When I Fall in Love

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When I Fall in Love Page 14

by Bridget Anderson

  “Rollin, you’re my brother and I love you, but you are the most stubborn man there is. If you don’t show up for the fund-raiser, look for yourself another family. The kids and I will disown you, and that’s all there is to it.” She slammed the door behind him.

  Chapter 18

  A few days in Chicago and Tayler was back in the rat race. Although she’d resisted the temptation to open her email and check on work, she’d been running all over town with Nicole working on the conference. After a meeting with the Ladies of Distinction to discuss conference logistics turned into an episode of The Real Housewives of Anywhere, Tayler had to ask herself why she was doing this.

  At night she lay in bed unable to sleep or get Rollin off her mind. She wanted to call him, or hoped that he’d break down and call her. But she knew he wouldn’t. He was in love with her! She said it over and over again. He was in love with her, and she was in love with him. So why were they so many miles apart?

  She needed to talk to somebody, and finally decided it was time to share her feelings with Nicole. Even if it were eleven o’clock at night. She dialed her best friend.

  “Tayler, it’s so funny you should call me, because I was thinking about calling you. But I thought you might be asleep, so I said, ‘I’ll call her in the morning.’”

  “I can’t sleep,” Tayler admitted.

  “Why, what’s wrong? Hey, if it’s about the meeting, don’t worry, they don’t always act like that. You’d think educated women with money would have more class.”

  “Nicole, it’s not that.”

  “What is it then?”

  “I don’t want back into the rat race.”

  “What rat race? You won’t be working the conference alone. We’ll have a whole slew of women helping out. I’ve got volunteers from Columbia, too. It won’t be as hard as—”

  “Wait a minute...you aren’t hearing me. I don’t just mean the conference. I mean everything.”

  “Hold on, let me turn this damned television down. I didn’t understand that.” She briefly put down the phone.

  Tayler leaned back against the headboard and took a deep breath. If anyone would understand what she was about to say, it was Nicole.

  “Okay, let’s have that again.”

  “I’ve given it a lot of thought and I don’t know if I want the director position after all.”

  “Tayler, did you fall off a tractor or something and bump your head? What the hell are you talking about, you don’t want that position? You’ve been working toward it since you joined MesaCom.”

  “I know, but suddenly it just doesn’t seem that important anymore.”

  “Tayler...no, that can’t be.”

  Tayler didn’t say anything.

  “Girl, you didn’t go down there and fall in love with my cousin, did you?”

  A tear rolled down Tayler’s cheek. “Nicole, I don’t know how it happened. One night I was complaining about him being so rude and obnoxious, then the next I was in his bed and didn’t want to leave his arms.”

  A loud scream came from the other end of the phone. Tayler yanked the receiver back. She hadn’t expected that type of reaction.

  “I knew it. That’s all I’m saying, I knew it. You know you can’t keep anything from me. I could see it all over your face when I was over there. And the look on Rollin’s face when I mentioned you returning to Chicago was priceless.”

  The tears flowed down Tayler’s cheeks. “Nicole, what am I going to do? You got me into this mess.”

  “Me? I sent you there to get some rest, not to jump in bed with the man. What was it like?”


  “Oh, never mind, he’s my cousin. I don’t want to know.”

  “That’s nasty, girl.”

  “Hell, I didn’t need to ask anyway—you’re talking about passing up a plum promotion. He must be working with a magic stick or something.”

  “It’s not just him. It’s the B and B, the town, Corra, Rita, all of the above. I fell in love with your family.”

  “Are you telling me three weeks in the country changed your perspective on life?”

  “Yes, I think so. Now tell me what to do.”

  “Damn, Tayler. Well, you know I’m here for you. What do you want to do?”

  “I don’t know. I can’t concentrate on anything. Not even the conference. I want to be with Rollin.”

  “Then pack your shit up and head back to Kentucky. That’s all I know to tell you.”

  * * *

  Tayler woke bright and early Thursday morning to visit her favorite boutique on Michigan Avenue. She needed two jaw-dropping gowns for the fund-raiser ceremony. She didn’t like the way she’d left Corra hanging, but this should make it up to her. After she picked up the gowns she met Nicole at Water Tower Place for lunch.

  “Are you sure about this?” Nicole asked.

  Tayler shook her head. “No, I’m not sure about anything. I have no idea how Rollin’s going to respond when he sees me. But I have to go back and find out. If it’s not meant to be, I can always come home and go back to work.”

  “And if it does work out?”

  Tayler smiled. “Then I’ll be home.”

  Nicole reached across the table for Tayler’s hand. “What can I do to help you?”

  “The Housewives are going to need a new speaker for their conference.” Both Tayler and Nicole laughed. “I was thinking about the president of the Color of Success,” Tayler said.

  Nicole’s eyes widened and she let go of Tayler’s hand. “You’re the motivational speaker, not me.”

  “Don’t you think it’s about time the president of the Color of Success started representing the organization? You’ve led just as many workshops as I have, and you’re passionate about the work. You’d make a great motivational speaker.”

  Nicole kept shaking her head while rolling her eyes. “No, no. I don’t have the same stage presence or timing or anything that you have.”

  “Nicole, give in now, because I’m going to talk you into it the same way you talked me into vacationing at Coleman House.”

  Nicole took a deep breath. “I guess it’s time for me to put my big-girl britches on, huh?”

  Tayler smiled at her friend, who had more potential than she knew.

  * * *

  Tayler rolled into Danville Saturday afternoon and drove straight to Corra’s house. Several cars were parked outside, but thankfully she didn’t see Rollin’s truck. She parked and walked to the front door, not knowing what type of reception she would get. Would Corra be mad at her? Or would she welcome her back? There was only one way to find out. She rang the bell and stood back.

  Corra opened the door with her head turned, yelling at the kids. When she turned around and saw Tayler, a big smile broke out on her face and she threw the screen door open.

  “Tayler, girl, I’m so happy to see you. Get in here.”

  Tayler walked in and greeted her friend with a big hug.

  “What happened? Why did you leave? Why did you come back? Oh, my God, I’m so glad you’re here.” Corra stopped yapping and hugged Tayler again.

  Tayler couldn’t get a word in.

  Corra closed the door. “Sharon, look who’s here.”

  A woman walked out of the kitchen and looked down the split-level entrance at Tayler and Corra standing just inside the door.

  “It’s Tayler. Our MC. She’s back,” Corra said, beaming.

  Sharon threw the index cards she had in her hand up in the air. “Thank God. I couldn’t remember all that stuff.”

  Tayler turned to Corra. “She was going to replace you. Come on in and tell me everything. What happened?”

  “First, I’ve got something for you. It’s in the car—I’ll be right back.” Tayler ran
out to the car and brought in the gowns and her overnight bag.

  All the fund-raiser committee members in the house gathered around the living room sofa as Tayler unzipped the garment bag and pulled out the gown. She had picked out a strapless white-and-gold gown with a corseted bodice, which should fit even if the size was off a bit. It was adorned with gorgeous jeweled lace appliqué and a flowing skirt that was sheer past midthigh.

  “I’m so sorry I left the way I did, but I hope this more than makes up for it.” She handed Corra the dress.

  Corra’s jaw dropped.

  After all the crying and screaming they sat down and went over last-minute changes to the program.

  Before they left for the venue, Corra pulled Tayler aside. “I’m so happy to see you, but Rollin will be happier than I am. He might not show it right away. He’s stubborn like that.”

  “Don’t I know,” Tayler said.

  “I don’t know what happened between you two, but I know he loves you. Have you spoken to him?”

  Tayler shook her head. “No. I wanted my return to be a surprise.”

  Corra tilted her head and gave Tayler a thumbs-up. “Good move.”

  * * *

  Tayler entered the auditorium more nervous than she had ever been when preparing to stand before a crowd. She’d helped Corra create a script for her and Rollin, but she wasn’t sure he’d even read it.

  “Tayler! Honey, I’m so glad to see you. You look absolutely gorgeous.” Rita and Wallace approached Tayler with smiles and hugs.

  “I’m glad to see you, too.” Tayler had chosen a one-shoulder mermaid-style red satin gown and a pair of black stilettos that she hoped would knock Rollin off his feet.

  “Thank you so much for coming back to help Corra out. You ladies gave this fund-raiser the boost it needed to get computers into almost every classroom.”

  “I hope so,” Tayler said, really wanting that statement to be true.

  Rita looked around. “Have you seen Rollin?”

  “No, I haven’t. He is coming, isn’t he?” Tayler asked.

  “He’d better show up. He promised Corra,” Rita said.

  “Yeah, well, we all know how hardheaded Rollin can be,” Wallace added.

  The door to the auditorium opened with a loud squeak and everyone turned around as Rollin walked in. When she saw him, dressed in a perfectly tailored slate-gray suit and dark shades, Tayler’s heart stopped. He held the door for an attractive woman Tayler was sure she’d seen around town before. Had he shown up to the ceremony with a date?

  Rita crossed her arms, and Wallace cleared his throat. Tayler didn’t wait for Rollin to flaunt his date in her face.

  “Excuse me. I think I’ll see if Corra needs my help.” Before she walked off backstage, Rollin removed his shades and made eye contact with her. His eyes traveled down her body before she turned her head and swished across the room. She wanted him to see what he was missing.

  Five minutes before the curtains opened, Rollin made his way backstage.

  “It’s about time,” Corra said with a disgusted tone to her voice. “Tell me you read your script and know what to do?”

  “Yeah, I read it.”

  “Good, then let’s get this show on the road. Look who’s back.” Corra pointed to Tayler before going off to check on the entertainment.

  Rollin walked over to Tayler as she pretended to refresh her memory by reading the index cards. Since she’d written the script, she knew everything by heart, but he didn’t know that.

  “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again,” he said.

  She nodded. “You did tell me to go back to Chicago, remember?”

  “You were ready to go. I didn’t see any reason to prolong the agony.”

  “Whose, yours or mine?” she asked.

  His chin dropped to his chest. She wanted to talk to him, but this was neither the place nor the time. Why were men so stubborn?

  “Who’s your date?” she asked.

  He glanced behind him. “My what?”

  “Okay, you guys, it’s showtime.” Corra ran up, clapping her hands. “Come on, let’s get this show on the road.”

  She pushed Rollin and Tayler toward the stage. The job of MC wasn’t hard for Tayler. However, the spotlight was new to Rollin and he didn’t seem as comfortable onstage as she did. He did however, stick to the script for the most part, and she was glad about that.

  After a young girl’s musical performance, Rollin took to the stage to welcome everyone and remind them of the silent auction going on in the next room. “Be sure to place your bids—the auction will be concluding in about an hour from now.”

  The woman he’d walked in with shouted out, “Can I bid on you?”

  The audience laughed and applauded as a few other women shouted out that they wanted in on that bidding.

  “That’s not the type of auction we’re having this afternoon. Today’s all about—”

  “Oh, we know what it’s about. But if y’all really want to raise some money, let me bid on a night out with you.”

  Tayler lowered her head and laughed while the audience seemed to get a kick out of Rollin’s discomfort. When she glanced over at him he tilted his head toward her and pleaded silently for help. Help that she wasn’t about to give him. She shook her head.

  “Come on, Rollin. I’ve got fifty dollars for a date.”

  “I’ve got one hundred,” another woman shouted out.

  “Ladies, ladies, come on, that’s funny, but let’s get back to the program.” He tried, but he’d lost complete control of the situation. Most of the crowd laughed and applauded while others shook their heads.

  Finally Tayler decided to step in and help him out. She took the microphone. “Ladies, you know we are still short of our goal and I think that’s an excellent idea. So how about we add a date with Danville’s most eligible bachelor to the program?” She pointed to Rollin, who looked as if someone had just sucker punched him right in the gut.

  Corra stood up and led the audience in a round of applause and laughter.

  Rollin shook his head and held a hand up as he backed up.

  “Come on, ladies, what do you say, can we talk him into it?” Tayler encouraged the audience. She joined them in a round of applause and motioned for Rollin to step up to the mic.

  He glared at her as if he wanted to kill her, but then gave in with a quick smile. Tayler stepped back. Everything was in control again, or so she thought.

  “I’ll tell you what,” he said, leaning into the microphone. “I’ll auction myself off if you do the same?” he asked, looking back at Tayler.

  She was mortified.

  Chapter 19

  Several men in the audience took to their feet, clapping and whistling. What was Rollin doing? To auction him off was another way to make a couple hundred dollars. They didn’t need to turn this into a sideshow.

  “Come on, let’s hear it. Who wants a date with the lovely Ms. Tayler Carter from big-city Chicago?” Rollin led a round of applause and motioned for Tayler to take the microphone.

  She didn’t move. How could he do this to her? She must have looked like a deer caught in the headlights, because Rollin was thoroughly amused.

  Corra sat in the front row clapping the loudest.

  Tayler regained her composure. She admired Rollin’s ability to regain control over the audience so fast. She stepped back up to the microphone.

  “If there’s one thing I love, it’s a good challenge.”

  The audience went wild with applause and whistles. More people entered the room and the crowd grew.

  “So, how shall we do this?” Tayler asked, looking at Corra.

  Corra stood up and hurried to the stage. She happily took the microphone. “I’ll take it from here.”
  Tayler and Rollin stepped aside while Corra did her thing. This was her crowd and she knew how to work them up before opening the bidding.

  “That was cute,” Rollin mumbled and glared at Tayler.

  “Yes, a nice comeback on your part as well,” she hissed back at him.

  “You liked that, huh?” he asked in a whisper.

  “Not actually, but what choice did I have?” She smiled and kept her eyes on the audience.

  “Now you know how I felt.”

  Corra started the bidding with Rollin. “Let’s start the bid at fifty dollars for dinner with Rollin Coleman, owner and operator of Coleman House B and B and Coleman Organic Farm. Ladies, you know some of y’all been chasing him all over town—this is your opportunity to have him all to yourself for one precious evening.”

  Tayler grinned. This makeshift auction really was Corra’s thing. She knew how to hype the women up into a frenzy.

  “I’m glad you think this is so funny,” Rollin whispered.

  “It’s hilarious,” Tayler said between clenched teeth.

  Rollin stood with his hands behind his back while Corra walked over and tried to get him to flex his muscles. He laughed but refused. The woman who’d arrived at the same time as Rollin placed a one-hundred-dollar bid.

  “Wow, looks like she really wants you. I guess one night wasn’t enough,” Tayler whispered out of the side of her mouth.

  “What are you talking about?” Rollin whispered.

  “Your date,” Tayler responded with a smile.

  “Can I get one twenty-five?” Corra called out.

  Rollin turned to Tayler and crossed his arms. “I didn’t bring a date.”

  “Oh, so what did you guys do? Conveniently bump into each other outside?” She crossed her arms and looked everywhere but at him.

  “Who? What are you talking about? I came here by myself.” He had stopped whispering.

  Tayler cut her eyes at him. “You didn’t walk in by yourself.”

  Corra turned around and gave them a stern look. “Are you guys okay?” she asked.

  Rollin nodded. “Yeah, we’re cool.”


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