Home > Other > SEVEN DAYS (PLEASURE SERIES Book 1) > Page 5

by Rayne,Amber

  “Is it to your liking? If not, there are three more rooms you can chose from but this is my favorite.”

  “No this is fine.” Sounding calm and cool about this just wasn’t in my grasp. The room was great but I couldn’t help but wonder why I wasn’t staying in Aiden’s room.

  Aiden walked toward me, his smile was as alluring as it was sexy and when his lips covered mine that familiar spark lit in me. All the doubt about this decision was erased. This was going to be fun

  His hands slid down my back before cupping my ass and lifting me. Wrapping my legs around his hips, he walked me back to the dresser and sat me on it. The warmth of his kiss lingered even after he pulled away. Long languorous fingers moved slowly across my jaw and down my neck until they were on my breasts. He fondled them through the thin t-shirt. I relaxed into the sensual touch, He was like a skilled musician the way he played my body and made it do the most beautiful things. His hand slipped between my legs and he stroked me through my jeans. This is going to be a fantastic week.

  I missed his touch the moment he moved his hands and placed them on each side of me. Even in a dress shirt the taut muscles moved underneath it. I touched his arm feeling the firm lean muscles.

  “Now for the rules,” he said, his lips press lightly against my lips.

  “I thought the rules were just pleasure,” I purred. “That's what you said. A week of pleasure and nothing more.”

  When he spoke, the warmth of it nipped at my skin. Then he tasted my lips. How could one man bring so much pleasure with just a simple touch? “You are correct it's all about pleasure. But there has to be rules. Rules ensure that there will not be any confusion. Rules make sure no one gets hurt.”

  Hurt? Of course this wasn’t his first time. He’s done this before. Probably many times before. I wasn’t a special little snowflake. I pushed aside those feelings because they were silly. What did I expect? This was just one week of pleasure. I needed this. A no strings attached week of pleasure void of the real life issues and the crapfest that my life had become. I didn’t want confusion, pain, or hurt. As he spoke, I enjoyed the wisps of warm breath that beat against my lips.

  “Rule number one: this is where you will sleep the entire week. We will not sleep together. It just keeps things simple, no emotions, no one falling into what will be nothing but false feelings.”

  I nodded. It was weird. It was what I missed about living with Jason. Rolling over and cuddling with him during the middle of the night was comforting.

  He kissed me on the side of my cheek. “Good. Rule number two: we will try a lot of things; I need you to be honest with me at all times. If you don't like what I do to you or anything that happens this week, tell me. It's about pleasure this week. You’re not pleasing other people this week, you are pleasing yourself. Do you understand me?”

  I nodded. They were simple rules that I totally forgot when his hands slid under my shirt that he slipped off and tossed aside.

  “I want you to be open to me,” he whispered against my lips.

  I knew he meant open minded. Well, I assumed he meant it but there was a tinge of naughty ambiguity in his request.

  I smiled. “I will be open to you,” I said trying the inflect the same sensuality into my words as he had. The way his tongue moistened his lips, I must have succeeded.

  “Final rule,” he said against my lips. “It’s just pleasure, nothing more. Don’t make it into anything other than that.”

  My hand snaked around his neck and I tried to kiss him but he pulled back, securing my hands in front of him. “Do you understand? I won’t give you any more than that, so don’t expect it.”

  I couldn’t deny how carnal and alluring Aiden was, I could see how someone could fall for the superficial things, but I just needed a reprieve from my life and he was just the one to do it. I was confident in a week I could walk away happy for the experience and the fond memories.

  In one graceful fluid movement, he pulled me off the dresser, and nudged me around and bent me over it. Strong fingers roved over my butt and kneaded my skin as he entered me. First it was slow languorous movements, but Aiden wasn’t slow and sensual, he was raw passion. His thick cock pounded into me, spreading me wide, sending strokes of pleasure through me with each thrust. Lacing his fingers through my hair, he pulled it, arching my back as he moved faster and harder in me. The summation of my pleasure came hard as I clawed at the corners of the dresser as I reached the height of pleasure. I relaxed on the dresser, my arms too weak to hold me. Planting a kiss on the small of my back, he pulled away from me and I immediately felt his absence. I may not become attached to him in this week, but the pleasure that Aiden offered was going to quickly become an addiction.

  “You need to get dressed,” Aiden said, slipping out of me as he planted light kisses along my neck and back.

  “For what?” I murmured into my arm, barely able to lift my head. The only thing I wanted to food and maybe one more round.

  “We have lunch reservations and tickets for the Chicago Theatre,” he said.

  I turned around, food didn’t seem so important. “What are we seeing?”

  He grinned, “Madelina Ballet Company.”

  “Really!” For the past three years I wanted to see them but life just got in way.

  “I figured that would be of interest to you. I saw the way you reacted when a couple of the dancers from their company came into Biscot. I’m sure most dancers don’t receive such adulations.”

  My brow furrowed, as I tried to remember the situation he was speaking of. It was nearly a year ago. How did he remember that from nearly a year ago?

  His lips lifted into a crooked smile as he pulled up his pants. “I’m very observant,” he reminded me against my lips.

  I stood in the middle of the closet looking at the clothes I brought trying to find something to wear. Everything from a bikini to a little black dress was put away in the closet but my attention went to the four new dresses with the tags still on them placed in the corner of the massive space. I looked at my clothes, off the rack and definitely nothing designer and looked at the dresses that I had brought and moved closer to the new additions to the wardrobe, distracted momentarily at the knock at the door.

  “Come in.”

  Lorraine peeked about the corner, the light warm smile that had become as much her uniform as the dark blue slacks and what shirt. I figured it was part of her job description to keep Mr. Matthew’s pleasure toys happy.

  “That one will look great on you” she said looking at the coral midi dress in my hand. The v of neck was low enough to add a feminine allure but still managed to be very classy.

  Pressing the dress next to me, I couldn’t help but be impressed that it would fit. “Aiden is very good at this.”

  Her smile broadened, “No sweetie, I am.”

  Touching my blown dry hair, she said “Wear it down with lots of body and wear the pink lipstick you had on the other day, it was very flattering,”

  “Is that Mr. Matthew’s request?” I didn’t mean for it to come off as rude as it did. But images of Jason telling me how to wear my lipstick, make-up, hair flashed in my head. My vision became glassy as I recounted him telling me that he didn’t want people think he had picked up an escort.

  “No, just mine. Please, do what you want. You are such a pretty woman; I think the pink really brings it out.”

  “I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to be rude. I love the dress.” I brought it close to me and turned to the full length mirror. It was a gorgeous dress. The ribbed fabric would cling and accentuate the right places. And I always looked better with my hair down.

  “No matter what you wear, I think Aiden will like it,” she said backing out of the room. “He seems to have taken great care with all the details for the weekend,” she said with a wily grin, her brow raised.

  But I pushed it aside. This was just a week. I wasn’t any more special than the tens if not hundreds of woman that had been here before.

bsp; “You look beautiful,” he said as I came down the stairs, wearing the coral dress that Lorraine had picked. It still seemed weird to be in separate rooms, but I guess there was a method to his madness. His hands slipped behind me as he led me to the elevator and I reached down to take his hands in mine, but he tugged away. “What, another rule, you don’t hold hands?” I asked in a low voice so that Bane couldn’t hear as we neared the awaiting car.

  “It’s not one of our rules, it’s my rule,” he said getting sitting next to me.

  “Is there a reason?”

  He grinned, leaned closer and kissed me on the cheek, “There are reasons for all my rules.”

  I waited for the reason but all I got was silence and his hand placed on my thigh. As we drove through the city, I kept waiting for an answer or something to explain it but it never came. The question vanished as we watched the show and I was drawn in by the music and dancers performing moves that I wished I could mimic during my classes. Not only does being a benefactor get Aiden great seats but we had a chance to meet the choreographer and one of the dancers, a nice gentleman whose movement was as graceful and lithe as I imagined on the stage. And I didn’t take him upon his kind offer to allow me to sit in on one of their practices. I realized it was a fake offer made to one of their benefactor’s dates.

  After the show, I sat across from Aiden at the French restaurant trying to ignore the constant buzzing of Aiden’s vibrating phone. The third time it rang I said, “I don’t care if you answer it,” I said.

  He shrugged, “If I wanted to answer it, I would.”

  When it rang again I said, “It must be important if they keep calling.”

  “It’s just my father, being himself. If I don’t answer he feels he will make me so uncomfortable by calling excessively that picking up is the better option. It is a technique that only works on my mother and my sister.”

  “I take it you and your father are the stubborn ones,” I teased.

  He laughed. “Stubborn, hmm. I like to believe that I am determined to get what I want, when I want it, the way that I want it. Some people call it ambition.”

  Ambition, it shouldn’t have made me think of Jason but it did. How long would it take for things to stop reminding me of him?

  “What are you thinking about?” he asked leaning into the table, watching me. His eyes deepened with curiosity as he studied me with interest.

  “Nothing,” I said, looking around the room unable to the meet his eyes which held doubt the moment I said it.

  “We really need to work on that.”

  “You can’t be my therapist. Sometimes weird things run through my mind and I don’t know why.”

  “So you were thinking about Jason. What about him?”

  I really didn’t want to talk about him. This was a week of pleasure and Jason was everything but that. “He was ambitious, perhaps to a fault.”

  “Do you think that is why he ended things?” I didn’t remember ever telling him that but I guess it was easy to figure out. I doubt I would have been as devastated if I were the one who broke off the engagement.

  “No, I just think that is one of many.” The evening was going down quickly. Each time I talked about Jason, I felt like I was allowing him to keep hurting me, allowing him to destroy any moment.

  “What would you like to do tomorrow?” Aiden asked changing the subject.

  I smiled, “Sightseeing.”


  I enjoyed the helicopter tour but loved walking throughout the city with the ability to go to the various stores, cafes and the many things that I looked over but never really enjoyed since I had moved near Chicago. I grew up nearly two hours away and had visited more museums and did more things than I had since I moved just forty-five minutes away. Sightseeing meant something totally different to Aiden than it did to me and I wasn’t expecting it. I could feel the warmth spreading up my cheeks and over me. Aiden exuded raw sexuality and everything he said sounded like naughty things only fit for the bedroom and as he looked at me, heat pulsed between my legs. Aiden was pleasure and raw sensuality even when he wasn’t touching me.

  We walked through the park, his hand pressed lightly against my back. I was strangely aware of his “no holding hand rule” but I couldn’t figure out why. The intimacy of holding hands was something I missed. It shouldn’t have been a big deal, but it was. I reach for his hands and like a magician, with a simple sleight of hand, he moved out of reach and had taken my elbow and turned me to him, his deep commanding eyes seemed to instinctually know what I wanted. His thumb slid gently across my lips before he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine, for just a moment.

  “If you try to make this into more than what is, then you'll be hurt again. Decide what you want Ella. We can play lovers if you would like; but Sunday, how will you feel when this vacation is over?”

  He was right. When the vacation was over, hopefully I would have had a week of fun and living vicariously in a manner that I hadn’t before. Aiden’s rules were a constant reminder of what this was and I appreciated them. No one would get hurt; or better yet, I wouldn’t get hurt.

  After a day of seeing the city we lay sprawled on the floor of the livingroom. My shirt hadn’t made it very far past the front door nor had his, and our pants and underwear left a trail to the living room. He cupped my breasts in his hands, his mouth covered them as he teased the pebbles with his teeth. His warm breath was hot against them; they got even harder when the cool air hit them when he pulled away. He trailed my body with warm kisses, nestled between my legs, making circles around my clit until I was nearly begging for him to make me come. He teased me a long time, heat roiled over my skin. Lifting his head up to watch my reaction and just as I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, his thumb stroked me and I peaked, my body convulsing against his fingers, an explosion of ecstasy that I had never experienced. Pleasure—Aiden was it.

  “What do you want?” he asked against my lips.

  “You,” I breathed out.

  “No, you want more than just me,” he tweaked my sensitive spot again and I shuddered. Desire rose, the needed pulsing through me. I leaned in, pressing my lips against his and breathing in his scent.

  His slow languid tongue laved over my lips. And when he spoke, his warm breath brushed against them. I had to have him. “Tell me Ella, what do you want?”

  “I want you to fuck me.” I said, writhing under his touch.

  He smiled, slinking up my body, spreading my legs to accommodate him. I needed a moment but he had no intentions of giving it me. His thick cock slid into me, meeting a resistance as my body still had to get used to his size. The first stroke was gentle but that was all he allowed, pounding into me at a hard steady rhythm; the pleasure and pain mingled. My breasts moved in rhythm with his deep thrusts and if I dared to close my eyes he stopped until I looked at him. The deep seductive eyes, the sleek muscles that contracted and relaxed as he thrust into me. I clawed into the rug and we came.

  As he lay next to me, I rolled over on him and kissed him. His fingers laced through my hair and he pulled me closer, I could taste me on his tongue. I straddled him, feeling him starting to rise again. The man was a machine. “So kissing doesn’t seem too intimate, but holding hands does?” I asked with a smirk. He kissed me again, a hard thrust of his tongue and he played with it the way he teased my clit.

  “Not at all. It’s just another part of sex, another part of my body that I will use to bring us pleasure,” he said.

  “Hookers often say it is too intimate to kiss, yet hand holding is your line in the sand?”

  He shrugged and smirked, “My rules; it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand or agree with them,” he said his fingers gentle stroking my nipples which had started to hardened from his attention.

  From the set of his jaw I knew he was getting a little annoyed with the questioning but I just couldn’t let it go. He ran his finger down my arm until he reached my palm, then pressed his hand flat against mine, as
he linked our fingers. He kissed me again, it was soft, a gentle touch and I moved; my body relaxed against his, his other hand stroked my back in gentle languid movements. Then he pulled away abruptly and I was jolted from that gentle place.

  Point made. I dropped back exhausted from the activities of the day and the sex. He kissed my hair, “So, dinner?” I didn’t want to move, let alone get dressed and go out. “Can we order in?”

  We settled on Italian.

  They said it would be forty-five minutes. He hung up, rolled on top of me and his thick hard sex slid into me once again.

  Day three. I expected to be awaken the same way: by eight I had showered and dressed in a t-shirt without a bra and a pair of jeans. I would put one on when we went out, but I didn’t like wearing them and Aiden didn’t seem to mind. I went to his room and knocked. Nothing. I peeked in but he was gone. I attempted to fight the urge to snoop and lost. Curiosity got the best of me. I walked into his closet. Each one of his tailored shirts was aligned according color, light too dark. His shoes were on a shelf the same way. And so was his slacks. On the other side were his casual clothes. He even hung up his t-shirts and jeans, aligned the same according to color and season. Order and rules, he liked them. Even after a late night, he was up at 4:45 every morning and didn’t look as though he had slept less than a couple of hours.

  I backed out of his room thinking about his rules. I somehow thought that maybe he would break them but I don’t think he knew how. Rules. Order. Pleasure. Everything had a place.

  He wasn’t in the kitchen, the library or the den. I walked throughout the apartment until I heard his voice. I found him in his office, which I had missed during my tour of the apartment the first time. The door was slightly opened. He was standing in front of the large picturesque window, the awakening city an intriguing backdrop against his profile. His jaw was clenched as tightly as the phone that he held.


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