Sold [The Vampire Games 1] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

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Sold [The Vampire Games 1] (Siren Publishing Sensations) Page 3

by Doris O'Connor

  “So fucking responsive, my angel. I’ve got you, don’t worry. Just remember your safeword is red.” His hands shifted, grasped a generous handful of her boobs, and pushed them together. “Look at me, my sweet.”

  Evie heard the click and knew instinctively what it would mean. Part of her wanted to keep her eyes shut. If she didn’t see it, then she wouldn’t have to admit the terrifying truth, but she couldn’t not obey that softly delivered demand.

  Sure enough, when she raised her head it was to see him on his knees between her splayed legs. Atlan had rolled the sleeves of his dress shirt up to reveal strong, pale arms lightly dusted with black hair. He’d lost the tie, and his shirt was unbuttoned just enough to reveal the smattering of chest hair.

  The hair on his head, cropped close at the sides and left longer on top, looked as though he’d run his hands through it repeatedly, or maybe that had just been the wind, while he’d been racing them home. Assuming this place—wherever they were—was his home. All those thoughts bled into insignificance at his smile, however.

  It lit up his strong features, softened the angular lines of his jaw, and did absolutely nothing at hiding the prominent fangs. Evie couldn’t tear her eyes away from those lethal-looking incisors and her neck throbbed in remembered pain—or was that pleasure? Her clit tingled and her pussy ached, and she bit her lip to stop herself from moaning.

  Time stood still as she watched him, waited for him to do anything but study her. When she couldn’t stand the silence between them anymore, she blurted out the obvious.

  “You’re a vampire?” Evie didn’t really know why she phrased that as a question. Maybe because the reality was just too terrifying.

  When he simply raised an eyebrow, she gasped and shook her head.

  “Are you going to kill me?”

  Atlan’s smile deepened. He pushed her aching breasts together more as he licked first one and then the other nipple. Claws formed at the end of his long fingers, tiny pinpricks of pain, which dug into her sensitive tissues and sent darts of awareness down to her clit. Evie squirmed as much as she could, and his nostrils flared as though he could smell how wet this whole fucked-up scenario was making her. Then again he probably could.

  He’s not human, remember, Evie. Do something, scream for help. Don’t just lie there like some sort of vampire food.

  That little voice of reason hung on in her befuddled brain, tried to get her to do something, to not allow herself to be sucked into this man’s overwhelming presence, but it was useless. Trussed up as she was, she was going nowhere unless he released her. Even without her bonds, Evie highly doubted she would have had the ability to move. Her limbs felt heavy, her mind fuzzy as though this wasn’t really her, as though she was watching all this happening to someone else.

  When Atlan finally spoke, his voice held a distinctive growl, the hoarse cadence of it another shove up those rungs of arousal she appeared to be climbing whether she wanted to or not.

  “Relax, my sweet angel. The only death I’ll be inflicting today is the petit mort.” He winked, blew a stream of cool air over her nipples, and then looked up at her again. “With your permission, of course.”

  He took his hand away, which meant her breasts felt far too heavy and needy. Evie thought she might go out of her head with desire when he skimmed those large appendages over her rounded belly, then over her wide hips, and up and down her ample thighs, before he rested one of them on her lace-covered pussy. There was no way he would miss how damp the material was, and sure enough, he smirked and inhaled deeply.

  “Then again, your body tells me all I need to know. You are delightfully wet and needy right now. Tell me, how much do you want my cock to stretch these plump lips?” He traced the contours of her labia through the barely there covering, and Evie jerked and pulled at her restraints.

  Atlan made a rough sound at the back of his throat and put his large hand on her belly to push her back down.

  “Enough of that. You’ll hurt yourself, and the only marks I want to see on your soft skin are the ones I place there myself.” As if to prove his point, he bent his head, and before she could grasp his intention, he’d sunk his teeth into the inside of her thigh.

  Evie cried out at the sharp pain of his incisors penetrating her skin. Then he started to suck, and pain morphed into pleasure so intense she could barely breathe. The flames of arousal licked across her skin from that point of contact, pulled her under, and centered in her clit until she thought she was going to pass out. More of her juices flooded out of her, readying her for this man’s possession, while her internal muscles clenched and released in a desperate bid for her channel to be filled. Head thrashing from side to side, eyes closed, she gave herself up to the pleasure that surged through her, urged her on, until it all stopped.

  “No, please…” Panting for breath, Evie’s eyes flew open and she tried her best to glare at the man, who licked his bloody lips and grinned at her.

  “Please, what, my angel? Ask me nicely, and I might just give it to you.”

  He bent his head and licked the puncture wounds left behind on her inner thigh. More pleasure surged through her, even as her stomach churned at the sight of the bloody sheets under her legs. That was her blood, the crimson stain on the white Egyptian cotton a sobering reminder that he was literally feeding on her. Draining her very life essence from her with every suck of pleasure.

  The bed dipped as Atlan shifted, and in the next instant, he was sitting next to her. He cupped her chin to make her look at him and not the gruesome evidence of who and what he was.

  “What is going on in that head of yours, my sweet?”

  He retracted his fangs as he spoke. The resulting click was far too loud in the quiet room.

  “Please, let me go.”

  She pulled on her restraints, and much to her surprise he complied. In a few sharp moves the quick release cuffs holding her to the bed frame gave way, and so did her ankles. The speed at which he moved left Evie dizzy and strangely disorientated. She tried to move her limbs, but they didn’t seem to want to follow the frantic demands of her brain.

  “Here, let me.”

  Atlan’s deep voice calmed the frantic beats of her heart, and in the next instant, he gently massaged first her arms and then her legs. Evie gasped at the pain of her circulation returning to those limbs and fought the tears threatening to fall. A useless battle, as it turned out, because her cheeks grew wet. Atlan swore when he noticed.

  Before she could make an ineffective swipe at her face, he’d moved them both, so that she was now sitting on his lap, cradled in his arms, while he murmured soft nonsense in her hair. The hard, solid evidence of his arousal dug into her ass cheeks, and his hold on her tightened when she squirmed on his lap. Fisting one of his hands in her hair, he tipped her head up, while he swiped the tears off her face with his free hand. Again, she lost herself in the swirling depths of his amazing eyes.

  She tried to resist, but it was utterly useless. When he looked at her like this, she felt as though he could look right into her soul, which should have been a preposterous notion. What’s more, she felt as though she belonged to this man, heart and soul. The connection between them pulsed and hummed, an almost visible string holding them together.

  “Please, don’t.”

  Her protest came out as a mere breathy whisper. Atlan smiled, closed the distance between them, and kissed the remaining tears off her face. His cool, soft lips left yet more fire in their wake, and she couldn’t help her response. Her hands started their own exploration over his broad shoulders and the tight muscles of his chest. He made another one of those deep, gruff sounds at the back of his throat when she tugged his shirt out of the waistband of his trousers. She gasped when her questing digits found the hair-roughened dips and valleys of his six pack. His muscles tightened, and Atlan grasped her hands in one of his to still her frantic movements. The tug on her hair hurt as her scalp protested the rough handling.

  “Make up your mind, Evi
e. You either want this or you don’t, but if you do, we’ll do this my way.”

  Confused, she blinked and looked at him.

  “I-I don’t…I mean, you’re not making me do this?”

  She inwardly grimaced at the high-pitched squeak she produced instead of her normal voice.

  “No, I’m not. I told you at the start of this, I’ll take good care of you, did I not?”

  He cocked his head to one side as he said that, studying her in that quiet and extremely unsettling way he had, and she had to ask.

  “You’re not…” She bit her lip, and goosebumps broke out on her skin at the way his expression hardened. Right now he looked ready to devour her. Sure enough, his response came out forced, his voice dropping an octave.

  “If you’re asking me if I’ve compelled you in any way, then the answer is no. I only do that when I need a quick snack, and the human is none the wiser. Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer my lovers to be with me because they want to be. You chose to take part in the games, so I took it for granted that you were up for this.” He pulled back and gestured around the room. Evie took a good look around and gasped at what she saw. While she’d never seen the equipment in real life until now, she knew what she was looking at. Every secret fantasy come true and then some. Atlan was serious about this kink stuff, clearly, and she was out of her depth. Not so much dabbling in the shallow end but going for the whole deep sea adventure here.

  The St. Andrew’s Cross in the corner of the room told its own story, as did the rows of neatly organized implement tools that hung off the hooks on the walls. A gleaming spanking bench stood in another corner, and her insides clenched in excitement. Atlan released her hands and grasped her throat instead. It was a light touch only, almost a caress, but it left her in no doubt who was in charge here.

  “So, I ask you again. Are you leaving, or do I have your permission?”

  Chapter Four

  If Atlan still had a need for oxygen, he’d have turned blue waiting for Evie’s answer. As it was he forgot to pretend to breathe. He didn’t want to examine why her answer meant so much to him. This was, or at least should have been, a straightforward business transaction. He’d paid good cash for this woman to be his for the night, but try as he might he couldn’t treat her like merchandise. Not that he ever did that to anyone. There was no need to be crass in these dealings, but he found himself far too invested in this young woman.

  He wanted, needed her to want him as much as he did her. Not many people made him feel things, but this young woman had gotten under his skin without even trying.

  It was becoming damn obvious that she hadn’t been at the games because she wanted to be, but then he’d sensed that from her from the start. She held none of the jadedness of the regular participants. While none of the women and sometimes men who signed up for the games would ever remember what exactly had happened to them, they did retain a sense of the need to repeat the experience. There was something addictive to being used as vamp bait, or so he’d been told.

  Atlan didn’t feed from the same person more than once if he could help it, not after the last time he’d tried. How long ago had that been? It had almost cost him his life, had cost his maker’s life, and he hadn’t allowed anyone past his defenses since then. He was a vampire, a creature who fed on the very life blood of those he cared about, so it was far healthier for anyone to maintain an emotional distance. Fortunately, he didn’t need much blood to sustain him these days.

  Days, weeks, months, years, which tended to blend into each other when you’d lived as long as he had. A lonely existence for sure, but better than the alternative, and he’d certainly never entertained to keep a human around permanently. With the exception of his staff, who were completely off-limits as a food source, Atlan went about his business with no one being any the wiser as to his real identity.

  Evie, too, once he’d had his fill, would have to forget she’d ever met him. His gut churned at the thought of passing her in the street, and her being oblivious to him, but that was the price to pay. Too many people could get hurt if the truth came out.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Lost in thoughts of the past as he had been, he almost missed her oh so quiet whisper of confirmation.

  Heat spread through his veins at the tentative smile she gave him, and his fangs ran out without any conscious effort on his part. Her eyes widened, her heart rate sped up, but she didn’t pull away from him either. Instead, she tentatively raised her hand as though to touch him. He quirked an eyebrow at her, and she clenched her hand into a fist and let it drop.

  “May I?” she asked.

  “May you what, sweet girl?”

  “I, that is…” A blush spread over her delicate skin, and Atlan released the hold he still had on her hair and her neck. He ran his hands over her amazing rack instead and circled the large nipples, which were practically begging for his bite. A whimper escaped her full lips, and she leaned into him further, while she made a grab for the bedcovers.

  “Please, I need to touch you.” Her halting admission made him smile, and he took his hands off her.

  “By all means, be my guest.” He leaned back against the headboard, content to watch her for now. Her blush deepened and she looked delightfully unsure at that moment. She may have been an unwilling participant at the games, but there was no doubt in his mind that she was indeed submissive. They could have so much fun together, if only…

  Atlan slammed that errant thought down before it could take hold. One night, that was all they would have, all he would need, and once he’d fucked her senseless he would be able to forget about her. This need to have her, to keep her as his, only stemmed from the fact that it had been ages since he’d indulged that side of him.

  Evie bit her lip and he swallowed a groan. The urge to order her not to, to pin her back to the bed and have his wicked way with her, rode him hard, but he resisted the impulse. Instead, he watched her straddle him. A moan escaped her when her cunt made contact with his groin, and his dick jumped in his trousers, eager to get closer to the wet bounty. How he stopped himself from grabbing hold of her and impaling her on his cock, he would never know, but he sensed this was important to her, so he forced himself to hold still and endure.

  She lifted a finger and traced the contours of his mouth—in particular, his fangs.

  “You really are…I mean…” She hastily withdrew her fingers when he growled low in this throat. Her heartbeat reached dangerous levels, and her sweet musk increased tenfold. Seeing her like this, with her blonde locks tumbling halfway down her back, strands of it playing peekaboo with her heavy breasts…it was such a fucking turn-on. The fact she was still wearing her stockings, garter belt, and those fuck-me shoes, as well as that scrap of lace barely covering her cunt, soaked through with her arousal, added to the visible stimuli. He rested his hands on her thighs, just underneath his earlier bite mark, and she trembled in need when he traced the tiny puncture wounds with his index finger.

  “I thought we’d established this already, Evie.” He couldn’t keep his amusement out of his voice, and Evie looked uncomfortable.

  “I know, it’s just. Well, I thought you were just a myth, you know, vampires and such like.”

  Atlan smiled and traced his hands slightly higher to the apex of her thighs. So close that the heat of her wet cunt scorched his fingertips and she gasped. Her hands curled into the fabric of his shirt, and she lifted up a little, to presumably give him better access.

  “Define ‘such like,’ my sweet.”

  “I, well…oh god…”

  She gasped and stopped talking when he cupped her pussy through the sodden lace and found her clit at the top of her hood.

  “Not God, sweetheart, just your average three-hundred-year-old vamp at your service.” Atlan dropped his voice as she clenched her thighs, and her hips surged downward to seek more pressure from his fingers.

  “You’re…oh, please, don’t stop…you’re three hundred? And oooh, I…”
  Instead of answering her, Atlan caught her screech of surprise in his mouth as his lips crashed over hers at the same time as he pushed the underwear out of his way and sunk two fingers knuckle-deep into her clenching core. Her internal muscles grasped his digits, and he thrust in and out of her cunt while he kissed her senseless.

  Evie didn’t hold back. She flexed her hips and whimpered her need into his mouth while kissing him back with the same fevered urgency he experienced. The buttons on his shirt pinged off in all directions in her haste to get him undressed. Her fingernails scored his skin, and the sweet pain made him lose what little control he had left. Atlan took over, wrenched his lips off hers, and flipped them so that she was underneath him. Having pinned her hands back above her head and secured them with the restraints attached to the headboard, he yanked her downward, so that all her bountiful curves were his for the taking.

  Her eyes widened when he divested himself of the rest of his clothing, and he groaned in relief when his dick sprang free. Evie’s corresponding whimper of need and the way her gaze snared on his erection made him even harder.

  “Oh. My. God.”

  Evie licked her lips, her gaze riveted on the action of his hand as he stroked up and down his length slowly. He tapped her thighs in a quiet command, and when she immediately opened to him, displaying herself, he smiled.

  “That’s my good girl. You’re so fucking wet already. Tell me, my angel, how badly do you want my cock?”

  He gripped himself harder, ran his thumb through the drops of pre-cum coating his thick head, and used the natural lubrication to work his dick harder. Evie started panting and tried to close her thighs, but he was having none of that. He swatted her pussy once and his girl tensed and groaned.


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