She didn’t want to move. She didn’t want to end this moment.

  Her alarm brought the radio to life, and she slapped her hand over it quickly, but he stirred.

  “What was that?” His voice was low and gruff.

  “I have to go to work.”

  He let out a groan. “I suppose that means I do too.”

  “I’m having lunch with Lydia today,” she mentioned as she sat up and pulled the sheet with her to cover herself.

  Tyson scratched his head and then his unshaven cheeks. “You sure do know how to keep me from thinking about you in an intimate light.”

  She wanted to laugh, but now it was too serious. “I just thought I should tell you.”

  Leaning up on his elbow, he let his hand trace the outline of her thigh under the sheets. “Are you going to tell her about this?”

  She shook her head. “No. Not yet. I don’t even know what this is yet,” she said, and he agreed with a nod. It was then she realized she’d hoped he’d have an answer for that. Obviously, he didn’t.

  “I’ll get my things and head out.” He sat up. “Maybe we can have dinner this week.”

  The disappointment dropped into her gut. Didn’t they have all weekend? “Sure. I’d like that.”

  “Dane is coming in tonight, for Susan and Eric’s wedding next weekend,” he added as if she weren’t fully aware of that. “Gerald thought we should take Eric out tonight.”

  The lump in her stomach eased a bit. Perhaps he did have a reason to skip right over, I’ll see you later tonight.

  “Bethany has plans for all the girls on Tuesday,” she said. “It seems Susan was very particular about having a classy night out and nothing too risqué.”

  Tyson chuckled. “Are you keeping to that?”

  She shrugged. “I know a guy who will show up if I call, dressed as a police officer.”

  His eyes grew dark, and she knew what he was thinking. I know a guy was never a good thing to say when you were in bed with another guy. Especially when you were talking about a stripper.

  “Maybe someone dressed like a police officer isn’t the best choice for those girls. That might set Bethany back in therapy, and she doesn’t need that.”

  Now she felt little. He was right. Bethany had been assaulted by a police officer and Susan’s fiancé nearly killed by him. “A nice quiet dinner does sound nice.”

  He smiled. “I suppose I could be here when you got back, and I could be that guy you know.”

  “You’d do a strip tease for us?”

  “For you,” he smiled finally, and it eased the pain of the disappointment.

  “I’m not expecting anything from you,” she said, feeling as though she needed to.

  There was a flash in his eyes. “I’m not expecting anything either,” he said. “Last night was nice. I suppose it’ll be nice next time too.”

  Any heat from a night full of passion had indeed been extinguished.

  “I’d better get ready.”

  “I’d better head home.”

  For a long moment, they just sat and stared at each other before Tyson finally turned and picked his pants up off the floor.

  Their impromptu night was over.


  Her mind certainly wasn’t on business. Pearl thought her first bride was going to cry when she’d brought out the wrong dress for her to pick up.

  Somehow she managed through the rest of the day, even though she made her share of absent-minded mistakes.

  Lydia walked through the door at two, a large cup of coffee in each of her hands. “Thought you could use a pick me up before lunch.”

  Pearl had nearly forgotten. “Sorry. I have one more pickup and then…”

  Lydia held up her hand. “Don’t apologize to me. My businesses run themselves, and I can drop in when needed.” She smiled widely, and Pearl knew Lydia was proud of her successes. “Now, when the freaking water heater goes out at midnight, that’s when business ownership is a pain.”

  She took the cup Lydia offered her. For a moment, she wondered if she should tell her about her night with Tyson. Then she thought better of it.

  She’d taken a breath to tell her about Sunshine as well. Quickly, she remembered who Sunshine’s uncle was, and that wasn’t going to go over very well with Lydia.

  This was the problem with keeping secrets, she decided. Everything she wanted to tell someone was only going to hurt them.

  “It looks like the contractor will
be starting on the building next week,” Lydia said as she picked up a bridal magazine and began flipping pages. “We should have occupancy clearance soon too.”

  “I suppose I should learn what all of that means if I’m going to own a building.”

  Lydia smiled. “I understand it, and so does Tyson. Our mother is quite versed in building code,” she chuckled.

  “Will he be there a lot?” Pearl asked, needing to know Lydia’s thoughts on it.

  “I can’t see him coming to town that much. He's just an investor.”

  “That’s good,” she said and hoped she was convincing.

  Luckily she saw her last bridal pickup heading for the door. That should detour the conversation away from Tyson for a bit.

  Pearl put on her professional smile and went to work.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Pearl was quickly learning that Lydia did nearly everything with a purpose.

  She’d waited for Pearl to finish with her appointments and close up shop. She’d suggested a small café about four blocks away. They had decided it would be nice to walk.

  “My mother brought me here last week, and I talked to the pastry chef. She makes cupcakes. They’re her signature item,” she added. “I know bridal showers and baby showers usually have something cute like that.”

  Pearl smiled. “They do. It’s become a new fad to have individual items for people.”

  “Anyway, I’m always adding to my database of people to network with. Our little bridal mecca is going to be the talk of all Georgia.”

  Lydia’s business aspect was something Pearl admired. She thought herself quite a business woman, but to watch Lydia’s eyes light up when she had an idea, it was mesmerizing.

  They sat and had lunch. Business was the main topic until Officer Smythe walked through the door to pick up a take-out order.


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