Mary's Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer, and Their Vision for World Peace

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Mary's Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer, and Their Vision for World Peace Page 66

by Peter Janney

interviews with Leo Damore, 93–94, 131, 140, 267, 278, 318, 321, 445, 451

  and Jerry Hunter, 102

  Judge Howard Corcoran, 109–110, 113, 119, 125, 135

  Julius Robertson (law partner), 93

  Justice Older Than the Law, 102, 380

  and Martha Crump, 93–94

  Mary McLeod Bethune, 92, 148

  NAACP, 93

  opening statement at trial, 113, 134

  Purcell Moore, 104

  Rachel Bryant Graham (grandmother), 90–92, 100

  Ray Crump Jr., 26–27, 93–104; and appeal of habeas corpus, 101; as scapegoat, 96, 106, 139; belief in Crump’s innocence, 93, 103–104; and Crump’s alibi, 94; first meeting with, 93–95; and formal appearance, 100; hair samples of, 103, 107; preliminary hearing of, 97–100; and prior arrests of, 95; psychiatric examination of, 101; and verdict of trial, 136; and Vivian, 94–96, 131

  and Reverend Jesse A. Brown, 90, 93

  and Spelman College, 92

  summation to the jury, 135–136

  Trial, 105–136; Bill of Particulars, 107; conflicts with Alfred Hantman, 107–108, 111–113, 116, 119, 121; cross-examination of Arthur Weber, 130; cross-examination of Ben Bradlee, 113–114, 365; cross-examination of Bill Branch, 121; cross-examination of Dr. Linwood Rayford, 115; cross-examination of Henry Wiggins, 119–121; cross-examination of John Warner, 126; cross-examination of Joseph Ronsisvalle, 116–117; cross-examination of Paul Stombaugh, 133; cross-examination of Roderick Sylvis, 124–125; cross-examination of Warren Johnson, 132–133; cross-examination of William L. Mitchell, 131–132

  visits to Georgetown, 96

  visits to towpath, 102, 140

  and William Roundtree, 92

  Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC), 92

  Ruby, Jack,

  and James Wagenvoord, 308

  murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, 282, 308

  Russell, Dick (author), 443

  Acknowledgment, 503

  Foreword, 1–5

  The Man Who Knew Too Much, 313

  On The Trail of the Assassins, 5

  and Robert Morrow, 314

  Salinger, Pierre,

  as JFK’s press secretary, 243

  call to Ben Bradlee on the night of Mary Meyer’s murder, 73

  and Georgi Bolshakov, 243

  Salisbury School: New England prep school attended by Quentin Meyer in 1964, 34–5

  Savwoir, Edward O. (jury foreman at trial): reaction to jury verdict as racially motivated, 110, 137

  Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr. (historian),

  and American University address, 259

  attendance at Mary Meyer’s funeral, 64

  and Bobby Kennedy, 286, 290

  Cuban Missile Crisis, 235, 247

  diary of, 290

  disclosure of CIA Director John McCone to Bobby Kennedy, 286

  and JFK’s proposed curtailment of CIA budget, 237

  and Mary Meyer’s influence on JFK, 232

  reference to ‘national security people,’ 235, 465

  Schorr, Daniel (journalist): on CIA’s invasion of Bay of Pigs, 236

  Schwartz, Robert (“Bob”),

  and approach of Cord Meyer, 163

  friendship with Tony Pinchot, 163

  and Liz Wheeler, 161

  reaction to Grey Towers, 161

  relationship with Mary Meyer, 159–64, 201

  and Ruth Pinchot, 161

  Schweiker, Senator Richard, 21

  David Talbot’s interview with, 21

  and Lee Harvey Oswald’s phony defection, 21

  subcommittee of Church Committee, 21

  Scott, Peter Dale (author), 301

  and First Executive Session of Warren Commission, 301

  influence of Allen Dulles on Warren Commission, 301–302

  Scott, Winston (Mexico CIA Station Chief), 84, 443

  and JFK assassination as conspiracy, 84

  and James Angleton’s removal of papers, 84

  Scouloukas, James (DC Police Officer), 43–44, 129

  (See also: Robert Decker),

  and broadcast of Henry Wiggins’s description of alleged assailant, 43–44, 129

  Second Baptist Church (Washington, D.C.), 89–90, 134,

  and Reverend Jesse A. Brown, 89–90

  as Ray Crump’s pastor, 89, 134

  Sheppard Pratt (psychiatric hospital used by CIA), 251, 268

  and Philip L. Graham, 251–252, 268–269

  Shimon, Joseph W. (“Joe”) 253

  Allied Investigators as CIA front, 388–389

  as government assassin, 389

  as JFK White House adviser, 253

  as liaison to Mafia, 312, 386

  as Washington police inspector, 253, 312, 381, 388

  and Bobby Kennedy, 172, 388

  daughter Toni Shimon (see also: Toni Shimon), 253, 381–389

  disclosures to Jack Anderson, 386–387

  Easter weekend 1963, 253

  and George H.W. Bush, 388

  and hatred of J. Edgar Hoover, 382–383

  and inside knowledge of Mary Meyer’s murder, 312, 384

  and James Angleton’s control of CIA, 312, 389

  Johnny Roselli, 312, 386–387

  and Lyndon Johnson, 254, 381, 383

  Operation Mongoose, 254, 381, 386–387

  and President Roosevelt, 253, 381

  references to the film Executive Action, 385, 388

  Sam Giancana, 386–387

  Santo Trafficante, 386–387

  testimony at Church Committee, 385–386

  and U.S. Secret Service, 382

  undercover CIA, 253, 381

  and William K. Harvey (CIA), 386–387, 389

  year of birth, 381

  Shimon, Toni (daughter of Joseph W. Shimon), 253, 380–390

  alleged Trafficante contract on her life, 387

  author interviews with, 380, 469, 481, 490, 503

  Easter weekend 1963, 253, 383

  and family divorce, 381–382

  and father’s confession of being a government assassin, 389

  father’s love for William (“Bill”) Harvey, 386

  and father’s reactions to JFK assassination, 384–385

  and her mother Elizabeth, 381–382

  and murder of Mary Meyer, 383–384

  Sketchbook as diary (see also: diary of Mary Meyer), 70, 75–84, 87, 224, 364

  and Anne Chamberlin, 79–80, 82

  and Anne Truitt, 76–83

  and Ben Bradlee, 75–81

  burning and destruction of, 79, 82

  and Cicely Angleton, 77–80

  and Cord Meyer, 78–79, 83, 87

  descriptions of, 80, 82–83

  and James Angleton, 76–81

  references to in National Enquirer

  (1976), 80, 82

  and Tony Bradlee, 75–81

  Smathers, Senator George, 189, 198

  trip with Jack Kennedy, 189, 198

  Smith, Donald (Assistant U.S. Attorney): presence at first hearing for Ray Crump, 54

  Smith, James H. (“Jimmy”), Esq.,401–424, 501–502

  author’s interviews with, 401

  and Bobby Kennedy, 404

  friendship with Leo Damore, 404

  and John H. Davis, 431

  and Kenneth P. O’Donnell,

  and Leo Damore’s suicide, 501

  and telephone call with Leo Damore on March 31, 1993, 402–424

  Smith, Sally Bedell (author), 80–82, 207, 229–230, 252, 273

  author interview with, 82

  and Blair Clark, 252

  and Charles Bartlett, 229–230

  Grace and Power (2004), 441, 442, 459, 461, 463, 466, 499

  interview with Anne Truitt, 82

  interview with Cicely Angleton, 207

  interview with Tony Bradlee, 80–81, 229, 273

  and JFK’s 46th birthday party, 227

  and Mary Meyer’s relationship with JFK, 82, 207, 230–232, 253

  references to sk
etchbook/diary of Mary Meyer, 80–82

  Smith, Scottie Fitzgerald, (formerly Lanahan, and daughter of F. Scott Fitzgerald), 39, 64, 155, 156, 192

  attendance at funeral, 64

  caricature of Cord Meyer, 192

  references to Mary Meyer, 39, 64, 155, 156

  Smith, Stephen (brother-in-law of JFK),

  and desire to explore LSD, 216

  and Timothy Leary, 216

  and Van Wolfe, 216

  Spaulding, Betty Coxe, 171

  references to Cord Meyer, 171

  and UN Charter Conference 1945, 171

  Spaulding, Chuck (friend of JFK’s), 171, 173, 208, 213

  and Dr. Max Jacobson, 213

  Jackie Kennedy’s attraction to dangerous men, 208

  on differences between JFK and Cord Meyer, 173–174

  and UN Charter Conference 1945, 171

  Stahl, Peter (see Gregory Douglas). 351, 353–354, 357, 362

  Starnes, Richard (reporter): as referenced by journalist Arthur Krock, 276

  Stassen, Harold, 170–172

  as delegate to 1945 UN Charter Conference, 170, 171

  and Cord Meyer, 170–172

  Stebbins, Charles (U.S. Park Police Detective), 48

  Stone, Oliver (filmmaker), 258, 327, 419, 420, 470, 476

  and J. Michael Kelly, 350

  and L. Fletcher Prouty, 327, 420

  and psychedelics, 258

  and Real Time with Bill Maher (2009), 258, 470

  references to film JFK, 327, 350, 420,

  Storch, Walter (email alias of Gregory Douglas. See also: Gregory Douglas), 352, 357, 359, 362

  Stombaugh, Paul M. (FBI Special Agent), 133

  and Dovey Roundtree’s cross-examination of, 133

  and Ray Crump’s hair, 133

  trial testimony of, 133

  Summers, Anthony (author), 83, 430, 443, 463, 503

  letter of Evelyn Patterson Truitt to, 83–84, 443, 463

  Sylvis, Roderick (D.C. Police Officer), 43–44, 58, 112, 122–125, 128, 132, 135, 140, 321, 330, 336, 424

  at Fletcher’s Boat House, 43, 58, 122, 124, 125, 135, 321

  author’s interviews with, 437, 449

  and Dovey Roundtree’s cross-examination of, 124–125

  and mystery “Negro male,” 44, 123–125, 128, 140, 336

  and partner Frank Bignotti, 43–44, 122–123, 135, 321

  and questioning of young white couple, 43, 122–123, 125, 132, 321, 330, 424

  testimony at trial, 122, 336

  Talbot, David (author), 21, 276, 285–6, 304, 310

  and Bobby Kennedy’s accusations toward CIA, 285, 286

  interview with Robert McNamara, 310

  interview with Senator Richard Schweiker, 21

  and Kennedy family post JFK assassination, 285

  references to Brothers (2007), 285, 304

  and William Walton, 304

  Taylor, General Maxwell: regarding

  1963 Vietnam fact-finding mission, 275,

  Technical Services Division of CIA (TSD),

  and alleged role in murder of Mary Meyer, 332

  creation of disguises, 332

  and Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, 332

  Texas School Book Depository, 281, 298

  and conspiracy to assassinate JFK, 285,

  and Lee Harvey Oswald (employee),

  shots fired from, 281, 285

  Thayer, Robert (CIA): regarding Ben Bradlee’s alleged CIA contact in Paris, 363

  Thomas, Kenn (author): interview with Deborah Davis (1992), 273

  Three Sisters Island: in Potomac River, 48, 447

  Tippit, J. D. (Dallas Police Officer), alleged murder of by Lee Harvey Oswald, 281

  District Attorney Henry Wade, 298

  and Mark Lane, 298

  Tonkin, Gulf of (incident and resolution),

  as pretext for legal escalation of Vietnam War, 309

  and Lyndon Johnson, 310

  repeal of, 310

  and Richard Nixon, 310

  and US Maddox, 309

  and US Turner Joy, 309

  Trafficante, Santo (Mafia), see also: Joseph Shimon, 386

  and Castro, 386

  and contract on Joseph Shimon’s life, 386

  Operation Mongoose, 386

  references to by Jack Anderson, 386–7

  Trento, Joseph (author),

  email to and from Gregory Douglas,

  and J. Michael Kelly, 350

  and James Angleton, 372

  and Operation Zipper, 353

  and Plato Cacheris, 350

  and reaction to Regicide, 353

  reference to L. Fletcher Prouty, 349

  and Robert Crowley, 379

  The Secret History of the CIA, 359

  and Thomas Kimmel, 360

  and William (“Bill”) Corson, 349

  Triplett, William: as investigator for Timothy Leary and Rebel Magazine, 221, 461

  (see also: Timothy Leary).

  Truitt, Alexandra (Anne and James Truitt’s daughter), 85

  author interview with, 85–6

  Mary Meyer’s murder as taboo, 85–6

  and Nina Burleigh, 86

  Truitt, Anne (sculptor/artist, and wife of James Truitt), 30

  and alleged burning of Mary’s diary (sketchbook) with Tony Bradlee, 78

  as close friend to Mary Meyer, 32, 36, 74

  and Bradlee account of search for diary, 74

  contents of Mary’s diary, 82

  friendship with James Angleton, 74

  alleged alerting of diary to James Angleton, 76

  letter to New York Times (1995), 77

  Mary Meyer’s comments to, 32

  on Mary Meyer’s awareness of art and masculine character, 36

  and Phoenix outburst of Philip L. Graham, 249

  regarding Mary Meyer’s diary, 74

  Sally Bedel Smith’s interview with, 207

  telephone call to Ben and Tony Bradlee and revelation of Mary’s diary, 76

  and tragedy of men of her generation, 174

  Truitt, Evelyn Patterson (second wife of James Truitt),

  and ex-CIA agent Herbert Barrows stealing James Truitt’s papers, 83–4

  letter to author Anthony Summers (1983), 83

  Truitt, James (“Jim”),

  as friend to Mary Meyer, 70

  as Washington Post vice president, 70

  and Ben Bradlee’s firing of, 70

  and break-out story to National Enquirer (1976), 70

  diary and records of, 70; allegedly stolen by Herbert Barrows, 83–4; and documentation of Mary’s affair with JFK, 83–4

  interest in psychedelics, 202; Mary Meyer’s use of psychedelics, 202

  interviews with author Deborah Davis, 225

  letter to Deborah Davis, 431, 453, 456, 458

  and Mary Meyer’s confiding to, 30, 35, 36

  and Mary Meyer’s towpath encounter with Jackie Kennedy, 35–6

  and Mary’s affair with “an Italian noble,” 187

  on Mary Meyer’s friendship to many, 140

  and Phoenix outburst of Philip L. Graham, 249

  Ron Rosenbaum’s interview with, 74; and location of Mary’s diary, 364

  relationship with James Angleton, 1

  and relationship with Philip L. Graham, 248

  and second marriage to Evelyn Patterson, 83

  suicide death of, 83

  Truman, Harry S., 100, 381

  and Allen Dulles, 233, 234, 302, 479

  and ‘Truman retraction, 301, 302

  editorial in Washington Post after JFK assassination, 300, 301, 302, 478

  eradication of CIA’s covert operations, 306

  and Florence Kater picketing of, 201

  and inception of CIA, 233

  and 1948 NSC Directive 10/2, 233

  1964 letter to Look Magazine, 302

  Operation Ajax (Iran), 233, 234

  quote of, 105

  research of Ray Marcus, 300, 301

support of World Federalism, 176

  Winston Churchill, 234

  Turnure, Pamela, 200, 201

  affair with JFK, 200, 201

  and Florence and Leonard Kater, 200, 201

  and residence in Mary Meyer’s House, 200, 201

  Twyman, Noel (author): reference to Bloody Treason: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy, 25, 26, 313

  and author John H. Davis, 25, 26

  U-2 Spy plane (CIA), 232, 242, 245, 282, 288

  Joint Technical Advisory Group (JTAG), 282

  Lee Harvey Oswald and Atsugi, 282

  and National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC), 288

  and Thomas Arthur Vallee, 282

  use during Cuban Missile Crisis, 242, 245

  United Nations, 175, 261, 274, 276, 277

  and Ambassador William Attwood, 275, 276

  and Carlos Lechuga (UN ambassador), 275, 277

  and references to in President Kennedy’s American University Commencement Address, 261

  United Nations Charter Conference (San Francisco 1945), 170, 171, 172, 173, 174

  and Cord Meyer, 170, 171, 172, 174, 178

  Harold Stassen, 170

  and Jack Kennedy, 172

  neutering of, 171, 172, 173

  and Security Council veto power, 172

  United World Federalists (UWF), 66, 176

  and A. J. Priest, 176

  Ashville, N.C. Conference, 176

  and Cord Meyer, 66, 176

  membership of, 176

  U.S. Justice Department, 104, 264

  and Alfred Hantman, 107, 108, 137, 138

  and Bobby Kennedy, 236

  and Charles Duncan, 107, 137

  and confidential internal memo from, 108

  Criminal Division of, 107, 108, 137

  and David Acheson, 104, 137

  and Joseph Shimon, 253, 381

  U. S. (National) Park Service, 38, 48, 60, 97, 116

  and Detective Charles Stebbins, 48

  and Joseph Ronsisvalle (map maker), 116

  and officer Ray Pollan, 97

  and patrol of canal towpath, 38,

  and search for murder weapon, 38, 60, 97

  U. S. Secret Service, 59, 283, 463

  and agent “Bill Smith,” 290, 291, 292

  and Chicago assassination plot, 282, 476

  delivery of Zapruder Film to NPIC, 287, 289, 290, 291, 292

  involvement in JFK assassination, 20, 286

  and Joseph Shimon, 382

  and logs of, 226, 463, 472

  University Club of Washington, 353

  (see also: Thomas Kimmel, Gregory Douglas, and William Corson)

  Vallee, Arthur Thomas: reference to Chicago assassination plot, 282

  Vassar College,

  Anne Chamberlain, 366

  as rebel at, 155, 156

  Cicely d’Autremont Angleton, 64

  class of 1942, 11, 156, 453

  classmates of Mary Meyer, 11, 39, 64, 156, 182, 453


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