My Boyfriend's Boss: A Forbidden Bad Boy Romance

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My Boyfriend's Boss: A Forbidden Bad Boy Romance Page 52

by Cassandra Dee

I limped up to my bedroom and made a few calls. “Platt? Yeah, check out the visa status of a Teresa Ramos of Krystal Kleaners in SF,” I growled. “Student at City College. Plus, see what you can find out about her past in the Honduras. She moved here maybe ten years ago, says she came with her mother.”

  That’s the benefit of being a billionaire. I keep people on retainer for any shit that might come up, crazy as it may seem. Shit, Platt has seen worse. He’s a fucking retired cop turned PI, I’m sure that dude has been asked to investigate a lot more than the immigrant status of a house cleaner.

  But I wasn’t done yet. The next person I called was Rosa at Krystal Kleaners.

  “This is Matt Sterling at 223 Seacrest Avenue,” I growled into the phone. “Teresa Ramos was here today but hasn’t finished the job yet. I’d like to book her again. Tomorrow. Yes, the house hasn’t been touched. Yes, tell her to come at 8 a.m. Thanks.”

  And it was done. Billionaires always get their way, and I wasn’t done with this girl just yet.



  I’d been humiliated. First, during the scene with Orlando, which my employer had unfortunately witnessed. I never should have gotten a ride, I should have just taken the bus or walked, lateness be damned. What the fuck was wrong with me? I sobbed. It was like I’d forgotten everything Mami had ever taught me, including not getting into cars with strange men.

  Then there was the meltdown I’d had at Matt’s house. I admit, I’d been seriously considering taking him up on his offer. It sounded almost too good to be true, a dream opportunity. Sashay around town on the arm of the most eligible man in SF, attend a couple dinners, a couple functions, shake some hands and then after the election, I’d be free. It was only a commitment of a few months, and I’d probably have a pretty penny to add to my savings account, which was frankly, desperately needed.

  But it’d all come crashing down. The moment he kissed me, the moment we got even the slightest bit physical, I panicked, my past overtaking the present. Because, you see, I was molested during that time I stayed with Aunt Blanca in the countryside. Uncle Gordo turned out to be much more than a mere “uncle.” He was a goddamn perv, and my life from ages ten to thirteen had been confusing as hell.

  It had started innocently at first. Uncle Gordo would ask me to sit in his lap as we watched TV after a dinner of rice and plantains. I didn’t want to, but I didn’t feel like I could say no either. I knew my mom would be angry if I was sent back to the City, so I did as Gordo asked and perched my bony ass on his knee, uncomfortable and trying to lose myself in the latest show.

  But inevitably, Uncle Gordo would pull me back against his fleshy chest, literally push my head back against his shoulder so that my entire backside was plastered against his front. It was disgusting but at least he was fat and jiggly, kind of like an extra pillow.

  This went on for a while. Aunt Blanca would be in the same room, watching TV, and never commented, merely continuing to shell peas or whatever fruit or vegetable was in season. And so every night at 7 p.m., the three of us settled into our routine, me on my uncle’s lap, too close for comfort as we watched Spanish news or the latest telenovela.

  Until one day I’d felt something growing under my ass. I’d thought it was my imagination at first. Something hard and stiff was poking my butt cheek and I’d squirmed uncomfortably, trying to worm away.

  “Sit back!” came the harsh command from my uncle, my aunt looking up momentarily before turning back to the TV. She was like an automaton, her gaze blank, her body stiff as she shelled in silence, not even a hitch to her movements. This went on for a couple weeks, a hard, rigid member pressed against my butt for an hour each night, and I was always so happy to dash off to my room afterwards, to cloak myself in darkness and privacy. I’m not even sure I knew what was happening then, it was just so confusing and I was too young.

  But one night, Uncle Gordo appeared in my doorway right after I’d gotten into bed.

  “Teresita,” he said quietly. “I know you can hear me.”

  I was perfectly still under the blankets, willing him to go away as I feigned sleep.

  “Teresita,” he said again. “I know you’re awake.”

  I practically wasn’t breathing, I wanted him to go away so badly. But after a few moments, I knew it was futile and so I sat up in the darkness.

  “What is it Uncle Gordo?” I asked innocently. We’d had the usual dick pressed against my butt session earlier, what did he want now?

  Gordo came into my room, his body heavy and pendulous. He sat down on the edge of my bed and I swear, the whole thing kind of tilted to the side, my mattress cheap and my uncle heavy.

  “I can’t sleep Teresita, can I stay here with you?” he queried, covering my hand with his.

  I wanted to say no, I knew I should have said no, but I was just so confused. I murmured something, I’m not even sure what, but he took that as consent.

  “Okay, I’ll just sit here as you sleep,” he said, settling into a rickety desk chair in my room.

  I breathed a sigh of relief. Not that it would be pleasant having him there, his breathing was congested and he wheezed quite a bit, but fine. I was willing to compromise some privacy. I went back to sleep, pulling the covers over my head and tried to get as comfortable as I could.

  It was only in the middle of the night that I was startled awake. I felt something … something wet on my pussy and I wasn’t sure what it was. Was it the moon phase? My mom had told me that this was the natural cycle of women, that I would bleed between my legs come time, but it hadn’t happened yet. Was it blood down there?

  I bent my head to look, pulling the covers up, and that’s when I realized Uncle Gordo was in bed with me. He’d pressed his mouth to my vagina and was sucking it, playing with the little nub that I sometimes stroked for fun, running his fingers along my vaginal lips, stroking their baldness with a sigh of satisfaction.

  I screamed and bolted upright. “Aiieee!” was the only word I could manage in my shock and horror.

  Uncle Gordo lifted his head, his eyes drowsy with pleasure, his lips still wet from my vagina. “Shh,” he hushed. “You’ll wake your aunt,” he cautioned, even as he bent his head for another taste.

  “Aieee!” I screamed again, twisting my lower body away. This time Gordo slapped me, one fleshy hand slamming my face, a red welt immediately rising against my cheek.

  “You want to go to school with my fingerprints on your skin tomorrow?” he hissed. “Then fucking shut up and keep your legs spread.”

  I began crying, but Gordo’s threats kept ringing in my mind. I didn’t want to miss school otherwise I’d be at home all day with my aunt and uncle, and yet … I couldn’t go home to my parents either. Mami had made it clear that the City was dangerous, that she’d brought me here specifically so that I could be safe. So I made myself stop crying, to lie stiffly in my bed as Gordo continued to assault me with his mouth.

  It was over soon and Gordo got up, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand, his penis punching out against his soft cotton shorts.

  “You taste good, Teresita,” he said. “Remember, your Uncle Gordo loves you,” he hissed, before leaving my room. I felt so dirty, so disgusting that I immediately changed my underwear, wiping myself between my legs as best I could, crying softly as I got back in bed. But what could I do? I was only ten years old.



  I waited grimly in my office, expecting to hear the door open at any moment. Teresa had a key to the house, she’d let herself in and then I’d approach her. Question her as to what was going on, between the mini freak-out she’d had with that dipshit Orlando and the massive freak-out she’d had with me. It was fucking unreal.

  I’d tossed and turned all last night, unable to get to sleep, wondering what the fuck was wrong. I’ve been with a lot of women, and yeah, it’s inflated my ego but at the same time, I know I’m a handsome motherfucker and skilled in bed. My touch had never made a woma
n cry before and Teresa should have been no exception.

  I heard the creak of the front door and was down the stairs in a flash. There she was … beautiful, unassuming in her jeans and a work shirt, her raven hair scraped back from her face. I hated that severe hairstyle, I wanted to see those locks streaming over my chest, wrapped around my fingers, and preferably around my dick too.

  She glanced up at me quickly and then looked away, her deep, dark brown eyes unfathomable, a quick nod of acknowledgment before padding to the hall closet, pulling out cleaning supplies while avoiding my gaze.

  But I wasn’t about to be deterred.

  “Teresa,” I ground out, grabbing her by the shoulders. “I guess you know why you’re here again?”

  She stilled, not answering at first. But slowly, she tipped her head and looked me straight in the eye.

  “You want to know if I’ll take you up on your offer,” she said quietly. “But we haven’t ironed out the exact terms of what exactly you’re offering, and what I need to provide.”

  Well, this was better than expected. I thought she was going to make some bullshit excuse, try to dodge the question by saying she was here to finish cleaning my house but instead, we were already off to a running start. There was no way this could be about housecleaning, after all. I’d commanded her aunt to direct Teresa, and Teresa only, to my home this morning, and had threatened to call immigration if I had to. Fuck my ass, I was desperate.

  And so this beautiful woman was here, braving my presence again even though I probably came off as a demanding, mean-spirited bully.

  “What the fuck was that about yesterday?” I rumbled with no intro.

  She colored, the heat rising beautifully onto her cheeks. God, I wanted to grab her and throw her in my bed right this moment.

  Her chin lifted a little as she answered. “It was nothing,” she said quietly. “Now if you’d like to lay out your offer … otherwise, I’ve got work to do,” she said pointedly.

  Okay, so that was how it was going to be.

  “Fifty-thousand dollars for your services,” I ground out. “Twenty-five now, twenty-five after the ballots are counted. You live here, you attend social functions and political events four to five times a week, stay on my arm and look pretty. Don’t talk unless my campaign manager has briefed you on exactly what you’re supposed to say. Plus,” I added, “you sleep in my bed.”

  Her cheeks flushed, but she nodded again. “What if you win the election?” she asked stiffly. “Do I get a bonus?”

  Ah, the girl knew how to negotiate.

  “Another twenty-five if I’m elected mayor,” I ground out. “That makes your total compensation seventy-five thousand for three months of work, starting today. It’s a generous offer and you know it.”

  She blushed again, but her back remained rigid.

  “And what about clothes and food and all that?” she asked. “You know I need a wardrobe, a car, that kind of thing.”

  “All expenses paid,” I said flatly. “You can send the bill to my accountant, buy whatever you need to look good at my side.”

  Teresa gave a stiff nod.

  “I’ll do it then,” she said, her voice slightly clipped.

  I could hardly believe what I was hearing. The woman who’d broken down twice yesterday at my home, who had driven me crazy and was driving me crazy still, had just agreed to be my girlfriend cum mistress? I was confused but hey, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. I was ready to run with it.

  “Then let’s head upstairs,” I ground out. “I’m ready to pay for the goods.”



  She followed me slowly up the staircase, I could hear the soft scuff of her sneakers on the rug. We were going to have to replace those with stilettos soon, there were just too many formal functions for Teresa to be schlepping around in trainers. But I liked her casual style, I liked that she worked for a living.

  Simultaneously, I was curious as to how this was going to play out. I’d basically paid for the girl, and was surprised that I hadn’t had to sweeten the pot with a diamond necklace or some ridiculous clothing allowance. Instead, she’d accepted my offer of seventy-five and we were in business.

  At the top of the stairs, I detoured into my office for a moment, Teresa lingering in the doorway as I reached into my desk drawer. With a flourish I dashed out a check to for twenty-five thousand dollars, handing it to her which she received with trembling, shaking hands, her eyes growing big at the amount.

  “Thank you,” she said, quietly. “But could you make it out to cash please?”

  I almost laughed. I’d written the check out to her personally.

  “What, you’re going to carry around twenty-five grand in bills?” I joked.

  She colored immediately.

  “No, I just don’t have a bank account. Many working class people don’t, you know,” she said stiffly. “We’re called the ‘unbanked.’”

  I could have kicked myself for my ignorance. Of course I’d heard about folks who didn’t have bank accounts. Allegedly, they used check cashing services which provided hard money on the spot for an exorbitant fee. And I guess if you needed the money asap, that was your only option.

  Shaking my head, I realized I’d already been shown up by this beautiful girl. As a billionaire, I was fucking clueless about the everyday lives of the working folk, and as a mayoral candidate, it was a lethal liability. But already, I knew I’d made the right choice in hiring Teresa as my girlfriend. Not only was she going to mitigate my rich-boy image, but she was going to point out potential traps during our time together. Mentally, I congratulated myself again. Seventy-five thousand was an absolute steal given the service I was getting.

  And now on to the good stuff. Teresa in my bed, my dick in her cunny, her cries of pleasure ringing in my ears. I wanted to fuck her … and it was finally time.



  I followed her into the master suite, noting her gasp at its opulence. I’ve spared no expense on this townhouse, and the décor is masculine but elegant. Dark wood furniture, a massive bed with expensive sheets, damask walls. And the en suite … yeah, we’d be using the soaking tub a lot once we got naked, I’d make it my mission to fill that tub with cum.

  In the meantime though, I had a willing, nubile girl at my bidding. Okay, maybe willing was a bit of an overstatement. I’d bought and paid for her services after all, but I intended on having her gasping in my arms, hot and excited, her cunny fresh and steaming, begging for cock.

  Slowly, I turned Teresa around to face me, my hands on those slim shoulders. Her brown eyes were cast down, lashes long on her cheeks. She trembled slightly but was otherwise still. Slowly, I pulled out the tie in her hair and raven locks came tumbling down. God, it was gorgeous. Like a waterfall of rippling black, streaming and glossy in the light. I ran my hands through the waves, enjoying their silky, sensual feel.

  She still didn’t look at me as I began unbuttoning her work shirt. Her curves were dangerous and the golden sheen to her skin totally delectable. I whistled appreciatively. Beneath that denim shirt was the laciest bit of white lingerie, barely cupping her breasts, the round mounds spilling out, the Double Ds luscious. The lace was transparent enough that I could see deep mocha nipples poking through.

  And what did you know? Her nips were hard already, jutting out like tiny pebbles begging to be sucked. Okay, so the little girl wanted me and I felt my cock jerk in response, my ego stroked.

  In a flash, I was on my knees in front of her and gently lapped at the curve of her breast before latching on her nip. She gasped at the feeling of my mouth, the warm wetness insistent as I rolled my tongue around her areola, then settled in for a deep suck. Her breast flesh was succulent, delicious and tasty in my mouth and I had to get more.

  With desperate hands, I undid the zip of her jeans, unsnapping the tight denim to reveal a tiny white g-string. God, this girl was so gorgeous, her ass juicy and perfect, her cunny faintl
y outlined under the soft silk. With my mouth still occupied, I scrunched the g-string so that it formed a line between her pussy lips, making them bulge and plump. I ran a hand up and down between her legs, sampling that wet flesh, and placed a hungry kiss on her clit, the little rock sticking out from between her lips, she was so fucking aroused.

  But that’s when things got freaky. Teresa had another meltdown, totally unexpected given how wet her cunny was.

  “Don’t kiss me down there!” she gasped, trying to push me away. Her efforts were useless, her small fists beating against my shoulders. I weigh almost twice as much as she did, and you can’t keep me away from a pussy that tastes good.

  “Why?” I said, ignoring her as I lapped at that sweet flesh, sucking a bit on her clit, her g-string pushed to the side. “Tastes like heaven,” I growled, my chin wet with her juices.

  I could feel her clit throbbing, her hot box emitting steam and her panties soaked through, but Teresa was adamant, verging on hysteria.

  “No, don’t touch me there with your mouth!” she shrieked again, this time twisting in my grasp so that my lips ended up on her left hip. She struggled and writhed, desperately trying to prevent me from licking her pussy and I was totally baffled. Don’t women want oral sex? Fuck, it was my specialty and no woman had ever said no. In fact, one of my favorite things was to get a woman completely wound up, coming in my mouth before I fucked her. I found their pussies to be extra juicy afterwards, used even, still contracting as I drove my dick into the wetness.

  But Teresa wasn’t having it. I could see a shimmer in her eyes as she desperately tried to maneuver her lower body away from me.

  “Hey, take it easy,” I rumbled. If she didn’t want oral, then there were plenty of other ways to get off, I was open to exploring. “Calm down,” I said soothingly. “How about a dick ride then?”

  Surprisingly, she nodded yes. In a flash, I was undressed and I pulled her close to me again, this time focusing on her breasts, twisting and pulling her nips as I kissed her. The girl sighed and relaxed a bit as I walked her backwards to the big bed and we fell in a tumble, her on top of me, into the luxurious sheets.


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