My Bad Boy Biker

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My Bad Boy Biker Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  He gripped her hips with a tight, firm hold. “That’s it. Come all over my cock.”

  He took her over the edge and he went with her until she collapsed in his arms.

  Running his hands down her back, he held her, closed his eyes, and inhaled her scent. He wasn’t good for her, but he didn’t want it to end.

  ~* * *~

  For the rest of the night, he answered her every sexual demand, taking her in ways she never thought possible. Her favourite was when he got her on her knees and rode her from behind. She felt controlled in a way she’d never been before.

  Late into the night they fell asleep, exhausted.

  A little after four, she awakened and knew it was time to go home. Even if her little apartment left a lot to be desired, it was still hers. Pulling the duvet off her body and then squirming her way from under his arm, she got the edge of the bed.

  “Where are you going?” he asked, startling her.

  “You made me jump,” she pressed a hand over her rapidly beating heart and stared at him as he propped his head up on his hand.

  “Where are you going?” he asked again like she hadn’t said anything.

  “I think it’s time I went home.”

  “Why? I haven’t asked you to leave. I don’t want you to go,” he said.

  Mandy glanced at the floor and then looked at him. She didn’t know what to do.

  “Spend the weekend with me,” he said.


  “Haven’t you ever been propositioned before, Mandy? Spend the weekend with me.” He reached out and took her hand, giving a little pull to get her to move forward.

  “I thought this would be a one night thing.”

  “If you want it to be a one night thing then sure, whatever. But what I’m saying is there is a spot for you in this bed, and in the morning I’ll make you some breakfast.”

  Mandy couldn’t keep up with the quick turn of events. “How do you know my name?” she asked.

  “The same way you know mine, precious,” he answered.

  She knew he was avoiding her question. “Could you stop with the angel and princess and precious? I don’t like them.” The terms of endearment weren’t personal. She wanted to hear him say her name so she knew who he was thinking about.


  Running her fingers through her hair, she climbed back into bed. Settling down and closing her eyes, she waited for sleep to claim her.

  “I’ve fucked you senseless and you’re still tense. Relax.” He took her in his arms and kissed her on the lips. “Sleep.”

  Surprisingly, at his command and because she was still tired from the night of exhausting sex, she did.

  Chapter Five

  Mandy woke the following morning to the scent of bacon and coffee. Smiling, she stretched out the kinks in her body, wincing as muscles she hadn’t used often protested.

  Opening her eyes, she let her senses come back to her.

  Mandy Straus, you little slut. Going home with a bad boy and being fucked until you forget yourself. Where is the boring woman I use to know?

  Ignoring her inner worry, she got out of the bed, found one of his shirts, and put it on. She followed the path to his kitchen.

  Dan was cooking in a pair of sweat pants and nothing else. “You’re awake,” he said as he turned.

  Tucking her hair behind her ear, she took a seat at the counter. He handed her a cup of coffee.

  “Is this what happens after a one night stand?” she asked and then wished she could take it back.

  “No. Usually I wake up and the woman is gone. This isn’t a one night stand.” He plated up the food and brought it over to her. “I hope you’re hungry. I’ve made plenty.”

  On her plate were bacon, hash browns, eggs and beans.

  “I usually only have toast or cereal.”

  “Most of the days you aren’t recovering from fucking with me for most of the night.

  Would she ever get use to his gruff language?

  Picking up her fork, she dove in, surprised that she finished it all. She stayed in her seat as he cleaned away the dishes. It felt odd watching him do all the work while she sat and did nothing.

  “Right, do you want to take in a movie?”

  Mandy smiled and followed him to his small sitting room.

  Her morning started innocently enough. He put on some action movie with chasing cars and gun fights. She was bored up until he grabbed her and seated her in his lap.

  “What about your film?” she asked.

  “I’ve got a sexy woman in my lap. I don’t care about the movie.” He pulled the shirt over her head, leaving her bare for him to touch.

  Dan took one nipple into his mouth and fingered the other. She moaned and arched her back.

  “That’s it, give me those luscious tits,” he growled.

  The movie was forgotten.

  He turned her so he had perfect access to her chest. She watched every touch and lick as he attended her breasts.

  Her nipples were sensitive from the night before and with each tug, it sent a bolt of lightning to her pussy.

  “I’ve got to have you now.” Dan took them to the floor and pulled his sweat pants down in one smooth action.

  Mandy was already wet from the attention to her breasts. He quickly pulled on a condom and ran his cock through her slick folds and thrust to the hilt inside her body.

  They made love on the sitting room floor. The sound of guns blasting was drowned out by the moans and cries of their love making. Dan took her to new heights. Showing her and teaching her how her body could be used for the ultimate pleasure.

  She gave him everything and in return, he gave her the weekend of a lifetime.

  Chapter Six

  All too soon, his weekend with her was coming to a close. Dan liked the fact she wore his shirts to walk round the house. They ordered takeout and pigged out in front of the television and spent the nights making love.

  He wrapped his arms around her, nuzzled her neck, when his door suddenly opened and closed.

  “Dan, where the fuck did you go?”

  Dan cursed and pulled Mandy behind him. Great, not the best way to tell his best friend he was sleeping with his sister.

  “What’s going on?” she asked, but he ignored her. He couldn’t deal with this right now. Having Mandy in his life meant more to him than a quick fuck, and he knew Rick would take it the wrong way.

  “That’s my fucking sister, you bastard. This is how you’re getting revenge? By going and screwing my sister?” Rick demanded. He stood in the sitting room. His hands clenched into fists at his side.

  Dan wished he’d told her the truth about who he was. Her brother barging in on their time together had twisted everything.

  “What’s going on? Rick, how do you know him?” she asked.

  “He’s the man I skipped out of town with. The one I was getting into trouble with.” Dan knew she hadn’t seen much of him, but the years away with all the letters she used to send to her brother had kept him sane. He didn’t want Mandy to hate him.

  “Wait. You’re the guy who always caused trouble? Who caused so many problems?” she asked.

  Dan didn’t want to answer. His time with Mandy was coming to an end, and he wasn’t prepared to accept it.

  “You used my sister to get back at me for sleeping with the girl you wanted?” Rick demanded. “That’s a new low even for you.”

  “Wait. Wait. What the hell is going on?” she asked. Dan glanced at Rick and then at the girl who’d come to mean so much to him.

  “I swear this has nothing to do with that.”

  “Right. I heard what happened from Bill. You went to the bar and zeroed in on Mandy. Took her home. Are you going to include that crap in your little black book?” Rick asked.

  Dan wanted to hit him. That crap was behind him and had been for some time. He would never do that to Mandy. She was the only reason he’d come back home. Even if she had no idea who he was, he’d done nothing
but think about the woman who wrote all the letters to Rick.

  “What?” she asked and turned to look at him. Tears were in her eyes, and he felt like he’d been kicked in the gut. He hated being the cause of those tears.

  “That was a long time ago.”

  “Yeah? Do you want to tell her how you rated women on size and performance? How about the points system you use to rate them? They got a ten if they swallowed and a five if they didn’t?”

  “Enough,” Dan shouted. He hated hearing about his old days. They were gone, and he wished he’d never done anything like it.

  “Mandy, I swear I would never do that to you.” He went to touch her, and she pulled away. Tears streamed down her face.

  “If you touch me, I’ll kill you,” she put her hand up to ward him off. “That’s why you came to my table? That’s why you took me?”

  Dan knew she was going to hit him, and he didn’t fight it. The sound of her hand hitting his cheek echoed off the walls. His face stung and he knew there would be a red handprint.

  “Will you take me home?” she asked Rick.

  He had to watch as she gathered her clothes and left. She didn’t even bother to look back.

  “I swear it wasn’t like that,” he said to Rick.

  “I don’t care. Mandy wasn’t yours to take. She deserves better than to be fucked and dumped,” Rick closed the door behind him.

  ~* * *~

  Mandy sat in the car and watched her brother approach. She couldn’t look him in the eye after the beautiful weekend she’d just spent having her world tossed around. Rick got in the car and started the engine.

  “Don’t. I don’t need the stern talking to. I know what I did was wrong and stupid. Just keep your big brother speech to yourself,” she said as he turned to her.

  She took one last glance at Dan’s front door as Rick pulled away. She stared at her hands, and in her mind, she replayed the weekend. Dan had made her feel like a beautiful, desirable woman.

  The most significant memory was stripping in front of him. His poignant words struck a chord with her.

  “Maybe what you need to do is be outrageous. Do some sexy dancing in a skimpy outfit and see the men drool. I’d love to see you showing this body off.” Dan had played some music while she’d stood with nothing on but his shirt.

  “Dance for me, Mandy.”

  The music had brought her to life. Her body a conduit of energy. She’d danced, and they’d made love. He’d held her against the wall as he pounded her body into completion.

  “What are you thinking?” Rick brought her out of her thoughts.

  “Nothing.” Never would she tell her brother that her feelings for Dan had changed so drastically from Friday night through Saturday and Sunday and by Monday, she was in love with him.

  She’d survive the humiliation she would feel in front of her family. She didn’t know if she’d survive the pain.

  Chapter Seven

  He couldn’t think. He couldn’t sleep. Dan was being driven mad by the image of a little brown-haired vixen. She avoided him around town and didn’t answer his calls. Dan had never had to work at getting a woman before.

  Mandy meant so much more to him than a shag. When Rick had closed the door, he’d watched them pull away from the street. Disgusted with himself, he found the black book and burned every page. Why did he ever think keeping a book of conquests would be a good thing?

  It had been three weeks since he’d seen Mandy. Every week worse than the last.

  He ordered a strong coffee at the diner and winced as the bright lights hurt his eyes. The only way of dulling the pain had been to drown his sorrows in a whisky bottle.

  The waitress came back swaying her hips and showing an absurd amount of cleavage as she handed him his coffee.

  “Hi, Dan,” she said in a smoky voice.

  Shit. He couldn’t deal with this now.

  “Go away.”


  “Sweetheart, I don’t care and I don’t want to know. I want to drink my coffee in peace.”

  The woman walked away in a huff.

  “Wow, I never thought I’d see the day you’d turn down a woman,” Rick said, sitting down opposite him.

  “If you’re here to gloat or whatever, save it,” Dan picked up his drink and took a gulp, not caring about the burn.

  “Mandy is miserable.”

  “She won’t take any of my calls, so I imagine she’s getting over it,” Dan winced.

  “You’re being an asshole. The bad boy biker strikes again and all that shit. But I’ve been thinking. You never gave me back those letters I left with you. Mandy means more to you than those other women?” Rick asked.

  Dan didn’t bother answering. Rick knew the answer.

  “Open your wallet.”

  Frowning, Dan glanced over at his friend. “What?”

  “Open your wallet and let me see the picture you keep there.”

  He growled at his friend. Rick had a point, and he wasn’t going to listen.

  “You’ve got the picture of Mandy there. I didn’t know you felt anything more than friendship with her. I know you enjoyed the letters she sent. You love her, so why aren’t you fighting for her?”

  Dan didn’t answer and after a while Rick left. He finished his coffee and went back home, where nothing waited for him only the memory of Mandy being with him.

  Chapter Eight

  Several weeks had passed since the last time she’d seen Dan. Rick tried to console her as much as possible. She was caught between the ache of wanting him and the pain of what he’d done. All she wanted to do was drive over to his place and put all the horrible shit behind her so they could move on together.

  Another part of her was scared. Was the pain she’d seen in his eyes false?

  As the days passed, Rick became more and more insistent that she forgive his friend. Strange, considering he had been the one to cause the problem. The rumours surrounding Dan Sawyer had reduced, and she wondered if it had something to do with her.

  “Sometimes we have to fight for the person we love,” Rick said.

  “What do you want me to do? He doesn’t care about me, and he used me to get back at you,” she argued.

  “I don’t think he did anymore. I was angry and there is a huge age gap between you, but I know Dan has been in love with you for years. Every letter and picture you sent me through the years…he asked to keep them. I think he fell in love with you on the road. I gave him the letters when I left. Please, go to him.”

  Mandy was shocked by his revelation. What was she supposed to do?

  “Where would he be on a Friday night?”

  Rick gave her a funny look. “On a Friday night, you can’t figure where a man would want to be?”

  Thinking about his answer, she came up with a cunning plan.

  “Maybe what you need to do is be outrageous. Do some sexy dancing in a skimpy outfit and see the men drool. I’d love to see you showing this body off.”

  She picked the phone up and made arrangements. Rick was right. She should fight for the man, who in such a short time had made her love him.

  ~* * *~

  Dan didn’t know why he’d allowed himself to be forced inside Bill’s bar, especially when the older man wanted his head on a plate. He tossed back a shot and ordered another. Waving off every woman was growing tiresome. There was a settled quiet in the bar that wasn’t normal for a Friday night. Usually the pool tables were in full swing.

  The dance floor was crowded with entwined couples, the music a morbid love song—one which left a bitter taste in his mouth.

  Drinking another shot, he glanced at the clock and winced. Nine o’clock and he already wanted to go and curl up in bed. Life without Mandy was unbearable.

  He drank down another shot and paused as the music changed. The song and tune he recognised instantly. Mandy had danced to that song for him. Swallowing down the lump in his throat, he moved to stand. The lights went out. He sat in darkness, the onl
y light stationed on the dance floor. Dan watched as couples parted.

  His mouth went dry.

  Mandy stood in the centre of the dance floor in a short, tight, black dress with the sexiest stiletto heels arching her calves. His cock jumped to life. Seeing her so close and untouchable killed him.

  She moved with every pulse and beat of the music. Her hips swaying slowly and provocatively. Dan recalled telling her to show off her curves and gorgeous body. Fucking hell, she looked perfect—a handful—and he wished he was the only one to have her. She lifted her arms, and he watched as she danced

  Everyone else at the bar didn’t matter. Dan tuned them out and concentrated on Mandy as if she were dancing for him and him alone. He couldn’t take his gaze off her as she moved across the dance floor, each move designed to be as sensual as the last. A great deal of skin was exposed but only enough to tease. She didn’t show any personal parts.

  Suddenly, she was stood in front of him. Dan stared at her as she took his hand and pulled him up. Like a zombie, he got up and followed her onto the dance floor. He couldn’t take his eyes off her even if he wanted to.

  Nothing else mattered as Mandy led him onto the dance floor. She grabbed his hands and wrapped them around her waist. He took her lead. Dan would do anything as long as she stayed in his arms.

  The tune played around them, and soon he felt it through his whole body. She turned in his arms, and he inserted a leg between hers. Mandy further shocked him as she shimmied down. Her pussy dancing along his leg.

  Holding her, he moved with each sway of her arms and body, driving himself further and further out of his mind.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. The thought of her moving out of his arms and leaving him forever was too much for him to deal with.

  “Shh,” she pressed a finger to his lips and continued dancing.

  “If this is to torture me, then you’re succeeding.” He stopped talking as she pulled out of his arms and off his leg. Turning she pressed her back against him and slid down his body. Her back brushing his throbbing cock.


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