Nebula Nights: Love Among The Stars

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Nebula Nights: Love Among The Stars Page 34

by Melisse Aires

  Once we’re dressed, Jiro puts his arm around me and leads me to the door. “Come on. I’ll get you a private bath and a massage, and then we can have a bite to eat, go home and change before heading to Ku 7. It’ll be great. Trust me.”

  I do. I really trust him.

  * * * *

  Jiro knows what I need better than I do because this is shaping up to be the best afternoon I’ve had in a long time.

  “I want you to soak for at least thirty minutes,” Jiro says to me before we go our separate ways after the front desk. “In fact, don’t get out until Beni comes and gets you for your massage.”

  Beni is waiting at the front desk. She has such a strict demeanor, always business, but her smile is sweet and lights up her whole face when she’s happy. She pins her short hair off to the side over her ear and seems to love red lip balm. I should have her shop for makeup for me. She’s wearing it, but I can hardly tell. Aunt Lomo would love her.

  She leads me to my own personal bath room.

  “Would you like me to stay, Sanaa-san? Or do you want to be alone?”

  “Come in for a moment, Beni. I’d like to talk to you.”

  I love this onsen immediately. The room is dimly lit and a hot bath is already drawn in a super deep tub, sunken into the floor even deeper than an ofuro. I lay my bag on the padded bench inside and take off Kazenoho, placing the sword on top. The room is warm, so I take off my outer shirt as well.

  My stomach is fluttering and anxious. Being assertive with someone older than you is difficult. Sakai wants me to be strong and commanding, though, so I have to suck it up and do it. I need to channel the same professionalism I did at my old job. This is just another career, Sanaa. I roll my eyes at the silent understatement.

  “Beni, Jiro tells me you’re his cousin.”

  “Hmmm, yes, though I think I’m a second cousin on his mother’s side. I’d have to get a family tree to tell for sure.”

  The whole Sakai clan shares the same facial features. I do detect a little of Mariko in Beni.

  “I like you Beni. You minded your own business today, and that’s something I value. I’d like to keep you around, close to me, if you’d take the job. A kind-of personal assistant?”

  “I’d like that, Sanaa-san.” She smiles, and I easily smile back.

  “Do you know my secret, Beni?” I wonder how much Sakai has told each of these people following me around.

  “Which one, miss?”

  This doubles me over in laughter. If only Beni knew how many secrets I keep from almost everyone but my immediate family. Beni cracks a small smile at me again. I peel my pants off and hand them to Beni.

  “The secret that I’m the last in the imperial line. I’m supposed to be the next empress of New Japan on Yūsei.”

  “Yes, miss. Sakai-san told both Risa and me.”

  Sakai must have been insanely busy yesterday.

  “Then you understand I need people I can trust. Can I trust you, Beni?”

  “Of course, Sanaa-san. We’re family now.”

  My heart skips a beat. It wasn’t the answer I was expecting, but it’s the correct answer.

  “Thank you, Beni.” I strip down the rest of my clothes and hand them to her. I will be as comfortable around Beni as I am with Jiro. “Please put my clothes in the auto-hamper and have them ready for me when I’m done with my massage.”

  Beni turns to go, but pauses at the door. “I’ll be back to get you for your massage, Sanaa-san. Please relax.”

  I use the shower first to clean up before slipping into the hot bath. Ahhhh. The bath is so deep I can stretch out my legs under me and swish them around in the water. Steam rises from the tub, and the heat is working its way into my muscles, unfurling every knot in my legs and back. I wish I could do this every day.

  Not doing anything or talking to anyone is a joy, but this long soak is threatening to put me under. Maybe Jiro and I should have gotten more sleep last night. I cross my arms and place them up on the lip of the tub, resting my head on my hands and closing my eyes. I must be doing an excellent job of not thinking because I drift in and out of consciousness until there’s a light knock on the door.

  “Sanaa-san, time for your massage.”

  The massage is the best ninety minutes of my life, and I know I’m prone to exaggeration, but seriously, I need every ounce of power I have not to moan while on the table. The therapist takes care of my shoulders and back which have been suffering the most under Jiro’s handiwork. While I’m lying there, I think of Helena and how she does this all the time. I wonder how close our apartments will be. She’ll be moving any day now.

  I sigh audibly and then laugh as the therapist rubs my feet. I’m only ticklish on my feet.

  When I’m done, I change back into my clothes, and Beni leads me to a tiny restaurant in the top floor of the onsen. Jiro is already seated, and he stands up and waits for me to be seated when I arrive. The tatami mats remind me of our trip to the okiya, but low tables and floor cushions are the seating options of choice. I sit across from Jiro and smile at him while taking a sip of water. I’m so relaxed if anyone else saw me now they’d think I was drugged.

  “Great, right?”

  I sigh. “Amazing. Just what I needed.”

  “I ordered us some food since I was here before you. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all. Thanks.”

  He’s looking at me critically, and I’m momentarily confused. “What, Jiro? Is something out of place?” I touch my hair and my face.

  “No,” he laughs. “No. It’s just, on previous dates I’ve been on, if I ordered food my date got seriously offended.”

  “Oh. I love when other people feed me especially when I’m tired and hungry, so please don’t stop on their accounts.” I smile and prop my chin up on my hand. Staying upright is becoming difficult. “You ordered at the tempura-ya too, and I didn’t complain.”

  “I noticed.”

  Food arrives, and I help myself to onigiri. “Don’t I need to worry about having Oyama here?” I pause before putting the food in my mouth.

  Jiro shakes his head and smiles. “Oyama is in the kitchen. It’s taken care of. And, seriously…” He reaches across the table and squeezes my hand. “I’m happy you’ve been okay with everything. All of the extra staff and security. I thought it was going to drive you nuts.”

  “After seeing my mother in the video be so concerned with my safety, I had to concede, Jiro.”

  “We all want to make sure you’re safe.”

  I nod. Me too. I’m not ready to die yet.

  “So these other women you tried training…”

  Jiro laughs. “I knew you’d ask about that eventually, and it was only one girl. She was sort of a set-up but didn’t last more than one session.”

  I can’t help but chuckle, and Jiro kicks me under the table.

  “Can you imagine how I felt when you walked into the dōjō?” he asks.

  “I am not a quitter,” I say popping a pickle in my mouth and taking a sip of water.

  “Thank gods for that.” His foot sneaks up next to my leg, and I reach down and squeeze it.

  He leans a little out from the table, and I turn to follow his line of sight. Beni is waiting out by the front of the restaurant, drinking tea and reading on her tablet.

  “So, Beni. What do you think of her?” he asks, grabbing some rice and seaweed.

  “Oh, Jiro, don’t worry. I already asked her to be my personal assistant. You chose right when you had her come today instead of Risa.”

  “Risa is… well, she’s not your type.”

  “I hope not your type either, Jiro. Risa has a crush on you.”

  Jiro stiffens, his glass of water paused half-way to his mouth.

  “What? You never noticed?” I squeeze his foot again to loosen him up. “I’ve been in her presence for less than a few hours, and I can tell right away.”

  He sighs and closes his eyes. “Yes, I noticed, and I keep avoiding her, but she ju
st doesn’t take the hint. I find the idea repulsive since technically we’re related, but she obviously does not. And no, she is not my type. Not in the slightest.”

  “Well, I’m not sure what else you could do about that.”

  “I’m not going to do anything else. You’re here now. That should be the biggest hint in the world. Anyway, even without Risa around, I still think Beni is perfect for you.”

  “How is it you know me so well already?” I ask, shaking my head.

  “I just have to think about who I would prefer to be around all the time. We’re a lot alike, Sanaa. Beni is kind and keeps to herself, and she’s a brown belt in karate like you. She’s a better choice for you.”

  “I love you, Jiro.” The declaration comes out of my mouth much more serious than I was intending, but the way his face softens and his shoulders fall, it was the right way to say it.

  “I love you, too, Sanaa.”

  I close my eyes and capture the moment in my head until his foot slides under the crook in my leg at my knee. Take a deep breath, Sanaa, before you fall over sick with love.

  “Jiro, if you hadn’t had to go into the family business, what would you have liked to do? You know, like a career. Mark wanted to do farming and hydroponics, as crazy as that sounds.” I had my chance to be an engineer. Designing buildings was all I wanted to do from a young age, and my dreams were taken away. I wonder what Jiro wanted.

  “Oh. I love astronomy. Space flight.” His eyes light up, making my heart flutter.

  “Really? A man of science. I love that. I bet you’re excited for the trip to Yūsei.”

  “It’s all I’ve thought about since I was little. I love drawing and art, but that’s just a hobby. I track the course of stars, the planets here in our solar system, and call up whatever data I can find on the colonization. I wish we had access to more.” He rests his chin on his hand and looks at me. “My mother is into astrology as a hobby. I taught her how to check the positions of all the planets and zodiac constellations, so she can do her predictions and cast a person’s chart.” He rolls his eyes, but astrology sounds interesting. I’ll have to ask her about it someday.

  “That day we went up to the top of Ku 10 was not my first trip outside. Sometimes Sakai takes me up to the outdoor garden during the day when we have important business to discuss. No surveillance. I’ve been up one other time at night to see the stars. The night sky is the most glorious thing I have ever seen.”

  He closes his eyes, and I wonder how clearly he can remember the stars in his head. I think about my one and only time outside, and I want to pass out. I hope it’s not like that for the rest of my life. I wish I could see the night sky and not think it was sucking me out into space.

  Jiro’s tablet pings in his bag, and he checks his messages with a frown.

  “Sanaa-chan, I have to meet with Sakai and my father before getting dressed for the party. Let’s head back to our building. I left Risa with instructions to unpack all of my things in the apartment. I’m sure she’s done by now.”

  Beni stands when we approach her. “Usagi is waiting downstairs.”

  Back at home, Beni follows me inside, and I take a look around. I had never been in Jiro’s apartment before and now his things are in mine… our apartment. But first, I’m pulled to the new art hanging over the couch, the first drawing Jiro ever sent me, the three lanterns swaying in the wind. The illustration is even more detailed and beautiful enlarged and framed. Has he had this forever?

  I stand and stare at every little line, every tiny detail, and it’s so intricate that I press my fingers to my mouth to stop myself from touching it.

  “It’s Jiro-kun’s, ne?” Beni asks, watching me.

  “Yes. It’s the very first drawing he ever sent me.” I love the tassels on the lanterns the most. I’ve spent many hours studying them and imagining them in my head.

  “It’s a house warming gift for you, Sanaa-san. He had it ordered this morning and delivered here while Risa was unpacking.”

  Where does Jiro find the time to be so thoughtful? I’m sure we were not out of each other’s presence for more than an hour this morning, yet, he still managed to have this taken care of too. It’s nice to have staff to do the things we cannot do all on our own. I will have to remember to thank him privately for this later.



  When Jiro comes back later, I get him to come to bed with me.

  “I love the housewarming gift, Jiro. It’s my favorite drawing.” I press his warm body close to mine and force myself to not check the clock. The time is flying, and we need to get ready, but I still can’t believe he’s here. We’re together.

  “I started a new drawing this morning I think you’ll like, but it’s not done yet.” He kisses me, and I close my eyes and sink into the bed, enjoying his light touch on my hips. I’m drunk on too little sleep and actual physical contact with another human being. The time I spent alone in Ku 1 every morning fuzzes in my memory, the distant past, right along with my last visit to the love hotel. It’s been ages since I was treated so nicely.

  “When do you find the time for all of this?”

  “I have boundless energy, remember?”

  “You do. I’m a lucky girl.”

  He leans over and kisses me again, but his movement gives me a full view of the clock. 6:05pm. We are going to be late.

  “Go take a cold shower, love,” I say, pushing him out of the bed.

  As soon as Jiro is in the bathroom, and I’m dressed in my white undergarment, the door chimes and Beni and Mariko are waiting to enter.

  If Mariko knew what we were doing in here only ten minutes ago I would die. She takes one look at me and smiles. Caught. I can’t hide the happy glow.

  “Sanaa-chan.” She steps in and kisses me on the cheek. “I hear my son is living here now.”

  No secrets kept in this family.

  “Yes, Mariko-san, he’s in the shower.” I try not to let my voice crack, but it does. Funny that we never bothered to consult with our families on this, but we’re both too independent to have thought of asking.

  Mariko turns back to me when I don’t move from the door, and her hands come to my face with a smile. “Sanaa-chan, don’t worry. I couldn’t be happier. Both Koichi and I can’t think of anything that would make us more pleased. I only wish we could plan for your engagement as well, but we understand the law. And please call me Mariko.” She gives me another kiss on the cheek, and I close my eyes and lean into her warmth. I need her love and acceptance. Need it. I already miss my aunts.

  “Beni and I were just talking, and she said you’ve made her your jihi.” A blank look must pass over my face because Mariko laughs and puts her arm around me. “Jihi. Lady-in-waiting.”

  “Oh! Right. I told Beni Mark would know all these terms I’m unfamiliar with. I should have asked you.”

  “You can, if you like. I’m only two floors up. I’d be happy to help you with anything, dear. As it is, I’m here to see you, Jiro, and your new place before we all leave for the party.”

  Beni smiles and heads straight for my bedroom. I watch her go and hope the room doesn’t smell like recent sex. She doesn’t say anything if it does. My closet door squeaks open. She’s here to help me get dressed, and though I like her, she’s not Aunt Kimie.

  Mariko walks farther in after removing her shoes, and her eyes immediately go to Jiro’s drawing hanging over the couch. “This is one of my favorites, too.”

  “Hello, mother.” Jiro emerges from the bathroom shirtless but, thankfully for me, wearing pants. “Come by for a visit?”

  “I wanted to find out how you and Sanaa were getting on in your new place.” She walks into the kitchen and opens up each cupboard, nods and murmurs to herself about each one, and then peers in the refrigerator. “I have plenty of extra things in storage for you. I will have someone go down and bring everything up tomorrow morning. Also, Oyama should buy more food for you.”

  I stand and watc
h Mariko inventory the entire apartment. She thinks we need more towels, blankets, another chair, and another lamp as well. She is already the mother-in-law I will never have. I’m about to object when I remember a saying I heard once, “Never look a gift horse in the mouth.” Jiro is her baby. She will always be watching out for us. If only Aunt Kimie and Lomo would come here, too, but moving to Ku 6 meant I will have to go to them.

  I’m displaced all of a sudden, like I’m living someone else’s life instead of my own, and despair fills me from my feet to the crown of my head. Jiro comes over to me and puts his arms around my shoulders from behind. “No worries. She did this to Yoichi as well, but it only happens the one time.”

  “Oh Jiro, I feel like I don’t know who I am or what I’m doing here. My life is so… confusing.”

  “I know, Sanaa. Give it time. You just need some time to get used to the changes. Then it’ll feel like it’s been this way forever.”

  * * * *

  When I arrive at Izakaya Tanaka, all dressed up in my dark green yukata, I’m nervous. A lot of people are in attendance. I should have known. Miko is so damned popular, and Sakai clan is so big. It makes sense they had to shut down the entire restaurant for this party.

  But I’m more nervous that I haven’t told either of my best friends about my life-changing experience yesterday. They will both have to find out eventually, but I don’t want to steal the show from Miko at her own engagement party. Can I just tell Helena tonight and tell Miko later? I’m not sure. Miko may think I don’t value her friendship if I don’t tell her right away.

  We took a cab to get here, and I was on and off the street in less than thirty seconds. I miss walking everywhere already, but now that I travel with Usagi, Jiro, and Beni, I stand out especially with Kazenoho. I refused to leave it behind, and Jiro didn’t object since he was wearing Oninoten.

  The person right inside the door (past Sakai’s security staff, that is. They’re stationed in the street, too) is Helena, of course. Just like New Year’s Eve she has captured the attention of some interested men who love tall blondes wearing yukata. This always happens to her. She turns when the door opens and her face goes straight from elated to utter confusion.


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