Nebula Nights: Love Among The Stars

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Nebula Nights: Love Among The Stars Page 88

by Melisse Aires

  Berenson shook his head. "No sir. But we're working with the IGSF and the IBI. We'll figure it out. We do have one lead. Two of the men were taken from New Seattle. Place called The Flash."

  "Find out who owns it."

  The conference ended with Berenson's promise that Stark would know as soon as there were any breaks in the case. Stark instructed his captains to give the kidnapped men a free voyage home, and treat them like royalty. From the looks on their faces, this would not be a problem.

  Stark called Natan for more coffee and some gesics for the headache that had begun to pound in his temples, and worked on.

  Finally finished with his preparations for his journey, he sat back in his chair, and drank a glass of moon brandy to relax before going to bed. He gazed absently into the glass. The clear amber liquid was the color of Kiri's eyes.

  He thought back to their sex earlier, and found himself grinning as he remembered her indignant words. 'Honestly, Logan Stark. Fall in love with you over good sex? Not gonna happen.' His little cat was nothing if not brutally honest. That was fine with him. He was all too used to women trying to parse out what he wanted to hear and then cooing it in his ear.

  He took another sip, then grimaced as memory soured it on his tongue. The woman he'd wanted first, the one he'd thought would be by his side in his bed and on his arm, had been the mistress of lies. Adora Crest had professed her love for him, and sighed happily as he laid out his dreams of success and wealth.

  He'd reveled in protecting her, her fears made him feel strong. Her longing for material things had made him feel a hero for giving them to her. She'd also nearly drawn him away from his primary responsibility—taking care of his younger brothers.

  In his early twenties, he'd been the oldest, the one responsible for keeping them safe, clothed and fed. The bitch had nearly talked him into leaving them behind. She'd teased him into a hormone-ruled frenzy with her soft arms and glimpses of her perfumed cunt, begging him to cash in his newly successful business and go away with her, somewhere they could be alone together.

  Only when he'd found her in the arms of another man had he been able to see the truth—that she had plans for his money all right, but they didn't include him. She and her lover had planned to take all his credit and disappear.

  The shame of even considering deserting the boys for the whore, heavy as his responsibilities had been for a young man, had nearly killed him. When he'd sobered up from a three-day bender, his brothers had forgiven him and they'd gone on with their lives.

  But it had taken him years to forgive himself. He'd thrown himself into business, vowing he'd never rest until the three of them had so much wealth they would never again be at risk.

  With his powerful sexual drive, he hadn't been able to stay away from women for long, but he'd made sure they knew explicitly that sex was all he wanted from them, and a few expensive gifts were all they could expect from him.

  Yes, Kiri was definitely one of a kind. But her strength, her defiance conversely made him want to tame her. He had to shift in his chair to ease a sudden tightening in his groin at the thought of her sultry beauty, enhanced by pampering and polishing, displayed in one of the exclusive clubs he sometimes frequented. A jeweled collar and the finest lii silk leash, tied to his wrist.

  With a wry twist to his mouth, he drained his brandy and rose from his chair, reaching down to adjust his burgeoning erection in his pants. His imaginings had rendered him unfit for further work.

  Luckily for him, relief was only a room away.

  Chapter 14

  She was in the apartment. The one from long ago, warm and bright despite the dark gloom outside. Her tiny bed cubby enclosed her. Her parents had fixed it for her, under the L of the stairs, so she wouldn't have to share anymore, because she was a big girl. It was full of her favorite things: an old stuffed dog that she'd pretended was real when she was younger, her game console, a painting of red flowers, and the new comforter she'd chosen herself. But despite the cozy place, she lay stiff with terror, her heart pounding. Something was wrong. Noises outside in the apartment. Voices crying out, and light flashing under her door—wrong. All wrong. A heavy thud of something falling against her door.

  She sprang up, scrabbling backward in the bed, her heart pounding, ready to scratch and fight.


  It was Stark, kneeling on the edge of the bed in the lamplight. He was nude, his broad shoulders and lean frame a powerful shadow between her and the lamp.

  "All right?" he asked quietly.

  She collapsed in the pillows with groan of relief, one hand to her chest, where her heart still pounded. "Quark, you scared me. I thought—" She hadn't thought, she'd reacted as if she were back in her apartment, only partially secure from intrusion. Remnants of a nightmare slid through her mind and disappeared under his steady gaze.

  He nodded. He'd showered and shaved. His jaw, limned in gold as he turned his head, was smooth and he smelled of his special lotion. She let her gaze drop down over his bare body, a thrill of awareness slicking through her. His cock was erect, thrusting out stiffly from his lean thighs. Her pussy quivered with recognition and desire. He wanted her again.

  "I'm leaving in an hour," he told her. "I'd very much like to fuck you before I go."

  "You're leaving?" She sucked her bottom lip in and let it slide back between her teeth. Shyness seized her, and instead of answering she pushed the covers back in silent invitation. "You haven't even been to bed."

  "I'll sleep on the cruiser. And I'll only be gone for two days." He cupped one hand around her knee and pulled her leg up toward him, opening her thighs. Then he moved between them and pushed her nightgown up, baring her from the waist down.

  Kiri reached to pull the tissue thin gown the rest of the way up, and he shook his head, his gaze on her breasts under the thin lii silk. "Leave it," he murmured. He bent his head and used his teeth carefully on her, nipping at her protruding nipples through the thin silk. His fingers were already stroking deftly between her legs and drawing her wetness out to sleek her entrance for him.

  She whimpered at the rush of sensation, and he lifted his head to watch as he petted her, his firm fingertip circling the swollen bud of her clitoris. "Mm, I like the gown just this way. It accentuates your pretty cunt."

  He looked up to watch her expression as he fucked her with his fingers. "I'll have a toy made just for you, with a gold chain that will trail up across your mons and connect to a belt that I can tug very gently whenever I want your ... complete attention."

  He had her attention now. And she was so twisted to even listen to his wicked promises. As if she'd ever let him do something like that.

  He bent to kiss her, smiling against her mouth. "Oh, kitten, your face is so expressive. Such longing, such uncertainty. Now come for me."

  She was appalled to discover she couldn't help doing so. She clutched at his broad shoulders, his skin hot and smooth under her hands as she convulsed around his fingers.

  He made a sound of approval as he levered himself between her thighs. He thrust his cock into her still spasming channel, and Kiri cried out in ecstasy at the sudden sensation of fullness.

  "Ah, that's right," he groaned, shuddering as she enveloped his length. "Squeeze me, kitten, hard as you can. So good."

  Kiri curved up to meet him. His very sureness made him irresistible as he filled her with himself, taking his pleasure with swift thrusts. She slid her hands up across his broad, muscled back and held him close, reveling in his hard weight over her, his need for her. Then her own body took over as his cock moving inside her ignited a deep, desperate need to come again around him.

  "Do you want this?" He slid one hand under her bottom and held her there for his deepening strokes.

  "Yes." She wrapped her leg around his tight, flexing ass to pull herself up against him.

  "That's right," he approved. "I can feel your cunt squeezing me."

  He watched her, his face taut with passion. "Helpless against the
pleasure, aren't you, little cat?"

  "Yes," Kiri groaned as she gave into the dark waves of pleasure rolling through her. "Oh, Logan."

  He stiffened in her arms, heat pulsing into her, but continued to move for a long time, with slow, languid strokes. Her body clasped him with little aftershocks of pleasure.

  He dropped a kiss on her lips. "That was good. Thank you."

  But when he moved off of her, he leaned on his elbow, his hand on the plane of her belly. His face had that relaxed look she liked so much, a flush over his hard cheekbones, a dew of perspiration on his skin.

  "I'll speak with you again later today," he told her. "Via holovid."

  "Where are you going?"

  "To New Asia, on business. While I'm gone, I want you to get your business in order for someone else to run."

  "What? I'll be working it."

  "Kitten, my next trip is to Frontiera, and I'll be gone for nearly two weeks. I'll want you with me."

  Kiri squirmed uneasily, although it was hard to worry too much while she was lying against him, his hand on her.

  "Logan, I hate flying. Rather have my feet on the ground. Around the city is okay, but deep space? Ugh. No thanks. I'll stay here and work while you're gone."

  She had so much to do. Use his loan to improve her kiosk and find a new apartment. Better get going on that before this thing between them fizzled. Although right now he certainly showed no signs of boredom. She looked him over for the sheer pleasure of it, letting the back of her fingers trail over the smooth skin of his ribs.

  Not that she wanted him to be gone, either. "Why do you have to go, anyway? Can't you just run all your businesses via holovid conferences?"

  "Because my brothers are there. I'll visit them while I'm on planet."

  That she could understand. She just wished they were on this planet. Deep space, ugh.

  "Space travel is quite safe," he told her. "Especially on one of my ships."

  "Oh, don't think much of yourself, do you?" she teased. But she eyed him with a tinge of awe. He owned a quarking cruise line.

  "Simple fact. I pay for the best, and I get it. And you'll come with me, because you're going to miss me the next few days."

  "I'll be much too busy." She stroked her fingers up through the mat of hair on his chest.

  He stroked his hand up under her nightie, cupping her breast, swiping his thumb over her nipple. She lifted into his touch, silently asking for more, and he gave it to her, petting her.

  "Leave some time for shopping. I've asked Haassea to choose a wardrobe for you. You'll have final approval, but you're going to need evening wear as well as some travel kit."

  He was hard to deter, but she was just as stubborn. "I don't need any more clothing. How about a new coffee machine instead?"

  He shook his head, his eyes on his hand as he moved it to fondle her other breast. "We can discuss that later. Not interested in gowns? I should have known. Hmm, perhaps we'll stop off at a certain resort I know on Serpentia. They specialize in the training of naughty mistresses."

  She eyed him with a frisson of alarm."That's just another reason to stay here."

  He chuckled. "We'll see. They teach a lover how to accept certain activities for a master's pleasure and how to use certain … toys." Then he slid his hand down where his cock had been and smiled at her.

  "You're not my master, and I already came twice," she told him. Didn't come out quite as authoritative as she'd hoped, though. She'd work on that, just as soon as he was finished.

  He shook his head chidingly. "You'll orgasm as many times as I want you to. And I like touching you when you're soft and wet with my cum."

  He stroked her clitoris with a light, teasing touch, and despite her recent satisfaction it felt starry. She loved having his hands on her, and if he wanted to give her another of those cataclysms of pleasure, she wasn't going to say no.

  His eyes narrowed. "And now I believe you'd like to come ... wouldn't you?"

  Kiri nodded helplessly as pleasure tightened under his expert touch.

  "Now, little cat," he said and watched her as she came apart.

  Then he kissed her goodbye. In a haze of Stark-induced languor, she slipped her arms around him and held on to him, nuzzling her face into his neck, inhaling his scent. His arm tightened, and for a moment he held her close, skin to skin, his heart beating against hers.

  But when she was close to slipping back into sleep, he pulled away and slid out of bed. He pulled the covers up over her, and traced his fingertips over the curve of her cheek. "Stay out of trouble while I'm gone, hmm?"

  "Mm-hmm." She turned into the pillows, her body so relaxed she was sure she'd go back to sleep. "Bye, Logan."

  "Goodbye, kitten."

  Instead of going back to sleep, Kiri lay wide awake, wondering uneasily what it would be like to have some faceless being instruct her in pleasing Stark.

  * * *

  Stark was gone when she woke again. A gentle chime sounded again, and Kiri sat up, looking around groggily. A small comlink perched on the pillow next to hers. She leaned on one elbow to pick it up and clicked it on.

  "Good morning," Stark said, his face and shoulders appearing in a small holovid above the link. He looked fresh and rested, clad in one of his dark gray business suits. He lifted a cerametal mug to his lips and drank, steam rising around his face.

  "Where are you?" she asked sleepily.

  "On the way to rendezvous with one of my smaller ships, Arcturus. She'll take me the rest of the way to New Asia."

  She yawned, pushing the covers away and stretching. He watched her over his cup and she remembered she wore the wispy, clinging nightgown. She leaned on her elbow, letting one strap fall from her shoulder, enjoying the power of knowing he liked the way she looked.

  However, speaking of his ships reminded her he'd soon be going on a much longer trip.

  "What ship will you take to Frontiera?"

  "The Orion, my flagship. You'll enjoy meeting the captain and crew commanders. They're a fascinating bunch. We'll land in Frontiera City, which is where people dress for the evening."

  She wondered what the city looked like. Dark and dirty like New Seattle, or clean and fresh? She'd look it up on the holovids, but that was all, because she was staying right here with both feet on planet. The deep black void of space, ugh. Not for her, even with him at her side. "Will you stay there, or go on into the wild lands?"

  "I've meetings with the mayor-potentate and a few of my business associates. There will be parties. Stone Masterson's wife enjoys entertaining and she has many … friends."

  Including women, she realized, jealousy flaring. And they'd all be maneuvering to be beside him, because no matter where he went, he would be the biggest catch. And she wouldn't be there to guard him.

  "How about in New Asia?" she asked, frowning.

  He gave her a gleaming look over his mug. "Oh, the entertainments there are spectacular. Dancing girls and flesh shows abound."

  "Will you go to those?"

  He shrugged. "You could be with me."

  The bastard, he was playing her. She mimicked his casual shrug. "I'll be so busy, I'll hardly know you're gone. But enjoy your socializing. I expect I'll be out myself."

  "Rak will be glad to take you anywhere you'd like to go," he said agreeably. "And provide security while you're there."

  Including fending off any males who got too close. She opened her mouth to tell him what he could do with that suggestion and then remembered that she was in his bed and for the moment, living on his largesse. She settled for raising her brows.

  "You think I need security when I go out? I've been on my own for years."

  His jaw set. "The city isn't safe. You're with me now, and you'll have one of my men with you when you're out. Not negotiable, Kiri."

  "Perhaps I'll have a talk with Opal," she muttered. "And ask her to do the same for you."

  "I can look after myself," he reminded her, his gaze softening. "Do you like your new co

  She examined the small device. It was made of some semi-precious alloy that looked like it should be in a jewel shop. "It's lovely. Thank you." Maybe he'd let her keep it.

  "Amber from Serpentia. See the earpiece on the side? You can have it surgically attached if you like."

  Kiri found the small earpiece. Embedded with diamonds, it did look like expensive jewelry. "Really?"

  "It's yours, Kiri."

  She smiled at him, wishing she wasn't all sleep rumpled. "Thank you."

  "Just see that you keep it with you at all times."

  She nodded. For security, that was wise. Hers was a cheap one with holish reception half the time. She'd be happy to transfer her info to this one. "Have you another work station I could use?"

  "Yes. Natan will show you." He looked away, as if someone else had arrived. "Don't be late for your spa day," he said, and the hololink winked out.

  "Yes, master," she muttered, wrinkling her nose.

  Then she grinned to herself and hopped out of bed. She wouldn't mind a spa day. Never had one.

  Chapter 15

  Kiri would have liked to order some coffee first, but when she used her new comlink to contact Illyrian Bean, her coffee supplier, her usual sales person was not available. Kiri left a message.

  She exited Stark's penthouse to find a pilot waiting at the end of the loading podway. A short, stocky man, his fit, wrestler's build belied his short, silver hair and the wrinkles on his face.

  He eyed Kiri with what looked like suspicion as she approached him. She sighed inwardly. He was probably used to the high-society women Stark usually squired about.

  After ordering her coffee, she'd succumbed to the temptation to research Stark on the web, and she was feeling profoundly uneasy after seeing the beautiful, big-busted women who paraded through the holovids on Stark's arm. None of them resembled her, that was for sure.

  She'd been overawed by the ornate surroundings of the gatherings, too, and recognized several famous faces among the people who fawned over Stark, or at least greeted him as an equal. Singers and holovid stars as well as government officials.


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