The Guardians Omnibus

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The Guardians Omnibus Page 23

by Damien Benoit-Ledoux

  “Go ahead, Blake. I’ll finish up. Besides, you’re pretty much done,” Marcy said.

  Blake sighed. He wanted a few extra minutes alone before spending time with Victor, especially after the man had lost his cool with him.

  “You have your bike, I assume?”


  “Okay, let’s put it in the back of the truck.”

  Several minutes later, Blake’s bike was tucked into the cargo space of the black SUV. Blake and Victor climbed into the back seat of the car, unpleasantly wet from the pouring rain.

  “Man, it’s terrible out there,” Victor said, squeegeeing the sleeve of his suit.


  The SUV drove down Daniel Street and then turned right on Market Street. Moments later, it pulled into Portsmouth Trading. Workmen had already left for the day and the area seemed vacant. The driver, one of the usual two guards who accompanied Victor at their meetings, steered the SUV into the warehouse. Once parked, they all climbed out of the SUV. The guards made their way back to the garage door and closed it while Victor led Blake to a lunch table with four chairs. He wiped crumbs off the table and sat down, resting his elbows on the table and clasping his hands together. He leaned forward, attentive and ready to engage Blake in conversation.

  Blake sat down and leaned back in his chair.

  “So, I’m your big brother now?” Victor asked, smirking.

  “Whatever keeps people from asking questions, that’s the deal, right?” Blake responded.

  Victor nodded.

  “What do you want with me, Victor? I didn’t sign up to get treated like shit. I get enough of that at home.”

  Victor’s face became serious. “Blake, I wish to apologize for losing my temper the other day. That was unprofessional and very rude of me.”

  “Yeah, it was,” Blake responded dryly.

  “Yesterday, the Blue Spekter, that was Quinn, wasn’t it?”

  Blake narrowed his eyes and regarded Victor. He nodded. Always to the point, aren’t you?

  “Why didn’t you tell me Quinn had powers as well?”

  Blake leaned forward. “You didn’t exactly let me get a word in edgewise when you threw your little temper tantrum in the park, asshole.”

  Victor swallowed, not breaking his gaze. “I deserved that. You’re right and I apologize again for lashing out. I’m sorry.”

  “Fine,” Blake said, folding his arms across his chest. Sometimes apologies are just words.

  “So, let’s start again, but this time, no secrets?” Victor asked.

  “You’re always going to have secrets, Victor, until the day you decide to come clean about whoever or whatever it is you work for.”

  The man slowly nodded. “Yes, that is an unfortunate reality, but as you are welcomed into the organization, that will change. Soon you will understand why the clandestine nature of the organization is imperative.”

  Blake stared at him and didn’t say anything.

  Victor chuckled and continued. “The mission of our organization, as I said before, is to take care of the individuals or groups who operate outside the justice system. The facility you and Quinn discovered is the oldest Orgonon Reactor Core in existence, built from the research of Dr. Wilhelm Reich, posthumously, of course. I need to stop here, though, because I’d like to have this conversation with both of you at the same time.”

  Blake’s right eyebrow went up. “Both of us? You want to invite Quinn?”

  “Yes,” Victor answered. “The difference between you two, Blake, is that Quinn is not the vindictive type, but after the rumors I’ve heard, you are. Am I correct?”

  “Rumors like…?” Blake asked, shifting in his seat. What rumors?

  “The police are aware of two separate instances where a man with glowing orange eyes took care of business. The first on Four Tree Island, the second in Hislop Park. Coincidence? I think not, especially after you showed me your orange eyes the other day.”

  How do you even know about that? Blake swallowed. “Why didn’t the police say anything during their news conference?” he asked softly.

  Victor smiled and raised his hands, gesturing surrender. “I’m not sure, but know that I am not judging you, Blake. You saved three women and struck terror into their assailants. You did a very good thing, twice.”

  Blake sat back and smiled. “It felt good, too.”

  “I’m sure it did,” Victor responded, smiling sinisterly. “Now, think about doing what you did, but on a grander scale—but in the shadows, figuratively, seeing as your glowing characteristics would make that rather difficult.” Victor finished his invitation with a smile.

  Blake chuckled. “All right, fine. I’ll convince Quinn to meet with you…in exchange for all of the information you have about why we are the way we are…like why I glow orange and he glows blue, and why he can fly, and I can do other things.”

  “Will you show us?” Victor asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Maybe,” Blake answered, smiling.

  “Fair enough. Also, we need to expect Quinn will be highly suspicious and mistrusting, as I’m sure you still hold reservations about me, and I accept that. Just realize how important this is; we are working with one of the most profound moments in history.”

  Blake rolled his eyes. “Yeah, well, this profound moment in history doesn’t have a whole lot of time anymore. I have to pick up a second job in order to pay off the hospital bill from my vacation at Rangeley Medical.”

  “How much?” Victor asked.

  “Thirty grand, so far.”

  “I think I can do something about that, for both of you. Consider it a sign of good will and an investment in our future together.”

  Blake’s eyes lit up. “You can zero-out the bill?”

  Victor smiled. “I can do a lot of things, Blake. Helping you guys out would be my pleasure.”

  Blake sat back and smiled. “Thanks, I really appreciate it.”

  “Of course,” Victor said. “That’s what friends do.”

  2-6 | Normal is Abnormal


  QUINN TOOK A DEEP BREATH and walked into the library, his eyes searching for Keegan. A moment later, he found him sitting alone at a table. He swallowed nervously and walked toward him, eyes focused on the back of Keegan’s wavy locks of dirty-blonde hair. The lights flickered above him as he walked across the library.

  I’ve got to get that under control. Well, here goes all my hopes and dreams…I hope he can forgive me…

  “Hey, Keegan,” Quinn said, walking around the wooden table, his voice pitchy and nervous. He cleared his throat.

  Keegan looked up and smiled. “Oh hey, I’m really sorry about not texting you yesterday afternoon.”

  What? Quinn blinked at him with shock. “Uh, okay?”

  “Yeah, my phone’s battery died, and my mom needed me to come home and help her with dinner; it was my grandmother’s birthday and I completely spaced it. Later, we got into a big fight about how I shouldn’t be making after-school plans—especially dates—without permission even though I’m sixteen. So, it hasn’t been a great twenty-four hours in the Miller household. I figured I’d see you around, but, yeah, I’m sorry. I can be a space cadet and get stuck in my head at times. I should have responded. That was dumb of me.”

  Wide-eyed only for a moment longer, Quinn smiled. “Oh, wow. I was just about to apologize to you…I never made it to the park. I got stuck in all that Blue Spekter commotion and couldn’t get through and I thought I left you high and dry. I even got us hot chocolates. When you didn’t text me back, I thought I had messed…”

  Keegan shook his head. “You didn’t mess anything up. I did, and I’m sorry. I just learned an important lesson, and I won’t make that mistake again. I hope the hot chocolates didn’t go to waste.”

  Actually, I have no idea what happened to the hot chocolates, come to think of it…

  “Hey, wasn’t that Blue Spekter thing cool? Did you see it?”

  Quinn shook his hea
d and went with the change of subject. “I wasn’t paying attention and I couldn’t really see the bridge, I only saw it on the news. What did you think about it?”

  “I saw it on YouTube when some people texted about it after dinner. I’ve never seen anything like it, have you?”

  “A flying person who glows with blue light? Of course not!” Quinn quipped, grinning. “I just wish the police weren’t so opposed to the idea of someone trying to help out.”

  Keegan shrugged. “If it’s a good guy or gal they’ll prove themselves to us and the police will relax. But that’s the alarming thing; no one knows anything about this flying person.”

  “I think he’s the world’s first superhero.” Quinn said, the words escaping his lips before he could stop them.

  Keegan smiled and laughed. “Sure, whatever, but time will tell. Nobody knows whether this person has other powers and how they’ll use those powers—for good or for evil. I’m honestly surprised people aren’t freaking out more. The world’s just changed and no one seems to realize it.”

  Quinn nodded and thought back to the last words of the graffiti artist he met that morning: “He’s the world’s first superhero, kid…it’s either a great time to be alive or it’s the worst.”

  Keegan shifted in his chair. “So um, can we schedule a rain date? I promise not to let my battery die again and I’ll check with the mother unit about the schedule. I’m still looking forward to our first date. I know it doesn’t seem it from my mood but I’m serious.”

  “I’d like that,” Quinn said, unable to wipe the silly grin from his face. Above him, a light flickered.

  Whoops, easy does it…

  “I’m working after school today, but I could hang out tomorrow after track.”

  “Hang out?” Keegan asked, chuckling.

  “I mean, I propose a repeat attempt at our first date tomorrow, say around four o’clock?”

  Keegan looked at nothing for a moment. Then he looked back at Quinn, smiling. “Pending the mother unit’s permission, I can do that. Maybe I’ll watch you run at track.”

  Quinn smiled. “It could be boring for you if the coach sends us out on the roads, but you’ve been warned. I’ll be ready to go after I shower up. I’ll ask my dads if I can have the car that day so I don’t have to pedal to Prescott Park.”

  “Sounds like a date,” Keegan said, smiling.

  “Okay, talk to you later. Thanks.” Quinn turned and walked out of the library. Thanks? Why did I thank him?

  A moment later, Quinn sensed Blake walking toward the library. Quinn smiled and walked toward him, knowing exactly where his best friend was. Blake rounded the corner and smiled, bouncing his eyebrows at his best friend.

  “Everything okay with lover boy?” Blake asked.

  “Yeah, totally.” Quinn explained the dual mix-up that transpired.

  “You’re super lucky, Quinn. That like, never happens. Wanna go to the cafeteria? I have something to ask you.”

  “Gentlemen,” Mr. St. Germain called out. “A word if you please?”

  “Sure thing,” Quinn said. He and Blake walked over to their mentor, double checking to make sure the hallway was empty.

  “That was you right?” Mr. St. Germain whispered. “I don’t even know why I’m asking, but…Blue Spekter?”

  Quinn nodded.

  Their teacher made a scrunched up smiley face and shook his fists in front of him with excitement. A moment later he composed himself and put his hands on the boys’ shoulders, making a small football huddle. Then, he looked at them intently as he spoke, his eyes shifting between those of Quinn and Blake. “Okay, whatever you do, don’t flaunt your…abilities. Blue Spekter should only show up when needed and offer to help. Otherwise, you’ll get obnoxious really fast and things will not go in your favor.”

  “Yeah, but…” Quinn responded, but his teacher interrupted him.

  “No buts, Quinn. Remember when Superman showed up in Man of Steel? Nobody knew what he stood for or whether he was good or bad. They assumed that if he was bad, they couldn’t stop him if they had to. Take it nice and slow, guys. Also, this is a small town, so think about the people you love. You don't want to put anyone in unnecessary danger.”

  Quinn and Blake nodded as a classroom door opened down the hall.

  “See you later in class,” Mr. St. Germain said. Then, he dropped his hands and walked away.

  “Okay,” Quinn said. He turned to Blake. “You had something to ask me?”

  “Yeah,” Blake answered, pointing to an empty classroom. “Let’s go in there.”

  Quinn followed Blake into the classroom and shut the door behind him, immediately sensing something wasn’t right—not in the super powered way, but in the way a guy knows how his best friend thinks and feels. Blake seemed…nervous.

  Blake walked to a desk and turned around. “So, look, there’s no easy way to say this, so I’m just going to come out…”

  “Sweet Jesus, are you coming out to me?” Quinn asked, stunned and nearly falling over.

  “Uh, no. I’m not gay. But, I have been talking with Victor Kraze…”

  “You’ve been what?” Quinn yelled. He did not just say what I think he said…

  “Quinn, don’t you want to know what happened to us? Don’t you want to get to the bottom of what’s going on with our powers?”

  “Yeah, but we have no reason to trust him! Why would you do something like this? Why wouldn’t you tell me? We’re best friends, we’re not supposed to keep secrets from one another—especially when it concerns our superpowers!”

  “That’s why I’m telling you now, Quinn. I’ve been meeting with him since we cut school to go back to the Orgonon Reactor Core.”

  “The what?” Quinn exclaimed, dropping his backpack onto the nearest desk.

  Blake shifted. “It’s what his organization calls that cave we found and accidentally activated.” Then, he explained everything he had learned from Victor.



  Blake looked up when the coffee shop door opened; it was five forty-five. Victor stepped into the shop and shut the door behind him.

  “I don’t have to tell you we’re closed, right?” Blake asked.

  Victor smiled. “Of course not, I can read the sign. I simply came by to ask if you’ve mentioned my request to Quinn yet.”

  He nodded. “I did, and he was not happy.”

  “Understandable. There’s a lot both of you have yet to learn and I know how important first impressions are. Though I hope I’ve earned credibility with you, I understand I’m…starting from scratch with your best friend.”

  Blake nodded, suspecting Victor chose his words carefully. The jury’s still out on you, mister…

  “At any rate, I’ll get out of your hair. Perhaps we could meet tomorrow after school?”

  “We have track, and Quinn has a date.”

  “Ah, interesting. How about after Quinn’s date?”

  “Dude, we have homework and shit. I don’t know. I’ll text you when we’re free. If it’s that important, you’ll make time for us.”

  Victor smiled, then nodded. “Very well, Blake. Please don’t forget about me.” He pivoted and left the shop, but before he shut the door, he stopped and turned around.

  “Oh, and Blake?”


  “Your medical bills have been taken care of. It seems a generous donor heard about your plight and paid them in full.”

  Blake’s mouth fell open as Victor clicked the shop door shut behind him.

  Are you kidding me?


  Later that night, Blake finished his homework around nine o’clock, moments before he heard his father come home and quickly spiral into another tirade with his mother. He decided to slip out of the house and go running before they got him involved.

  Wearing a running hoodie with reflective material sewn into it, he ran to the New Castle Commons and then headed back, rounding his total run to nearly ten miles. On his way back
, he stopped running as he passed Hislop Park, feeling hot. He was just about to pull his hoodie off when he heard footsteps behind him. He turned around and stared into the angry eyes of two men charging him. What the hell?

  Stunned, Blake’s hesitation allowed the larger man to tackle him to the ground, his weight and strength pinning Blake’s arms and legs. Blake’s head whacked the pavement hard, the soft fabric of his hoodie softening the blow only so much. He struggled to regain focus as stars appeared in his vision.


  “Don’t scream or you die, kid. Try to run, and I’ll make you suffer.”

  Blake froze, partially in fear and partially in recognition. His voice seems familiar…but why?

  The man holding him down spoke to his partner. “Search him.”

  He felt a second set of hands groping him anywhere the man thought he had a pocket or something of value. Fortunately for Blake, the man didn’t think to check for the phone strapped to Blake’s left arm under his sweatshirt, tracking his run. Unfortunately, the man was not shy about copping a feel of his genitals as well.


  “Dammit, he doesn’t have anything on him,” the man whined.

  “What do you want?” Blake said, his head throbbing.

  “Shut the fuck up, little bitch!” the larger man yelled, shaking him as he spoke.

  Little bitch…Blake looked at the man who had pinned him to the ground. I know exactly who you are…you’re the assholes who assaulted that woman here in this very park and now you’re mugging me.

  Blake frowned and looked into the man’s eyes. “I know you.”

  “I said shut up!” the man hissed loudly, his face inches from Blake’s face.

  Blake grinned as his eyes began to glow. Suddenly, the smaller man gasped and backed off in fear. “Oh shit, it’s him! Fuck!”

  The heavy man holding him down grinned. “Not so tough after all, are you?” he shifted and reached for his knife with his left hand.

  Blake didn’t flinch. He let the man pull his blade. With skill, the man flipped it in his hand and brought his arm downward, the blade stopping as it hit the impenetrable skin over Blake’s heart.


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