Fake Marriage Box Set (A Single Dad Romance)

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Fake Marriage Box Set (A Single Dad Romance) Page 173

by Claire Adams

  Pete stepped in, not the least bit bothered by my sudden inability to define whatever was between us. “I’m Emma’s friend.” The men shook hands.

  “Nice to meet you, Pete.”

  “Likewise,” he said.

  Jack turned his warm brown eyes my way again, his grin getting wider. “You still in Round Rock?”

  I nodded. “I moved back after college.”

  “I’ll be out visiting my mama and daddy next week. We need to catch up. It’s been way too long.”

  We exchanged numbers — neither of us had owned cell phones in high school — as we chatted a bit more. He hadn’t been back to Round Rock in months. I shared some news with him, but there wasn’t much to tell. It was a quiet town that didn’t change much, which was just how I liked it.

  “Listen, I have to meet up with a few friends,” Jack said, running a hand over his close-cropped hair. “But I’ll definitely give you a call next week so we can get together.”

  “Sounds good,” I said, and lifted up onto my tiptoes to give him another hug. He said goodbye to Pete and Kasey before crossing over to join a table of guys already drinking and getting loud.

  “Do you want a drink, Emma?” Pete asked me.

  “Yeah, a beer sounds great,” I said.

  “You got it.” He moved through the crowd towards the bar.

  Kasey took my hands, jumping up and down on the balls of her feet the way she did whenever she was excited about something. “Oh. My. God. Pete is gorgeous, Em!” She squeezed my fingers, and I couldn’t help but smile, too.

  “He is pretty to look at, isn’t he?” I laughed, and so did she. “But he’s so nice, too. I’ve never met a sweeter man.”

  “I thought for sure he’d be dull,” she said. “What with running a farm and spending all day around animals? But he’s really funny! You got yourself a good one.”

  Not that I’d thought she wouldn’t take to him immediately — Pete just had one of those sunny personalities, same as Kasey did — but hearing how much my sister already liked the man I’d been spending most of my time with over the last several weeks calmed the nerves I hadn’t even noticed were churning in my stomach. That was at least one down. The last hurdle was Daddy, but I wasn’t quite ready to introduce him to Pete just yet.

  “I’m so happy for you, Em,” she said. “I have to get back to my tables or my boss will throw a fit.”

  She smiled because we both knew she could pretty much do whatever she wanted around here and get away with it. Her boss loved her. Literally. Daddy had threatened more than once to come down here and show the man the rough end of his fist. Kasey only rolled her eyes and laughed, telling us how harmless the man was, even if he was most of the way through his fifties with grown children older than I was. I didn’t doubt that she could take care of herself. Neither did Daddy, which was why he’d only threatened to tan the man’s hide and hadn’t actually done it.

  I gave her another hug and watched her walk off, getting stuck in a conversation with another male customer before she could even get to the other side of the room. I turned to watch Pete at the bar, waiting on our drinks. Kasey was right. I’d found a good one.

  Chapter Twenty-One



  I handed a glass of beer to Emma and led her over to the bar where two stools had just opened up. We sat down and clinked our glasses together.

  “Here’s to a damned fine rodeo,” I said, and we drank to that. I was riding a serious high. We’d sold both Tucker and Max today, which had earned me several thousand dollars more than I’d paid for them. And, Lacey’d won her division in the barrel races, earning herself a tidy sum. Not to mention I was out on Saturday night with the most beautiful woman in this town, or any other.

  “Tell me about Jack?” I asked.

  She looked at me, searching my face, maybe to see if I was jealous. I wasn’t. The way he’d come up and hugged both Emma and her sister made it pretty clear to me they were old friends. But I wanted to know as much as I could about this girl, who was still mostly a mystery to me, even with the door of that safe opening a little more every day.

  She set her beer down, flipping her thick ponytail over her shoulder as she answered me. We’d run by the hotel for showers and a change of clothes before heading out for the evening. She’d traded her jeans and button up shirt for a pair of sandals and a dark blue dress made of some silky fabric I couldn’t stop running my fingers over. She’d had to slap my hands off her leg three or four times on the drive over.

  “Jack and I went to school together. We’ve been friends about as long as you and Lacey. Anytime you saw me, you saw him right after. Daddy used to call Jack my shadow.” She laughed, her eyes taking on that faraway shine the way they did whenever she was remembering something nice.

  “But we went off to different colleges after graduation. He was all the way in Dallas, and I was here in Austin. We were never home on the same weekends, and we just lost touch.” She shrugged. “I can’t believe we ran into each other here, in Kasey’s bar of all places.”

  I took another drink of my beer. I’d have to let Lacey know all about this. I could just picture the flat, furious look she’d give me when I rubbed this into her face. Emma had her own childhood friend, the same way I did, which meant she probably wasn’t suspicious at all of my relationship with Lacey. The girl was right about a lot of things, but not this.

  My shoulders relaxed as that constant tension building for days relaxed. I felt a lot better now. I hadn’t realized how much the thought had been bothering me since she’d brought it up the other day. I didn’t want to choose between Emma and my best friend. I loved them both.

  Oh shit.

  I took another long sip of beer as Emma continued on about Jack. Yeah, I loved this girl. I was ready to admit that to myself. But as skittish as Emma’d been so far, I’d do well to keep that safely under my hat for the time being. My feelings tended to come on quick. Hers seemed the type to take a while, which was just fine. I could wait for as long as it took.

  We finished our beers and ordered another round, this time with a basket of wings and French fries to go with it.

  “How’d you like the rodeo?” I asked.

  “It was great!” Emma said, her green eyes getting wide and sparkling with excitement. “I haven’t seen a rodeo since I was a kid. And, it was nowhere near as big as that one. It didn’t have barrel racing at all. Lacey was amazing.”

  I nodded as I took a bite of chicken wing. “Yeah, she’s something else. She’s been doing that since she was seven or so. Her daddy was big into the rodeo circuit. She can do plenty of shit that I’d get killed trying out. And, the stuff she can do with a lasso will knock you flat. Ask her to show you one day.”

  Emma giggled. She’d finished half of her second glass of beer, the alcohol bringing a healthy flush to her cheeks. “I was a little sad to see Max and Tucker go. But I guess I have to get used to that.”

  “Lacey has her favorite on the farm, and I have mine. All the others get sold eventually.” I didn’t tell her how reluctant I’d been to sell Max. He was a damn fine quarter horse, definitely one of the best I’d ever had on the farm behind Lacey’s favorite, Elsa. But the guy I’d been dickering with must’ve sensed my hesitation because he offered five hundred over asking price. I’d have been a fool to say no.

  “Do you have new horses coming?”

  I nodded. “I’ve been talking with a rancher just south of Dallas. I might send Lacey out there. She’s got a better eye than I do, and she’s a helluva lot better at bargaining.”

  Emma tilted her head back, showing off her slender neck, and gulped down the rest of her beer.

  “No more ranch talk,” I said, grinning at her. “Tonight’s about us.” I dropped my hand on her leg, loving the feel of that silky damned dress, and she let me keep it there this time. I lifted my chin in the direction of the dance floor where a few couples were clasped together and swinging their hips to the count
ry music pumping from the jukebox.

  “Want to dance?”

  She laughed, her shiny eyes squinted nearly closed. “You’ll have to buy me another drink before I’ll go out there with you.”

  I ordered two more beers. I finished mine quickly, just wanting to get on that dance floor with her body pressed up against mine while I rubbed my hands up and down her silky back. She must’ve felt the same because she finished her drink right after I finished mine, putting her empty glass down next to our basket of chicken bones.

  I stood and took her by the hand. She was a little tipsy, so I slid and arm around her shoulder as we got out onto the floor. She turned, pressing the front of her lean little body against me, her arms lifting to loop around my neck as I slid my arms around her waist. We rocked to a slow song, never breaking eye contact, her pretty face the only thing I cared to look at in Murdock’s.

  After a few more songs, we decided to try another bar on Sixth Street. We said goodbye to Kasey — who hugged Emma first and then turned to hug me, as well — and walked a few doors down to the next place that looked like a good time, the twangy music pulsing from the open doors.

  We spent the next few hours hopping from bar to bar, drinking a little and dancing a whole lot, both of us jumping around and laughing during the fast songs and clinging to each other during the slow ones. We dragged ourselves off of the dance floor of the fifth bar, breathing heavily, both of us tipsy as hell, and collapsed onto some empty barstools.

  “You want another drink?” I asked, shouting to make my voice heard.

  She shook her head. Sweat was glistening on her face. We’d been dancing up a storm for a few solid hours. She leaned to speak directly into my ear, her lips so close I could feel them.

  “I want to go back to the hotel.”

  It was well past midnight. I nodded to show I agreed with her. I took her by the hand and led her out to the street. I was in no shape to drive after so much beer. We’d just have to come back for the truck in the morning. We caught a taxi back to the hotel, sitting in the backseat together where Emma’s hot little body pressed into mine. She looked up at me with a smile, took hold of the back of my head, and brought my lips down to hers. I pushed my tongue past her lips, and she responded by opening her mouth a little wider. I kept hold of her neck as the kiss got deeper, not wanting to break away from her if we hit a bump in the road.

  I dropped a hand to her leg, running my fingers underneath that silky fabric as the kiss got more intense. As I moved up her soft, supple thigh, she opened her legs to me. I slid my fingers between her legs. I could feel the heat on the tips of my fingers as I rubbed them over the crotch of her panties.

  She pulled her lips away. “Pete,” she whispered, nearly breathless, her pretty eyes so dark. But she didn’t push my hand away. She only scooted her ass forward on the seat and opened her legs a little wider. I moved her underwear aside, biting my lips to keep back a moan at how wet she was. I rubbed my fingers over her clit, and she arched her back, moaning a little. I slid my fingers into that moist heat, loving how tight she was and how her hips moved, rubbing herself against the palm of my hand.

  We got to the hotel, and I paid the driver much more than I had to, not sticking around for the change. I adjusted myself, took Emma by the hand, and we rushed inside, taking the elevator up to our floor. We had rooms side by side. Lacey’s was on the same floor, too, a little ways further down the hall.

  I fumbled with my key card, cursing it out when it wouldn’t work the first few times I tried. I looked up at Emma to find her dangling her panties from her index finger and grinning at me. I tried the key card again and nearly cried out with relief when it worked that time.

  She walked into the dark room ahead of me, lifting her skirt so I could see the bottom of her round little ass. My cock jumped in my pants, and I couldn’t move for a moment, I was so taken with how sexy she was.

  “Come get me,” she said, giggling. I ran in after her, slamming the door closed behind me.

  Chapter Twenty-Two



  Pete’s hands were on me before the door to the hotel room even closed, running up the sides of my body under my dress, his fingers tracing my trembling curves. His hot mouth pressed onto mine, and I kissed him, the passion building between us, so hot it stole the breath from my lungs. I was a little tipsy from all the beer, but not so tipsy that I didn’t know what I wanted.

  I unbuckled his pants as we went at it, our tongues teasing each other and his insistent hands closing over my bare ass and squeezing hard. He broke away long enough to kick his boots off and step out of his pants and boxers.

  I backed away from him slowly, letting my need for him build, that itch between my legs that I wanted him to scratch as hard and as deep as he could. I unzipped my dress as he unbuttoned his shirt and peeled it off. He came closer, pulling his cotton undershirt over his head as I dropped my blue dress down my body to pool at my feet like cool water. Reaching behind my back with both hands, I unfastened my bra, letting it slide down my arms and onto the floor next to the dress.

  Pete had left the curtains open to the view of downtown Austin. We were way up on the fifteenth floor, the lights from the city coming in to glow on our naked bodies. I looked him up and down, getting hotter at the sight of his smooth biceps and strong, sun-bronzed arms. I dropped my hand between my legs and pressed into that wetness, just needing to do something about the throb down there.

  He bit his lip, watching me with wide, needy eyes. But he couldn’t watch for long. He took me in his arms, crushing me to his body, his hard cock pressing into my stomach, the tip already wet. He kissed me again, his tongue filling my mouth, his hands running all over my body.

  “I want to try something,” he whispered, lips moving over my mouth as I sucked at them hungrily.

  He walked me back to the desk next to the window. He dropped his hands to my hips and spun me around so I was facing the window. I leaned forward, planting my hands on the desk for balance. Pete slid down, his hands traveling over my body slowly. He planted a kiss on one of my ass cheeks, and I giggled. His breath was warm on my sex when he pulled my legs apart gently. I whimpered and arched my back, lifting my ass to give him better access. He wrapped his hands around my legs, holding me open to him as he leaned in, the tip of his tongue tracing my lips, sending sparks of electric heat traveling up my body.

  I moaned as he ran his tongue over my clit. He closed his lips over it, sucking hard, and my body went rigid with pleasure, my fingers spreading open on the desktop as I threw my head back, unable to speak, to breathe, as his mouth kept up its work. I felt his tongue slide inside me, stroking that itch and creating more luscious heat that I could feel lighting up my face.

  I’d never realized how sensitive I was until Pete flicked his tongue inside me and that heat lit up my insides. I moaned, and he went deeper, pressing so far, his nose went between my lips. I snapped my hips, moving myself over his face, crying out as the pressure inside me built. It was too much – it felt like he was trying to tear me apart.

  He reached to run one finger over my clit, turning up the heat so it clenched my entire body. I breathed in, but couldn’t breathe out again. The orgasm slammed into me, blooming between my legs and spreading that tingling warmth over my entire body.

  I sighed and collapsed onto my elbows on the desk, unable to hold myself up any longer. I pressed my forehead against the cool wood, just needing to catch my breath.

  Pete stood up behind me, his hands moving from my legs to my hips. I felt the head of his cock pressing into my hot, needy sex. I was exhausted from the burst of pleasure still running through me, but I wanted more. I arched my back again, and he responded by tightening his hands on my hips and sliding inside me. I was so wet for him that he went all the way in, getting so deep, I cried out. I’d never had him this deep. The stab of pain gave way to instant bliss as he started a rough, even rhythm.

  “Emma, you’re so fucking w
et,” he moaned, and thrust hard, drawing a breathless moan from me. His skin slapping against mine, his hands pulling my hips down hard onto his cock as he worked in and out of me; it was almost too much. I’d never felt such a mix of pleasure and pain. I’d never wanted someone more in my life.

  “Harder,” I groaned, even though I was sure if he went any harder, I wouldn’t be able to stay upright.

  He went harder, growling low in his throat. That heat kept building at the sound of him. I slid my feet wider apart, opening myself to him a little more. He responded by pumping harder. I wailed with the surge of ecstasy I felt, my body climaxing for the second time, this orgasm much harsher, the heat between my legs coating him with dripping wetness.

  He groaned again and thrust himself as deep as he could go between my legs, his hands sliding up to take hold of my breasts. His body was one clenched muscle shivering against my ass. I rubbed myself against him, getting him even deeper, and he growled, squeezing my breasts hard before letting his hands slide from body. He stumbled back a step, his softening cock sliding out of me.

  I pressed my head onto the desk again, too exhausted to stand and my muscles trembling with the overload of pleasurable sensation.

  “Come to bed,” Pete whispered.

  But I couldn’t move.

  He took me in his arms, lifting me off the ground and carrying me to the bed. He pulled down the blanket and set me gently onto the sheets. I curled into the pillow as he went around to the other side of the bed. He got in behind me, pressing his warm body against mine, both of us breathing heavily, his muscled arm holding onto me tightly.

  “That was amazing,” he said, his hot breath tickling the back of my neck.

  “I’ve never done it that way,” I said.

  “We can do it that way whenever you like,” he replied.

  I giggled at that. I thought about my empty hotel room next door and considered telling him I had to go. But I didn’t want to. I’d never stayed the night with him. I wanted to know what it was like to wake up next to him in the morning.


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