The Guardians Omnibus

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The Guardians Omnibus Page 68

by Damien Benoit-Ledoux

  Blue Spekter winced, lowered his stance, and crossed his arms in front of him. He projected a defensive shield in front of him and the car Chief Applegate hid behind. The shield absorbed the damaging effects of Dark Flame’s shockwave as it dissipated. Then, a shirtless Dark Flame took off and flew toward the harbor.

  Relaxing a little, Blue Spekter lowered his arms—and the shield—and gaped at the wake of devastation left in Dark Flame’s absence. The lawn had been scorched and burnt, trees were on fire, and several police cruisers and civilian vehicles showed signs of extreme heat and fire damage. A moment later, he lost the proximity awareness of Dark Flame’s location. Oh man, Blake…what have you done?

  Blue Spekter turned around and looked for Chief Applegate. He spotted her on the ground twenty paces back, coughing and struggling to get on her feet. He looked in the direction of police headquarters and yelled out, “Get a medic!”

  It appeared no one had died, but Blue Spekter suspected the super-heated air might have burnt some of their lungs. Blue Spekter ran over to Chief Applegate and squatted next to her.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “I’ll be fine,” she wheezed. She suffered a coughing fit, then looked into his eyes with an irate face. “Go stop that son-of-a-bitch before he hurts any civilians.”

  Blue Spekter nodded. “I’ll do my best, Chief.”

  The DHS team leader who had hassled Blue Spekter so much approached and extended his hand. “Let’s start over, shall we? I’m Agent Eric Potter. I’m sorry we got off on the wrong foot. Perhaps a conversation would have been better than failed attempts at capturing you.”

  “You wouldn’t be saying that if you had succeeded,” Blue Spekter retorted, folding his arms.

  “Touché. What can we do to help, Blue Spekter?”

  “She needs a medic,” Blue Spekter said, pointing at Chief Applegate.

  “They’re on their way. Anything else?”

  “So, what, just like that, we’re on the same side now?” Blue Spekter asked.

  Agent Potter nodded. “You just saved our butts back there, young man. Tell me what you need, and I’ll make it happen.”

  “I need you to pull your goons out of the high school.”

  The man regarded him with a bewildered expression.

  “Today!” Blue Spekter said, loudly.

  Agent Potter nodded. “Consider it done.”

  Blue Spekter looked skyward in the direction Dark Flame had flown. “Thank you. I don’t know where this fight is going to go down, but now would be the time to bring out those TaseBolts.”

  “We’ll do our best. If possible, fight over the river to minimize destruction…and keep him away from the shipyard if you can. There are nuclear submarines in dock right now. We’ll be in Prescott Park and on Four Tree Island. Get him there if you can.”

  “I’ll try,” Blue Spekter answered. He saluted as he lifted off and flew after Dark Flame, his body glowing bright blue in his new suit. He ascended as fast as he could and looked around for Dark Flame’s orange trail of light.

  Blake hasn’t figured out how to turn off his body glowing yet, so that’s a huge advantage I have over him.

  Out of range of their sensing power, Blue Spekter wasn’t sure which way to look. He swung around until he spotted Dark Flame hovering over the river near the Memorial Bridge.

  Blue Spekter sighed. Damn, that’s right near the shipyard. There’s no point reasoning with you, old friend; you need to be stopped, now.

  For a moment, both boys hesitated, each one glaring at the other. Then, coiling his hands into fists, Blue Spekter willed himself forward and flew at Dark Flame as fast as he could, hoping to knock him upriver.

  Dark Flame pulled his hands back and yelled, “Batter up!” Then, he swung his arms as if swinging a baseball bat.

  “Oh crap!” Blue Spekter exclaimed.

  A moment later, the invisible telekinetic force of Dark Flame’s imagined bat slammed into Blue Spekter. He grunted at the powerful strike against his person as he fell, out of control, toward the churning river beneath them. I deserved that for being stupid because I should have seen that coming, but Blake won’t expect this…

  He took a deep breath and let his falling body splash into the river. He doused his glowing body and eyes, hoping to hide in the depths of the river as he willed himself deeper. Then, using his water powers, he steadied himself in the current and looked up at the orange glow hovering above him. He knew his ex-best friend could sense where he was, but he didn’t know if he sensed if he was conscious or not. The orange light moved back-and-forth, indicating Dark Flame was looking for him.

  Blue Spekter spread his arms out to his sides and summoned as much water as he could contain with his powers, which was a lot given the raging current.

  If I time this right, I’ll catch him off guard.




  Using flight and water powers, he soared upwards through the water and forced a twenty-foot wide column of swirling, churning water into the air and surprised Dark Flame. The water surrounded him, and as Blue Spekter rose through it, he saw that Dark Flame was caught up in the swirling water column. Then, he super-chilled the water and froze the column straight down into the river’s depths, anchoring it to the rocky riverbed.

  For the first time ever, a frozen mass of ice towered over the river. When he sensed the ice column had secured itself to the river bottom, he focused on the ice surrounding Dark Flame, super freezing it to contain him until DHS could get here with their TaseBolts.

  Blake should pass out soon without oxygen, which gives DHS time to get here. But, um, how the hell are they going to capture him from up here?

  He frowned. Shoot, am I going to have to use one of those things against him?

  Blue Spekter looked to the Portsmouth side of the river and watched as gawkers stared and pointed, laughing as they took pictures with their camera phones.

  What is it with people in imminent danger? Why can’t they just stay away? Seriously, people, run and hide!

  A loud pop and a crack drew Blue Spekter’s attention back to the ice. A moment later, the ice around Dark Flame exploded in a slushy blast of frozen water, steam, and intense heat. Deadly chunks of ice flew outward from Dark Flame’s hovering body, crashing into the river, shipyard structures, the Memorial Bridge towers and roadways, and Prescott Park. Tires screeched on the bridge and people screamed and ran from the killer ice boulders that pummeled the water’s edge of the park.

  Aw, crap.

  3-16 | Frenemies


  DARK FLAME USED THE ELEMENT of surprise and charged at Blue Spekter, punching him multiple times in the chest and stomach. Each time his fists connected with Blue Spekter’s body, a sharp crack and blinding flash accompanied by blue and orange sparks erupted between them and fell to the river below. Blue Spekter grunted and fell backward, succumbing to the force of his attack. His body sailed backward in an uncontrolled tumble toward the dark waters in front of the shipyard.

  Using telekinesis, Dark Flame reached out to the plastic-and-cable buoy netting that demarcated and protected the docks and the submarines. He reached out with his hand and mentally pulled, ripping a long length of netting out of the water. As Blue Spekter tumbled, Dark Flame slung the netting toward the falling hero and spun it around Blue Spekter’s neck and body, wrapping him in it like a spider trapping its prey in webbing. Then, he pulled at it, tightening the strong netting around the helpless hero.

  Blue Spekter gasped, suspended in midair and unable to free himself. Dark Flame hovered closer and brought the loose end of the netting to his hand. He wrapped his fingers around the cable and pulled on it, tightening the netting around Blue Spekter’s neck. The other end remained fastened to a concrete mooring in the water near the shore.

  “You need to leave me alone, Quinn,” Dark Flame snarled, jerking the netting tighter. Blue Spekter choked and gasped for air. He tried to speak, but all that
came out was a pathetic wheeze.

  Amused, Dark Flame allowed the netting to slack a little. “What was that, buddy?” he taunted.

  “And you need to learn to mind your surroundings,” Blue Spekter uttered in a loud whisper, his voice horse.

  “Huh?” Dark Flame looked around in confusion, unsure of what Blue Spekter was talking about. He’s just distracting you, finish this.

  He turned back to Blue Spekter, who smiled wickedly at him. Dark Flame frowned and tightened his grip on the netting and pulled. Then, to his surprise, Blue Spekter flew backward toward the shipyard, yanking Dark Flame with him. Dark Flame yelped as he was pulled through the air, unable to fight against Blue Spekter’s superior power of flight. A moment later, Blue Spekter connected with a power line and sent a blast of electricity through the metal cable of the wet netting. Dark Flame’s hand exploded with sparks, but he couldn’t let go.

  What the hell?

  His hand immediately felt hot and tingly. He grunted and glared at Blue Spekter, who had wrenched one of his arms free of the netting and aimed an open hand at him. Electricity arced toward him and connected with his body, completing the circuit. His body tensed as electricity zapped him, nearly rendering him unconscious.

  Dark Flame focused his telekinesis and used his mind to rip the netting out of his hand, breaking the circuit. When he was free of the electrical current, he mentally lashed out at Blue Spekter and knocked him back to the shipyard grounds. The superhero crashed through the roof of a construction depot and Dark Flame hovered in the air, watching a dust cloud rise where Blue Spekter landed. He slowly moved back-and-forth in the air, eager to pummel the hero again. “Come on, is that all you’ve got?” He taunted.

  “You need to stop. I don’t want to hurt you!” Blue Spekter yelled up from the ground.

  “Don’t tell me what to do!” Dark Flame screamed, anger coursing through his veins. Then, with speed and agility he didn’t anticipate, Blue Spekter rocketed up and over the shipyard’s dry docks, flying a wide circle around him. Dark Flame smirked, then willed himself to pursue the blue streak of light.

  Suddenly, Blue Spekter flipped around and flew right at him. Dark Flame attempted to evade the attack, but his enemy was faster. A split second later, Blue Spekter crashed into him and pummeled him backwards, repeatedly striking his face and torso. Loud bangs and blue and orange sparks of liquid energy erupted between them as each hit knocked him back twenty or more feet. Each time, Blue Spekter pounced on him and landed another punch. Finally, with one powerful strike, Blue Spekter’s fist connected with Dark Flame’s jaw and knocked him down to the river.

  Dark Flame hit the water like a cannonball, causing river water to spray up in a massive plume around him. Though the churching water slowed him as he submerged, the strong riptide grabbed him and pulled him along.

  Dark Flame choked as water fought its way into his mouth and nostrils. He held whatever breath he had and tried not to inhale, but the brackish water had already shot up his nose and burned in his sinuses. The intense pressure on his inner ear hurt like hell and he tried to swim but couldn’t figure out which way was up.


  He try to fly through the water, but he only succeeded in slamming his body into a rock near the bottom. A moment later, a hand grabbed at his shoulders and spun him around. He looked into Blue Spekter’s upside down face and his glowing blue eyes and then felt strong punches against his stomach. Small flashes of blue and orange light accompanied each punch that forced out what little air Dark Flame had in his lungs. He immediately noticed the bubbles traveling down his torso instead of up and away from his head.

  So, I’m upside down.

  He started fighting back, but realized he needed oxygen. Dark Flame curled his knees to his chest and then let his legs and feet spring out in front of him, kicking Blue Spekter and knocking him back just enough to reorient his body in the water and follow the bubbles up to the surface.

  I wonder if moving through water is like flying?

  He willed himself up but still had to use his arms and legs to swim to the surface. A hand grabbed at his leg and dragged him down again.

  Dammit, Quinn!

  He looked down at Blue Spekter and pulled his feet up. Then, Dark Flame kicked his ex-buddy square in the face. He heard Blue Spekter grunt in the water and watched as he exhaled bubbles into the water.

  Dark Flame wanted to tackle him, but his lungs were screaming for air. With a strong kick, he swam back to the surface and launched himself into the air. Then, he turned around and waited for Blue Spekter to follow him.

  Blue Spekter didn’t disappoint. He surged out of the water and leaped at Dark Flame, his fists ready and flying with determination. Dark Flame slapped him back with his mind, momentarily stunning the hero.

  “Come on,” he yelled, taunting his enemy. “Is that all you’ve got? Stupid water tricks and wimpy punches? My grandmother can fight better than you!” He smirked as Blue Spekter’s face twisted with anger a second before he lunged at him again.

  Just like Ira said, the pupils dilate before your opponent attacks.

  Dark Flame timed his defense and waited. As Blue Spekter’s right hook swung toward his face, he blocked the strike with his left hand and shot his right hand forward, wrapping his strong fingers around his enemy’s throat, stopping him in midair and squeezing hard. Blue Spekter’s hands clawed and grabbed at the hand and arm that immobilized him.

  “You’re never going to stop us,” Dark Flame said. A moment later, Blue Spekter’s neck veins turned black.

  Blue Spekter’s eyes popped open with surprise and agony as he gasped for air.

  “Why?” he wheezed.

  Dark Flame shook him. “Why what?”

  “Why are you doing this?” Blue Spekter whispered, the blackness spreading up his neck to his jaw.

  Dark Flame ignored the question and looked at Blue Spekter’s outfit. “What the hell are you wearing, a leotard?”

  “It’s better than purple tights!” Then, Blue Spekter extended his wet right hand and placed it in front of Dark Flame’s face.

  Dark Flame blinked with surprise as a massive stream of water pummeled his eyes, nose, and mouth, making him sputter and cough, inadvertently loosening his grip on Blue Spekter’s neck. His former friend broke free of the life-draining grasp but instead of flying away, he pulled Dark Flame toward him and spun him around, wrapping an arm around his neck in a headlock.

  “My turn,” Blue Spekter said with a threatening chill to his voice. Dark Flame wiped the water out of his eyes and blinked, then felt a rush of cold air pass over his face and body. He looked down and realized Blue Spekter was flying him straight up into the sly.

  Oh shit, if he gets too high I won’t be able to fly and fight back. Dark Flame swung his free arm and tried to break free from Blue Spekter’s grasp, but stopped when his ears popped. He realized they were over ten thousand feet in the air and rapidly climbing.

  “Let go of me!” Dark Flame shouted.

  “Poor choice of words, buddy,” Blue Spekter replied. Then, he spun him around so they could look each other in the eye for a moment before letting him go. Momentum still carried him upward.

  “Blake! You need to know that we will not let The Order make more of us! I need you to figure out that helping Victor is wrong!”

  “I hate you!” Dark Flame screamed as he reached the apex of his ascension. Who the hell is we?

  Then, he fell and yelled with rage and fury at Quinn. The air whistled past his ears as gravity pulled him back to Portsmouth. Blue Spekter flew after him, but before he could reach him, Dark Flame ignited his body. Purple and orange flames rapidly flickered on his skin as he fell through the air, superheating and instantly vaporizing the moisture around him. From the ground, he looked like a comet or a burning object reentering the atmosphere from space. He tried to fly, but he was still too high and his power of flight wouldn’t kick in.


  Through the billowing st
eam trailing above him as he fell, he saw Blue Spekter’s blue glow approaching, hands out, ready to grab him.

  “It’s time to end this, Dark Flame” Blue Spekter yelled at him. “You need to stop so we can get you help.”

  “I don’t need your help,” Dark Flame yelled angrily, “I don’t need anyone’s help!”

  Blue Spekter shook his head and accelerated.

  “Stay away from me!” Dark Flame shouted, his voice carrying a warning, but he didn’t know how to fight his ex-friend off at this altitude.

  Blue Spekter shook his head. “No, you’re my best friend and I’m not giving up on you!”

  Dark Flame used his telekinesis to throw several punches at Blue Spekter, but he easily deflected them.

  That’s new.

  Desperate to get away from Blue Spekter, he pulled his hands into fists, even though it meant nothing in the moment. The anger boiling inside his body exhilarated him beyond anything he had ever felt before.

  “I said, stay away from me!” he yelled. Then, a brilliant blast of orange energy shot from his eyes and slammed into Blue Spekter’s chest. Blue Spekter grunted in agony as all the bones in his chest cracked loudly and several broke, the shock of the blast instantly reversing his downward trajectory by several hundred feet. A moment later, his glowing blue eyes and body faded away and his body became limp.

  What the hell was that?

  Seconds later, gravity regained its hold on the superhero and pulled him back to the earth. Dark Flame looked behind him and saw they were falling toward the river and the Prescott Park.

  As soon as he could fly, he rocketed toward the construction materials depot in the shipyard Blue Spekter had crashed into. When he landed, he turned to watch Blue Spekter plummet to the earth. On the other side of the river, people screamed and scattered when they realized the unconscious hero would land in the middle of the park. Blue Spekter fell silently, then landed with a thud. A spray of grass and dirt exploded into the air around the shallow crater he created. Dark Flame smirked, then reached out with his mind and grabbed three rods of rebar.


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