Since Drew

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Since Drew Page 11

by J. Nathan

  I expected him to put me down on the patio, but he didn’t. He walked us straight through the open back door and into the house, leaving huge puddles on the marble hallway in our wake.

  He stepped inside an ocean-themed bedroom in the back of the first floor and lowered me to the bed. I expected him to follow, to hover over me, to press me into the white down-comforter, but he didn’t. He stood at the foot of the bed and stared down at my drenched body. His eyes focused on my green T-shirt clinging to my chest. Given my chilled body, I must’ve been giving him quite a show.

  He wasted no more time.

  He knelt on the bed at my feet and reached for the waist of my shorts. He slipped the button through its hole, his fingertips grazing the skin on my stomach, trailing lightly to my hips. Grabbing hold of the material there, he worked my shorts down, careful of my leg and knee. Once he’d cleared my feet, he discarded them on the floor.

  Laying there in my wet T-shirt and black boy-short underwear was a little unnerving…and drafty. But my entire body hummed as soon as Drew stood up and unbuttoned his shorts, letting them fall to his ankles. He shook them off and stood at the end of the bed in nothing but his black boxer briefs.

  Did he want me to stare? To admire the body he’d been graced with? Or was he daring me to take off my shirt?

  Game on.

  I pushed myself up and grabbed the hem of my shirt, peeling the wet cotton over my head.

  Waves of ripples rolled over me as his smoldering eyes took in my nearly naked body. Thank you, Logan, for bringing my matching push-up bra.

  I stared into Drew’s eyes, daring him to drop his boxers. It didn’t take much coaxing. He linked his thumbs inside the elastic, right by the pronounced V chiseled into his lower abs, and pulled them to his feet.

  I didn’t know where to look. At his gorgeous face damp with rain totally hot for me in that moment. At his finely chiseled chest soaked and gleaming. At his manliness in all its glory.

  My indecision was cut short.

  Drew crawled up the bed, stalking me like helpless prey until his body covered mine. “Is this okay? Am I hurting you?”

  My eyes lifted to his face, hovering inches above. Our eyes locked for an intense moment. Uncertainty quickly transformed to want. Need. Desperation. “No.” It came out a mere whisper.

  That’s all it took. Our lips collided. This time hungry. This time taking no prisoners. Our teeth clashed, our tongues twisted, our bodies morphed into one. My fingers tangled in his soaked hair, holding him to me. His fingers dug into the skin at my hip as he pressed himself into the already damp strip of fabric between my legs.

  My head pushed deeper into the pillow as my back arched. He rocked slowly against me sending sensations pulsing everywhere. My head didn’t have time to wrap itself around the fact that I was about to sleep with a guy I hated. One who, until minutes before, I was sure hated me.

  The rational me wanted to pull back and ask for a minute. The reckless me wanted all of him and everything he’d willingly give.

  Drew moved from my lips to the sensitive skin below my ear. His hips continued rocking in tempo with my heartbeat echoing in my ears, tempting me with all that was him and everything he had to offer. “God, I’ve wanted to do this since the second I saw you.” The warmth of his breath traveled over my damp skin.

  My eyes squeezed shut, holding back the tears prickling the backs of them. It wasn’t what he said, or even the sexy voice he used to say it. It was the mention of our first meeting. But which one? Everything was so screwed up. So freaking confusing. My eyes popped open. “Tell me.”

  His hips kept moving as he pulled his lips away from my neck and smiled down at me. “Tell you what?”

  His smile made me want to rip off my own panties and feel the true length of him between my legs. “Tell me what you remember.”

  “You. I remember you.” He leaned down, whispering gentle kisses along my earlobe.

  I was almost afraid to ask. “Where?”

  “Where?” he sounded amused.

  “Where?” I confirmed. I wanted to hear the truth. I couldn’t be sure why. But I needed it in that moment.

  “In the hospital. By my bed.”

  All the air left my lungs.

  “I was all alone, but you were there.” He pulled back to meet my gaze. “Something about you being there—your presence—it put me at ease.” He lightly brushed my wet hair back from my face with his fingertips. “Like I needed you. Only you…It was like I already knew you.”

  My breath caught in my throat.

  His eyes narrowed. “Why were you there?”

  I titled my head, taking in the confused look on his face. I completely understood. It was all so confusing. The circumstances that brought us to that moment didn’t make any sense. And while this Drew was complex and screwed up, in that moment, he was exactly what I needed. “I felt like I already knew you, too.” My hands tightened in the back of his hair. I pulled his lips down to mine, sucking his bottom lip into my mouth, teasing and nipping before moving to the top and doing the same. I needed to taste him. I needed to possess him. My tongue pushed inside his mouth. He groaned as it tangled with his.

  God. I loved that sound.

  Loved knowing he wanted me.

  He pulled his lips from mine, burying them in my neck. He nibbled my wet skin with open-mouthed kisses, licking and sucking down my collarbone. His hand slid down the bare skin at my sides to the tops of my boy-shorts. Slipping his fingers inside, he dragged them down my legs. Somehow, without even removing his lips from my skin, he unhooked my bra and slipped that off, too.

  The moment our bare bodies touched, an explosion of sensation rocked through me.

  He pulled his head back. I could see it in his eyes. He felt it, too. But he said nothing. He just stared down at me as his erection pulsed between my thighs. “You sure about this?”

  I shook my head. “No.”

  I felt it the second my response registered because his weight lifted and he tried to roll to the side of me. I grabbed hold of his massive biceps, stopping him from leaving me. His eyes cut back to mine. “What?”

  “This is going to happen,” I assured him. “Us. Naked. Going at it like rabbits. But it’s definitely not the best idea I’ve ever had.”

  That cocky smile I’d come to both love and despise swept across his face. “First of all, it was my idea. And, I plan to change your mind. Thoroughly.” His lips slammed down on mine. This time greedy. This time with something to prove. This time claiming me and all I would give in that dark room with the rain bouncing off the window panes.

  His hips kept a slow pace, his length gliding slowly across my wet flesh, pushing slightly without entering. He was enjoying the feel of our skin. I was enjoying the feel of our skin. Touching. Sliding. Invigorating.

  “You feel amazing,” he purred.

  “Just imagine what you’ll be saying in five minutes.”

  “You feel fucking amazing.”

  “Oh my God.” I hid my face in the crook of his neck and shook with laughter. I liked this Drew. Or at least this side of him. He could be funny and gentle. Too bad he usually disguised it with anger. In that moment, though, his anger and other indiscretions were forgotten. I lifted my hips to meet his lazy thrusts.

  It didn’t take him long to figure out what I wanted. What I needed to ease the throbbing. He reached inside the nightstand and pulled out a square packet. Tearing it with his teeth, he reached down between us, his knuckles purposely grazing my wet folds and sending shivers rocking through me as he rolled on the condom. He pressed his hard flesh against my dampness. I spread my legs wider. When I did, he didn’t hesitate. He thrust inside. Deep inside. And then some.

  We both arched, our heads tilting back, expelling delicious, needful groans.

  “God,” I moaned. “Just like that.” He was larger than I expected, so much more so than my ex. No wonder girls were lined up for him. No wonder I wasn’t resisting.

  At. All.<
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  “Just like that, Drew.”

  “Oh, this has definitely been worth the wait,” he ground out as he buried his face in my neck, assaulting me with hot, biting kisses as he pounded into me.

  My fingers dug into the corded muscles in his back. So hard. So lean. So smooth. I wanted him closer. I wanted him to shield me from the outside world.

  “This is not going to last long.”

  “Hot shot quarterback a twenty-second man. Who would’ve thought?”

  He laughed into my neck. “Twenty now. Twenty later. I’ve got all night.”

  Twenty seconds came and went as the sheen of sweat on our bodies moved us as one. Eventually, everything I’d been holding back, everything I felt for this guy—everything I didn’t want to feel for this guy—built up into a tightly wound spool in my core. My entire body buzzed. My skin tingled. One deep thrust and I’d be there. My nails dug into his back as I urged him on. He took the hint, thrusting deep a few more times, before sending my proverbial spool unraveling at an unprecedented speed. I could barely catch my breath as my entire body quivered.

  Drew followed shortly after me, dropping his forehead to mine as he gasped for breath. “We will do that again.”

  “I’m gonna need more than twenty seconds.”

  His stomach bounced with laughter off of mine. “It’s you. I can’t control myself.”

  “I have a feeling you say that to all the girls to make them overlook the fact that you’ve got no stamina.”

  “No stamina?” He dragged his teeth over his bottom lip. “I’d call that a challenge.”

  “Call it what you—”

  Drew captured my lips, and there was nothing gentle about it. His tongue pushed inside as his erection seemed to harden inside of me. His hips started moving again. He pulled back, his eyes focused on my lips. “I love a challenge.”

  * * *

  I woke to crisp ocean air seeping into the room. Drew’s strong arms were wrapped around me. His hard chest pressed into my back, his nose buried in my hair. I didn’t move. One, because I couldn’t. And two, because I loved the feel of his embrace and his fresh scent overwhelming my being.

  “Morning,” he murmured into my hair as his arms tightened around me.

  My body relaxed. I wasn’t some groupie he planned to toss out of his bed. At least that’s what I hoped his death grip meant. Oh, and his first words hadn’t been what the fuck. So there was always that. “Hi.”

  “What are you thinking?” his raspy morning voice purred.

  He couldn’t see it, but I smiled. “What’s the closest route to the door.”

  His laugh rumbled behind me, his chest bouncing off my back. “It’s through the door and to the right. But you’re crazy if you think you can outrun me.”

  I bit down on my bottom lip to stop from giggling like a teenager. “So, you are keeping me your prisoner.”

  “Oh no. My sex slave.”

  I squirmed, pretending to try to break free. Instead of tightening his hold, he loosened his arms just enough for me to twist to face him.

  His playful eyes, hooded by adorable droopy lids, stared down at me. “You’re not going anywhere. I’m nowhere near ready for this to be over.”

  “I do eventually have to get home. Remember? I’ve been in a hospital since someone tried to off me.”

  His eyes suddenly clouded over and sadness—no, indecision—swept over his face.

  “Hey. I’m fine. They messed with the wrong girl. Andi Parker doesn’t go down that easily.”

  His eyes didn’t budge from mine.

  I lifted my palm to his cheek. He pressed his morning stubble into it. I imagined it rubbing against other areas and my body buzzed like a livewire. “You’re having regrets.” It wasn’t a question. I could see it all over his face.

  “What?” He shook off whatever plagued his mind, rolling on top of me and forcing me onto my back, still careful of my leg and knee. He caged me in with his arms on either side of my head. “If anyone’s having regrets, it should be you.”

  I smiled up at him, mere inches from his lips. “Why do you think I was trying to sneak out?”

  His smile matched mine. “You really are pretty amazing.”

  I tilted my head. “You’re just figuring this out now?”

  “Nope. Last night when your clothes came off, I was pretty damn sure.”

  Laughter rushed out of me as he leaned down and trailed kisses along the swell of my breasts. “That’s all it took? I wish I knew that sooner.”

  “Yeah. I wouldn’t have given you so much shit if you just stripped.” I shoved at him playfully, but he only pulled back enough to look up at me with that cocky grin. “Seriously. I knew there was more to you than meets the eyes.” He rolled onto his side and tore the sheets off our naked bodies, giving me the once over. “Though what meets the eye is pretty fucking unbelievable.”

  I looked him dead in the eyes. “I’m no Betty.”

  “No, you’re definitely not a stripper.”

  My eyes widened. “So, she is?”

  He shrugged. “Stranger things have happened.”

  “Like you and me ending up here?”

  “There’s nothing strange about that.”

  That’s what you think.

  As if he’d heard my thoughts and didn’t like what he’d heard, he pressed me into the mattress and had his way with me again. This time he took his time. This time he made sure it lasted.

  * * *

  I lay there with my head on Drew’s chest enjoying the sounds of the ocean waves crashing outside. And while I could’ve stayed like that forever, it was already early afternoon, and I needed to get home. Needed to get back to reality. “Are you taking me home or should I call a taxi?”

  “What kind of dick do you think I am? I’ll call the taxi.”

  I lifted my head so I could see his eyes. “I hate you.”

  “No you don’t. You hate that you like me.” His cocky grin slid into place. “Now get that sexy ass in the shower and leave the door unlocked.”

  “You’re not going to carry me? I was seriously getting used to it.”

  “Don’t be one of those needy girls. It doesn’t fit you.”

  I scoffed. “I’m like one of the neediest girls going right now.”

  He rolled out of bed in all his naked glory. I wouldn’t have been human if I didn’t take in the beauty which was Drew’s amazing body, all cut and perfect and covered in my scent.

  His lips pulled up on one side. “If you keep looking at me like that, I may just need to get back in bed.”

  I motioned him back with my index finger.

  He leaned down, pressing his palms into the mattress. I trailed my finger down the pronounced slope running down the center of his chest, hoping my touch ignited the same fire in him that his ignited in me every time he touched me. Hell. Every time he looked at me. But instead of climbing back under the sheets, he slipped his hands under my naked body and lifted me up. “You win.”

  I linked my arms around his neck. “You sure this has nothing to do with stopping me from sneaking out?”

  He shook his head as he walked us into the bathroom. “Not anymore.” Stepping inside the shower, he lowered me gently to my feet, giving me time to get my balance before relaxing his grip on me. He flipped the knob and wrapped his arms around me, taking much of the weight off my legs as we stood under the spray of water for a long time just holding one another. Even after spending the night with him, everything about him still overwhelmed me. His towering height. His impressive strength. His irresistible presence.

  “This might sound crazy,” I said with a smile in my voice. “But I kind of like being your sex slave.”

  He flashed a grin that would have melted my panties had I not been buck naked in the shower with him. “Oh, yeah?”

  I nodded.

  He stepped forward, pressing my back into the cold wet tiles. He grasped my face between his hands and sealed his lips over mine. His tongue dipped ins
ide, sweeping, stroking, devouring me whole. His knee spread my legs and his erection pressed into me, standing tall against my stomach.

  I reached down and grabbed hold, running my hand up and down his solid length. He groaned into my mouth and pushed his hips into my grasp.

  That just made me more eager to please him. More eager to bring him pleasure.

  He pulled away from my mouth, dropping his eyes and hands to my breasts. He watched himself as he swept the pads of his thumbs over my nipples until they puckered under his touch, sending zaps of pleasure rushing between my legs and weakening my already fragile knees.

  Satisfied with my responsive body, his mouth lowered down, sucking on my right nipple while his hand tugged gently on my left.

  My eyes rolled into the back of my head as he alternated between the two, swirling his tongue then scraping his teeth across the hypersensitive bud.

  “I can’t get enough of you,” Drew hummed into my chest.

  His erection began to twitch in my hands. I knew he wouldn’t last much longer. “I want you inside of me,” I said breathlessly, my mouth overtaken by the overstimulation happening to my body.

  His lips pulled back and my breast popped free from of his mouth. He stood up and dropped his forehead to mine, his fingers tugging playfully on my nipples. “You’re killing me right now.”

  “Me?” I could barely focus with the sensations rushing through me.

  “I don’t have any more condoms,” he grated through clenched teeth.

  I worked my hand harder and faster. “I know how to improvise.”

  Drew growled, which quickly transformed into a groan. He pulled his hands from my body and slapped them against the wall beside my head, bracing himself. “Fuck, Andi. Fuck. Fuck. Fuuuuck.”

  I kept my hand moving, working him through it, loving the honesty in his release. He kept his forehead to mine even after he’d finished, his breath pushing through his nose as his chest heaved. “Promise me we’ll do that again.”

  I laughed, noncommittal. Guys said lots of things after a few good orgasms. Chances were I’d never see him again. The thought immediately silenced my laughter, tightening an unwelcome knot in the pit of my stomach.


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