Big, Bold & Bearing (Grizzly Affairs Book 2)

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Big, Bold & Bearing (Grizzly Affairs Book 2) Page 15

by Magenta Phoenix

  Shaking her head, the girl gave her a confused look. “No you don’t. You want to find Robert. I can take you to him.” Flashing Gabriella an encouraging smile, the girl waved a beckoning hand towards her as she moved past the shelves.

  Not moving, Gabriella shook her head. “At least tell me where we are and who you are.”

  Not losing her encouraging smile, the girl answered with ease. “I told you; we’re at the compound and my name is Athena.”

  Narrowing her eyes, Gabriella suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu at Athena words. She remembered Aria talking to Doyle and Eric about moving her to a place she called, “The Compound.” Was that were she was and if so; where was Robert?

  “Come on.” Athena’s voice whispered before she rushed toward the open doorway.

  Not wanting to lose her only way to finding out where Robert was, Gabriella followed her. Once more she found herself rushing down a hallway only this time, they were not alone. Mimicking Athena’s movements, Gabriella pressed her back against the wall as they came to an open examination room. For a moment there was only the sound of shuffling feet, but it wasn’t long before she heard a familiar grouching voice that made her heart leap with joy.

  “Get that thing the hell away from me before I rip you to shreds!” Robert! Not waiting, she rushed around Athena and charged into the room. Robert sat on a standard examination table wearing only thin blanket draped over his lap that covered him to his knees. In front of him was the small, hunched form of an old man, moving toward Robert with a filled syringe. Both turned to look toward the door as she rushed into the room.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” She harshly said as she moved toward the syringe wielding doctor. Flinching from her tone, the man shoved at the circular bifocals on his nose with irritation.

  “I am doing my job, young lady and you should not be here.” He said, scolding.

  “It’s alright, Dr. Pavel.” Robert interceded. “She can stay. I think we’re done here anyway.”

  Grunting with dissatisfaction, Dr. Pavel shook his head in denial. “I have to give you this before you leave. You know that.” He said, giving Robert an unyielding look.

  Moving forward, Gabriella snatched the syringe from the old man’s wrinkled hand before moving back. Suspicious she studied the syringe before looking at the offended doctor. “What’s in this? What are you giving him?”

  “He’s not giving me anything, because I don’t need it.” Robert argued as he slid off the table. Tossing the blanket behind him, Gabriella could see that he wore nothing but a pair of black briefs at once again left little to the imagination. Jerking her eyes from the eye candy in front of her, she turned to doctor who was angrily jerking the rubber gloves from his hands.

  Pressing his lips into a firm line before answering, the doctor straightened his white lab coat with a huff. “It’s an antibiotic cocktail. Which he should have seeing as he was recently shot,” He bit out, flashing his irritated gaze toward Robert.

  “We both know the wound is already healed. I’ll be fine without it.” Robert replied firmly, jerking a dark green t-shirt over his head.

  Looking more irked than when Gabriella had stormed into the room, Dr. Pavel gave a tense nod. “Very well,” Turning around, the old man slowly shuffled out of the room without a backward glance.

  Setting the syringe on the table, Gabriella’s eyes lowered to Robert’s leg, searching for the wound that should have been there. But instead, all she saw was nothing but a patch of pink skin. Shock and confusion filled her mind. How was it possible that someone could heal from a wound so quickly?

  Turning at the hip, Robert snagged his jeans from the examination table before quickly jerking them on. From his knowing smirk, Gabriella knew that while her mind had been spinning with questions her eyes had been glued to his fine form.

  Blushing she crossed her arms over her chest while turning to look toward the empty doorway. Was Athena still lurking about or had she run off as the doctor left?

  “Good to see you are doing better.” He remarked. “Doc said that your arm and shoulder are o.k.”

  It wasn’t until then that she realized he was right. Her shoulder and arm no longer throbbed with pain at movement. She also noticed that the steel bracelets of his broken handcuffs had been removed as well.

  Shoving at her tangled mass of hair, she turned to face him. Her eyes narrowed at him skeptically. What was he and what else was she not seeing? In need of answers, she cleared her throat before asking, “What happen?”

  “Malca’s soldiers somehow followed us. Lucky for us; Aria and Doyle already had a failsafe plan in place to give us a running chance.”

  Her eyes lightened with realization as her memory slowly came back to her. “They blew up the cabin with the soldiers inside.” She said knowingly. Deep down, she knew that she should abhor what Aria did, but somehow she couldn’t. She was alive and safe for the moment. For that at least she would be thankful for. “How did I get here and where are we now?”

  “After the cabin was blown up, Eric and I ran to the compound; which is where you are standing right now. It’s a safe place. Malca won’t find you here and it is well protected. You passed out not soon after we were running. The doc said it was due to stress.”

  “Yeah cause what could be more stressful about everything that’s happened so far?”

  Jerking his head at the soft voice, Robert’s eyes narrowed as Athena leaned against the door frame with her arms folded in a relaxed pose behind her head.

  Sighing heavily, Robert pinched at the bridge of his nose in irritation. “You’re not supposed to be here.” He scolded.

  Rolling her eyes, Athena scoffed. “That’s what they all say. But deep down I don’t think anybody really means it.”

  “If Aria or Doyle catches you down here, you’ll have explaining to do on how you got past security.” Narrowing his eyes, he advanced a step toward Athena with a determined expression. “I would like to know how you managed it as well.”

  Flashing Robert a wide grin, Athena straightened away from the door frame with a bounce. “And this is where I say, Adieu” Giving a quick two finger solute toward the both of them, Athena disappeared down the hall.

  Growling under his breath, Robert rubbed at the back of his neck. The low curling sound brought forth the memory of Robert’s body melting away into the form of a giant brown bear. It had happened! Just as she’d seen Eric change, Robert had done the same. No more secrets and no more lies. She was going to find out what was really going on here.

  “It wasn’t a hallucination.” She breathed out in awe. “You and Eric both changed. I saw it.”

  Robert’s back stiffened at her words, turning to the side; he slammed his large hands on his hips as his hard gaze bore into her. Though her natural flight reflex demanded that she put distance between him and herself, Gabriella forced herself to stay firm.

  “If you continue asking these questions; I’ll be forced to give you a answer.”

  Dropping her arms at her sides, Gabriella took a brave step forward. “I want answers.”

  “Even if that knowledge would mean your life?” his voice rumbled out dangerously.

  Gulping fearfully, Gabriella slowly nodded. What did she really have to lose at this point? If Aria didn’t plan on killing her—Malca would. Seeing the decision in her eyes, Robert groaned. Without saying a word to her, he strode for the door. Her first reaction was that he was running away again to avoid talking to her. Her lips parted to yell after him to stop but the words died on her tongue as his hand gripped the edge of the propped door before closing it.

  With a heavy hand pressed against the door, Robert mused aloud, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  * ~ * ~ *

  Turning around, he planted his back against the door while he shoved his hands down into his pockets to prevent him from reaching for her as he longed to. The need to reassure himself and his bear that she was alright was nearly driving him insane.

nbsp; Upon arriving at the compound to find Gabriella unconscious across his back, he’d been frantic. With a little bit of threatening, Robert had made sure that Dr. Pavel; the compound’s doctor had checked her out before anything else was done. It was all he’d been able to do to soothe his inner beast. Unwilling to arouse suspension, he forced himself to stay away from her side.

  “I need to know, Robert.” She nearly begged, taking a step closer.

  Inside he could feel his beast clawing for freedom and clawing to get to his mate that he was being denied. Telling her would bring the act of Revealment down upon her head. But what could he do? She knew what she had seen and no amount of persuading would change her mind. It was out of his hands now. All he could do now tell her the truth and pray he would be able to protect her.

  “You may want to take a seat.” He warned stepping away from the door.

  Lifting her chin, Gabriella shook her head. “I’ll stand. I want answers now. What are you? I don’t know any of Malca’s soldiers that can transform their physical form into an ursus arctos.”

  Smirking at her, he rubbed a tired hand down his face. “That’s because I’m not one of Malca’s lab creations. Furthermore; what the hell is an ursus arctos?”

  “A brown bear,” She answered with a shrug.

  Chuckling, he shook his head. “Alright,” Clasping his hands together in front of his chest in a prayer pose, he held her curious gaze. “What I am about to tell you is something that very few humans know. But remember that I would never hurt you, no matter what I say.” At her silent nod, he continued. “My brother, Eric, myself and everyone on this compound is what we like to refer to as shifters. We’re not fully human but not fully animal either.”

  Perplexed, Gabriella rubbed at her forehead, “I don’t understand.”

  “I’m sure Doyle had a better time explaining this to Aria than I will,” He whispered to himself. Sighing, he allowed his hands to drop to his pockets once more. “Shifters are born just like humans are. We bleed just like you do, but we possess unique gifts. When a shifter-born teenager goes through puberty that’s when our second soul emerges.”

  “Second soul?”

  “Just listen and let me explain the best way I can.” He said, holding up a staying hand at her skeptical look. “This is how my father explained it to me as a child. Our inner beast is like our second soul. After puberty is when a shifter child changes form for the first time. Our second soul protects us. Through mine I have heightened hearing, sense of smell and healing. But when we meet the one our animal half knows to be our true mate, that’s when it all gets worse.”


  “Our beast fully emerges. It becomes like another being living inside you. For example I can hear my bear’s thoughts and feel his emotions clearly as if they were my own.”

  Shaking her head in denial, Gabriella held up her hands in a stopping motion. “Un momento, are you saying you’re some type of were-bear?”

  Rolling his eyes at the phrase, he nodded in agreement. “Yes, but we prefer the term shifter.”

  “And finding the perfect mate or whatever creates a deeper connection to your…bear?” She asked awkwardly as she struggled to wrap her head around what Robert was telling her.

  “If only it was that easy,” He mused absently. “Not the perfect mate, but our true mate. I believe you would think of it as a soul mate. It’s the only thing that can create that bond with our animal spirit.”

  As Gabriella suddenly grew silent, Robert felt his bear begin to pace with worry. What was she thinking? Did she think he was some freak of nature? Did she even believe him? Shaking himself mentally, Robert pushed such questions aside. It didn’t matter what she thought. He’d kept his promise and told the truth. What she did next was up to her.

  He watched as Gabriella paced toward the examination table, placing her back to him. For a moment, she seemed lost in thought. From across the room he could practically see her mind working and analyzing what he’d told her.

  Slowly turning to face him, Gabriella’s brow was heavy with puzzlement. “Does Malca know about you?”

  Hesitating to answer, he reluctantly tipped his head in a nod. “A few months back, Doyle was captured by her. We believe she’s known about our kind for some time.” Taking a step closer, Robert gently cupped her shoulders before speaking once more. “What I’ve told you could get you killed. It’s against shifter law to let a human know of our kind unless they are our true mate.”

  Lifting her worried gaze to his, she licked at her lips nervously. “What does that mean for me?”

  Before Robert could answer, the door behind them swung open. As a reflex, his hands tightened their hold on her out of protection. Turning, he felt his bear snarl in warning as his brother filled the doorway with Aria at his side. Shoving into the room, Aria shook off Doyle’s staying hands.

  Looking between the both of them, Aria smirked conspiring at Robert before answering Gabriella’s question. “That’s up to you.”

  They want to separate us…Robert’s bear snarled, his bear’s fear felt like claws ranking at his heart.

  He could smell Gabriella’s apprehension at seeing Aria. He wouldn’t allow them to take his mate from him. Though he knew she could never be his, Robert still would protect her with his dying breath.

  Gabriella won’t be going anywhere without us. Don’t worry so much. Robert silently answered.

  You don’t worry enough! She’s ours! Accept it.

  Pushing his bear’s thoughts aside, he released Gabriella with a stiff jerk. Stepping back he addressed his grim looking brother and his smirking mate. “Doyle, Aria.” He acknowledged.

  “Doyle, Robert,” Aria began. “Could you give me and Dr. Vega a moment?” At her innocent question, Robert immediately felt Gabriella’s hand clutch fearfully at the back of his shirt. She still remembered his promise to protect her, not matter what and he wasn’t about to let her down.

  As Robert moved to argue, Doyle beat him to it. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Aria.” Doyle argued.

  The concern in his brother’s voice nearly had Robert choking with laughter. What did he really expect Gabriella would do to Aria? Aria was a trained enhanced soldier with the ability to control people’s minds with a simple touch. Gabriella on the other hand would be more likely to run than attack.

  “Doyle, I’ll just be a moment. I promise.” Aria said, attempting to sooth his brother’s concern.

  Shaking off Gabriella’s clutching hand, Robert took a step forward. Keeping his hands clenched at his sides, he addressed Doyle not as his brother but as his beta. “I really don’t think now is the time for an interrogation. Gabriella has been through a lot in the last forty-eight hours, I think some food and rest for her would be in our best interest.”

  Aria’s knowing grin caused worry to build in his stomach, not that he allowed it to show on his face. “Gabriella, is it? When did you get on a first name basis with Malca’s minion, Robert?”

  “I am not her minion.” Gabriella hissed out before stepping from behind Robert’s shielding form.

  Chuckling at her inflamed eyes at Aria’s remark, Robert turned to look at Doyle; who was sharing his amusement. Why was he even concerned about Gabriella? It was obvious she held some resentment toward Aria, but she wasn’t afraid to show her claws when needed.

  “Aria,” Doyle said, wrapping a strong arm around his mate’s shoulders. “As much as I hate to admit it, Robert has a point. Now may not be the best time.”

  “I just want to have a word in private. No interrogation; I promise.”

  Smiling loving down at her, Doyle nodded. “Alright, but if I come back in five minutes and you’re doing your thing—” He paused to wiggle his fingers in the air with meaning. “—then I will be carrying you out of here by force.”

  “Deal,” Rising up on her tip toes, Aria met Doyle as he leaned down to kiss her. The sight of such a simple action had Robert’s gut tightened with envy.

ling back from Aria, Doyle’s gaze locked on his brother’s as he motioned on him to follow him. “Come on, Robert. Let’s go see if there’s any breakfast left at the main house.”

  Reluctant to leave Gabriella, Robert found himself hesitant to follow his Alpha. But at the meaningful look shining deep in Doyle’s eyes, Robert knew that there was more that Doyle wanted to discuss other than food. Nodding, he followed Doyle out into the hall, silently aware that Gabriella’s gaze followed him until he was out of sight.

  Each step he took away from her felt like a stab of a blade in his soul. He needed to get his need of her out of his system before his bear ended up taking the choice from him. But how did you deny the next beat of your heart or your next breath of air? Deep down, he knew refusing to claim her would become the worst mistake of his life, but having her only to lose her later would kill him in the end.

  * ~ * ~ *

  Gabriella fought against the urge to call out to Robert to stay as he followed his brother out with stiff strides. The closeness they’d shared while on the run had seemed to disappear, leaving only a cold indifference hanging between them. At this moment, she’d rather be back in the woods fearing for her life with Robert at her side than be facing Aria alone.

  “You like him, don’t you?” Aria’s softly spoken words jerked Gabriella from her thoughts.

  Shrugging her shoulders, Gabriella attempted to pretend that she didn’t know what Aria was talking about. The last thing she needed was giving her enemy a way to hurt her. “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

  “It’s obvious you do. I first noticed it at the cabin when you wanted to be the one to dig the bullet out of him and then now with the way you watched him leave.”

  “You must think I’m very stupid to care about my kidnapper.” She lied. “He drugged me, handcuffed me and has nearly gotten me killed several times over. Besides if you hadn’t noticed, Robert is hardly the charming type.”


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