Mary's Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer, and Their Vision for World Peace

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Mary's Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer, and Their Vision for World Peace Page 64

by Peter Janney

  Kelly, J. Michael (“Mike”),

  as student of William Corson, 350–353

  and Corson’s safety deposit box, 350–351, 353

  and Plato Cacheris, 350–351, 361

  Kennedy, Arabella (1956 stillborn daughter of Jackie and JFK), 198, 189

  Kennedy, Ethel (wife of Robert F. Kennedy)

  and alleged LSD therapy, 203, 216

  Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier, 64, 103, 36, 189, 199, 209, 229, 252, 262, 270

  affair with actor William Holden, 198, 270

  and Aristotle Onassis, 270

  as first cousin to author John H. Davis, 25, 86

  and David Heymann’s book A Woman Named Jackie, 224, 462

  ‘father crush’ quote of Chuck Spaulding,

  and father John “Black Jack” Bouvier III, 209

  first meeting JFK at dinner party, 64

  with JFK at Hickory Hill, 188, 189, 197, 199, 286, 204

  and Kenneth O’Donnell’s reference to future JFK divorce, 230–231

  1956 stillborn birth of daughter Arabella Kennedy, 189

  1963 loss of Patrick Kennedy, 270

  reference to friendship with Mary Meyer, 200

  references to by Robert Crowley, 355

  remarks to Adlai Stevenson about JFK’s philandering, 253

  Truman Capote reference to, 198

  and warning of Lem Billings, 209

  William Walton as confidante of, 303; interest in Walton’s children, 303; and post assassination meeting at Hickory Hill with Bobby Kennedy, 304

  Kennedy, John F.

  American University Commencement, 105, 152, 257, 304

  Bay of Pigs, 234, 235, 243, 244, 301, 385

  CIA, 18, 20, 26, 224, 230, 232, 234, 235, 236, 237, 249, 256, 260, 276, 277, 285, 299, 300, 301, 314, 327, 328, 346, 352, 353, 357, 361, 420, 430, 432, 465, 478

  Civil Rights address, 263, 472

  conspiracy to assassinate, 18, 20, 26, 327, 328, 346, 352, 353, 357, 361, 420, 430, 432, 465, 478; Chicago plot, 282, 476; Church Committee, 21, 342; Senator Richard Schweiker, 21; Dallas, 20; Miami plot, 282,

  Cuban Missile Crisis, 4, 64, 242, 243, 244, 247, 256, 288, 463, 466

  Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 274, 277, 472

  post assassination cover-up; Warren Commission and Report, 17, 84; (see also: Hale Boggs); (see also: Senator Richard Russell); (see also: Senator Ralph Yarlborough); (see also: House Select Committee on Assassination [HSCA]); secret autopsy, 20; (see also: Zapruder Film), 287, 291, 291; (see also: U.S. Secret Service)

  rapprochement with Cuba, 275, 276, 390, 474(see also: William Attwood), 263, 443

  relationship with Mary Meyer, 1, 3, 4, 25, 26, 70, 79, 113, 114, 221, 230, 249, 270, 290, 371, 373, 432, 432, 433, 435, 440, 450, 458, 461, 475, 476, 490; alleged LSD use, 3, 80, 218, 224, 225, 256, 459; first meeting at Choate School, 151, 152, 153; marijuana use with Mary Meyer, 37, 70, 80, 225, 358; Vassar College, 64

  Vietnam War, 18, 193

  Kennedy, Sr., Joseph P. (father of JFK)

  J. Edgar Hoover, 208

  and Jack’s affair with Inga Arvad, 211

  Jackie Kennedy, 199

  and value of female companionship, 211, 434

  Kennedy, Kathleen (“Kick”)

  and boyfriend John White, 210

  engagement to Peter Fitzwilliam, 212

  JFK’s emotional connection to, 211–212, 227

  marriage to Billy Cavendish, 211

  plane crash death of, 211

  and devastation of JFK, 212

  Kennedy, Patrick Bouvier: 1963 post-Caesarian premature death of, 270

  Kennedy, Robert Francis (“Bobby”)

  and Bay of Pigs, 234–236, 245

  beliefm in conspiracy to assassinate JFK, 285–286, 290, 302

  and CIA, 234–235, 285–286; John McCone, 286, 290

  Cuban Missile Crisis, 235–236; private meeting with Anatoly Dobrynin, 245

  reaction to William K. Harvey, 386

  David Talbot references to, 285

  and drugs of Dr. Max Jacobson, 213

  hatred of Aristotle Onassis, 270

  interest in LSD according to Timothy Leary, 225

  and James H. Smith, Esq., 24

  and Joseph Shimon, 172, 386, 388

  and Marilyn Monroe, 231

  mention in Arthur Schlesinger’s diary, 290

  reference to firing J. Edgar Hoover at 1964 election, 404

  relationship with Georgi Bolshakov, 304, 305

  relationship with William Walton, 252, 302, 303

  reference to by Mary Meyer, 302

  and Walton’s mission to Russia post JFK assassination, 304, 305

  and Robert Morrow’s counterfeit money operation, 313, 314

  and sacking of Lyndon Johnson in Life, 307

  Kennedy, Rose (mother of JFK): author Nigel Hamilton’s analysis of, 209, 434

  Kennedy, Rosemary (mentally challenged sister of JFK), 211

  Kennedy, Senator Edward,

  author Leo Damore, 23, 327–328, 412

  cousin Joe Gargan, 327–328

  incident at Chappaquiddick, 23, 327–328, 412

  references in Senatorial Privilege

  (1988), 23, 412

  Key Bridge Esso Station,

  distance from crime scene, 42, 45, 48, 62, 97

  and Henry Wiggins Jr., 41, 42, 48, 117,

  and mechanic Bill Branch, 41, 42

  and stalled Nash Rambler, 41, 48, 333

  station manager Joe Cameron, 42, 48,

  Kimmel, Thomas K. (FBI),

  as former student of William Corson, 350, 352, 486

  as senior FBI Agent, 350, 352, 353

  and Gregory Douglas (a.k.a. Peter Stahl), 352, 354, 360

  and Joseph Trento, 354, 360

  University Club luncheon, 353

  Khrushchev, Nikita,

  as JFK’s secret partner in the pursuit of world peace, 64, 390

  Cuban Missile Crisis, 244–247

  Georgi Bolshakov, 243, 304, 305

  reactions to JFK’s American University Address, 64, 262

  Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 261, 262, 274

  secret correspondence with JFK, 243–245, 256, 304, 466

  and Timothy Leary, 217

  and U-2 downing, 232

  and Vienna Summit, 243, 244

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.,

  assassination of, 193

  quotes of, 317, 373

  Knox, George: Dovey Roundtree’s defense colleague at Crump trial:

  Krock, Arthur (columnist)

  and CIA’s unaccountability, 276

  on Inga Arvad’s beauty, 210

  quoting reporter Richard Starnes, 276

  Kushner, Philip: on Robert Crowley’s relationship with Gregory Douglas, 486

  Lady Livia Augustus: I Claudius, 279

  and reference to James Angleton, 371

  Lamb, George Peter (D.C. public defender)

  admiration for Judge David Bazelon,

  belief in Ray Crump’s innocence, 100

  Coroner’s Inquest, 52

  and denial of preliminary hearing, 53

  first attorney for Ray Crump Jr., 52

  Legal Aid Society of D.C., 52

  reference to U.S. Commissioner Sam Wertleb as “curmudgeon,” 53

  regard for Dovey Roundtree, 137; as world’s greatest cross-examiner, 106

  and U.S. Attorney Donald Smith, 54

  Lanahan, Scottie Fitzgerald (see Scottie Fitzgerald Smith), 64

  Lane, Mark (attorney)

  “and Defense Brief for Oswald,” 297–8

  and the film Executive Action, 385

  Larkin, Eddie: WW II Grumman Avenger pilot and close friend of Wistar Janney’s, 66–7

  Leary, Timothy

  and alleged LSD sessions of Mary and JFK, 225

  biographer Robert Greenfield, 222

  Cord Meyer, 219, 222

  Deborah Davis, 221

  Flashbacks, 222; references to Mary Pinchot (Meyer) in, 218,
220, 278

  G. Gordon Liddy, 220

  Harvard Psilocybin Project, 215, 218

  Harvard University; Center for Research in Personality, 215; firing from, 223

  interest in Katharine the Great, 221

  interview by Leo Damore, 86, 220–224

  interview by Nina Burleigh, 225, 230

  Jon and Carolyn Bradshaw, 221

  Katharine Graham, 221

  Last phone call from Mary Meyer, 270–271

  Michael Hollingshead, 220

  Rebel Magazine, 221

  relationship with Mary Meyer, 3, 26, 37, 83, 104, 206, 215–223, 254–257

  Stephen Smith, 216

  telephone call from Quentin Meyer, 380

  Van Wolfe, 220

  William Triplett, 221

  Zilhautanejo (Mexico), 216, 265

  Lechuga, Carlos (Cuba’s U.N. ambassador)

  and official message from Fidel Castro, 227

  and secret Attwood-Howard alliance, 275–276

  LeMay, General Curtis: and Cuban Missile Crisis, 245

  Lemnitzer, General Lyman: attendance at NSC meeting of July 20, 1961, 237–238

  Lennon, John (Beatle): and the song Imagine, 33

  Liddy, G. Gordon: Millbrook, N.Y. raid on Timothy Leary, 220–221

  Life Magazine,

  C.D. Jackson, 287

  Edward K. Thompson, 308; (See also: James Wagenvoord)

  hallucinogens, 272

  and Operation Mockingbird, 308

  Oswald material delivered to, 308

  Zapruder Film, 286–287

  Lifton, David S. (author)

  Best Evidence, 294

  forensic alteration of President Kennedy’s wounds, 294–295

  on JFK’s throat wound, 294

  Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (1963)

  American University Commencement, 64

  as world peace initiative, 64

  Averell Harriman, 262–263

  Harold Macmillan, 261

  Johnson refused to sign, 277

  Nikita Khrushchev, 64

  ratification by U.S. Senate, 63–64, 274

  Lincoln, Evelyn (JKF’s personal secretary)

  on JFK’s running mate for 1964 election, 307

  telephone call from Robin Webb, 251

  telephone calls from Mary Meyer, 264, 277

  LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), 3, 80, 255

  (see also: Timothy Leary)

  Aldous Huxley, 202, 257

  and Beat Generation, 202; Allen Ginsberg, 202, 217, 219; Jack Kerouac, 202; Neal Cassidy, 202

  Captain Al Hubbard, 202, 204

  CIA involvement with, 202–04; Frank Olson, 203–04

  Dr. Albert Hoffman, 215

  Dr. Oscar Janiger, 203

  Dr. Ross MacLean, 203

  Hollywood exploration of Anaïs Nin, 202; Andre Previn, 202; Betsy Drake, 202; Cary Grant, 202; Esther Williams, 202; Sidney Lumet, 202; (see also: Clare Booth Luce)

  Ken Noland, 206, 459

  Life Magazine, 272

  and Mary Meyer’s exploration of, 3, 157–58, 202, 215–18, 219, 223–25, 255–57, 271–73, 356, 358, 367

  James Truitt, 434

  Palo Alto Mental Research Institute, 202

  Robert F. Kennedy, 203

  therapeutic possibilities of, 202–03; Ethel Kennedy, 203

  Luce, Clare Booth (wife of Henry Luce), 370

  exploration of LSD, 202, 272

  and Philip Graham’s deterioration, 249, 265–66, 416

  relationship with Katharine Graham, 38, 249, 265–66

  Lundahl, Arthur C. (CIA-NPIC)

  as Director of NPIC, 287–88

  as world’s foremost photo analyst, 463

  briefing for CIA Director John McCone on Zapruder Film, 287

  and Dino Brugioni, 287–90, 292, 463

  NP IC as “Lundahl’s Palace,” 288

  recruited by CIA,

  Lynd, Staughton (historian): on JFK’s

  wounds in New Republic, 299

  MacMichael, David,

  author interview with, 322

  interview by Leo Damore, 482

  William L. Mitchell’s address as CIA; safe house, 408

  Marchetti, Victor (former CIA staffer), 67, 182, 322, 381, 430, 468, 503

  author’s interviews with, 67, 430, 468, 503

  The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, 322

  comments regarding Wistar Janney, 67, 381

  on Cord Meyer, 182

  The Rope Dancer, 322

  Marcus, Ray (author-assassination researcher), 300, 301, 479

  Harry Truman editorial in Washington Post, 300, 301

  and 1964 Allen Dulles visit to Truman, 301

  Marrs, Jim (author), 384

  list of individuals subsequently dying of suspicious means, 384

  on Oswald in Texas movie theater, 405

  Matthews, Burnita Sheldon (Federal District Court Judge), 100

  McCabe, Katie (author), 92, 380, 450,

  author interviews with, 380, 450

  Justice Older Than the Law, 380, 450, 502

  and Quentin Meyer at Georgetown book-signing event, 380

  references to Dovey Roundtree, 92, 380, 450

  McCone, John (CIA Director after Allen Dulles), 236, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 466

  as figurehead, 236, 286

  and Bobby Kennedy, 286, 290

  and diary entry of Arthur Schlesinger regarding multiple shooters in JFK assassination, 290

  and Lundahl briefing on Zapruder Film, 287, 288, 289

  meeting with Lyndon Johnson, 309

  McHugh, Goddfrey: confidante to Jackie Kennedy, 252

  McMahon, Homer (CIA-NPIC), 290–292

  classified NPIC event involving Zapruder Film, 290–292

  interview by ARRB (1997), 290–292

  and Morgan Bennett Hunter, 290–292

  and number of directions of shots, 292

  and number of shots fired at JFK, 292

  references to “Hawkeye” facility, 291

  Secret Service agent “Bill Smith,” 290, 291

  McMillan, Priscilla Johnston (JKF staffer and subsequent author), 207–209, 460

  and author David Horowitz, 208

  and author Robert Dallek, 209, 460

  on JFK’s skirt-chasing, 207, 208

  Mellen, Joan (author), 20, 429, 430, 465

  A Farewell To Justice, 21, 430, 465

  CIA’s threats to National Archives, 20, 21

  Meyer, Agnes (Katharine Graham’s mother), 248, 282, 475

  Meyer, Cord, Jr. (husband of Mary Meyer)

  alcoholism of, 178, 184, 188

  articles written by,

  “On the Beaches”(1944), 169–170

  “A Serviceman Looks at the Peace”(1945), 174

  “Waves of Darkness” (1946),165, 166, 176

  as Harvard University Lowell Fellow, 176, 178, 180

  as Marine Corp Officer, 166, 169

  as O’Henry Prize winner, 166, 176, 180

  books written by; Facing Reality (1980), 87, 178, 345, 346; Peace or Anarchy (1947), 176

  born, 167

  CIA; as Deputy Director of Plans, 60, 181; “Cyclops” as nickname, 181; disenchantment with, 186; Distinguished Intelligence Medal, 182; Operation Mockingbird, 182, 191–192; Radio Free Europe, 182; Ramparts Magazine, 191–192; recruitment by Allen Dulles, 180–181

  colleagues-acquaintances of; Ben Bradlee, 1, 78, 341, 373; Bishop Paul Moore, 68; Charles Bartlett, 230; David Acheson, 188; Edgar Applewhite, 192; Edward Weeks, 169, 175; James Angleton, 1, 32, 65, 78, 80, 85, 87, 181, 286, 345, 370; Merle Miller, 169; Norman Cousins, 175; Peter Janney (author), 504; Richard Helms, 181, 182, 248, 345; William Sloane Coffin, 194; Wistar Janney, 11, 65, 66, 339, 341, 371, 448

  on having a poet’s temperament, 167, 168, 169, 188

  pacifist beliefs of, 66, 168–169, 194

  and Quentin Meyer (twin brother); death of, 167, 173

  relationships with children, Mark, 182, 190; Mi
chael (“Mikey”), 178, 182, 188; and impact of death, 190; Quentin (“Quenty”), 178, 182; Wistar Janney telephone call, 340–341, 373

  relationship with Mary Meyer; alleged confrontation with after publication of Warren Report, 32, 391, 433; at Mary’s funeral, 64, 345–346; courtship, 65, 170; divorce, 189; final confrontation with, 32; marriage, 31, 171, 178; search for Mary’s diary, 1, 75, 85; unfaithfulness, 178, 187; Yale University, 65, 109, 159

  Scottie Fitzgerald Lanahan’s caricature of, 192

  St. Paul’s School, 168

  Senator Joe McCarthy’s witch-hunt of, 185–186

  UN Charter Conference (San Francisco), 171; assistant to Harold Stassen, 170, 172; confrontation with JFK, 172

  United World Federalists (UWF), conference at Dublin, New Hampshire, 175; conference at Ashville, North Carolina, 176

  World War II wounds of, 167, 170

  Yale University, Yale Hockey Team, 169; Yale Literary Magazine, 169; Phi Beta Kappa, 169; Alpheus Henry Snow Award, 169; Yale Law School, 170

  Meyer, Mark (youngest son of Mary and Cord Meyer), 12, 14, 17, 34, 182, 183, 190, 193, 347, 380, 457

  at Georgetown Day School, 183

  at gravesite of brother Michael Meyer, 190

  at Milton Academy, 34

  attendance at funeral of Mary Meyer, 68

  incoming Yale freshmen, 193

  and interaction with author, 12, 14, 17, 380

  Letter from William Sloane Coffin to 165, 193, 457

  Meyer, Mary Pinchot,

  Artist and Paintings of, Clearing, 31; Fire Island II, 31; Foxglove, 31; Half Light 33; Jefferson Place Gallery, 30; Museum of Modern Art (Buenos Aires), 31; as journalist, 83, 146

  autopsy of (see: autopsy of Mary Pinchot Meyer)

  birth of, 147

  Brearley School, 149, 154,

  children of,; Mark, 12, 14, 17, 34, 182, 183, 190, 193, 347, 380, 457; Michael, 9, 11–17, 19, 32, 37, 63, 178, 182, 183, 187–91, 199, 201, 206, 227; Quentin,11, 12, 68, 74, 83, 167, 168, 173, 178, 182, 183, 189, 347, 380

  CIA (disaffection with), 66, 184, 312; regard for Allen Dulles, 66, 184, 302, 312; role in JFK assassination, 26, 30, 31, 34, 84, 86, 283, 284, 287, 295, 325,

  Cord Meyer Jr. (see also: Cord Meyer Jr.), courtship, 156, 162, 164; divorce, 65, 66, 103, 188, 189, 312, 357; marriage, 83, 176, 178, 189, 190; separation, 65, 197, 357

  Death (assassination) of, 97 333–35, 339

  John F. Kennedy; Bradlee cocktail Party, 207; first meeting at Choate School (1936), 151; Joseph Alsop’s house, 226; Provincetown, Ma., 207, 256; visits to White House, 31, 218, 224, 226, 231, 303

  Psychedelic explorations of, 37, 80, 157, 202, 204, 224, 358, 434, 435; James Truitt, 202; LSD group in Washington, 219; Anne Chamberlin’s alleged membership in, 80, 82, 204, 223, 271, 367; Katharine Graham’s alleged membership in, 271, 272, 367


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