Nebula Nights: Love Among The Stars

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Nebula Nights: Love Among The Stars Page 108

by Melisse Aires

  He chuckled realizing how little she would know. ~Yea yea, just don’t do it again. Too many of those will ruin my reputation with the fleet.~

  She blushed deeper and looked out her window to gaze upon the fields around her home. It was as if somehow it kept her from realizing what she’d done, or further embarrassing herself across light years. Naturally, it didn’t. Instead, she stared at her hands, and fidgeted.

  He focused until he was able to reconnect his link with her, and then commented, ~Nice stars. You should always sleep beneath them. Anything less would not be safe for you. You talk like your masters are nice people, so you should make every possible effort to stay there.~

  ~My family is nice. They have educated me, provided me a home, food and for my family. Well… they did until mom died. I couldn’t ask for better masters. They follow Xenonian slave law and much more. For that, I am grateful.~

  ~Then why did you just say you wanted to leave?~ Yatrell could telepathically hear his roommates returning, so he got up, and grabbed his clothing. He dressed quickly before stretching out on the bed again.

  ~There is this man. He -~ She was cut off by laughter from Yatrell. Annoyed, she projected along the link, ~Why do you find this funny!? Who do you think you are? Some kind of romantic hero? You can’t even let a woman finish what she was going to say and you find the idea entertaining. You know nothing about him!~

  This protest only made him laugh more. ~Anything that starts with ‘there is this man’ always has a bad ending. Just drop it Kala. I have seen how little petty things like love actually matter in this universe. If he didn’t have it to purchase you, then he doesn’t have it to provide and tend to your needs. Just drop it.~ He paused to let his roommates into the room. Both of them gave him an odd look as they entered, but neither were bold enough to ask. ~Oh, and no, I’m by no means a romantic hero, just not weak minded enough to believe in that kind of thing either. And you’re no woman either. A girl, yes, but a woman? No, not by a long shot.~

  He cut his link with her off after that comment, giving her no time to respond, or so he believed.

  She focused past his initial cut off and pushed back into his mind, using great effort, ~How dare you speak of things you know nothing about!~

  Infuriated, Kala stepped out of his mind, and quickly fell asleep. It wasn’t until the next morning she realized that her efforts to reach him without a mutual link, that had drained her completely and she needed the sleep to recover. This was her first lesson in the give and take of her ability.


  Several weeks later, Yatrell sat in the weapons locker, cleaning the remainder of the weapons cache. The new assignment had him in there for hours after every battle now, and this day was no different. He left his own for last. As he pulled the older style projectile weapon from his holster, Anara walked in with dinner.

  He looked up at her, “Hu… Thanks for the plate.”

  Anara placed the plate next to where he was working, “You’re welcome. Even our faithful leader needs to eat.” She chuckled, and picked at a piece of bread she brought back for herself. “Someone needs to make sure you’re ok.”

  “Eh… I’m fine.” He pulled a piece of bread from the plate and dipped it in the gravy then took a bite. His face curled up when he did and he looked up at her, “Who pissed off cook today?”

  Anara chortled, “I’m not the one who hears everything. You tell me.”

  “Yea.” He took another bite then returned to his weapon. “Just because I can’t shut it out doesn’t mean I can make sense of every voice in my head at the same time. I have to focus to make sense of what I do hear, or hear the loudest.” He took apart every section of the firearm, and began to clean it, grabbing part of the meal as he worked. Anara stood nearby draped in silence for several long moments before he spoke up again, “You and I have been through that already. I’m not interested in anyone as a steady bed mate.” He met her steady gaze, “Especially when you have so many other active options at a given moment.”

  Anara rolled her eyes, “I hate it when you get in my head like that. And you have needs that should be addressed, too, Yatrell. You’re only Dentonian, and a man.” She smirked, “I know how to handle that very well.”

  He shook his head, annoyed she considered approaching this again. After a moment he returned his focus to work and dinner, “I’ll see you back on quarters deck.”

  With that, he firmly ignored her until she finally left. Once she was gone, his focus was on the weapon, but gradually realized the room felt very quiet. He sat up a bit and closed his eyes. He focused on hearing the voice from a distance again. He found his concentration was tested by a minor alarm going off in the room.

  He stood, crossed the room to shut it down and then double checked the ship’s systems. Once he was satisfied that it was a passive alarm he returned to cleaning his weapon and putting it back together. When he felt the telepathic connection come alive, he was upset by the desperation in her tone.

  He projected to her, ~What’s wrong Kala?~

  Through their connection, he sensed her distress.

  Kala stared at the men in the room. Sensing discomfort and deceit, she tried to speak up for herself but was muted by her master. When she heard Yatrell’s voice in her head, she placed her hand on the bridge of her nose and spoke to her master.

  “Master, it appears the details do not require me. My head is aching. May I return to my room while you finish?”

  Her master agreed to allow it. She stood from her place, and left the parlor. She walked to the back of the house, and into her room before responding to Yatrell.

  ~I’m being sold.~

  A sly smile crossed his face, and he projected, ~Sold. Isn’t that what you wanted? Some young man to buy your freedom or ownership to his home and hearts?~ Yatrell laughed to himself, and pulled another weapon from his personal armaments to clean.

  ~It’s not that kind of sale. They are presenting it as such, but that isn’t it.~ She projected to him as she began to pack a small bag of all her personal belongings.

  ~Oh? What makes you think it’s anything else?~ He examined his knife, and started to clean blood from the blade.

  ~A few days before they first approached my master, someone I’ve never heard before, projected to me. They knew I’d hear it and receive it. It made me instantly uncomfortable and I know one of the men downstairs is the one who did it. I don’t even know how they knew. I wasn’t… I mean, I didn’t project or … anything to them or anyone else. I … was just …..~

  She looked around the room, afraid of what was about to become of her. ~Yatrell, I don’t know what they are hiding. I… I… tried to read their minds.~

  She cringed at the invasive thought. ~Someone is preventing me from it. I don’t think they know I’m also empathic because I can still feel them clearly, or maybe they just can’t block that. Either way, they’re being deceitful. ~

  ~Whooaa… They know you’re a telepath? You’ve never told anyone else that you are and they projected to you?~

  He stopped what he was doing, and frowned, considering the possible implications. If she were attached to the military, or among soldiers in some other manner, he would have been more concerned. She was on the only planet in this are of the star system not directly attacked through the course of the war. He dismissed the obvious concerns.

  ~Can you trust your empathy?~

  ~Yes. Without question.~ She sat down on the bed and held her hands together, ~I just wish I knew what they really wanted with me.~

  He thought about this for several moments before responding casually, ~I’m sure your master wouldn’t let you go to a bad situation. You speak well of her and your family. You’ll be fine. ~

  He heard another alarm, this time one that indicated an incoming attack. ~Kala, I’ve to go. I’ll check in again soon. When I do, you’ll tell me all about your new baby on the way, I’m sure.~

  He cut connection, and this time he threw up a block to prevent her fro
m listening to the attack.


  She sat on the bed in her room on Xenonia with a sinking feeling. She knew that nothing about this transaction felt right. Nothing about the timing felt legitimate. She wasn’t sure why they were deceiving her or her master, but she knew these men were not being honest about their motives. She also knew they convinced her master of the false intent, and there was nothing she could do now. She was going to be sold. She just didn’t know what would happen once it occured.

  After several hours her master’s eldest daughter was sent to collect her. “Kala, your new husband to be is awaiting you.” She smiled warmly at her.

  Kala nodded solemly, “Yes, Mysteria. I’m coming.”

  She stood, grabbed her bag and followed the girl out of the room to the front hall. The family said their good-byes, and Kala followed her new owner from the home she was raised in. Her hearts rhythm thumped her trepidation as she turned back to gaze upon the home one more time. The moment she stepped into the transport, and the door was secured, Kala visibly shuddered.

  The older of the two men chuckled, “Don’t worry Kala, you’re not getting married. We just had to keep that our little secret in there.”

  She blinked and looked at him. Her eyes then fell upon the younger man. Sensing their protective shells dispersing, she briefly read their minds. “I… you want me to what? Master Andor said war would never come to Xenonia!”

  The younger man placed a reassuring hand on hers, and looked into her eyes before he projected, ~It won’t. With your help and the help of others like us, we will protect our people.~

  She pulled her hand back fast, eyes tearing up remembering all she had heard from the Dentonian, “I… I don’t want to go to war. I don’t… I’m not ready for that. I can’t be. No.”

  She folded her arms across her chest.

  The older man laughed with amusement. “Don’t worry Kala, you won’t see battle before you’re properly trained in all areas needed.”

  Hesitantly, she asked, “Who owns me?”

  The younger gentlemen glanced at his associate. “Legally, he does.”

  The elder man addressed Kala directly. “We’ll discuss that further in time. Laws are laws and we’ll get that sorted as needed.”

  Silence enveloped her throughout the entire ride. Hours passed as they traveled across the countryside. The other telepath attempted to speak with her, mind to mind, but she ignored him. By the time they arrived at the shipyard, the suns had gone down over the horizon. The transport came to a stop outside a large metal wall.

  She was asked to get out. Once she stood next to her new owner, and the other telepath, the transport drove off the way it came. She followed the men through a door in the wall. As she crossed into the shipyard she looked above and around. Kala marveled at the wondrous activity that unfolded. Amazed by vast construction yard set against the beauty of the night sky, she slowed her pace, taking in all she could. Kala remained in awe of the sights until a large ship boarding ramp sprawled out at her feet.

  “Come on now, Kala, it’s just a starship.” The older man smiled and ushered her forward. “Quarters are already being prepared for you among the other psionic trainees.”

  She stared her new master and followed his instructions. As they walked, she listened to him explain what was expected of her with regard to the starship and training. She learned the other man was one of her training advisors as they walked through the halls of the great ship. When they arrived at a more dimly lit corridor, she was told to listen carefully. She closed her eyes and did as she was instructed, allowing the minds around her to flow through her. She noted only four other individual minds nearby.

  ~There aren’t many people here.~ Her projection was heard by her master and her trainer clearly.

  Her trainer smiled, “Good, Kala. You can hear well. Now, step forward into the corridor some paces please. Maybe halfway.”

  She looked at him for a moment. Sensing that he had no ill intention, she complied. As she reached about halfway down the hall, her mind and empathy fell silent. She panicked. She turned to face them with tears welling, fear taking hold, and in desperation she tried to reach them telepathically. She heard and felt nothing, except her own panic and fear. Tears poured out of her green eyes as she made eye contact with her trainer.

  Seeing how uncomfortable she was, his gentle voice explained, “That is a hall shielded for our own peace of mind. It allows you to hear nothing for as long as you wish. It is also our place to rest. Telelpaths are all assigned to quarters in this section. Any other psionic ability is assigned elsewhere.” He gestured for her to return to them.

  Approaching the pair again, she looked into her trainer’s eyes, her own full of discomfort and fear, “How do you function without hearing anything?” She looked at her new owner and spoke, “How am I expected to sleep where I am unable to hear?” Her answer crept into his mind. Before he spoke, she knew the answer and turned from him in shame. “I didn’t ask to be a telepath.”

  Her trainer gently projected, ~We are here to do great things, Kala. You will find the peace and quiet will become welcomed and needed when you are training.~

  She just nodded and accepted his words, then followed him to a common room in the center of the halls designated for telepaths. There was a full kitchenette and several tables. Along the wall to one side, she saw several bookshelves with archaic books and disks. Along the wall near her she noted several computer terminals, and a variety of other interfaces that she was unfamiliar with.

  Her master approached a young man at one of the terminals and spoke to him quietly before he stood and walked out through a door opposite to them. When her master returned to her and the trainer, he gestured toward a pile of items on a table near the door the young man left through.

  “Kala, those are your uniforms, data tablets and other required devices. You may take those when you go to your room.”

  She acknowledged him, but remained silent. They proceeded to explain that she would be restricted to these halls when she was not actively training. It was also explained that her assignment to the ship required she keep her communication device on her at all times. She was then given several specific expectations of her actions and conduct.

  When her master and trainer had finished explaining what they believed she needed to know she asked one question of her master, “As master, what are my duties to you now? How do I repay the family debt?”

  The older man chuckled, “Your duties will come in time. Right now we need you to focus on your task at hand. That’s training and learning to use your abilities like a skill. I’ll send for you if you’re needed in other duties. Only as applicable of the contract reached with your previous master.”

  She nodded and he said good night to her and then left the telepathic halls.

  Her trainer waited until her master was gone then turned to Kala, “He clearly has comfort issues with his duty to recruit psionics. You were a slave. He believed your purchase was the best choice in this matter.” He assessed his new pupil momentarily. “I would have to say that he was correct. You’d not have come otherwise, would you?”

  Kala said nothing, just looked at him, feeling scared and sad.

  “Well, let’s get you settled into your room. Lights out isn’t for another few hours so you can get to meet others on our team.”

  He walked with her to collect her assigned items from the table. Together they walked down the dimly lit hall and into assigned quarters. Passing several doors before stopping, the trainer turned to her, “You have a roommate. She is a dynamic young woman but by no means does she have your natural ability or level of potential. What you will find with her, is a level of experience few others have.”

  He paused and stared at Kala, “You have no idea what you’re capable of, do you?” When she didn’t respond he continued, “From the varied, and intense impressions you give me, no one on this ship has your potential. It’s up to you to reach it. I’d be hard-presse
d to find someone who could give me the perception of natural resources you do anywhere in this universe. “

  Bewildered she responded softly, “Ok.”

  He punched in a code and the door slid open. Inside was a woman, older than Kala but not nearly the age of her master or trainer. She stood several inches taller than Kala and her blonde hair was pulled back behind her head in a neat twist. Her features were defined and her eyes danced with blue shades. Her uniform was a simple grey jumpsuit with minimal markings. On her feet, she wore basic black boots, laced to the ankle. Kala could sense confidence in her.

  She looked over at Kala and smiled, “Hey, you’re the new girl?” Kala nodded. She continued to work at the panel she was standing by. “Well, welcome to Blackout Corners, home of the rejected, neglected and attacked telepath, at least on this ship.”

  “Henessa!” the trainer snapped at her. “Kala’s going through enough. You know what the first couple of days without your abilities are like.”

  “Yep, Mr. P., I know. “ Henessa laughed and finished her task, then walked to Kala, “Hey, you’ll be fine. I have a gift for you.”

  She shot the trainer a look that he acknowledged before he left. Henessa walked to her nightstand and gestured that Kala should follow. Opening the drawer she pulled out a small completely clear stone.

  Handing the stone to Kala, Henessa explained, “This stone is a listening stone. My adopted people, a small native tribe on Trax Beta, sent me several. I was with them for a year or so as a small child. Anyway, the normal crew has no idea what they do, so I spoke up until they were made a requirement for us. This field is too uncomfortable, but as long as you have the stone, you can hear us all clearly.

  “You won’t hear anything beyond this barrier, just us. Only a few trainers have some. Just aren’t ‘nuff for all. That, and the rest of the crew would be upset if they ever knew what this could do.” She picked up her own stone and showed Kala how to hold them. “What’s your name again? I’m bad with those.”


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