The New Founders

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The New Founders Page 9

by Joseph F. Connor

  Jenson’s famous Virginia statehouse saying was that he had never seen one of two disputants convince the other by arguments. Besides, he knew he would get ample face time with Mr. Washington upon arrival in DC. The king of talk radio agreed to connect the limo and van for the duration of the trip over the internet through Skype. Everybody was pleased to know that they would be part of the discussion down to the nation’s capital.

  As the men exited the Faulk home, they were met on the sidewalk by Mrs. Murray, Todd, and Skip Keaton. While the van idled in front of the Faulk home, Jack Murray introduced his family to Washington. Dorothy Murray giggled as she shook Mr. Washington’s hand. As always, Mr. Washington bowed in the presence of a lady and kissed her hand, observing that Dottie Murray’s charm was reminiscent of Mrs. Madison who he cared for very much.

  Following the conversation inside the house, the General felt he needed to assure both parties.

  “I will entertain Mr. Anders’ offer and travel in his coach. I only require that Mr. Hahn join with me on the first leg of the journey. Certainly there will be adequate opportunity tonight as we rest. And on tomorrow’s leg, I will visit with Mr. Murray and Mr. Jenson. And please refer to me by the familiar form of my name which I observe is the current custom. Please call me George.”

  As the whole group stood in awe of Mr. Washington, the young Todd Murray laughed out loud before righting himself. He reminded the tall man that the trip would only take three hours.

  “We’ll be down there before the sun sets.”

  Mr. Washington laughed and ruffled Todd’s hair, noting that it took a young man of clear mind to alert him to the expediency of the trip.

  He was about to approach the red van at the curb when, to Mr. Washington’s surprise, Anders’ white limo pulled up. Anthony Hahn stepped forward and swung the rear passenger door open for the General. After a brief examination of the long car, President George Washington hesitatingly slid into the back seat.

  Hahn threw his overnight bag in the trunk of the limo and followed Mr. Washington into the car. Anders watched as the rest of the group filed into the van and shut the door. Keaton stayed with Anders on the sidewalk as they finalized directions for their trip south. When Anders was satisfied that Keaton understood the route, he turned and entered the limousine, closing the door behind him. As each excited group settled in for the ride, Mr. Washington looked above and around his head as the car lurched forward. A million questions swam in the president’s head.

  “Gentlemen, please excuse the inquiry, as I have so many, but in what kind of coach are we riding?”

  Josh Anders asked that George not apologize for any question. “We understand. We have about three hours on our ride to Washington. Hahn and I will try to answer all your questions and bring you up to date on world history since 1799. And there is a lot to talk about, as you can imagine.”

  Both men took turns describing how automobiles come in different shapes and sizes and how they’re commonly referred to as cars. Hahn defined the term limousine, explaining that it is a larger car that carries many people in luxury. George observed its spaciousness and noted that it was obviously a different breed of limousine than the limousin cattle herded in Europe.

  “Yes, sir,” Hahn said, smiling. “Though I understand the origin of both words came from the same region of France.”

  Mr. Washington saw cars everywhere he looked. He said aloud to himself that it was evident these autos were the preferred choice of transportation for twenty-first century Americans. He asked if they were made in Philadelphia.

  “No, most of them are built in Detroit, which is a city in the state of Michigan.”

  George went on to mention that he was familiar with Detroit as it played a part in the French and Indian War. He also mentioned that the British surrendered Detroit to the United States through the Jay Treaty of 1796. But he said he was not familiar with the state of Michigan.

  Anders was deep in a text message conversation but managed to say that if the British wanted Detroit back, they could have it. Hahn jokingly agreed before taking the floor again.

  “Oh, we have 50 states now; three thousand miles across from sea to sea, plus Alaska and Hawaii. Most American-built cars come from Detroit, the center of the American auto-making industry. Sadly, however, many other cars are built in other countries such as Japan and Germany, or as you might have called it, Prussia.”

  Mr. Washington seemed astonished.

  “Fascinating, just fascinating. I will remain quiet and at your disposal as I digest the marvels I am sure you will describe.”

  As the limousine negotiated Philadelphia traffic, Hahn’s cell phone rang. He looked at the phone and realized it was Jack Murray from the van. He told Murray to wait about ten minutes until they reached the highway. Hahn hung up and told Mr. Washington to enjoy the city scenery before they reached the interstate.

  Murray was as anxious to connect to the limo as the rest of his travel mates and showed his frustration as he looked at his phone. Dottie slid closer to him and put her hand on his.

  “It’s a three hour ride, babe. We’re not going to miss anything. Just relax.”

  She brought her left hand up and began to massage Murray’s neck and shoulder. Todd looked away, embarrassed at his parents’ sign of public affection. Within an instant, Mr. Murray relaxed. He was always putty in her hands, and this time was no exception. He leaned his head back and nearly forgot where he was as the mobile phone fell to the carpeted floor.

  The vehicles moved through the streets of Philadelphia as Mr. Washington continued to look near and far, trying to soak in everything he noticed. The last time he traveled these streets, it had been on a very bumpy carriage ride over a dirt road. He marveled at the way the automobile could move so smoothly at such high speeds. Hahn explained how the invention commonly referred to as the shock absorber allowed for a level and even transport. Upon hearing one of many explanations to come, Mr. Washington returned his nose to the window to take in more sights.

  As the limo finally turned onto the entrance ramp leading to interstate 95, Hahn’s phone rang once again. Contemplating not answering the call for a second, he picked up the phone.

  “Hi Jack. Oh, I’m sorry. What did you say? Ok, I will get on now. Todd, what password should I use? Ok, thanks. See you in a minute.”

  The youthful Hahn leaned over to the keyboard built into the limo’s console and typed in his ID and password. Skype connected the Anders’ limo to Jenson’s van with a crystal clear picture. On the other side of the connection, the men viewed the image of Todd Murray smiling as he adjusted the volume on the van’s personal computer.

  “George, you are looking into Mr. Jenson’s automobile. Young Mr. Murray and the others can see and hear you just as we can see and hear them.”

  Even though the General was amazed at what he had seen so far, looking into the computer screen dazzled him. For the first time since he appeared, Mr. Washington seemed overwhelmed.

  “I only just promised to remain quiet, but for this I cannot keep restraint. What is this looking glass that allows us to peer across space and privacy? How is it done? Did Mr. Franklin, or your Mr. Faulk create this miracle?”

  Jenson’s laugh was audible over the Skype connection while he peered into the camera, providing Mr. Washington the opportunity to see who was addressing him.

  “No, I don’t think so, although a former vice-president of the United States claims to have. That is another story for another day.”

  Centering himself in front of the camera mounted to the van’s computer, Todd Murray contributed by describing Skype and the internet.

  His father picked up on Todd’s description. “These connections can be made anywhere in the world at any time. One can communicate with limitless numbers of people instantaneously. This internet and the technologies that drive it are extraordinarily powerful devices. Even for us, who have lived through the rise of these technologies, it is miraculous. For young Todd here, it is as mun
dane as a quill and parchment may have been for you.”

  Mr. Washington struggled as he slid down the limo’s leather seat. He examined the computer and leaned forward to look left and right around the device. Perplexed, he tried to figure out how the contraption worked without asking yet another question. It was of no use.

  “Forgive me if I ask a silly question, but back at the Faulk residence I noticed a number of what you called electronic devices and they were connected to the walls of the house by rubber wires. You explained that an electrical current ran from outside wires connected to the house and that electricity circulated throughout the dwelling, allowing twenty-first century man to power-up their devices. Well, I am looking at this device before me and I see wires protruding from the back into the car panel here, but the automobile is not connected to anything. On the contrary, we are mobile and in motion. So how is it possible that two automotive devices, moving simultaneously at a great speed, can be connected?”

  Hahn stated that similar to the cell phone (that seemed to be an extension of Anders’ hand), a computer sends a signal up to a satellite in space, then back down to another phone or computer, creating a link or a connection.

  Mr. Washington, listening closely as he continued to study the device, turned to the two gentlemen in the back seat to explain that in his day, the word satellite was used to refer to a follower or attendant to a superior person.

  Anders, taking a break from his cellular phone, blurted that if that were the case, the occupants of each car were his satellites.

  Murray did not know what to make of Anders’ statement. He looked around the van to find all of its passengers giving Anders the same odd look. He thought that maybe Anders had enough girth and gravitational pull to attract satellite objects, but Jack Murray was not one of them. As far as Murray was concerned, Anders could speak for himself. He may have been paid to talk, but there was no way Anders represented Jack.

  Sensing his thoughts, Dottie squeezed his leg and smiled to her husband, causing Jack to bite his tongue. Soon everyone focused again on the computer screen as Mr. Washington cleared his throat.

  “These wonders are most astounding and I am quite sure you learned gentleman and the lovely Mrs. Murray will educate me further on their technical origins. However, what I find most astonishing, and I do hope it proves most gratifying about our society, is the mixture of races living among each other.”

  Jenson and the Murrays could see on the screen how the first president waved his arm toward the passing cars on the highway and pointed to each person within each car.

  “In my very limited observations thus far, Negroes, yellow, white and brown inhabitants of Philadelphia appear as equals. Am I to believe that the question of holding such species as property has been addressed throughout the southern states? Perhaps wiser and braver men than us came together to remove the chains of bondage?”

  From the van, Jenson beat the other new founders to the punch. “Mr. President, to your great satisfaction I am sure, the slave trade and ultimately slavery itself was abolished in these United States 150 years ago. We’ll talk about it in more detail during our history discussion.”

  Mr. Washington agreed and thanked Tim for the quick answer. He was not prepared for the next question.

  “Did you really chop down that cherry tree?”

  George laughed at the blunt inquiry posed by Todd Murray. However, the only other sound audible in either car was the hum of the car engines as everybody in hearing distance waited for an answer. Mr. Washington went silent, surprised by the serious tones taken in the limo and van. He thought that these folks could not be serious.

  “I hope you all realize that the story about the cherry tree is simply that, a story. I have taken many hatchets to many trees, including cherry trees in my gardens at Mount Vernon. And I had no reason to lie about any of them. In fact, my father would have been proud if I took one of our trees down as it would mean less work for him.”

  As Mr. Washington uttered those words, Dorothy Murray let out such a high pitched cackle that the limo driver tapped the brakes. Everybody followed with genuine laughter as they learned the truth about a centuries old legend.

  As the laughter subsided, the navigation screen mounted in the dashboard directed the driver to turn on to I-95 South. Mr. Washington, hearing the artificial voice, looked around in every direction before sliding toward the front seat. He stared over the driver’s right shoulder at the small colorful electronic map that moved in synchronization with the car. The curious electronic device continued to talk, directing the driver again and again as a map of the East Coast of the United States appeared on the screen.

  “Please indulge me again my friends, to who did that disjoined voice belong? A mechanical navigator?”

  Hahn slid down the seat next to the General and answered eagerly. “George, that device is a Global Positioning System, more commonly known as a GPS.” Hahn went on to describe to George in detail how GPS works.

  The first president was fascinated. He proudly told the group that he was a trained surveyor in the mid eighteenth century but he never imagined a device such as a GPS. He asked if the GPS was common in most automobiles.

  “Yes sir, most cars have them now.”

  The van pulled up alongside the Anders limousine. Dottie patted her husband on his back and pointed to Mr. Washington in the window. She knocked on the glass and waved to the other car, expecting them to see her. Murray again shook his head, trying to direct her attention to the computer.

  “You can see and talk to them right there. They’re probably wondering what the hell you are doing.”

  All eyes in the limo at once looked at the screen, then out the window toward the van. Mr. Washington waved to Mrs. Murray. As he waved, he spoke. “During the next few hours, I am sure you will describe all the wonders of the country over the past couple of centuries. These states must have many problems now, which is why I believe Providence has called us together. But I expect as a nation we have overcome more challenges and achieved more in the last two hundred years than I could ever have imagined.”

  Hahn quoted Ronald Reagan, where he reminded everyone that America remained the last great hope on Earth.

  Anders, noticing the driver’s sudden interest in the conversation, used a remote button on his armrest to close the glass wall between the front seat and the rest of the car.

  “Please relax if you can and listen to your legacy. It is truly a fantastic story.”

  But before Mr. Washington could settle in, a loud noise came from overhead that shook the car and the eardrums of the passengers. George leaned in toward the window and looked up as an American Airlines 757 roared over the highway and landed on the runway beyond the orange landing lights. George was wide-eyed as his gaze followed the plane down the tarmac to a stop. He whipped around to the men with yet another incredulous look.

  “What, pray tell, was that? It looked like a giant silver phoenix. It had a long red and blue stripe and writing on it that I could not make out. Are we under attack from the sky?”

  The group chortled and looked at each other as if to telepathically explain to each other that they had their work cut out for them.

  Hahn explained the history of the airplane and its civilian and military uses.

  Jenson picked up the conversation. “That area where it landed is called an airport, a port for air travel as New York was a port for ships in colonial days. Air travel is just one of the many advances we will be discussing over the next twenty-four hours. So, as I said before, please sit back and relax and enjoy yourself as we try our best to enlighten you on the history of this great country.”

  Mr. Washington took Jenson’s suggestion to heart. He straightened his body out and faced his companions while staying in sight of the Skype camera. Jenson, Murray, and Anders took the cue from George and commenced a history lesson for the ages.

  Not wanting to confuse Mr. Washington, they agreed to do their best to explain American history
in chronological order. They began with the Louisiana Purchase as Jenson detailed all the facts and how with one stroke of the pen, the USA doubled in size. Murray took over the conversation by describing the War of 1812 and the crucial battles that saved the country from British rule.

  Following Mr. Murray’s account, Anders inserted himself into the conversation and, to the group’s surprise, described the Age of Manifest Destiny between the War of 1812 and the Civil War, when presidents like James Polk and Andrew Jackson focused on the expansion of the country across the North American continent. He went into great detail on the occupation of the Oregon and Texas territories, again to the surprise of everybody listening. The blustery persona that the listeners heard on the radio was meant for ratings, while off the air Anders’ erudition always came to the forefront. He described slavery and the Dred Scott case, but only briefly (to the General’s disappointment).

  With Anders’ lesson on expansion and slavery complete, Hahn led the group in a discussion about the Civil War, providing a thirty thousand foot description of the historical points of the battles, speeches, and people associated with the war. They all agreed that the Civil War was a topic of such great importance and had such an impact and lasting effect on the country, that it would be better suited to discuss after they reached their destination in DC. But Jenson couldn’t resist adding his two cents to the conversation. As the cars sped south down I-95 through Delaware and past the Mason Dixon Line, Jenson took a deep breath, righted himself, and took the floor once again.

  “Please keep in mind the historical significance of the Civil War. This country was torn apart by an unimaginably bloody war between the northern and southern states to settle, among other things, the slave issue. Black, White, Asian, Latin, and everyone in between now live as equals in our country.”

  He emphasized how the impact of that event led to the first black president in American history.

  “And it all started with the Civil War. It took decades for the country to recover, which included the assassination of one of our finest presidents. And believe it or not, even after all we have overcome, sadly race is still a very divisive issue today. The accusation of racism is often perpetuated as a weapon to smear the good names of those in opposition.”


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