Flirting with Danger

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Flirting with Danger Page 10

by Ava Catori

  I sucked it up and smiled. "It will be fine, thanks."

  I went about my day as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened, even though deep in my gut my stomach reminded me that was a bold faced lie.

  Or maybe not. After all he would probably be out of the office most of the time so it would be fine. Right, except at the end of the day after I’d gathered my things, I ran into Gino.

  Just one look at him and butterflies fluttered inside me. Where had all those mixed feelings come from?

  He held the elevator door for me. Not wanting to appear childish, I stepped in.

  Leaning against the back wall, he asked, "How are you making out? I saw you didn't move all of your stuff. Is there anything else you need from our house? I'd be happy to help you."

  The man was a puzzle. His offer for help was not what I expected. Again, I didn't matter what I thought. I'd been off balance all day and realized I would be for some time.

  I had to ask, of all the places in the world, why here. "What are you doing here, really?"

  "Starting over, Isabella, just like you. Breaking free is easier when you have friends on your side, don't you think?"

  I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to come off bitchy and I would if I was snarky. But I didn't want to appear weak either, so I tipped my chin up, pulled my shoulders back, and dashed out as the elevator doors opened.

  He followed me.

  "Do you want to talk about it? We could grab a drink, talk and maybe figure out how we're going to make this work. You know, deal with your issues," he offered.

  "I don't have issues," I snapped, walking even faster. Under my voice, I mumbled, "but you apparently do."

  He caught my arm and spun me around. "What did you say?"

  I sighed and looked around the garage. It was just the two of us. If I let all my frustration out no one would know.

  "What do you want me to say? I just find it strategically manipulative that you'd end up in the same place I am," I shot out.

  "Oh, Isabella, stop being a child about this. Our home is in Ocean Crest. Where else should I be?" he replied, this time with a shorter, biting tone. He corrected it, smoothing out his edges. "It doesn't have to be tense, but I won't let you forget you're my wife. Even if I can't force you to stay, I'm not about to let you go. So from now on, I'll be around; so you'd better get used to it."

  Curiously those words didn't infuriate me. I found them strangely soothing. By not letting me go easily, he gave me my pride back.

  While my father sold me without a second thought, Gino believed I was worth fighting for. I was strangely grateful.

  "I'm here for you," he said. "I'm not going anywhere. At some point, you’ll figure it out," he said and then walked past me, leaving me wondering what just happened.

  * * *



  Walking away was the last thing I wanted to do, but I felt as if I had no choice. I’d pushed hard enough for one day. I didn’t want to scare her into moving out of town.

  I’d give her the night to get used to the idea I wasn't going anywhere. and as far as I was concerned, she was still my wife.

  For a few days, I stayed away from the office. There was enough work to do on the sites. A couple of houses were at the last stage of completion and I actually enjoyed the finishing work.

  I was doing a final walk through of a small cottage next to the one I’d purchased for Isabella and me when Ryder drove by to pick up his brother. I was locking the main door when Hunter called me from his brother's truck.

  "Hey, Gino, we're going to Lucky’s for a drink tonight," he said. "Want to join us?"

  I walked to the street and studied Ryder's face. If he was warming up to me, he sure as hell didn't show it. He wasn’t unpleasant but kept his distance. He nodded politely. I took it as an indication he was fine with my tagging along.

  They gave me the address and I walked home to take a quick shower. The door to what had been Isabella's room was opened. I stepped in as I did every night. Maybe it was my imagination but I thought her smell lingered on, probably from her clothes she'd left behind. I smiled as I looked at the dresses hanging in the closet. As far as I was concerned, I considered them a good omen. I wanted to believe she'd left them there, because somewhere in her heart she knew she was coming back.

  Half an hour later, I made it to the bar and shared a beer with Ryder, Hunter ,and Tony. A few weeks ago, this could never have happened. Now, there I was, sharing a drink with a police officer who happened to me a member of my family. I’d never been good with family trees, but Isabella's was so messed up, it was hard to forget. Domenico's eldest was a priest and Barbara's father. The second son, Dante, was my father-in-law, and then there was the sister who was Tony's mother. That made him my cousin by marriage.

  "So how are things coming along?" he asked.

  "So far so good," Ryder answered. Coming from him that was like a standing ovation.

  "Yeah, turns out Gino knows how to coordinate a crew and has a great eye for details," Hunter added.

  "I was raised by the queen of nitpickers," I explained. "It must have rubbed off on me."

  "That would be my future mother-in-law," Hunter said with good humor.

  “She has her good sides," I stated.

  "Really?" Ryder asked. "And what would that be?"

  "Well, for instance, she's been planning Gia's wedding since the day she was born and then she decided she would take care of mine as a rehearsal," I jested. "So if you need someone to organize a perfect wedding, she's the woman to go to."

  Ryder was about to say something when Hunter said, "Here they come!"

  I turned and watched as Isabella and another woman walked in, followed by Barbara and Gia. The four were in a heated discussion. In true Italian fashion, Isabella spoke with her hands, and even though I couldn’t make out the words, I heard the urgency in her tone. Whatever it was, she was adamant about it.

  I knew it from the instant I first laid eyes on her. There was a real fire to her. Something I would love to ignite and watch as she got lost in the passion.

  Right, except the smile died on her face the second she recognized me. She froze in place, making her companions almost bump into her and glance around the room to figure out what stopped her.

  Barbara was the first to understand. She took Isabella's arm and marched her to a quiet table in the opposite corner of the bar. She then walked toward me and said, "Gino, you and your wife need to have a talk."

  Since I couldn't have agreed more, I made my way to Isabella's table. I sat across from her and took her hands in mine. There was something in her eyes I couldn't identify. It wasn’t fear, but something close to it.

  She didn't try to pull her hands away and stared for a bit at my wedding band. Yeah, look at it, honey. I'm still wearing it. Slowly her gaze climbed up from our entwined fingers to my face.

  "What do you want?" she asked, looking lost.

  "A chance."

  "What chance?"

  "The chance you owe me?"

  She frowned, clearly not understanding what I was talking about.

  I continued. "Do you remember saying you could learn to love me if I did anything else?"

  She shook her head as if meaning no and then stopped herself. She nodded and blushed. Good. She remembered falling asleep in my arms that night. After learning of her father's betrayal, it had been the safest place for her to hide. I'd been the one to comfort her.

  "Well, I'm taking you at your word," I whispered. "I'm changing, I'm starting over and now you owe me."

  "Oh!" She was at a loss for words. Her eyes showed her thoughts were jumbled and in turmoil.

  "You owe me a chance to honor those vows I took when I married you," I stated. "And how can I possibly do that when you've moved out on me? How can I hope to show you I've changed if you won't even talk to me?"

  She opened her mouth but didn't say anything.

  "You ask me what I want? I want my w
ife. I want her by my side. I want her at home when I get there at night. I want to share my life with her, even if she chooses to sleep in her own room ..." for now. I kept that last bit to myself as I stood. "So, now the ball is in your court, and if you want more time to think about it, I can leave."

  I turned and slowly walked away.

  "Gino," she called out.

  I stopped and waited with anticipation for her next words.

  I'd always hated waiting.

  * * *



  "Gino, wait," I called out to him. I wasn't even sure why, but he was right. A chance was all he asked for. It wouldn't change anything, but I was willing to talk. A chill rushed through me, dotting goose bumps over my arms. My nerves got the best of me.

  Gino turned. There was hope in his eyes, but it made me feel guilty. I didn't want to promise more than a moment to talk.

  "Come and sit with me," I said, trying to find my voice. I wanted to play it cool, as if seeing him had no effect on me. It did, I couldn’t lie to myself. Honestly, I wasn't sure what I felt. Regret? Maybe sorrow? I wasn't certain. Did it really matter? No. What did matter was that we'd be working together. It was reason enough to find a level of comfort that left us both able to do our jobs. "There’s no reason we can't sit and talk."

  Gino nodded and rejoined me. Except this time, instead of sitting across from me, he sat next to me. There was awkward silence for a few moments, neither sure what to say. He slipped his hand over mine and thanked me. I looked into his eyes, not sure what I'd find there. He met my gaze and held it.

  "It happened at your grandfather's funeral," he said softly. He had told me that before, the night we walked on the beach, the night before Gia’s dad was kidnapped. "When I saw you for the first time, you were holding Barbara's kid."

  I watched him speak.

  He smiled and closed his eyes as if conjuring the image from his memory. "You had this angelic glow and I was smitten."

  Each word fell from his lips delicately. I was touched hearing his memory. It had obviously made an impact.

  He opened his eyes again and shook his head. "I never believed in things like love at first sight. I thought you made things happen. Only, in that moment, all I could see was you. I couldn't look away. I was mesmerized by the most gorgeous woman I'd ever seen. And then I knew, you were going to be my wife. There wasn’t a single doubt in my mind and ... here you are ... my wife."

  I pulled my hand away from his. This was too much.

  "Don't," he said catching my hand. "Don't shut me out. You said you'd give me a chance to talk to you."

  I broke our gaze, glancing down at the drinks served at the adjacent table. I waved my free hand in the air, hoping the waitress saw me.

  Gino stood. "Let me," he said and went to the bar.

  I wasn't much of a drinker. And yet, with my soon to be ex-husband sitting with me, I thought a drink would help me deal with the awkwardness of the night. Barbara said she’d drive me home. Thankfully, I didn't have to think about that.

  Part of me wanted to bolt out the door, get out of there and hide. I wasn’t ready to have these kinds of discussions. I forced myself to stay and glued my ass in place. Hopefully, a drink would calm my nerves, or at least help me not make an ass of myself while having a conversation with Gino. If getting drunk helped me do that, I'd call it a win.

  When he returned with a fruity cocktail for me and a beer for himself, he sat down, this time even closer. I stiffened, then felt badly. I hadn’t meant to. I forced myself to loosen up.

  "Gino," I said, which caused him to back up. "No, it's okay. You don't have to move a mile away. Just give me a little space. When you get too close, I don't know what’s up or down anymore."

  He inched his way closer again and I put my hand out to stop him. "It reminds me of that night when you held me. No matter what happens between us, I want you to know, I appreciate what you did, that you never pressured me to..." I couldn't say the words aloud.

  "And I never would. I respect you, Isabella. You're my wife and you deserve nothing less."

  As he shifted his position, his hand brushed the top of my thigh. Tiny electric sensations tingled through me. I didn’t press the issue, it seemed accidental.

  I looked at the other side of the room where my bosses were sharing drinks and snacks and noticed Gia discreetly glancing in our direction. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

  I was grateful they were giving us some space even though, by my third drink, I was so completely relaxed I wasn't sure this isolation was such a good idea. We laughed and talked. Everything was easy, so much so, I found myself leaning into him. I didn't even protest when he wrapped his arm over my shoulder.

  It was no more than a friendly gesture. We could be friends, right? Being friends was definitely a good place to start. He filled me with stories of his youth, making me double over with laughter over his brazen and foolish acts of courage to impress people. Then he took me on a journey as he shared stories of his time with his sister, watching his niece grow up and thrive, and then lastly about the moment he was stabbed.

  "I didn't know," I said, trying to apologize for not seeing him.

  He dealt me a question that called my bluff. "If you had known, would you have come to see me?"

  I decided to be honest. "I don't think so. When I first heard, I wanted to, but then I didn't want to send you mixed messages. Maybe I should have."

  He shifted in the booth, looked me in the eye and wrapped one of his large hands around my cheek. Leaning in, he gently kissed my forehead. "You're here now. No pressure, but know that having the chance to sit and talk with you, it's all I wanted. I won't bother you any more tonight."

  As he stood, I realized I didn't want him to leave. Not yet. "Gino, why don't you stay a little longer."

  A smile twitched across his lips. He knew. We'd connected. Something we'd barely been able to do living together. He sat, no longer attempting to hide his desire. His hand rested on my thigh and then slid up some.

  "You realize that if I stay, I may not be able to remain a gentleman... Not much longer."

  "Stay," I whispered.

  His fingers teased, rubbing up and down my leg. The sensation lulled me, my body betraying my mind. I wanted him to touch me and make me feel good. I knew it was a mistake, but I didn't care. Everything had been so clouded lately, but for this single moment I was happy, and it was all I cared about.

  When I didn't ask him to stop, he slipped his hand closer to the inside of my thighs and parted them slightly. His hands were gentle, yet firm. He tenderly caressed my intimate bits. The sensation was nothing less than amazing. I closed my eyes. This wasn't the time or place. It was wrong. And yet I wanted nothing more than his hands on me, taking me to new heights. The dizzying electricity that ran through me promised an experience I wouldn’t forget.

  "Would you care to take a short walk with me?" he asked as if he understood my need. There was no hiding the dampness between my legs or the fire in my eyes.

  We barely made it out of the bar when he pinned me to the wall. Our kisses were deep and hungry, desperate and primal. Our desire was real.

  He had set me on fire and that’s all I could see. Tomorrow would be another day, I had to learn to live in the now.

  * * *



  Pulling Isabella out of the bar and into the side alley that led to the parking lot, I struggled for restrain. Something had switched up in her and I wasn’t sure what to do.

  Part of me wanted to refrain from taking advantage of it, just in case it was the alcohol taking over. I knew Isabella didn't drink much. When we had lived together, she'd barely had a glass of wine over dinner. Pretty sure, she'd done it more to keep me company than out of appreciation for the stuff. And tonight she was on her third drink.

  But then again, the drinks were pretty watered down. There couldn't have been that much liquor in her glasses that she would lose all contr
ol. Because that's what she was, out of control. She held on to me for dear life as I kissed her, and if she’d worn a dress, I would have fucked her silly, standing against that alley wall, not giving a second thought to the fact that someone could walk up on us at any given second.

  I silenced my conscience and ravished her mouth, while pulling her shirt out of her pants. I was desperate to access her generous breasts. She froze for an instant and then moaned into my mouth as I caressed her. Her usually icy demeanor towards me was melting quickly.

  As the moans grew stronger, I could literally feel there was no more holding back. If she noticed me open her pants, she didn't show it at all. Neither did she react as one of my hands left a tender nipple to explore her belly. But when my caresses grew more direct and reached the apex of her legs, and my fingers gently pressed on the most tender of spots, Isabella’s entire body shook and for an instant she forgot how to breathe.

  She jerked her head back against the wall and looked right into my eyes, her mouth forming a perfect circle. "Oh!" The sound came out as she exhaled and quickly took a big gulp of air. "Oh," she repeated as if all her vocabulary had vanished and she didn't know what to say.

  I loved that she kept her eyes open. They were planted on mine as she rode the wave of sensation I created for her.

  She barely flinched at my urging. "Come on, baby, come for me.”

  I whispered softly, "This is only the beginning. I have so many things to show you. I’ll make you crave them all. I’m going to have you every way a man can possess a woman and make you beg for more."

  Her eyes widened and her pupils dilated as the alliance of my words and caress brought her to the edge. In her eyes, I could read amazement as I took her to heights she'd clearly never visited before. She bit her lower lip as if to hold in sounds she couldn't control and a second later came undone under my very eyes.


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