Boss Bitch (Bitch Series)

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Boss Bitch (Bitch Series) Page 10

by King, Deja

  “Can you at least tell her that I asked about her?”

  “Sure, I can do that.”

  “Thanks,” Amir said, putting his head down. I had to admit I felt somewhat sorry for Amir. He was just a kid and he found himself in the middle of a bad situation. He had known both Aaliyah and Justina practically his entire life, they were all the best of friends until teenage love got in the way and brought out the worse in Justina. Although I had a strong feeling Amir was in love with Aaliyah I believed he still cared about Justina if only on a friendship level and didn’t want to completely abandon her. It was complicated and I wasn’t sure when or if it could be worked out in his and Aaliyah’s favor.

  “I have to be going. I’m stopping by the hospital to visit Quentin.”

  “Precious, if you don’t mind waiting for a few minutes we can go to the hospital together.”

  “No problem. Take your time.” I walked over to the massive window to take in the impressive view of New York City while I waited for Genesis. He and Nico headed towards his office to talk. I thought Amir would go to but instead he came over to speak with me.

  “I know it might seem like I’m badgering you but I feel like you’re all I have left to plead my case for me to Aaliyah,” Amir said, now standing next to me in front of the window.

  “Amir, to be honest with you, I don’t believe I would be very effective in pleading your case to Aaliyah. We’re not on the best of terms right now.”

  “What happened, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “It’s a long story. I haven’t given up on her but besides the issues Aaliyah has with me she’s in an unusual place right now. Spending all those months in jail really did a number on her psyche. I think she needs some space to find herself again.”

  “I blame myself in so many ways.”


  “I should’ve been upfront with Justina about my feelings for Aaliyah before things got out of hand, maybe this all could’ve been avoided.”

  “When you’re dealing with crazy people the only way things can be avoided is to get rid of them. You had no control over what Chantal did and you had no control over Justina’s lies.”

  “Justina claims that she really didn’t know her mother shot her and found out otherwise in court like everybody else. She’s adamant that she really thought it was Aaliyah.”

  “And you believe her?” I could tell Amir was struggling to answer the question.

  “I want to believe her. I can’t imagine the girl that had been one of my best friends my entire life and was my girlfriend at one time could be that deceitful. She’s just not that type of person.”

  “Amir, sometimes you have to see people for who they are and not for what you want them to be. I knew from the first time I spoke to Justina about that night she was lying. But I have no emotional attachment to her so it was easy for me to see the truth. Your delusions about the role Justina played in all this is going to make it impossible for you to rebuild your friendship with Aaliyah.”

  “I know I messed things up with Aaliyah. I always knew she was innocent but I did feel guilty about what happened to Justina. I have to make things right. I let Aaliyah down once. I don’t want to do it again.”

  “Put this address in your phone. Hopefully you can convince Aaliyah to let you in when you go see her.”

  “Thank you so much,” Amir said as I gave him the address. “I’ma go try and see her right now. Tell my dad I’ll call him later.”

  “Will do, and good luck.” Watching Amir rush out made me think about how beautiful young love is. It had no fear only hope and determination. The older you got the more walls you put up to avoid being hurt.”

  “Precious, I apologize for taking so long. Are you ready?”

  “Sure am.”

  “Where did Amir go?”

  “I gave him the address to where Aaliyah is staying. He went to go see her.”

  “Good for him. I hope they can work things out. You know I’m very fond of Aaliyah. I think they would be good together.”

  “I don’t. No disrespect, Genesis, I like Amir but my daughter deserves better. She deserves a man that can pick a side and stick to it. As far as I’m concerned he turned his back on Aaliyah and sided with Justina, that’s unacceptable.”

  “Nico, that’s not what happened. Amir was always on Aaliyah’s side. He loves her very much. He has for a long time and has never stopped. I know this because my son told me.”

  “He has a strange way of showing it.”

  “You guys that’s enough,” I said wanting to put out the fire before it even had a chance to start burning. “Aaliyah and Amir have to figure this out on their own. Whatever decision they make we should support. Now let’s go see Quentin.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Genesis said, picking up his car keys.”

  “I’ll get with you later, Genesis. I’ll let you know how this meeting goes.”

  “Sounds good but call me if you have any problems.”

  “I guess Nico is still pissed with me,” I said to Genesis, after Nico left and didn’t even bother saying goodbye to me.

  “I told you that Nico would have difficulty dealing with your relationship with Lorenzo.”

  “I understand that but at some point Nico is going to have to let it go.”

  “I don’t know if he’ll be able to do that anytime soon. You’re going to have to give Nico time.”

  “I hear you. Luckily I don’t have to deal with him on a daily basis because I wouldn’t be able to bite my tongue like I did today. With those slick ass comments he was making to get a rise out of me.”

  “You did the right thing by playing it cool. “Does he know I’m still seeing Lorenzo?”I’m sure he has a pretty good idea especially

  since you and Supreme are separated.”

  “I don’t like to pry into Lorenzo’s business affairs but has our relationship affected his dealings with you all?”

  “Yes and no. We’re all invested in certain businesses together and because there is a lot of money involved nobody wants it fucked up. Before all this happened the three of us would sit down together discuss strategies and how to proceed with new business ventures, now I have to meet with Nico and Lorenzo separately,” Genesis explained, while we were leaving out his apartment. “Thankfully they’re not letting their differences jeopardize us making money but Nico has made it clear to me he doesn’t want to be in the same room with Lorenzo.”

  “Do you think it’ll ever get better?”

  “That depends on how long you plan on being with Lorenzo.” When Genesis said that the elevator doors had just opened but I didn’t move to get on and neither did he. We both seemed to be waiting. I think he was waiting to hear my response and I was waiting for him to clarify his statement.

  “What are you trying to say, Genesis?”

  “Is this thing with Lorenzo serious? Because if it isn’t, the two of you are causing a lot of unnecessary problems and maybe you should both consider ending it before it gets worse.”

  “I’ll keep your advice in mind.” This time when the elevator doors opened we got on and we both remained mute the entire ride down. I wondered if Genesis caught the sarcasm in my voice or did it go right over his head. I had a great deal of respect for Genesis but sometimes his attitude reminded me of my favorite soap opera character Victor Newman. Genesis seemed to be diplomatic but his arrogance and need to throw around his authority always had a way of showing its ugly face. But because of his intelligence, charm and undeniable good looks he got away with it. My relationship with Lorenzo did create a sticky situation but at the end of the day it was none of his business whether we stayed together for three months or thirty years. Of course in the mind of the great Genesis his opinion was the only one that mattered. Unfortunately for him,

  I didn’t see it that way. I always walked to my own beat and that wasn’t about to change to pacify Genesis Taylor.


new gig was paying off in dividends. I was a natural for this

  shit. Peaches and I both had our role and we played them well. She was the one that would deal with the brothers and arrange product and the quantity and I was the one that would hit up the blocks and check on the dudes that worked the streets for us to make sure they were on their job. Peaches had no interest in dealing with them but I loved it. In the beginning when I pulled up on them in an all black SUV with jet dark tint and rolled down the back window they were shocked as shit that a bitch was in the ride. At first a couple of them tried me but when they saw I kept an enforcer with me at all times they realized this wasn’t a game. Plus I kept them supplied up so soon they all adored me, they was waiting and looked forward to seeing the all black SUV stroll down their block. Watching and maintaining the streets freed up time for Peaches to build new relationships and keep the ones she already had intact. It became clear that just like any other business, who you know and who know you back is essential to building a lucrative drug empire.

  “Clavon, this was our last stop, let’s head back to my place. We can hit Newark tomorrow,” I informed my driver, letting him know I was ready to get out of Camden. Right when I was about to lean back and get comfortable for the lengthy ride to Teaneck I saw that Peaches was calling. “Hey, what’s going on?’

  “I’m stuck in Philly. I need you to take the meeting with the brothers.”

  “When is it?

  “Like an hour.”

  “Why you just calling me now?”

  “I lost track of time and didn’t realize until the last minute I wasn’t going to make it back in time.”

  “Yo, I been on the road all day. I’m not in the mood nor am I prepared for this meeting.”

  “Aaliyah, all you have to do is go and listen. Come on, that’s why we are partners so we can come through for each other. You have to go, this is too important.”

  “A’ight. I’m on my way now.”

  “Cool. The business I’m handling here is going to take longer than I thought so I’ll be home tomorrow.”

  “See you then.” When I hung up with Peaches

  I wanted to call her all sorts of names but one thing I learned from my grandfather was that you never let people that work for you see any sort of division within your team. A lot of times if your workers sense discord they may try to step in and divide. So instead I cursed Peaches out in my head. “Clavon, change of plans, we’re going to meet the brothers.”

  From the short time partnering up with Peaches I understood exactly why she wanted a partner. Honestly it wasn’t a want it was a necessity for her. Peaches was successful at what she did because she was a people person. She knew how to kiss ass to the right people and enjoyed doing so but the chick was flighty as fuck. It seemed every other day she needed me to step in and handle something for her that she forgot to follow up on. But she fell off extra bad this time because one thing she never missed was her meeting with the brothers. They were our most important connect and for her to turn over this meeting to me at the last minute meant she was really slipping. I had never even attended a business meeting with them before. As a matter of fact the first and only time I had been in their presence was at the party at their house. There was no need because Peaches dealt with them and I spent the majority of my time on the road. Luckily, I always paid attention to every word Peaches said in regards to their dealings even when she thought I wasn’t listening. If I hadn’t I would’ve been ill prepared for our meeting.

  When we arrived at their estate Clavon pulled into a secret garage entrance. He knew that was the norm when business meetings were taking place, that way if anybody was watching they couldn’t see who was coming in or out. When I got to the door a security guard greeted me and I didn’t know what to expect. I assumed he was going to lead me inside the house but instead he took me down some stairs that led to a room underground. The room was like a massive studio apartment. The place consisted of nothing but stainless steel, marble and granite. There was even a full sized kitchen. In the middle of the room was a gigantic marble table and several chairs.

  “They’ll be down in a minute,” the security guard informed me. “You can have a seat and of course help yourself to anything you like,” he said nodding towards the food and beverages on the kitchen counter. I decided to just pour myself a glass of water and be done with it. While I waited for the brothers to show their faces I thought about Nico and Genesis. I wondered if they had a room like this. If they did I had never seen it but I guess that was the point, to make sure it was a kept secret.

  “Where’s Peaches?” I heard somebody say, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked in the direction the voice came from and saw Emory and Dale coming closer. I wasn’t sure which one of them asked the question but I guess it didn’t matter because I’m sure both wanted to know.

  “She got caught up with an important business meeting in Philly and wasn’t able to make it back in time.”

  “What could be more important than us?”

  “Nothing is more important. You all are by far our top priority. Unexpected time restraints caused a problem but that’s why she has a partner for when these sort of dilemmas present themselves.”

  “Are you prepared for this meeting?” Dale, the younger brother asked, although there was only a couple of years difference in their ages.

  “Of course,” I somewhat lied, but they didn’t need to know that. In the back of my mind I was hoping that the brothers had set up whatever business Peaches was taking care of in Philly so they would understand her absence but to my dismay it wasn’t.

  “Then let’s get started,” Emory said, sitting down first. “As you know if all goes according to plan we’ll be taking over a large section of Queens.” I nodded my head yes although that was something Peaches had yet to mention to me.

  “Peaches was supposed to discuss with us at this meeting how she planned on moving a new team into that area and who it would consist of.” I sat there with a poker face for a second figuring out what the fuck I was about to say. All the listening in the world hadn’t prepared me for this question because I hadn’t heard nothing about any of it.

  “We have a crew in Newark that isn’t being utilized to the fullest capacity simply because they have too many members for the amount of business they are getting in that area. The traffic has slowed down by over fifty percent, due to no fault of their own. It’s an election year and the area is being heavily patrolled. We have more than enough guys acting as watch out. We can move the extra bodies over to Queens and it won’t affect the business in any of our other areas. I would suggest we start moving a couple men at a time that way it won’t create any suspicion. By the time other organizations become aware of what’s going on the takeover will already be in effect.”

  I waited for the brothers to respond but they both stared at me without saying a word. Then they glanced at each other as if reading each other’s thoughts. I swallowed hard hoping my nervousness wasn’t showing. I wanted to squirm in my seat but knew this was a sink or swim situation. The more nervous I got the more pissed I got at Peaches. I felt she had thrown me into the water with sharks without any sort of protection. Choosing to remain calm, I slowly lifted my glass of water and took a sip.

  “I guess you weren’t lying when you said you were prepared,” Emory finally stated.

  “That idea works and it works very well,” Dale added.

  “I know it will,” I said confidently, not letting on I was relieved that they were onboard with my idea. When I came up with the suggestion I didn’t exactly pull it out of my ass so I wasn’t completely surprised they cosigned on it but the brothers were hard to read so it could’ve gone either way. What did work in my favor was that I was meticulous at what I did and took my position seriously. Most people would’ve checked those blocks once a week or every other week but I monitored them on a daily basis or every other day. For that reason I knew every face on each team and where we had the flexibility to
move them around.

  “I believe we’ll be ready to start transferring a couple men over at a time in the next couple weeks. So I need for you to start thinking about which men you think should go.”

  “I think we should start off with our two best men. Reason being is because we’re entering new territory and we need our most skilled players. Most of the team members have been working the Newark area for at least two years so they know what to do and how the operation is ran. Our captain will know which lieutenant he wants to bring with him and who is the most proficient to take over their positions.”

  “I was thinking the same thing,” Dale smiled. “You need to start attending these meetings more often. I had no idea you were so astute.” I felt myself about to blush by what Dale said. To have the brothers respect my business savvy was the stamp of approval I needed to boost my confidence.

  “That would be nice but the streets need me. I wouldn’t be able to come up with these ideas if I didn’t keep my eyes and ears to the streets.”

  “That’s understandable but at the same time a great mind has to be utilized to its full capability. You have all the traits necessary to become a boss in this business and I want to guide you through it.”

  Emory and I both stared at Dale. I was stunned by what he said and from the expression on Emory’s face he seemed to be too. “I think we’ve covered all the basis that we need to tonight,” Emory stood up abruptly and said.

  “There are a couple other things we haven’t addressed yet,” Dale interjected as if confused by his brother’s statement.

  “They can wait.” Hostility in Emory’s voice was evident but instead of backing down Dale continued to push.

  “We don’t need to wait. Aaliyah is here and we should complete our meeting as planned.” The brothers eyed each other like they were preparing for battle.

  “I think Emory’s right, we can continue this at another time.” I was trying to put a halt to what had quickly turned into a hostile atmosphere and I didn’t know why.


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