The Guardians Omnibus

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The Guardians Omnibus Page 115

by Damien Benoit-Ledoux

  “On the contrary,” Catamount said. “What’s going on around you is the securing of our future. What you haven’t noticed is that you’ve been given unprecedented carte blanche authority to lead the team.”

  “They didn’t give me that,” Blue Spekter argued. “I earned it.”

  “And they didn’t challenge it, either. Though the military members are used to following orders and taking their directives from Agent Hartman, he yields to you. Since when does the DHS or the President take its marching orders from an almost seventeen-year-old boy? Think about your accomplishments, Quinn.”

  Helion smiled with pride at his best friend. The marines hoisted the man onto a gurney, secured him to it, and rolled him to the armored car.

  Catamount smiled. “It’s amazing what you’ve done, and people trust you; Chief Applegate, Lieutenant Doral, Agent Potter, Captain Prett, Agent Hartman, Camila Brenhurst and most importantly, the general public. You have earned their respect and you have earned mine. Like your science teacher, I will be rooting for you. If I accept Agent Hartman’s offer, you will have the added benefit of legitimatized help backing you up.”

  “So, I’ll be less vigilante and more sanctioned hero?”

  Catamount tilted her head with amusement. “I would not have phrased it that way, but that is accurate.”

  “That’s cool,” Helion said.

  Though the marines had rolled away the unconscious villain, their captain remained nearby, listening to their conversation.

  “For what it’s worth, Blue Spekter, I don’t understand what you are, but I’ve seen you help us. You’ve saved countless lives, both civilian and military, and we are in your debt. So, from my point of view, if there’s a way you can continue to help guard and protect us, by all means, do your thing.”

  The captain glanced at Catamount and Helion. “I don’t know about you two, but if you’re on his side, then you’re fine with me.”

  Helion smiled. Clearly the captain doesn’t recognize me or know who I used to be. There’s no point reminding him.

  “Thank you, Captain,” Blue Spekter replied. “That means a lot. Where will you take him?”

  “A secure location that I’m not supposed to tell even you.”

  “If he gets out, we won’t be much help if we don’t know how to find you.”

  The captain frowned. “I’m only following orders, son. Please check with Agent Hartman.”

  “Very well, Captain. We will.”

  The captain nodded at them once more, turned, and walked toward the lead SUV.

  Blue Spekter turned to Catamount, a smile growing on his lips. “I guess that whole working with the government thing could work after all. I think I’ll always be a little dubious of the government, so I’ll always be a little rogue, like Superman. They better not expect me to fall in line or anything like that.”

  Catamount smirked. “A healthy skepticism is what makes you a healthy young man.”

  “David to Blue Spekter, can you hear me?”

  Blue Spekter tapped his ear comm. “Go ahead, David.”

  “You coming back? We think we found Nightmare and your dads. The Guardians are assembling in the conference room to plan a rescue mission.”

  Blue Spekter looked at his best friend and smiled. “We’re on our way.” They better have found Keegan, too.

  Helion launched himself into the air after Blue Spekter and Catamount and the trio made their way back to Hanger 227.

  5-16 | Lower the Gauntlet


  AS HE HAD DONE EARLIER that day, Quinn jogged across the operations walkway with Blake and Ana Maria in tow to the large, glass-walled conference room on the other side of the space.

  “So, where are my dads? And my boyfriend?” Quinn asked as the trio entered the conference room where Ron, the agents, and several officers and analysts were working with computers and maps of New England. David and his team were there as well.

  “We think they’re back at Rangeley,” David said, tapping some controls on the laptop in front of him. A moment later, a projector displayed satellite images of the Orgonon home and its surrounding woods on the only solid wall of the room. The orgone energy blooms were off the charts.

  “That’s impossible. We went to Rangeley ourselves a few days ago and didn’t see Nightmare or any of his goons. We saw them all training at Androscoggin when we brought Dr. Madison back.”

  “Which is now under siege,” Agent Hartman said, reminding the team of their plans. “There’s no power or communications to that facility and most of the staff has been apprehended with little to no super resistance. Once Victor realized Dr. Madison didn’t go home sick for the day, we suspect he moved everyone immediately, possibly fearing a larger attack. We think the retaliatory attack on Portsmouth this morning was part of a diversion, but we cannot confirm that theory.”

  “That’s weird.”

  “It’s an interesting strategy, if he’s employing one at all. Thus far, two reactor cores have fallen and he’s only attacked Portsmouth. I have a hunch he doesn’t care what we know—he only wants you. As for why you missed him at Rangeley, we believe it was sheer coincidence.”

  David jumped in next. “We studied the classified satellite imagery over this island and Rangeley. Large quantities of orgone have unique thermal signatures or blooms that register on infrared scans, but you have to be looking for it to notice it’s different from geothermal readings. Tara’s script can’t automatically locate it right now because it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack, and if the reactor core is underground like in Rangeley, it’s naturally cloaked by the geological elements around it, unlike Seavey Island. The prison tower normally lights up like a Christmas tree when the core is active. Well, it used to. The point is, the underground reactor core and its vicinity in Rangeley is lit up like Seavey Island used to be. That means something is going on.”

  “There’s nothing to stop him from using that weapon again,” Agent Hartman said with concern.

  “Rangeley is very active,” Tara said, chiming in with concern in her voice. “I’ve noticed bizarre energy readings between several locations, including this one right here.” She grabbed a laser pointer, aimed it at the projection, and circled several energy blooms. It’s like they can pull energy from other reactor cores across significant distances and use the energy when and wherever they want. I’m still figuring it out. Direct access to their data would be amazing, but we think The Order is onto our little intrusion into their network. What I’m seeing today matches the energy readings on New Year’s Eve prior to when everyone in Portsmouth got ill, or whatever we’re calling that event.”

  “So, they’re going to use the weapon again?” Agent Potter asked.

  “It’s very possible,” Tara replied.

  “Why go back to Rangeley? It’s so old,” Quinn asked. His thoughts were not with the group’s concerns. I can’t believe we were right there and missed him…missed my dads and Keegan. Have they been there the whole time?

  One of the generals leaned forward and cleared his throat. “I believe it’s a brilliant land-strategy for defending himself and possibly his most prized possession—that facility.”

  “Do explain, General,” Agent Potter said.

  “Androscoggin was susceptible to air and land attack. It had direct access to maintained roads and could be surrounded easily. With that facility, our siege strategy worked brilliantly. That said, the main reason we didn’t pursue him there is because it’s a heavily populated area and didn’t want collateral damage or civilian casualties.”

  “Okay,” Quinn said, unsure of where the general was going.

  “With Rangeley, it’s an entirely different can of worms. There’s one dirt road running past the property. It’s winter. There’s three to five feet of snow on the ground which means most of our vehicles could not traverse the grounds and our troops would be slowed or stalled by the deep, iced-over snow. For all intents and purposes, as Ron suggested, when it comes to
ground-based assault, it’s a naturally defended evil lair.”

  Quinn and Blake chuckled, and Ron winked at him.

  “I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t think of some of those points myself and I’m wearing the stars.” The general gestured at the stars on his uniform jacket.

  “Glad to be of service, General,” Ron said.

  Something’s not right. Quinn shook his head. “But we checked out Rangeley,” Quinn said, not convinced.

  “We suspect Nightmare knows he’s being watched so he rotates his base of operations regularly or whenever he feels compromised. Since one of the three known reactor cores is destroyed, and the second has been rendered inoperative, we’ll catch him at Rangeley. That’s where your dads are being held,” the general said with confidence.

  “What makes you sure he’s keeping them nearby?”

  “Because that ensures you’ll come after them. Our theory remains intact: Nightmare is hellbent on killing you. It’s also the reason we decided not to use the GBU-43-B to destroy the facility once and for all.

  “The what?” Blake asked.

  “Oh, sorry. The Massive Ordnance Air Blast, or MOAB. We’ve used them overseas against known terrorist bases of operation. Using that bomb ensures the elimination of Nightmare and his crew by incineration—assuming that would work—but it would also terminate the civilians in the building.

  “You mean my dads and Keegan,” Quinn said, suddenly feeling woozy.

  “Precisely. So, we’re counting on you three to mount an attack. We have some ideas, but since we can’t get anything more than drones and a few highly trained snow troopers onto the property, the situation is yours to handle, Blue Spekter,” the general said.

  You’re totally trusting me to take this on? Wow, Ana Maria was right.

  “So, this ends where it all started,” Quinn said softly.

  “Blue Spekter, Helion, Catamount…make no mistake,” Agent Hartman said, squaring his shoulders and drawing all the confidence and authority he could muster from the room and directing it at the superheroes. “Your mission is to eliminate Nightmare and his super villains with extreme prejudice. National and global safety is at risk. That means your fellow citizens and your government must ask you to be at peace with killing enemies of the planet. Can we count on you to perform your duties?”

  “No, because we’re not in the military,” Quinn replied.

  All eyes regarded him with surprise and wonder.

  “But if you’re asking us to do what must be done, we will. With no adequate prison to hold him, he’s too dangerous to be…you know.”

  Agent Hartman nodded. “The American people and the peoples of the world thank you, Quinn. I regret you must carry out such a task at your age.”

  “Me too,” Quinn whispered, staring at the glass of water in front of him. But he’s right…if Mace Windu had succeeded, the galaxy wouldn’t have been plunged into Darth Sidious’s tyrannical rule. He has to be put down like the rabid dog he’s become.

  All eyes continued to stare at him. Quinn sensed they wanted more from him, but he wasn’t sure what.

  A marine knocked on the glass door and pushed it open, startling everyone.

  “Yes, what is it?” Agent Hartman asked.

  “Sir, the purple villain we captured…has escaped.”

  “Dammit,” one of the generals spat, slapping the table.

  Hartman sighed. “How did it happen?”

  “He broke free while we were transferring him from the armored car to the holding facility.

  “Where did he go?”

  “He flew north, sir.”


  “No, only injuries, sir.”

  “Thank you, Corporal.”

  The marine saluted and left.

  “You’re free to go when you’re ready,” Agent Hartman replied, folding his arms across his chest. “We have human and drone reconnaissance in the area and your ear comms will allow us to communicate. Unfortunately, we haven’t had time to make the necessary modification to the radio trucks like we previously discussed. We thought we had more time, but clearly that’s not the case. Do you need anything from us?”

  Actually, yes. Quinn’s voice wavered a little as he spoke. “I want to get to Rangeley now and save my dads…but I need some guidance.”

  He gestured to Blake and Ana Maria. “We’ve got the super powers, but we could use some ideas about how to infiltrate the facility without getting my family killed,” Quinn said.

  The generals and agents smiled and everyone scooted closer to the table. “Great, we have some thoughts on that,” Agent Potter said.

  Across the able, Ron beamed with pride and nodded at him.



  In the hallway outside the men’s locker room, Quinn grabbed Blake’s arm and pulled him aside to speak with him before Catamount exited the women’s locker room. “You understand this isn’t like before, right? We can’t take any chances.”

  “I think so?” Blake said, his voice unsure. I have no idea of what you mean.

  “We need to rip that chamber apart once and for all. Brick by brick, panel by panel. No more simple panel moving like Magneto did with Cerebro. It’s the most powerful of all the reactor cores and there’s no telling how many superhumans The Order or the government could make if we leave even a piece of reinforced concrete standing.”

  Ah, gotcha. Blake nodded. “I’m with you, buddy. It will be a smoking crater by the time we’re done with it.”

  The door to the women’s locker room opened and Catamount stepped into the hallway. She glanced at them and nodded. “I’m ready to go, boys. You have the device?”

  “Right here,” Quinn said, tapping his pocket.

  “All right, let’s go.”

  Blake nodded at Quinn and the trio made their way out of Hangar 227.

  5-17 | Northbound


  THE TRIO EMERGED TOPSIDE WHEN they egressed from the underground base. Quinn immediately felt a high concentration of orgone energy in the atmosphere.

  “Aw crap, he’s using that weapon again,” Blake said.

  Around them, the hangar’s ground crews were rolling on the tarmac and holding their stomachs, incapacitated by the attack.

  “Why? What’s he trying to gain by attacking the city like this?” Quinn asked with frustration.

  “You,” Blake replied.

  Catamount tapped her ear comm. “Agents Hartman or Potter, come in.”

  “Go ahead,” Potter responded.

  “Nightmare has deployed the weapon again. Do not come to the surface.”

  “Dammit. Thanks for the heads up. Godspeed to your mission.”

  Catamount tapped her ear comm and looked at Quinn. “Let’s go rescue your family.”

  The trio took a running start and then jumped into the air, ascending and accelerating as they flew north to Rangeley.

  A million thoughts churned through Quinn’s head. They had a plan, but he wondered if it would be enough to rescue his dads and Keegan.

  Ana Maria will do her part…she’s incredibly stoic and though she’s hard to read, I can count on her. I know Blake’s on our side now…but I can’t shake the feeling he’ll succumb to Victor’s charms again or hesitate at the wrong moment. When it comes to dealing with the superhumans Victor created, I know I can count on him to get the job done, but is that because I’m afraid to get my hands dirty when the going gets tough?


  Ana Maria

  As they flew north, Ana Maria mentally walked through the beginning of their plan. A number of options had been discussed, but the one that seemed to resonate with the team was the strike-hard-and-fast strategy, just like Victor had done to the naval prison building.

  When they arrived, she and Blake would be responsible for ripping the roof off the reactor core with their telekinetic powers. Once that was cast aside, Blake would descend into the reactor core and pull it apart. While he destroyed the reactor core,
Quinn and Ana Maria would defend him from any super-powered threats that might attack them.

  Once the core was destroyed and Portsmouth was safe, they would fly into the underground complex at their earliest convenience and rescue Quinn’s family and fly them to the nearby military observers for safekeeping. When that was done, they were to destroy the facility by any means possible and render it inoperable. The final piece would be to melt the massive field of antennas to slag so no one could salvage any piece of the facility.

  Though several others suggested alternative methods to rescue Quinn’s family and destroy the facility, agent Hartman believed the use of Victor’s own strategy against him would catch him off guard because he wouldn’t expect Blue Spekter to be so aggressive. Somehow, in the midst of all of that, they were to defeat—meaning destroy—hostile superhumans and if possible, capture Nightmare, subdue him, and bring him back to Seavey Island for transport to their makeshift holding facility. Dr. Madison’s device would assist them with that effort.

  She glanced over at Quinn, who was uncharacteristically silent.

  So was Blake.

  Perhaps they understand the gravity of what’s at stake…if they stick to the plan, we can extract Quinn’s family and place them into the custody of the attending military forces. I hope Quinn will keep his wits about him concerning his family’s safety and Blake won’t give in to feelings of vengeance against Victor, or this whole thing could quickly go south.

  Still, these untrained boys have been asked to rescue the world…that has to be weighing heavily on them, but more-so Quinn since he’s been the champion of justice from the beginning.



  Blake flew alongside Quinn, who flew alongside Ana Maria. He reflected on Victor’s note that he reread before they left. The note read: You take from me, I take from you. You killed two of mine, I’ll kill two of yours. The question is, which two?


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