Big, Bold & Bearing (Grizzly Affairs Book 2)

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Big, Bold & Bearing (Grizzly Affairs Book 2) Page 18

by Magenta Phoenix

  * ~ * ~ *

  Seeing Gabriella’s fearful gaze, Raoul eyes narrowed in confusion as he turned to see Robert coming at him. “What the hell?” He murmured as he realized that Robert had no intention of slowing his anger filled strides. Raoul glanced back at Gabriella as she took a step back from him. Realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. He’d seen what these bears were capable when it came to their mates and he wasn’t interested in dying today.

  As Robert came within a foot of him, Raoul held his hands up in surrender in attempt to appear nonthreatening. “Robert, let me explain. This isn’t what it—”

  Without the benefit of hearing him out, Robert sent him flying off his feet with a single punch under his jaw. Landing on the ground beside Gabriella’s feet, Raoul rolled over onto his stomach as he spit out a wad of blood that filled his mouth.

  Rising up on all fours, he met Gabriella’s startled gaze. “Don’t worry—I’ll talk to him.”

  Coming up behind him, Robert fisted his hands in the back of Raoul’s t-shirt and tossed him like a bag of trash across the make shift firing range. Landing with a roll, Raoul quickly sprung up on his feet. Robert slowly made his way to him despite Gabriella’s efforts to stop him. Gabriella tugged at Robert’s arm to shift his focus from Raoul but nothing worked.

  Backing away as Robert came at him, Raoul took a fighting stance with his hands raised to his chest. Shifting to position himself in front of the large tree behind him, he waited for Robert to make the first move.

  “You were warned.” Robert snarled with anger, his eyes glowing with the presence of his beastly half.

  Even as an enhanced soldier, Raoul knew he was no match for a six hundred pound grizzly if Robert decide to shift. His only hope was to get through to him or get use to the feeling of broken bones—whichever came first.

  “Robert, this isn’t what it looks like. I thought Gabriella could do with a change of scenery. I was just trying to help.”

  “By helping yourself to my mate?” Robert growled as his clawed hand slashed out at him. Dodging to the side, Raoul caused Robert’s deadly claws to slash at his shoulder instead of his face. Raoul gritted his teeth together in a wince as his skin pulled together as the wound quickly healed. When Robert struck out at him again; this time with a closed fist, Raoul dived to the left, causing Robert to gut the tree in front of him.

  Snarling, Robert placed on hand against the trunk of the tree as he ripped his trapped arm free. Chunks of wood and torn skin were scattered around his hand and forearm, but that wasn’t enough to slow down his rage.

  Bracing to defend himself once again, Raoul was surprised as the small form of Gabriella lunged in front of him with her arms spread wide. Her arms shook with terror at Robert’s ferocity, but she stood her ground.

  “Move,” Robert ordered with a hard look.

  “No,” She shook her head. “What makes you think you can just go attacking people like that? You’re not an animal.” She bit out.

  “I am an animal and you should remember that.” He said pointing a finger in warning at her.

  “I’m not scared of you, Robert; and I’m not going to move until you back off.”

  Robert’s nose and mouth curled when he saw that there was no way for him to attack Raoul without harming his mate. Taking a step back, he took a calming breath and allowed his claws to shrink down to their normal appearance.

  Sighing with relief, Gabriella allowed her shielding arms to drop to her sides. “What’s wrong with you? Ever since…that night…” she trailed off, blushing. “You’ve been acting so strange.”

  Ignoring her completely, Robert met Raoul’s wary gaze. “I agreed to let you work with her, I did not agree to you taking her off somewhere and touching her.” He bit out. “She is mine and if you touch her again you’ll find your healing abilities useless.”

  Gabriella’s face drained with color as Robert’s words registered. What did he mean she was his? She belonged to no one, especially someone that didn’t even like her and insisted on ordering her about like a dog. What was he playing at?

  Outraged, Gabriella didn’t stop to think as her temper exploded. Stomping forward she shoved at Robert with all her might. Catching him off guard, Robert stumbled back a few steps before he righted himself. His started gaze looked down at the fury written all over her face.

  “I’m not your anything!” She argued, shoving at him in anger again. “You think that a kiss or two entitles you to me? I’m not yours and I definitely don’t need your permission to have someone work with me!”

  Stepping closer, Robert glared down at her. “That’s where you are wrong. My bear chose you and that means I have the right to protect and keep you in any way I see fit.”

  “Then tell your bear to go sniff around another bear instead! I’m not interested.” Fuming she turned and walked away from the both of them. She wasn’t all that surprised to hear Robert’s heavy footsteps following behind her.

  “I warned you what would happen if you pushed me again.” He growled threateningly from behind her as he caught up to her.

  “Go hibernate and leave me alone!” She mumbled under her breath as she quickened her strides.

  “It's too late now.” His words were the only warning she received before he clasped her wrist, jerking her to a stop. Spinning her around to face him, Robert bent to put his shoulder against her stomach and in a smooth motion; tossed her over his shoulder.

  Outraged; Gabriella fought as his arm pinned her kicking legs to his chest. “What do you think you’re doing?” She shrieked. “Put me down!”

  “I did what I could to stay away from you, but no more. We are going to settle this now, Gabriella.” He demanded as he continued toward the main house with her slung over his shoulder like a battle prize.

  “There’s nothing to settle! Put me down now or I will yell for Doyle.” She threatened with pounding fists at his back.

  Chuckling Robert shook his head as he walked around to the front of the main house. He wouldn’t return in secret through the back door. No, he intended for the rest of the pack to see him carrying Gabriella like this. A little humiliation would suit her well and ensure her cooperation in the future.

  “Go ahead and yell for him, but there’s nothing he can do for you.”

  “What are you talking about?” She bit out, using her hands to shove against his back to lift herself up. “You can’t just grab someone and claim they’re your mate! I’m sure even your kind has a law against that.”

  “Do you remember me telling you about my kind and how a true mate draws out our animal half?”

  “So what?” She hissed

  “I told you that I could hear my bear’s thoughts and feel his emotions clearly as if they were my own—that only occurs if a true mate is found.” Feeling her go still against his back, Robert knew what he was trying to tell her had finally sunk in.

  “But…no…no! It’s not logical. Why would your bear choose a human? You must be mistaken. Go find a she-bear and you’ll see I am right.”

  “Not on your life, Mate.” Shoving open the door to the main house, Robert walked straight into the living room. Much to his delight and Gabriella’s horror; both Doyle and Aria sat curled together on the couch watching a movie. Looking up at their entrance, Doyle’s brow furrowed with confusion as Aria bit her bottom lip with an amused grin.

  Waving his hand toward Gabriella’s current position, Doyle cleared his throat. “Robert, what are you doing?”

  Hearing his voice, Gabriella began to struggle once more. “Doyle! Thank goodness! I demand that you order your brother to put me down!”

  “Can I ask why you have her thrown over your shoulder like that, Robert?” Aria asked, unable to keep the laughter from her voice.

  Puffing his chest out proudly, Robert patted Gabriella’s pinned legs before answering. “I’d like you to meet my mate.”

  Digging her claws into his back punishingly, she hissed out. “I will kill you for this.”
  “You’re welcome to try.” He whispered for just her.

  And try she would. This was beyond humiliating to be carted around with her butt in the air and it was beyond stupidity for Robert to believe that she was his destined mate-wife-whatever! There had to be another reason why he was doing this. Silently she vowed to fight whatever this thing was between them.

  But despite her determination she couldn’t help but wonder what if it was true?


  Kicking closed the door of his room, Robert moved to the bed where he dropped Gabriella down unceremonially. Bouncing on the bed on impact, Gabriella quickly sat up. Her hand shoved at her fallen hair with a furious swipe as she glared daggers at him.

  “Where am I?” She bit out while she took in the room she was in.

  The room was much like hers only bigger. The bed much larger than her own and made her feel like a child in the middle of the king size mattress. Off to the right was a large connecting bathroom. Heavy blue drapes covered the two large windows on the left side of the room, leaving the room dark with the absence of sunlight.

  Striding to the covered windows, Robert yanked the drapes back to allow the sunlight to break though. “This is my room and yours now.”

  Shaking her head, Gabriella slid off the bed. “No way. I am not staying here with you so you can continue believing this crazy notion of yours. I have work to do.”

  Motioning to the door, Robert shrugged his shoulders uncaringly. “Go work then, but you will be sleeping here beside me tonight; don’t doubt it.”

  “I…you…” Stunned, she struggled to get the right words out. Groaning, she fisted her hands in her flowing hair. “You can’t tell me where I will or won’t sleep!”

  “We’re mates; in human terms that would be husband and wife. You can’t tell me you don’t’ feel the pull towards me. I feel it for you every waking second that I deny it.”

  “This is ridiculous! I’m going back to work on Malca’s files and then afterwards I may just kiss Raoul to prove that there is nothing between us.”

  Ignoring the rage that her image inspired in his mind, Robert took a step towards her. “You can’t fight this, Gabriella. I tried to stay away from you. I slept in the woods to keep from coming to your room every night. I kept my distance from you so that I wouldn’t be tempted to touch you again but I couldn’t bring myself to leave you here.”

  “You’re just experiencing a flood of dopamine, adrenaline, and serotonin because of our last kiss. In some more time you will see that it’s impossible for me to be your mate.” She explained.

  Robert shook his head at her logic. “I knew you were mine before we kissed.” He admitted.

  “I don’t understand…”

  “The night I kidnapped you from your apartment, I knew. There’s no denying the scent of a true mate. Every cell in my body became attuned to you. I felt my bear emerge for the first time, fighting to get to you and claim you.”

  “Why are you telling me this now? You know what; I don’t care why. Even if what you say is true, I am not a shifter. I don’t feel…whatever you claim you are feeling.” She lied.

  The truth was she knew what he said was true. After the night of their last kiss, Robert had consumed her thoughts. She did feel something with him; a connection that she couldn’t explain. An unexplainable need be near him. At first she dismissed it as loneliness. After all, she’d never a need like what she was experiencing. She couldn’t deny there was a deep attraction between them, but that’s all it was. Wasn’t it?

  Narrowing his eyes, Robert moved towards her. Out of instinct Gabriella back away until the bed hitting the back of her legs brought her to a stop. Tumbling back onto the bed, Gabriella found herself trapped against the soft mattress with Robert above her. Bracing one hand on either side of her head, he leaned closer until their noses practically touched.

  “You’re lying.”

  “I’m not—” Pressing a finger to her lips, Robert shushed her before she could say more.

  “You’re lying.” He repeated. “I can tell when you lie. Like everything in this world it has a scent, shifters can smell illness, pain and even lies. For example, I can smell everything you’re trying to hide right now.”

  “I stink?” she asked awkwardly against his finger.

  Robert shook his head with a grin. Slowly his hands slid down the sides of her ribs to grip her hips firmly. “I smell your fear of what it means to have a shifter as a mate and most importantly I smell your desire for me.”

  Blushing furiously and with wide eyes, Gabriella mutely shook her head in denial. Chuckling at her stubbornness, Robert leaned closer. “Shall I prove it to you?” He whispered as his lips trailed down her throat.

  Gabriella sucked in a startled breath as his teeth nipped at the skin near her jugular before his tongue gently soothed the small bite. Trailing his lips up the soft column of her throat, Robert gently brushed his lips over hers, teasingly. When she began returning his kiss he pulled away just enough to look down at her. Looking up at him, Gabriella licked her lips, savoring the taste of him. This action drew Robert’s gaze. His eyes followed the movement of her tongue as the hunger within him built.

  Claim her now! His bear urged.

  For the first time, Robert didn’t feel the need to push aside the intense desires in his mind. Now he embraced them and allowed them to flood his system with his own. No more running. He would claim his mate and like his brother he would protect her from and fight against Malca who thought to take her from him.

  Leaning down once more he covered her lips with his own. Tangling his hands through her chocolate colored hair, he deepened the kiss until she was clinging to him desperately. He poured every need and every thought of her that had tormented him into his kiss.

  Beneath him Gabriella’s hands gripped Robert’s shoulders as his lips moved in a seductive dance against her own. Her lips parted in a soft gasp as Robert’s hand smoothed down the front of her blouse to cover one heaving breast. Taking opportunity of her parted lips he flicked his tongue against the seam of lips before seeking entry.

  At the brush of his tongue against her own, Gabriella felt her legs quake as her womb tightened with delight. Who would have thought that such a simple action would bring such a delightful response? When she though Robert could do no more to convince her of her desire for him—he surprised her. Hooking an arm beneath her left knee, Robert pulled her leg over his hip as he settled between her now spread legs. Her clit pulsed with life as the evidence of Robert’s arousal brushed teasingly against her. Consumed with the unknown need deep inside her body, her hips arched up against his hard desire.

  Continuing to drink in his kisses with drugged delight, Gabriella’s eyes lifted as a spark of heat shot through her stomach at the brush of his fingers at her navel. Panting, she pulled away from his sinful lips. With quick flicks of his fingers, the closure of her black slacks was open to him.

  “What are you doing?” As soon as the words left her mouth she wanted to smack herself. What a stupid question.

  It’s pretty obvious what he is doing, genius!

  Smirking at her, Robert’s eyes fell to her white cotton underwear. Her breath stole from her lungs as Robert lightly trailed his warm fingertips down her navel to the elastic waistband of her underwear. Sliding his fingers further down, he gently caressed her swollen clit through her cotton barrier. His bear groan with pleasure at the feel of the wet material. The scent of her sweet nectar promised the paradise that waited him.

  “As long as I live I will never think of thongs or lace panties as sexy. Since the first time I saw you in these I found them irresistible.”

  Scoffing, Gabriella shook her head as she fought not to laugh. “You’re crazy.”

  “No, I’m right, just wait and see.” Before he could question his motive, Gabriella gasped with surprise as his skilled fingers dipped beneath the band of her underwear. His warm fingers slid expertly against her wet clit. At the first brush she jum
ped at the unfamiliar; yet thrilling sensation of his touch.

  Seeing her reaction, he stretched over her to smooth a warm kiss across her mouth. Pulling back slightly, he nipped teasingly at her lips. “Relax for me. Let me show you how wrong you are.” Nearly shaking with the desire that burned through her, she nodded. Her heart began to race as his fingers danced against her clit. Rubbing in teasing circles around the dew covered bud, Gabriella’s breath hitched as her stomach muscled clenched tighter and tighter.

  A second finger joined in against her clit causing her empty passage to clench with need. It was too much. With each skillful touch of his fingertips, her need for him simply built higher and higher. She clawed at his shoulders as his lips brushed against the column of her neck and his fingers moved faster against her wet clit.

  “Robert…Robert…please…” She begged breathlessly while arching into his hand.

  “Tell me you want me.” He ordered, his fingers slowing their strokes against her clit.

  Nodding her head vigorously, she gasped out, “I want you, you know I do.”

  Needing no further words, Robert quickly shed his clothes before yanking Gabriella’s slacks from her long legs. Crawling back between her soft thighs, he pulled her legs firmly around his waist as he leaned into her.

  “Are you a virgin?” He asked roughly.

  Blushing, she looked away. Her father had always wanted her to remain a virgin for the man she would marry, but sadly that’s not what had happened. “No.” She whispered.

  Sliding a hand against her neck, he tenderly cupped the back of her head. “Wipe him from your memory and I will do the same. Nothing matters except you and me.” Leaning down he brushed his lips against hers as his hips pressed toward her welcoming heat. Gasping as he entered her, Gabriella savored the burn of his hard length stretching her.


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