Sold [The Vampire Games 1] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

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Sold [The Vampire Games 1] (Siren Publishing Sensations) Page 1

by Doris O'Connor

  The Vampire Games 1


  Evangeline Prewitt has had better days, weeks, and quite possibly months. A rent increase on top of a huge car repair forces her to seek out her boss for financial help. His solution? Enter The Games.

  Evie has her doubts about being sold off to the highest bidder—who would want a plump waitress? However, desperate times call for drastic measures. Besides, it’s only sex. What can possibly go wrong?

  Atlan St. James seeks out The Games for a little distraction. This three-hundred-year-old vampire is drawn to the delicious human bundle of curves the minute he sees her. Evie will be his, at least for the night. What neither of them counts on is the instant connection between them. After all, sex is easy. Emotions are far more difficult to negotiate.

  As far as Atlan is concerned, the only solution is to let his precious angel go.

  Evie, however, will not be dictated to.

  The game is on.

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 28,293 words


  The Vampire Games 1

  Doris O’Connor


  Siren Publishing, Inc.



  Copyright © 2017 by Doris O’Connor

  ISBN: 978-1-64010-405-1

  First Publication: June 2017

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2017 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  For all my lovely readers, thank you for your support. I hope you like this new series.


  Doris is a writer of sensual, sassy, and sexy tales involving alpha heroes to die for and heroines who give as good as they get. From contemporary to paranormal, time travel, sci-fi, BDSM, F/F, M/M, and ménage, haunting love stories are guaranteed.

  Happily married for the last twenty-seven years, she lives with her husband and their brood of nine in a far too small house filled with love, laughter, and chaos.

  For all titles by Doris O'Connor, please visit

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  About the Author

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine





  The Vampire Games 1


  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  “You want me to do what?”

  Evangeline couldn’t have heard him right. What he was proposing was illegal, surely, and she couldn’t…

  “Ah, little Evie, you understood me perfectly well. Don’t pretend to be such an innocent. We all know different, don’t we, Brian?”

  “Sure do, boss. Sweet little Evie can scream, all right, and she likes it rough.”

  Bile rose in her throat, as Brian stepped up right behind her and squeezed her butt cheeks—hard. Had they been alone, she would have slapped his hand away and kneed him in the balls to boot, but she needed this job more so now than ever, and the boss was watching her through hooded eyes.

  Mr. Tomlington tipped his chair back and smirked as he glanced at something on his laptop.

  “Yes, so I see.” He turned the Mac so that Evangeline could see the screen. She gasped in horror at the grainy CCTV images. Caught in the act with Brian pummeling into her from behind in the alleyway behind the restaurant, it was unmistakable evidence, and a most unwelcome reminder of a night she’d rather forget.

  “That’s not…I mean…I was drunk. I would never…he took advantage.”

  “Bullshit, you were with me every step of the way, sweetheart.” Brian pulled her roughly up against him so that she could feel his hard-on.

  Evangeline closed her eyes and shook her head.

  “Get off me. I told you then this wouldn’t happen again.”

  Brian laughed in her ear. This close to him his scent suffocated her. All spicy male and sweat after a hard evening’s work keeping out the riffraff who had tried to gain entry into the attached nightclub, he thought himself every woman’s wet dream—and had been hers, until she’d been at the receiving end of that big cock. Brian was all about the chase. Having found herself not only dropped by him the very next day, but at the center of ridicule after he’d crowed about fucking the fat waitress…yeah, any attractiveness Brian Montgomery might have held for her had fled the building, along with the contents of her stomach.

  She’d kept her distance since then, and had simply got on with her job. Minimum wage plus tips were better than starving in her book. That is until the landlord raised the rent on her tiny flat. On top of the massive car repair bill, for which she’d had to take out a payday loan, it had pushed her finances from dire into catastrophic. So, she’d finally given in and approached the boss for help.

  She wasn’t the right type for his games, but desperation made for a not very proud bedfellow.

  “Come now, Evie, be mature about this.” The boss smiled at her and mercifully shut the lid on her climaxing in public.

  Oh, god, who else has seen this?

  “Unless you’re accusing Brian here of taking you by force?” Mr. Tomlington steepled his hands in front of his face and sat forward in his chair. Evangeline swallowed hard under his undivided attention.

  “That’s a lot of fucking bullshit, boss.” Brian’s hold on her got painful, and she winced as his fingers dug into her flesh.

  “For your sake, I hope that it is, Brian. Stop manhandling the girl while she answers this.”

  Brian swore again and shoved her away. She would have stumbled, had she not put her hands out to steady herself on the boss’s desk, and Mr. Tomlington’s eyes narrowed and focused over her shoulder.

  “No need for that, Brian. I suggest you wait outside while we clear this up.”

  “With all due respect, boss, if the bitch is gonna accu—”

  “I’m not.” Evangeline found her voice, at last, and Mr. Tomlington’s tense shoulders relaxed. It was an almost imperceptible move, but with just the desk separating them, Evangeline caught it loud and clear. Not for the first time, Evie was struck by her boss’s presence. What he lacked in height—he was five foot if that—he more than made up in other ways. You simply didn’t cross Danny Tomlington. Brian must have had similar thoughts, because he murmured an apology under his breath, and th
en the snick of the door signaled his departure from the office.

  “Sit down, Evie. You look as though you might fall down.”

  He indicated the leather couch in front of the window, and Evie gratefully slid onto it. Her boss joined her moments later and held out a cup of coffee for her, which he’d snared from the sideboard.

  The dainty cup and saucer rattled in her hands when she took the porcelain off of him, and he smiled.

  “Relax, Evie, I’m here to help. We can sort this once and for all, and your money worries will be no more. The games are very popular, you see, and you’re different from the usual girls. I reckon we can fetch a nice tidy sum for you.”

  To save herself from answering, Evangeline took a few sips of the strong brew. The caffeine hit her system with an almighty jolt, and she sat up straighter. She could do this. What had Anna said? “You can trust the boss to keep you safe. And, besides, it’s only kinky sex. I know you like that as much as I do. Might as well get some readies out of it, eh. I’ve always enjoyed the games, myself.”

  “By selling me on to the highest bidder?”

  Evangeline grimaced at the squeaky quality of her voice. Her boss shrugged and, leaning back, sipped his own cup of java’s finest.

  “Like I said, it’s a game. All the participants are carefully screened, and everything is consensual and done in the strictest of confidences. Invitation, only, of course. Had it not been for Anna recommending you, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. You never seemed the…”

  He paused and studied her. In any other man, the way he ran his gaze all over her body would have made her uncomfortable, should probably do so now, but the boss had never showed the slightest interest in fucking the staff, and she certainly sensed nothing sexual from him now. More professional interest, if you could call it that.

  “I never seemed what?” she asked when she couldn’t stand the charged silence anymore.

  Danny Tomlington smiled and took another sip of his coffee.

  “I’d say type, but that’s not strictly speaking true. There is no one type in the games. The gentlemen like variety, after all. Let’s just say after the tape and hearing Brian spout off, I asked Anna to mention them to you, in case you might be interested.” He reached across her to put his cup and saucer on the coffee table to her right and smiled when she pulled away from him. “I’d have preferred money worries not being the driving force for your participation, but your motivation makes no difference to me. I just need your consent, and I’ll take care of the rest.”

  He rose and took up his customary seat behind his large mahogany desk again. Evangeline knew a dismissal when she saw one, and having put her half-drunk coffee down, she approached his desk.

  “I only want to do this once. That is not going to be a problem, is it?”

  Her boss looked up and smiled.

  “Not at all. Leave it with me. Just report to the club next Saturday evening, and it will all be taken care of.”

  He waved her away and Evangeline couldn’t shake the feeling that she had just bitten off far more than she could ever chew.

  * * * *

  That feeling was still very much with her when she was ushered into a room with the other girls for this evening’s entertainment. A circle of chairs stood in the middle of the room, and Evie swallowed hard when she saw her reflection in the mirrors which lined the walls.

  The heavy makeup so wasn’t her.

  “It brings out the color of your eyes.” The makeup artist’s words rung in her ears, as she studied herself.

  Red lipstick, long blonde hair confined in a messy bun at her nape, with only tendrils left to fall around her face in gentle waves—a style she loved, yet knew she would never be able to recreate—she appeared like everyone else. If you added a few dress sizes, that was.

  On the bright side, she at least had the curves to fill out the corset she’d been laced into. Add to that the silk stockings held up by an old-fashioned garter belt and the six-inch stilettos on her feet—not that she could walk in them—and her femme fatal outfit was complete.

  If only she didn’t feel like the lamb to the slaughter. Something didn’t add up here. She hadn’t managed to stay out of trouble this long to not recognize the sinister undertones, which sent a shiver of apprehension down her spine. Such a shame Anna wasn’t here so that she could ask her some pertinent questions, but her fellow waitress was conspicuous in her absence. Evie didn’t know any of the other girls, and after another surreptitious look around the room, she cast her eyes to the floor, like she’d been instructed.

  “No fidgeting, no yawning, no looking up once you’re in that room. If you’re chosen by one of the gentlemen participating in tonight’s games, you will be taken from the room to meet your guest for the evening, and the games will commence in earnest. I need not remind you that you have all signed a confidentiality clause, and there will be consequences if you break it. Likewise, your limit list will be passed on to whoever purchases your company. We take everyone’s safety very seriously here at the games.” The stern-faced and impossibly tall and willowy woman, who appeared to be in charge of the evening, had looked at them all in turn. She had paused the longest on Evie, and it had taken all of her willpower to not fidget and hightail it out of there, as fast as her impossible heels would have let her. Not that she’d have managed to get very far in them, and certainly not in any hurry.

  Even now, recalling that cool, calculating look gave her the creeps.

  She’d stayed, of course, and duly mumbled her acquiescence with the rules. Besides, she couldn’t have backed out then or now, even if she wanted to.

  Her debts had been taken care of the minute she’d signed on the dotted line. A quick check with her banking app had confirmed the transfer, and thus she was stuck.

  “Can I ask a question?” she’d said after she spent ages perusing the document placed in front of her.

  “Of course, we want everyone to be clear on the rules, though I have to say I’ve never actually had anyone peruse my contract as closely as you have, young lady.”

  The silver-haired, bespectacled solicitor, who’d presented them all with the legal documents had smiled at her. It had been somewhat reassuring that they seemed to indeed take safety and consent seriously. While it had been tempting to cross most things off her limit list, that would have been cowardly. If she was going to do this, she might as well enjoy herself, providing she got chosen, of course. In the end, the only things she put as hard limits were humiliation, needle play, extreme pain, scat play, and watersports. No, thank you. She’d underlined the last two for good measure, cause, really. Yuck.

  “You said to inspect it, so that’s what I’m doing.” Evie had raised her gaze from the contract and her entry into the games and swallowed hard. Everyone else seemed to wait for her to finish. Brian, who, unfortunately, seemed to be security at this event, had pushed away from the wall he’d been leaning at and smirked.

  “Little Evie here fancies herself clever, see, ladies. What say you about that?”

  Evangeline had chosen to ignore the cretin, even though the resulting sniggers around her had hurt. Guess she wasn’t going to make any friends here then. Nothing new there. Evie had never fit in, so why start now? Knowing her luck she would be the only one not chosen by anyone tonight, and then, where would that leave her?

  “Your question, my dear?” the solicitor had asked.

  “What happens if we don’t get chosen tonight? I mean to the money we’ve already been paid. Do we have to pay it back? It says here no, but that can’t be right?”

  She’d pointed to the relevant clause, and the solicitor had cleared his throat.

  “In all the times we have the games, everyone has been chosen, so this is most unlikely to occur, my dear.”

  “But what if it did?” Evie had insisted, despite the growing impatience she’d sensed from the others around her. From what she could gather, they had all attended before and were eager to start, whatever that
might involve. The whole thing was beyond puzzling. Why such anticipation when none of them could tell what would happen, exactly? It was all well and good to say the experience was different for everyone, and that any memory loss experienced during the games would be temporary. Clearly, that wasn’t the case, or they’d remember. Then again, they wouldn’t be back for more if something horrid was going on.

  Other than the small detail that Evangeline was, in effect, selling herself to the highest bidder.

  “In that extremely unlikely event, you would be free to go, my dear, and yes, indeed the money is yours.” The solicitor had dropped his voice and bent closer to her. “I wouldn’t worry about that, however. Atlan is in the house, I believe, and, you, my dear, are just his type.”

  Evie had cause to ponder that statement now, staring at the mirrors. One by one her fellow participants left the room until it was just her remaining.

  “Gentlemen, what will you give for this sweet angel?” The disembodied voice of the announcer made her jump and pulled her out of her musings. “We always leave the best to last, so let the bidding start at £10,000.”

  How much?

  Evangeline’s fingers cramped in the stranglehold she had on her stool. Who in the world would pay that much for her? It was outrageous and utterly ridiculous, that’s what this was. Immoral, for sure. If that’s what they were asking for her, then how much did the other girls go for? And who in their right mind would pay that much?

  All conscious thought fled her befuddled brain when the door opened. It only did when one of the participants wanted to take a closer look, and as she was the last one here, someone must have taken an interest. That thought gave her renewed palpitations. It had been bad enough imagining strange men watching her from behind the two-way mirrors, debating all her imperfections while studying her list of limits and whether they wanted her. Heavy footsteps approached, and Evie’s heart threatened to beat itself out of her chest when a pair of polished Italian loafers appeared in her vision. Those alone cost more than she earned in a month. Tailored trousers, expensive, understated cologne, a sharp, intake of breath, and then his overwhelming presence enveloped her.


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