Love's Ride (McCallister's Paradise Book 4)

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Love's Ride (McCallister's Paradise Book 4) Page 6

by Rhondeau, Chantel

  Better to focus on her work itself. “And now you’re doing just that, helping people.” He reached out, daring to put his hand on her arm again and feeling inordinately pleased when she didn’t pull away. “I know Parker, Sierra, and Ryan wouldn’t have become a family without your help. Sierra’s mom did a number on her, and you helped make her whole again. You’re a miracle worker.”

  There. He’d opened the door to domestic abuse if she wanted to confide in him. However, she wouldn’t be forced into it since the focus was placed on Sierra instead.

  “Sierra is an extraordinarily strong woman,” Chelsea said. “She would have found her way without me, but I’m glad your dad brought me here. Not only have I met amazing people, but I love this island.”

  “Do you think you could stay here your whole life?” he asked, keeping his tone casual, as though her answer didn’t matter one way or the other.

  “I could.” She glanced around the opulent dining room. “Most people are happy here, and yet there’s a need for my skills. I love everyone I’ve met, and Sierra and Sydney are actually some of the best friends I’ve ever had. They’ll be on the island forever, and it’s nice to feel like I have something close to a family.”

  For someone who claimed she didn’t want to talk about it, she kept bringing family up. She sounded longing, wistful. Perhaps her family wasn’t abusive but instead had something happen to them.

  “My entire family is pretty welcoming,” Brad said. “I know this is a first date, and I’m not trying to pressure you, but we have family dinners every week. Mom usually cooks a roast or ham. Sometimes in the winter, she makes homemade chicken noodle soup. We laugh and argue and generally have a great time. I get to see my nephew, Ryan. We’re having dinner on Wednesday this week. Do you want to come?”

  The shock that filled her eyes made Brad silently curse himself. It was too much, too fast. Sooner or later, everyone dating a McCallister ended up at family dinner. It had frustrated Brad in the past, watching as each sibling found the love of their life while he had only an occasional date and never anything serious. Chelsea could be his chance but not if he scared her away.

  “Or you could come another time.” He shrugged as though it wasn’t a big deal. “If you want to, I mean.”

  Chelsea’s hand rose to her mouth and she touched her lips, seeming nervous. “Would they want me there? People become uncomfortable around a psychologist. They’re afraid I’ll shrink them or something and uncover their darkest secrets.”

  Brad snorted out a laugh. “You’ll shrink them? I thought you mental health professionals didn’t like that kind of talk.”

  Visibly relaxing, Chelsea’s typical sunny smile returned to her face. “Life’s too short to take myself too seriously.” She winked. “I’m not in the habit of shrinking things, but people can say what they want.”

  Brad gulped, wondering if she realized what she had said. She certainly wasn’t shrinking anything on him. He couldn’t imagine any man shrinking around her luscious body.

  He cleared his throat, knowing Chelsea waited for a response. Deciding she likely hadn’t meant it in a sexual manner, he focused on the dinner. “I think you already know most of my family’s secrets, having had both Sierra and Sydney as patients. We’re pretty open. I hope you’ll consider joining me.”

  The only thing that had him worried was whether he could get through an entire meal without arguing with one of his brothers. The differences between his and Chelsea’s attitudes were still a possible problem. He didn’t want her to think of him as a patient with issues she needed to fix instead of a man she could count on.

  After a few seconds, she nodded. “I’d be happy to go this Wednesday. I think I’ll like your family a lot.”

  * * *

  Brad glanced at Chelsea covertly under the cover of darkness as he drove her to the employee housing apartments. Even though he thought dinner went rather well, she now seemed uptight and nervous.

  He hated to ask, just in case she was about to cancel their plans for Wednesday, but he couldn’t see her in so much discomfort and not say anything. “Are you okay, Chelsea?”

  She looked toward him and her teeth flashed briefly in the dim lighting. “Fine. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  Maybe because her hands were clenched together in her lap so tight they could turn a chunk of coal into a diamond.

  “I had a nice time tonight,” he said instead of commenting on her apparent anxiety. “I’m glad you agreed to come.”

  “I usually eat at The Pavilion since it’s a bit cheaper or make my own food in the community kitchen at the apartment complex, but your brother is really talented.” She sucked in a loud breath. “I mean, food wise, although I’m sure you’re just as talented with what you do.”

  Great. After he’d been so ornery earlier about Quinn’s successes, it seemed Chelsea was scared to speak.

  “Shane’s had a lot of advantages.” Brad slowed the car and turned into the parking lot at Chelsea’s apartment. “But I can’t deny the kid has talent. There aren’t a lot of people who could handle becoming the head chef of a five-star restaurant at twenty-one years old.”

  He stopped the car and turned off the engine, increasingly worried about Chelsea’s continued discomfort. He needed to hurry and get out of here before she told him what was on her mind. If she felt so awkward being with him, she might cancel the plans to accompany him to his parents’ house. Maybe she wouldn’t break a date over the phone. That didn’t seem like something she’d do.

  He had to rush her to her room and say goodnight. While it was true he’d worried about the differences between the two of them, he liked Chelsea a lot. The more time he spent with her, the more he wanted to spend. She acted odd now, but he hoped, given more time together, she’d feel the connection between them too. He was sure she’d felt it this afternoon at the picnic before he screwed up about the survival trip. He needed more dates to get her to that same comfort level.

  Pushing open his door, he flashed a grin. “Give me just a second.”

  Racing to her side of the car, he opened the door and held out his hand to help her from the car. “I had a really nice time with you today.”

  “It was different,” she said, accepting his hand and rising from the seat. “Good, though. You aren’t exactly what I expected you to be.”

  That was probably a good sign. He was willing to be different from other dates she had. Obviously, she never settled down so whatever she’d had in the past wasn’t what she wanted.

  Afraid to bring up the dinner and remind her to cancel that plan, Brad decided not to talk about it. Instead, he slipped his hand around hers, loving the soft feel of her skin, and led her into the apartment complex and to the elevator.

  There was another awkward silence as the elevator rose to the fourth floor. The only thing partially reassuring was the fact that Chelsea didn’t take her hand from his.

  They stepped onto her floor, but Chelsea walked slowly, seeming reluctant to go to her room. Given her tense attitude in the car, that only increased Brad’s worries. Perhaps she thought he’d expect to accompany her inside and didn’t want him to.

  Reminding himself that tonight was just one night and the future was what was important, Brad quickened his steps and forced her to get to the doorway. “Thanks for tonight, doc.”

  Chelsea reached into her purse and pulled out her keys, fiddling with them but not going for the lock. The thoughtful look on her face wasn’t reassuring. She seemed to want to say something.

  “I should get going,” he said quickly. “I have a busy day tomorrow since I played hooky so long today. Thanks again.”

  Her eyes widened. “You’re leaving?”

  “I’ll text you,” he promised, turning and all but running for the elevator.

  He hoped he’d read her right. Chelsea couldn’t cancel their dinner over the phone, not if she was a person who kept her word like he thought she was. As the elevator doors slid open, Brad strode through them wit
h a sense of relief. He’d make things up to her for leaving so abruptly, make sure she knew it wasn’t due to lack of interest. However, he’d done the most important thing. He’d get that second date. For now, that was all that mattered.

  Chapter 8

  Chelsea finished typing the report on her last patient Wednesday afternoon, then leaned back in her office chair and glanced at the clock on the computer screen. She needed to hurry home and change her clothes. Brad would pick her up in less than an hour.

  Fortunately, her office was in the resort’s spa complex, only a short walk from employee housing if she cut across the beach instead of following the boardwalk path up to the road.

  Once again, she tapped on her cell phone to read Brad’s latest text message.

  This week has been long, and it’s not even half over. I wish we weren’t both so busy. I miss you. See you soon.

  Chelsea wasn’t sure what to think about it. After they’d finished eating dinner last weekend, Brad had driven her straight back to her apartment. He walked her to the door but left without trying to give her a kiss. She’d been out of sorts, wondering if he had decided he wasn’t that into her. However, Monday when she arrived at the office there was a fresh bouquet of lilies sitting on her desk with a card expressing how much fun he had at dinner.

  It was definitely odd. The last man Chelsea dated had been a fellow psychology major. Dustin was never going to be the love of her life, but it gave her someone to be with during the rare times she wanted to go out. In return, from their first date forward she had given him sex. Not that it was any fun for her, but he enjoyed it, and it made her happy to please him.

  After graduation, Dustin took a job in Maine and Chelsea found herself headed for Hollywood. Neither of them pretended they wished things were different. They had one last goodbye screw, and Dustin left to catch his plane. She hadn’t even looked at another man that way since.

  Brad certainly exceeded her expectations. She’d figured the dinner would end badly with them deciding not to date again. When things went so well, she thought he might try to come into her apartment and fool around. It’s what Dustin would have done.

  Having a complete gentleman who didn’t even claim a kiss threw everything off in Chelsea’s world. Brad hadn’t lived down to her impressions. Now, she was nervous and excited. What if things kept going well? Could she really spend so much time with a man who often saw the glass as half empty?

  But damn he was sexy! Also, during the picnic when Chelsea admitted she’d never experienced sexual pleasure, he’d seemed truly shocked. If Brad ever took her to his bed, she didn’t think she’d have to wonder why people liked sex anymore. She was sure with his tight body and special blend of charm, Brad would make the act more than worth it.

  Shaking her head at herself, Chelsea stretched, slipped her phone into her purse, and stood up. No sense in thinking about sex. Brad was more reserved than that. Maybe life on the island had taught him better morals than Chelsea had learned. Sex on the first date was one of the things her psychology patients often felt guilty for doing. She’d never had that problem. Chelsea thought of sex as just another part of life, not a source of shame. Still, it was nice to have Brad court her rather than throwing her down for a quick, unexciting tumble after their first date like her ex had done.

  Imagining Brad’s muscular arms, Chelsea stepped out of her office and nearly ran into Larissa, who had her hand raised to knock on the door.

  Larissa gasped and stepped back, rubbing a hand across her protruding belly.

  “Sorry, Mrs. McCallister,” Chelsea said, uncertain how else to respond. Even though Larissa’s massage studio was only a few doors down from Chelsea’s office, she hadn’t spent a lot of time with Quinn’s wife.

  “Mrs. McCallister?” Larissa shook her brunette head and chuckled. “No need to be so formal. Unless you want me to call you Dr. Taylor all night?”

  “Of course not. I didn’t know what I should...” Chelsea stopped, realizing she was about to babble. She hadn’t done that since she was a kid, always schooling her responses and being a professional. Taking in a deep breath, she then smiled. “What can I do for you?”

  “Susan said you’re coming to dinner as Brad’s date.”

  Chelsea nodded, unsure what Larissa’s angle was. Although reading people was part of her job, Larissa seemed guarded, and Chelsea didn’t know why. “Is that a problem?”

  Larissa’s smile returned. “Not at all. It’s a good thing. The last woman Brad dated was my friend Janie. I came to welcome you and say I’m happy he’s finally moving on. He needs to.”

  Chelsea searched her memory, trying to place Janie. Remembering the beautiful African-American woman who she’d seen with Larissa and Quinn a few times, Chelsea finally remembered her. Janie Davis was a lifeguard and seemed well respected on the island.

  Thinking about Janie’s thin, muscular body, Chelsea couldn’t help but compare that to her own curvy hips and chest. If Brad were trying to get over a relationship with a woman like that, why would he choose Chelsea? Not that she was ashamed of her curves, even if she did shop in the plus sized clothing section. She was healthy and fit, but she would never attain the lean muscles Janie sported even if she worked out all the time.

  No, what worried her was why Brad would choose her after Janie. Not only was she a different race than the other woman, but their body types were in no way similar. Not that any of those things should matter. However, Chelsea knew enough about people and their emotions to know that it did.

  Larissa still had her smile in place, seeming to expect a response.

  Hoping her sudden doubts weren’t visible on her face, Chelsea forced a small laugh. “Should I be worried? He never mentioned Janie.”

  “Oh, darn.” Larissa shook her head and gripped Chelsea’s arm briefly. “This is coming out wrong. I didn’t come here to make you uncomfortable. I actually wanted to reassure you. The first time I went to a McCallister family dinner I was terrified. Of course, I wasn’t there as Quinn’s date. It was a set up by his parents, so I didn’t exactly know what to expect.”

  “His parents set you up?”

  “They have a tendency to meddle in their kids’ love lives.”

  Chelsea snorted out a laugh. “That must run in the family. Sydney’s meddling is what led to my invitation to dinner in the first place. She sprang a surprise date on Brad and me last weekend. We each thought we were going with her and Matt. She invited us both secretly.”

  “Sounds about right.” Larissa shrugged. “They’re good people and a wonderful family, but they are way too much into each other’s business. That took some getting used to since I’m an only child, but it’s rather nice that they care so much.”

  Obviously, Larissa had picked up the habit of getting into other people’s business, proven by her showing up now. Chelsea didn’t know whether to trust Larissa’s motives and assume she only wanted to offer reassurance, or whether the woman was here to warn Chelsea away from a man whose heart was already claimed by her friend.

  “Quinn and Brad don’t get along too well, right?” Chelsea asked, deciding whatever Larissa’s motivation, she may as well get some answers.

  Heaving a sigh, Larissa shook her head. “They’re working on it. Brad has this need to compete with Quinn about everything. Quinn isn’t sure why, but it’s always been that way.” She rubbed her belly. “I’m hoping this little girl can help change all that. Brad loves kids. If he starts coming around to see her, maybe things will improve between him and my husband.”

  Yep. She was definitely a meddler. However, if that helped Brad heal in some way and control the anger he had toward his oldest brother, it would be good. “You don’t know why they fight?”

  Larissa shook her head. “John and Susan had put a lot of pressure on Quinn back before I met him.” She paused and lifted an eyebrow. “That’s Mr. and Mrs. McCallister.”

  Chelsea nodded to indicate she knew who John and Susan were.

��Anyway,” Larissa continued, “I think it made Brad feel like they loved Quinn more. Even though Quinn turned over managing the island to Brad so he could pursue his artwork, Brad still has a hard time letting go of the past. I think he can get there, though. He’s not a bad man.”

  “Just a grouchy one,” Chelsea replied. “I try to surround myself with positive people outside of work since I see so much hardship in my office.”

  “Then why would you...” Larissa gulped audibly, stopping what she’d been about to say.

  Not that Chelsea didn’t already know. Why had she agreed to go out with Brad? That was a big question. There was something different about him when he was away from his family. He wasn’t the total ass he morphed into when one of his brothers entered a room. In fact, out on the horses, Brad had been free and happy. Even though he said he wouldn’t have time for a survivalist trip, Chelsea thought something like that might pump joy back into the man. He didn’t belong stuck behind a desk managing the day-to-day affairs of the island, no matter how much he cared about the employees here. He should be working in the stables and leading guided tours on horseback.

  “I appreciate you stopping by, Larissa. I’ll try not to be nervous,” Chelsea said. “I need to change my clothes before Brad picks me up. What do you suggest I wear for my first time at his family’s home?”

  “Anything’s fine.” Larissa indicated her shapeless maternity dress with a sweep of her hand. “I’m wearing this tent, but that’s because I don’t fit into my cute clothes anymore. It’s pretty informal. I’d go with jeans and a cute top if I were you.”


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