The Guardians Omnibus

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The Guardians Omnibus Page 97

by Damien Benoit-Ledoux

  Daddio laughed. “Please don’t.” Then, he sighed. He clapped his hands once and gently slapped his face. “All right, I’m done. If you need me, call. Shit, why would you even need me? You’re a freakin’ superhero.”

  Quinn could see the hurt in his father’s eyes. “Daddio, do you feel…like you can’t help me or something?”

  His father shrugged. “You formed a team of amazing people to fight an inconspicuous and sinister organization without us. What do you need my help for?”

  Quinn approached Daddio and put his hands on his father’s shoulders. “You’re my dad. You’re one of two people who gave me an awesome shot at life by adopting me. Without you, I wouldn’t be the good-kid-turned-awesome-superhero.”

  Daddio smiled.

  “Besides, you named the team the Guardians. Without you, we’d be called T.P.P. or have other some lame-ass name.”

  His father chuckled.

  “I’ll have responsible fun, I promise. I have to make sure my boyfriend is okay, too.”

  Daddio grinned. “I’m so glad you two were able to make things work out.”

  Quinn also grinned. “Me too.”

  Daddio embraced him. “I love you so much, my beautiful boy.”

  Quinn hugged his father back. “Love you, too, Daddio.”


  Quinn saw Keegan standing in his driveway when he flew over to his house. He brought his feet down and silently landed behind him.

  “Boo!” Quinn said softly.

  Keegan shrieked and spun around, clutching his heart. “Oh my gosh!” Keegan yelled.

  Quinn burst into a fit of laughter. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think I would scare you that bad.”

  “Shit!” Keegan hollered, bending over and putting his hands on his knees.

  “Aw, babe, I’m so sorry,” Quinn said, stepping forward and putting a hand on Keegan’s shoulder.

  Keegan shook his head. “Don’t do that. After being kidnapped by Blake, I’m still a little jumpy.”

  “Dark Flame,” Quinn said, correcting his boyfriend. “Blake didn’t do that to you. He wasn’t himself.”

  “Whatever, I know.” Keegan exhaled slowly and then straightened up. “Okay, I’m good.”

  “I’m sorry, babe, really,” Quinn said again.

  Keegan smirked. “Kiss me to make up.”

  Quinn grinned. “But of course.” He stepped forward and tilted his head up to meet Keegan’s lips as the boys embraced. Quinn wrapped his arms tightly around Keegan’s torso and then lifted off the ground, slowly moving through the air until they were floating over the city. When Keegan noticed they were flying, he gasped and stood on the tops of Quinn’s feet.

  “It’s so romantic,” Keegan whispered as the boys made out a hundred feet over the snow-covered streets of Portsmouth.

  Then, Keegan chuckled and looked down.

  “What?” Quinn asked.

  Keegan sang the chorus from Disney’s Aladdin. “A whole new world…”

  The boys burst into riotous laughter and Quinn said, “Well, we have scarves instead of magic carpets, but the snow and all the Christmas lights make for a ‘shining, shimmering, splendid’ scene, don’t you think?”

  Keegan nodded. “Definitely, my prince.”

  Several moments later, the sound of laughing teenagers drifted up from the streets below as Quinn steered them toward the party.

  “Maybe land a couple blocks away?” Keegan whispered, pulling away from Quinn’s lips. “I need to walk off what’s going on in my jeans.”

  Quinn laughed. “Me too.” A moment later, Quinn discreetly landed and set Keegan on the ground. Hand in hand, the boys talked and laughed as they walked toward the party.


  Dance music blared throughout the house as one of the student disc jockeys—DJ Razikan—performed his latest set of popular music mixes. Students partying in the living room cheered, sang, and danced to the beats he dropped.

  In the kitchen, football jocks Peter and Chad bragged about their bartending skills and mixed beverages for the partygoers. Many of the students in attendance lived in Aaron’s neighborhood, so most of them walked to the party except for a few who put their car keys into the key bucket. Aaron insisted upon collecting car keys to avoid DUIs and scandal.

  Chad turned his attention to mixing drinks for some of his buddies and Peter’s face lit up with delight when he spotted Quinn. “What can I get you, Superboy?”

  Quinn rolled his eyes and smiled.

  An excited idea danced across Peter’s face before Quinn could respond. “I know, I’ll make you something special. You saved my life, so you deserve the best.”

  Quinn leaned forward and spoke just above the music that played through the house. Peter leaned forward to listen. “Thanks, but, do you think I could just be Quinn tonight and maybe leave the Superboy jokes for another day?”

  Peter nodded as he pulled back and grabbed two blue Solo cups from the stack, set them on the island, and then put ice in them. “Totally, I get it. Let’s just have fun tonight.”

  “I’ll take whatever you’re making him,” Keegan said.

  Peter smiled and winked at Keegan as he reached for a handle of vodka. “Absolutely, the boyfriend gets the goods, too. With an extra shot for the guy who saved my life. Oh, sorry. Last time I mention it, I promise.”

  Quinn nodded and watched Peter mix their drinks.

  I hope I know what I’m doing…Daddio didn’t say not to…but maybe he was using reverse psychology on me? Like, if he told me not to, I’d still do it…I’ll have one…or two…then I’ll quit. It’d be nice to know if I can get drunk or not. I have to remember Keegan can get drunk, regardless of what happens to me.

  A minute later, Peter finished pouring ingredients into a large shaker filled with ice and then shook the concoction for ten seconds. Then, he poured out the contents into the blue Solo cups in front of him. “There you go, guys. Enjoy.”

  “What’s it called?” Keegan asked, eyeing the settling liquid.

  Peter shrugged. “I have no idea. It’s something my uncle makes for the family and everybody really likes it. It’s probably a fruitier version of a Long Island iced tea, so go slow with it or we’ll be carrying you home tonight.”

  “I don’t mind fruity,” Quinn said with an affected lisp as he dropped two pink straws into the blue cups.

  Panic descended upon Peter’s face. “Oh crap, sorry. That’s not what I meant, like at all. You know I’m cool with the gays, right?”

  Quinn laughed and smiled as he picked up the two cups and handed one to Keegan. “Relax, Peter, I’m only teasing.”

  The jock grinned like a fool. “I’ve always liked you, McAlester. Thanks for being so awesome.” Then, he turned his attention to a couple of flirtatious girls who sidled up next to Quinn and waited for the football star’s attention.

  Quinn and Keegan walked through the house and ended up in a family room located above the garage. There, several students were dancing in front of the XBOX Kinect while others cheered them on.

  “So, I guess we’ll find out if you can get drunk, huh?” Keegan asked as they settled in.

  Quinn took a sip from the straw and nearly choked at the potency of the beverage. “Holy shit, we’re going to know really damn fast.”

  “Oh yeah?” Keegan asked, a mischievous grin dancing on his face. Then, he sipped his drink and spat it back into the cup.

  “See what I mean?” Quinn said.

  “Yeah, I wasn’t ready for that. Stir it, I guess?”

  The boys stirred their drinks and then Quinn said, “Do you think it’s rude to ask for a bit more juice in here? He said his uncle makes this for his family; I can’t imagine his grandmother drinks this stuff.”

  Keegan shrugged. “I’m pretty sure he didn’t make it right.”

  The boys made their way back into the kitchen and when Peter wasn’t looking, Quinn grabbed the juice mix he had seen Peter pour from and topped off their glasses. Then, he returned the
bottle to the counter and they slunk away to the living room where they bumped into Darien James.

  Aw, shit.

  Darien’s arm cast was still in a sling, but the bully’s facial expression revealed pleasant surprise, not anger.

  “Hey, Quinn, what’s up?” Darien asked, shouting over the music.

  What? You’re playing nice with such a huge audience? I don’t get it…

  “Hi,” Quinn replied, nodding and sipping his still-strong drink. He winced.

  Then, Keegan shook hands with Darien. “How’s the arm?”

  Darien glanced down at it and shrugged. “I’m milking it for all I can. It gets me sympathy with the girls and they’re happy to…lend a hand, if you get what I mean.” He bounced his eyebrows suggestively.

  Too much information. I can’t imagine anyone wanting to touch you. Then again, sometimes girls like the bad boys.

  “So, um, how’s…you know…life?” Darien asked.

  Is he being nice to me? I sense sincerity in his voice. What’s up with that?

  “Why are you being so nice to me?” Quinn asked, skeptical of Darien’s unusually good mood. You should have already called me names or shoved me aside…

  Darien chuckled, but it was lost to the pounding music. “When Blake nearly killed me in the locker room, I realized I was barking up the wrong tree. You saved my life by showing up that day.”

  “Really?” Quinn asked, knowing full well Darien was right.

  The bully nodded. “That day, I had an epiphany and I realized I needed to stop picking on the one guy—the only guy—who’s had my back in a long time. Speaking of Blake, I hope he’s not coming tonight, especially after what he did at the holiday party.”

  Quinn and Keegan stared at Darien with amazement. “I’m pretty sure he’s not coming,” Quinn answered.

  Darien nodded then, continued. “My dad is like Ralph, Blake’s dad. He’s an asshole alcoholic and it’s not pretty. I’ve had to toughen up because he used to beat me before I could fight back. I never knew when to quit and when I…”

  “And you just realized this?” Quinn asked, astounded.

  Why is he telling me all this?

  He felt himself becoming angry at how nonchalantly Darien dismissed their past, as if years of abuse and bullying could be wiped away.

  Or could it?

  Darien shrugged. “I’m not stupid. You could kick my ass if you wanted to.”

  Ah, so you’re afraid of me…that’s where this comes from. I knew it was too good to be true.

  “Well, have fun at the party,” Quinn said. I’m not hanging out with you tonight. I want to have fun.

  Darien nodded. “Yup. Oh, watch out for Kyle and Tony. They’re not thrilled with my change of heart.”

  “Um, thanks?” Quinn replied. He grabbed Keegan by the arm and ushered him away.

  “What was that about?” Keegan asked.

  “I’m not sure, but like hell am I gonna become buddy-buddy with the one kid who’s tortured me since junior high.”

  “I don’t blame you, but it must be nice knowing you don’t have to put up with his shit any more, right?”

  I hadn’t thought about that. Quinn stopped and looked at Keegan. “Yeah, but I’m skeptical. We’ll see how this plays out.”

  “Quinn, over here!” Ravone shouted from across the living room. Keegan didn’t hear her, but Quinn’s super hearing singled out her voice from the noise in the house.

  “Come on, Ravone and Loren are here.”

  “Okay,” Keegan said, smiling. They walked across the house and met up with their friends. Keegan greeted a few of their peers along the way.

  Quinn sucked down his drink faster than he expected and he felt woozy. This must be what a buzz is, it feels so…weird, like things feel…easier for some reason.

  Then, Keegan giggled and stared at his cup. “Well, this just kicked in.”

  “What is it?” Loren asked.

  The boys shrugged, and Keegan answered. “No clue. Some fruity mess Peter made up for us.”

  “So, you can drink?” Ravone asked, looking at Quinn with concerned eyes.

  Feeling judgement and the sudden need to defend his independence, he scoffed at her. “Of course I can drink. My dads aren’t prudes.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Calm down, that’s not what I mean. I assumed your healing powers would burn off the alcohol or something.”

  Quinn shook his head, but as he did, the precise clarity he was accustomed to returned and the buzz disappeared. He looked at Keegan, whose eyes and face were full of amusement. Keegan giggled.

  Ok, so he’s still buzzing.

  “Well, you might be on to something,” Quinn responded, staring at his blue Solo cup with frustration. It was nearly empty and with the amount of booze Peter put in it, he should have been descending into silliness with Keegan. Instead, it appeared he would not be able to let loose with his boyfriend. Frustrated, he sucked down the rest of his drink.

  “You want another one?” Keegan asked with a big grin, looking at Quinn’s empty cup.

  “In a little bit,” Quinn said, nervous that two would be too much for Keegan.

  “I’ll get you one now,” Keegan said. Then, he grabbed Quinn’s cup and made his way through the house.

  “I’ll go with him,” Loren said, grabbing Ravone’s empty cup. We can’t let him drink alone.”

  Ravone side-stepped to Quinn. “So, any news on Blake?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I went to the prison to visit him.”

  “It’s so weird you call it a prison. It should be like, the base, or headquarters, or something cool.”

  He shrugged. “I agree. Sometimes they call it the facility or the island, but they’re all lame names. As for Blake, he’s still regenerating in a comatose state. At least, I think he’s regenerating. I’m not really sure.”

  “I wonder why it’s taking so long. I thought you healed quickly?”

  Quinn looked at her. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, when you told us about zapping the chip in his head, you said he was back in the fight like ten or twenty minutes later. It’s been days. Why does having his heart ripped out affect him like this?”

  She has a point. What’s different?

  He shrugged again. “I have no idea, to be honest.”

  “Aw look, it’s Quinn the Queer with his fake girlfriend,” someone shouted behind him. Some heads turned, but no one said anything.

  “Knock it off, Kyle,” Ravone shouted back.

  “Awww, is little Quinny-poopoo too much of a fraidy cat to defend himself against two mere mortals?”

  Kyle’s eyes shifted to Quinn’s left shoulder, and Quinn felt the air move the hairs on his neck. A moment later, Tony deliberately bumped into his left shoulder. “Oh sorry, I don’t normally see faggots.”

  “But you have no problem bumping into them?” Ravone spat back. “Aren’t you afraid you’ll get gay cooties by touching him or something?”

  Tony’s mouth dropped as his face expressed mock realization. He immediately started wiping his left arm and shoulder with his right hand. “Eew, you’re right, I’ve got gay cooties all over my left arm now…oh crap, now they’re on my right hand, too!”

  Shit, they’re drunk as hell. Maybe coming here was a bad idea…

  “You need to grow up,” Ravone snapped, shoving Kyle back.

  In his inebriated state, he stumbled into Tony, who shoved him away. “Get off me, homo!”

  The two drunks laughed together as Kyle regained his balance and looked at Ravone. “What?” he asked, noticing her scowling face.

  “Can’t you just be normal and leave him alone, or are your penises so tiny that it makes you feel better to pick on the one kid who has more than you’ll ever have?” she yelled back.

  Quinn’s mouth fell open at Ravone’s brazen and feisty words. Okay, that’s a bit much…

  “Shut up,” Tony growled back.

  Kyle put his face in Quinn’s face and shouted, “
Make your eyes glow, freak!” Heads turned and took notice of the scene. Their peers gossiped around them.

  “Okay, that’s enough,” Keegan said, returning with Loren. Their hands held fresh drinks for the four friends.

  “Whatever, you’re lame,” Kyle retorted, backing away. He and Tony high-fived each other and stumbled toward the kitchen.

  Quinn chuckled, but said nothing.

  “Why didn’t you say anything?” Ravone asked. “I’m sick and tired of seeing you pushed around like that.”

  On the other side of the house, glass broke, momentarily distracting them. Quinn shouted the short version of his conversation with Darien to Ravone and Loren, who regarded him with surprise. “Honestly, without Darien, those two are harmless idiots. They’ll be deflated balloons in the morning. It wasn’t worth picking a fight with them here.”

  Keegan tugged on Quinn’s arm and spoke into his ear, his words slurring a bit. “I wanna show you something.”

  “Right now?” Quinn asked, looking at Keegan with wonder.

  His boyfriend mischievously nodded. “Yup. Come on. We’ll be back, ladies.”

  “We’ll be here,” Ravone replied, winking at him.

  Does she know something I don’t?

  Keegan led Quinn through the throng of students and made his way upstairs. Eventually, they found Aaron’s room and Keegan shut the door behind them. Keegan chugged his drink, shook his head to soothe the burn, then advanced on Quinn.

  “What are you doing?” Quinn asked, playfully surprised. The lights in the bedroom flickered.

  “Making out with my boyfriend at a party,” Keegan replied.

  Quinn smiled as Keegan pressed his lips against his. Quinn could taste the juice and booze on Keegan’s lips as they passionately kissed.

  A moment later, Keegan dropped to his knees and unfastened Quinn’s pants. “I’ve always wanted to do this.”

  Oh my gosh, are you doing what I think you’re doing?

  “You already have, more than once!” Quinn whispered, yielding to the excitement and heat of the moment.

  “Not like this, not at a party.”

  “But what if someone walks in on us?”

  “That’s part of the thrill, isn’t it?”


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