Pharaoh of Fire (Land of Fire Book 1)

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Pharaoh of Fire (Land of Fire Book 1) Page 19

by Chadwick Duncan

  “Lali, is this true?” Nairobi asked.

  Lali, with her arms crossed and a fierce disposition, began “Yes, yes it is.”

  Nairobi grinned, “This surprises me. Well do not think I am a pushover! I am not the same little boy you used to smack around when we spared.”

  Lali rolled her eyes and replied, “I know. You are the big boy I will smack around if you do something stupid.”

  “Is that so? Maybe we should skip the marriage and go straight to my chambers, it seems I need to update you on my new set of skills,” Nairobi licked his lips and eyed her all over.

  “I can see the update from here, and it does not look promising. You probably are unable to tell however, since you are missing your left eye and all.”

  Nairobi became irate, “For someone extending their hand to me for marriage you are sure not helping your case!”

  Vishal interjected, as Assani and Mateus wondered what the problem was, “Lali stop it! I understand you two have had a rocky past, but I assure you two, you will be fine rulers of Gibralta together. You two are both excellent warriors, both easy on the eyes and-”

  Nairobi interrupted Vishal, “Can we stop talking about eyes!”

  Lali laughed as she replied, “I see your temper is still unmanageable too.”

  “My temperament is perfect! You are just annoying me! Besides, your tone is no way to speak to your Mansa! I should have your head for your insubordination!”

  Vishal chimed in, “Your Excelle-”

  “Shut up!” Mansa Nairobi screamed at Vishal.

  Nairobi continued, “Please tell me Lali, you come into my Palace and disrespect me and assume I will take your hand in marriage?”

  Lali walked towards Nairobi and stood right in front of him, so close that Nairobi could smell the lilac perfume she wore. Her glistening hazel eyes peered into Nairobi’s eye, she then leaned in to whisper in his ear, she began, “Frankly, I do not care if you take my hand in marriage or not. But what I do know, is that I have always bested you growing up, now I am offering you the one chance to subjugate me. Take your pick.”

  Lali kissed Nairobi on his left cheek and walked back to stand next to her father. Nairobi stood there speechless and in awe. Assani began, ‘”Your Excellency, are you okay?”

  Nairobi ignored the call and sat perfectly still. He stared longingly at Lali, who stared back. Her eyes pierced his very being, he could feel a sudden pressure growing over him. He looked at Ferreira, but felt nothing. It was as if she was not there and he was looking into a black void. Nairobi directed his gaze back at Lali and lost himself in her eyes. His heart raced and nearly jumped from his chest. He began to fidget his fingers and his left eyebrow began to twitch.

  Assani realized Nairobi was becoming lost in his thoughts so he called once more, “Your Excellency!?”

  Nairobi finally came to, “Oh, yes, yes! I am good Lord Assani. I need more time to think.”

  Assani began, “What do you mean, ‘more time to think’? This is a non-debatable action, you know whom you must pick!”

  He continued, “Your Excellency, can we have a word in private please? Excuse us my Lords.”

  Assani walked over to Nairobi and wrapped his right arm around him. He then escorted Nairobi to the adjacent room, “your Excellency, what are you doing!?” Assani beckoned.

  Nairobi looked around the room before responding, “You know, it was so difficult becoming as skilled at swordplay as I am now. As a child, I was smaller than most of the other Lord’s children and could not keep up.”

  “What are you trying to get at?”

  “After my mother passed away, I had to push myself beyond to stand on my own two feet and stand out from the rest. My skills finally surpassed my peers. But one person always seemed to one up me. And that person is Lali.”

  Confused, Assani replied, “Okay, but what does that have to do with choosing a wife?”

  Nairobi snapped at him, “Because how am I supposed to be a great ruler if I cannot dominate a single woman!? This is my chance to finally get the better of her…this is my chance to do with her as I please. My chance to have my way with her and she will have no choice but to accept it,” he bit his lips and began to smirk.

  Assani placed both his hands on his face and dragged them across it, “Your Excellency, please do not use this moment to fulfill a personal vendetta and your lust. This is a very important opportunity for us to secure power.”

  “We can form an alliance with the Japreet as well. Like you said, you planned on speaking with them too. They are both here now, and if we need to choose one, I believe the Japreet are a better option. They have a larger army.”

  “True, the Japreet has a large army, but the Angola is in a strategic spot with trade. Crossing Lord Mateus is not a wise decision. They theoretically hold nearly all the country’s wealth.”

  Mansa Nairobi began growing angry, “I do not care about what is wise or not! I am the Mansa! The Royal Army fights for me. Every man knows the punishment of leaving the army. Even if Lord Mateus pulls his men out of the army, we will have enough soldiers to storm into Crocodile Bay and slap some sense back into him.”

  Assani regressed, “As you wish, your Excellency. You are the Mansa. I am only your humble servant.”

  “Good! Never forget it,” Mansa Nairobi stormed out the room.

  “I have made my decision,” Nairobi proclaimed.

  Mateus, with an indifferent expression on his face, replied, “Whom shall you pick?”

  Lord Vishal was uneasy when we began, “Really? Who is it!?”

  Mansa Nairobi sat on the throne and stared quietly at them for a moment. The atmosphere was electric. It was so quiet, that Nairobi could hear Lord Mateus’s trouble breathing. Nairobi could hear Lord Assani and Lord Vishal’s heart thumping. Ferreira had an endearing expression on her face as she clasped her hands. Her eyes begged Nairobi to do with her as he pleased. Nairobi finally looked at Lali, she did not even bother to look him in his eyes. She peered off to the side of the room. Then he answered.

  “My wife, and the Empress of the Gibraltari Empire will be, Lali Japreet!”

  Ferreira nearly fainted as Lord Mateus respond, “I see. Your decision is final your Excellency. Come now Ferreira, we are not needed here.”

  Lord Vishal nearly fainted himself, but out of relief, “Wait really!? I mean, splendid choice your Excellency! The only real plausible choice if I am being honest.”

  Lord Assani yelled, “Lord Mateus! Let me have a moment with you!”

  As Mateus was hobbling out the room, he turned around the answer, “I have nothing to say to you Lord Assani. Besides, you need to tend to the newlyweds.”

  Mansa Nairobi began, “Now Lali, come forth, and kiss your husband!” Vishal bit his tongue as Lali stepped forth.

  Nairobi began chuckling as she walked towards him and continued, “This will be a wonderful marriage. Do you not think so?”

  “It definitely will my love,” she sat on his lap as she answered.

  She then leaned in towards Nairobi, as he closed his eyes and anticipated to lock lips with her, she regressed and patted him on his right cheek, “Save the kissing for the marriage ceremony lover boy,” she jumped off his lap and proceeded to walk towards her father.

  Vishal began, “We shall begin preparations for the marriage ceremony, your Excellency. Excuse us.”

  Nairobi sat quietly as he gazed at Lali leaving. He admired her small waist, the way her hips swayed as she walked. Nairobi was nearly in a trance as her backside hypnotized him. Assani called towards Vishal, “Lord Vishal, may I have a quick word with you?”

  “Save it for the ceremony,” he replied.

  Lord Vishal and Lady Lali entered their carriage and proceeded to exit the capital, “Lali! What was that!? You were extremely reckless in there! I was certain you ruined our entire plan!” Vishal remarked frantically.

  “Relax father, I know exactly how Nairobi is. He is stupid and prideful, give him a challenge
and he will always accept it, regardless of how woefully uninformed he is.”

  Vishal fell quiet, then he laughed, “My sweet girl! You make me so proud! I made a wise decision entrusting the Japreet clan with you. Let us send word to Lord Rashid then prepare the wedding ceremony.”

  Chapter 17: The Strength of Ten Men

  It was a dark ominous night. The waves hissed as it crashed into the ports of Istapor. Ymir, Haroun, Ojo and Mojo had arrived back home. They disembarked their ship and began down the streets. The alleys were filled with torches and shady civilians tending to their business. Men sat atop barrels and conversed about non-chivalrous endeavors. As they proceeded passed more buildings, they saw a group of men grapple a young woman. A man pulled her left arm and dragged her towards a wall, another man grabbed her blouse and exposed her breasts, and a third man pressed himself up against her squeamish body. She screamed and kicked as he forced himself upon her, but her screams were ignored.

  “Ay Haroun, you should rescue her. She might suck your cock if you help her!” Ojo chuckled.

  Haroun sighed, “The people of this city are despicable.”

  Ymir added, “And we aren’t much better.”

  “True! But I would never rape a woman. I’m too handsome for anyone to deny me,” Ojo remarked. Mojo, whom was asleep on his shoulders, woke and chattered.

  Ojo replied, “Oh shut up Mojo! You know the women love eating me up.”

  Ymir chimed in, “If that was truly the case, all the women here would be starving.”

  “Fuck you, Ymir! You damn freak!” Ojo snarled.

  A voice called to them. A man leaned and waved out of the window of a building about thirty-feet high. He was a slender man with caramel skin and a clean shaven face. His head was well groomed and arms were dainty.

  “I knew I heard your voices! Ymir! My beloved, I missed you!” the man cried.

  Haroun looked at Ymir and began, “Ymir, who’s this fellow?”

  Ymir rubbed the bridge of his nose, “A friend who should shut up before people think I am a taken man.”

  Ojo laughed, “Go to your man! He beckons for you!” Before they even saw the man leave the window, he was before them as they continued down the street.

  Startled, Ymir began, “Oh Boya! It has been awhile, how have you been?”

  Boya raced towards Ymir and embraced him, “I missed you so much! Don’t you dare leave me again!” he proceeded to kiss Ymir.

  Ojo gagged and added, “Can you two get a room? I can’t stomach this.”

  Boya replied, still embracing Ymir in his arms, “I can see Ojo is still as vulgar and distasteful as ever.”

  “Fuck you too,” Ojo remarked.

  Boya turned to Haroun, “And who might you be?”

  “Haroun, I am one of Ymir’s shipmates.”

  Boya smiled, “Well nice to meet you.”

  He turned back to Ymir and continued giddily, “Umm, we have stuff to do, it has been so long.”

  Haroun added, “We are currently busy Boya, we have a little get together with some other crew members.”

  Boya’s face illuminated, “More of your friends!? I would love to meet them!”

  Ojo chimed in, “You’re not invited freak!”

  Ymir responded to Ojo, “You know your mouth doesn’t have to open? You know you don’t actually have to talk? Have you ever tried being quiet? I heard it works wonders.”

  “Just hurry up and meet us when you’re done,” Ojo stormed off; Mojo was asleep around his neck during the entire ordeal.

  “Yes, Ymir. Make haste, reunite with us as soon as possible,” Haroun nodded and followed behind Ojo.

  Boya kissed Ymir again and then responded, “Okay, let’s go to my place shall we?

  Ymir rolled his eyes, “Lead the way.”

  Ymir followed closely behind Boya up a dimly lit clay staircase and arrived to his room. Boya held the door open for Ymir and made sure they were not followed before he entered and shut it. It was a small room, with a small wooden table and a few candles upon it. There was a tiger tapestry upon the wall and a small opening out to the balcony. To the right corner of the room was a bed with some rags thrown over it.

  “I see your room is still nice and tidy,” Ymir stated.

  “Well I have been pretty lonely since the last time you visited me, but I knew I would see you again someday,” Boya smiled as he lit a candle.

  He continued, “What have you been up to?”

  “Oh you know the usual, trading silk here and there. We recently came back from a big sale from Crocodile Bay.”

  Boya’s face was struck with worry, “In the North!? I heard someone attacked the Mansa at his palace! I hope no one attacked you as well!”

  Ymir chuckled, “No-no, we were fine. Yes I heard about that, what an unfortunate incident, I heard he is still alive though. And his attackers are nowhere to be found.”

  Boya laid down on his bed, “What a tragedy. Hopefully all is well in the Empire.”


  “Enough of this saddening news, I wanted to see you for something else,” Boya smirked.

  Ymir began, “Okay, okay. I know what you want,” Ymir began to undress himself and so too did Boya.

  As Ymir and Boya partook in their pleasures, Ojo and Haroun finally arrived at The Creed headquarters. They entered through the front door of a small shack. An elderly woman sat in a rocking chair, she wore a head scarf and a dingy blouse. Her face was extremely wrinkled and dark with her eyes closed as she smoked. The room only consisted of her and her bed in the opposite corner. She ceased rocking, slowly opened her eyes, but she had no pupils, her eyes were completely white. She removed the pipe from her mouth and began to speak.

  “At the end of light comes darkness and pain,” she muttered as she stared at the ceiling.

  Haroun added, “And so does my blade when it makes blood rain.”

  Ojo added, “Covered by night we begin to creep.”

  Haroun concluded the chant, “For we are but lions amongst all sheep.”

  She looked at the men and began to smile, “Brothers of The Creed, Haroun and Ojo, welcome.”

  Mojo screeched, the women then added, “And Mojo, I am sorry my little furry friend. How could I be so rude?”

  Ojo began to scratch Mojo’s chin to comfort him, “There, there, boy. Kuukuwa didn’t mean it.”

  Haroun bowed, “It is nice to see you Kuukuwa. How have you been?”

  “Never better. Mbemba and the others are awaiting your arrival.”

  “Okay, I see. Open the passage,” Haroun commanded.

  Kuukuwa slowly rose from her chair. She lifted her chair and placed it to the side, off of the carpet it was sitting upon. She then pulled the rug to the side as well and revealed a solid stone trap door. She reached into her left arm sleeve with her right hand and pulled a bronze key from it. She kneeled and unlocked the stone door with the key. They were greeted with a gust of wind and sand as she released the seals and the door swung open on its own. Ojo and Haroun walked over to the door and descended down the steps. Once they got to the base of the steps, they entered The Creed’s lair. Mbemba sat at the head of the table with seven other Creed members seated as well.

  Mbemba began, “I see you have returned Haroun. Where is Ymir?”

  Ojo began, “He’s out being a freak.”

  Haroun added, “I told him to meet up with us as soon as he’s finished.”

  Mbemba replied, “I trust your judgement Haroun. Hope he actually fulfills his orders this time.”

  Another man at the table began, he wore cloth bandages around his entire body, as if he were a mummy, “I am surprised you didn’t join Ymir, Ojo,” the men began to chuckle.

  “At least I can take someone to bed, is your cock all wrapped up too, or did your bugs eat it off?” the laughter increased.

  Mbemba interjected, “Okay guys, relax. Haroun and Ojo, please take a seat and tell us what you have retrieved.”

  Haroun and Ojo chose s
eats beside each other and then Haroun began, “We greeted Mansa Nairobi, I assume you men know about that already.”

  “Yes we have. The plan wasn’t to destroy the Palace, just to ask him a few questions,” Mbemba stated.

  Ojo chimed in, “Nairobi had a short temper. The situation escalated very quickly. I had to defend myself shortly after I began asking him about Ida. Luckily, Haroun created a distraction and Ymir intervened so I was able to escape.”

  Another man at the table began to speak; he was very slender and scrawny. He wore no shirt or shoes and was bald but wore a headband and cloth pants, “So Nairobi is as deadly as they say?”

  “I wouldn’t say that, Idris. I just had my hands full trying to take care of him and two of his Hashish guards.”

  Idris continued, “Oh I forgot about them. Sounds like you were in a dangerous situation.”

  Mbemba added, “So what did he say?”

  Ojo answered, “He initially didn’t know who she was. But there was an individual that attacked him and his men after stealing a scroll during his expedition. I am assuming that was her. She fled after the attack and I doubt she would still be in the North. At any rate, we intend on visiting the South and seeing what we can find there.”

  “So you have no definitive proof she is there but plan on searching?” Mbemba asked.

  Haroun began, “Yes. Our crew mates were unable to locate any news of Ida while they were docked in Crocodile Bay. There were no other leads unless she was purposely hiding out somewhere, but we all know Ida, she doesn’t lay low. She always finds a way to stand out.”

  He continued, “So since the trail is cold, I believe the next best location is the South. By process of elimination. Let’s exhaust each region on Namib before we assume she fled to Mahaan, Oloro, or the Wako Islands.”

  “Understandable. So when do you plan on sailing to the South?”

  “When the sun is highest in the sky tomorrow. The ship needs to restock on supplies. We plan on docking close to Cairo and then traveling to Rema.”


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