Nebula Nights: Love Among The Stars

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Nebula Nights: Love Among The Stars Page 135

by Melisse Aires

  Henessa laughed, and looked at Kala once she was standing again. “That depends.”

  Kala’s curious expression covered her face. “On what?”

  “On whether or not you’re able to stand, long enough, to bleed our hands.” Henessa’s excitement was obvious in her expression. “Merx suggested we ask you, for a couple of reasons. He said it would be the least painful bonding ceremony ever performed, and for some reason he thinks you and I are good friends or something.” She laughed.

  Maddux chuckled, and Kala couldn’t hold back from laughing, either. “I can’t imagine what gave him that idea.” Then she calmed herself for a moment. “I’ll be sure I’m ready by dinner time.” Her face shifted. “Ah, which tradition are you following?”

  “Palrion said we can’t have a proper psionic openness wedding. We’re on a starship. Evidently there’s some kind of protocol on that one.” Henessa looked down at Rouen on the chair. “You’re going to tie the bonds right?”

  Surprised, he looked up at Henessa and his face flushed. “Ah, if you’d like me to, yes.”

  “Good. Now, have you finished filling her in on how her spectacular leadership saved lives on both sides of the battle with the Cybernetics?” Henessa spoke with pride evident in her tone.

  Rouen shook his head. “No. I was just getting around to that before you presented your good news. Which, by the way, it’s about time you two finally formalized that bond of yours.” Henessa’s features further lit up with delight, and she remained in a quiet joy when Maddux turned to Kala. “I’d like you to be aware that not one of our people were injured beyond taxing their psionic abilities. Evidently you injured yourself more than anyone else, and that skillful tactic set up by you, Cyrin and Sira worked well to get the people out of the hospital before we blew it up. You did really good down there, Commander.” Maddux smiled. “It would be an honor to follow you into battle again sometime.”

  Kala laughed, both from relief that everything worked and from the calm happiness of the moment. “I’m pleased to hear that, Commander. When will we return to the fleet?”

  “We should be back there by midday tomorrow. Evidently, without knowing the real reason why, they were given orders to move in this direction some time ago.” Maddux stared down at his hands for a brief moment, and Kala felt his emotions shift. “But that’s another day. We’ll address it when we get there.” He smiled. “We have a celebration tonight. Dress uniforms?”

  Henessa laughed. “Well, the bride and groom will be in the traditional draping attire. And I plan to be out of the draping the first chance I get. I’ve waited years for this man.” She laughed again, and flushed slightly. “I’m so happy Palrion will be performing the ceremony.” She reached for Kala’s hand. “As you have become like my sister, I wouldn’t want anyone else to stand for our unification.”

  “I’m honored to do so.” Kala found herself blinking back tears as she smiled with Henessa “Well, that means we only have a few hours. We should do something to prepare, right? Don’t I need a dagger, or a knife, or something sharp?”

  Rouen chuckled. “I have something that might work, but I’d bet Zaren would have something more ceremonial. It would fit the tradition of his tribe.”

  “Alright, well, both of you out. I need to shower, and Henessa you need to prepare. Do you have a separate room? No, get your garb and get back here. You know the code.” Kala started to urge her friends out of the room, and carefully took her steps back to shower to prepare to pay Zaren a visit. As she finished her shower and dressed in the most attractive and comfortable clothing she had, she gently reached out.

  ~Zaren, are you available?~

  Standing near his small corner of the Hydroponics lab, Zaren spoke out loud, as if to his plants, “I can be, Commander. To what do I owe your interest?”

  Kala smiled as she stepped out of her quarters, and headed for Hydroponics. She projected to him. ~Henessa and Merx are finally going to make it formal.~

  “Ah, that is a delightful reason for us to talk. You will need some tree remnants and herbs to light their fire with?” Zaren turned his attention to a collection container next to him.

  ~Yes and the sweet smells to add to the fire for the pleasantries. We’ll also need the knife, although Nessa would use one of her own daggers if needed. Rouen as well. He suggested you may, at least have something of ceremonial significance.~

  Kala stepped on the lift, and indicated her destination. As it descended into the lower levels of the Enpassant, Kala and Zaren discussed options and needs for the ceremony. By the time she stepped off the lift, and she caught up with him in the Hydroponics lab, he greeted her with a container full of items to burn.

  Her eyes lit up with excitement. ~This is everything?~

  He laughed gently. His deep voice seemed to sing a song as he spoke. “Yes, my friend. The sweet smell of the embers will welcome the new life in comfort.” He gestured to the soil growth room across the hall. “It is all there. Now, let’s get the blade. I have several, as I mentioned, but none that I posses are the one traditionally applied to this ceremony.”

  Carrying the container out of the Hydroponics lab, she smiled,.“Under the circumstances, that’s fine. Things will have to adjust. Henessa is in my room right now getting ready. I know that Merx had imagined doing this with Phil tying their hands, but I think, at this point, he’s just happy to finally be doing it.”

  Zaren nodded as they continued toward the lift. “We should hurry. It would be unfortunate if we were unable to prepare the room prior to welcoming the bride and her groom.”

  He picked up his pace, and Kala followed. The lift ascended to their destination as both silently began to consider the additional items needed in preparation for the ceremony. They stepped off the lift, and walked three doors down on the left.

  “I believe the sharpest blade I have is one I also have duplicates of. It is the infinity blade. It is gifted to parents when a child is born to the Tauwin tribes. When the child comes of age, his parents give him his infinity blade as a reminder of his part in the infinite circle of life.”

  Kala’s curiosity struck her as she walked into the living room. “Why do you have two?” As soon as the words left her lips, she felt regret. She could sense his loss and pain.

  “My son was gifted his by a local craftsman upon his birth. The blade is sharp, and I would be honored to gift it to Merx and Henessa at this, the start of their new life.”

  Zaren opened a small ebony colored box with carvings on the top, and smaller ones engraved inside. Inside, were two daggers not more than a hand length in the blade and a comfortable grip in the hilt. When he pulled out one wrapped in a white cloth, he presented it to Kala for inspection.

  Kala looked it over carefully. Her finger traced the symbol etched into the blade itself. The unbreaking circle was repeated again in the hilt, and on the other side of the blade. She then wrapped the blade in the white cloth once again.

  “It is beautiful Zaren. I’m confident they will be grateful for your gift.” She paused for a long uncomfortable moment before adding, “I’m deeply sorry for your loss.”

  “He was a good child, and his mother a warrior unlike any other. She defended him well, until the end. A Tauwin warrior couldn’t have asked a better death. In time, I hope I meet as fitting an end.” Zaren bowed his head slightly. “That day is not today. Today is a day of joy and celebration. The setting of one life, and the rising of a new.” He smiled warmly.

  Kala gently added, “Their brand will be the unbreakable symbol of life. How fitting for these two.” Her smile matched his.

  Together, they ventured first to the medical facility to get a cleanser. Although Zaren was confident that it was clean, Kala wanted to be certain it was also sanitary for the ceremony. Once the blade was cleansed, Kala and Zaren stopped to meet Sira who had a long blue scarf to offer for the ceremony.

  “Kala, are they finally going to do this?” Sira looked at her, almost uncertain.

ala laughed, and Zaren smiled. “Yes, Sira. They are finally going to do this.” She spoke with a softness in her voice that would warm anyone near.

  “Good. I’m tired of his bellyaching they weren’t already wed!” Sira laughed. Her laugh was so infectious that even Zaren found it hard not to laugh with her. When Sira extended the scarf, and offered it to Kala. “I don’t know how tight this will bring them, or how close it will hold their palms, but if this isn’t good enough, I have animal twine too. That will absolutely make sure the bleeding stays between the hands.”

  Zaren arched an eyebrow , a smile hinting at the corner of his mouth. Sira caught his reaction. “You really don’t want to know why. Well, not now anyway.” Zaren chuckled and allowed the subject to drop. Sira turned back to Kala with a smile, “I’ll be there to light the embers. Please tell them the scarf is theirs for their union. My grandmother gave that to me when she was still alive. She used it for her bonding ceremony and hoped I would one day as well. It’s fitting that it will be used by two so completely in love.”

  Looking at the soft blue scarf in her hand, and thinking about the small blade as well, Kala knew, although it was a quick ceremony to organize, it would not lack in meaning. “Come, we should prepare the room.”

  “I’ll be along in a bit. Since this is semi-formal attire, I should prepare accordingly.” Sira tugged on her uniform jacket.

  “Of course. We’ll see you at the ceremony.”

  Kala and Zaren left Sira at her quarters and moved quickly toward the conference room on the second deck. Once they were inside, Zaren took a moment to prepare the entrance ways in a Tauwin tradition, and Kala found a metal bowl left for them on the table. Looking around the room she found a small metal stand, and she placed the bowl on it and she parted the various bark and herbs. She then moved with the only herbs of color, and placed them in the open area of the room. She gauged a circle large enough to hold them both, and layered the floor to fill in that circle. Then Zaren brought her a small table for the center. Upon it, they placed the bowl with the bark and herbs, the blue scarf to the left, and the infinity blade to the right.

  Cyrin was the first guest to enter the room. She brought a dish with her. “Hey, I know this is after dinner, but let’s be real. Dinner is right now, and most of our team is still getting dressed. So Keydra and I prepared some celebratory meals. Nothing like we might do back home, but at least we can contribute.”

  “I am confident the gesture will be appreciated.” Zaren spoke with warmth in his tone.

  “Just put the plate or other food near Palrion’s seat. We don’t want the good smell to interrupt the ceremony.” Kala smiled as she reviewed her handy work. “I think this will work. What do you think, Zaren?”

  He looked over the circle of flowers and herbs, and at the placement of the small table and the items on it. “I think it is exactly as it should be.”

  Kala’s smiled grew wider. “I’m happy to hear that. Now, I think I’m going to sit down. I don’t want to overtire myself so quickly before the ceremony.” She took the nearest seat, and smiled as she could feel the warmth of the team as each one entered the room.

  Keydra brought with her a small rolling tray full of festive dishes. Kei and Cyrin helped her set the far end of the conference table. Rouen brought a bottle of celebratory drink, and placed it among the food, before inspecting the ceremonial area with approval. Sira entered in her dress uniform, and walked to the bowl to light the fire and embers for the ceremony before joining everyone else.

  Finally, Captain Dak Palrion entered the room. He wore a dark over tunic that extended to his knees and fit snugly across his shoulders. The pants matched the color of the natural reds and brown of Xenonian soil. He smiled warmly and Kala could sense his excitement. He walked to the ceremonial setting, and gazed at her. Without a spoken word, he commended her for creating the ideal situation for the ceremony.

  Taking several moments amongst themselves, the senior staff anxiously visited and discussed the couple. Each one reflected on their first impression of the two together, including Palrion, who told a story about the pair in the cave settlements on Xenonian’s Trax Beta. He explained that he first met them huddling together by a large stone near the cave’s water source. He had sensed the psionic presence the moment the military entered the cave, but he waited for the team he was assigned to, to move off before he approached them. He explained how Merx all but hid behind Henessa through the conversation. He also explained that even then, he knew they were meant for each other, and this delighted him to be able to perform their ceremony.

  The room fell silent when Dak smiled with a warmth all could feel. “It is with great pleasure, my last significant act as Captain is to oversee the bond of Merx Tol and Henessa Sar.”

  As he finished, Merx entered the room. He only wore a thin layer of white draped cloth. The cloth was thin enough to allow his tanned skin to be seen even as the room darkened. Merx walked to the circle, and stood on the right side of the stand. Palrion stood just outside the circle, facing Merx from the opposite side.

  “Merx, do you enter this circle of open heart and free will?”

  “I do.” Merx’s voice shook slightly.

  “Have you been called to this place for a reason?” Palrion questioned further.

  “I have. I have been called to the circle to become a member of the House of Sar. This fills my hearts, greater and lesser, with joy abundant and love overwhelming.”

  Merx tried desperately to maintain his composure. He failed to keep the tears of joy from falling down his cheeks the moment Henessa entered the room. She was also draped in a similar simple white cloth. With confidence and excitement, she walked to the circle. She stood opposite of Merx, but on the same side of the table and faced him. Her happiness was felt as she watched the tears of joy trickle down his handsome features.

  Palrion interrupted her thoughts with the same question. “Henessa, do you enter this circle of open heart and free will?”

  “I do.” Her voice was calm, but just barely.

  “Have you called for this man to come to the circle for a reason?” Dak asked her.

  “I have. I have called him to become my mate, life partner, and my forever. I have invited him into the House of Sar with open hearts.” Henessa stared into Merx’s eyes as she spoke. Her hearts fluttered from the moment she’d entered the room, and she was unsure if she’d be able to keep her composure.

  “Present yourselves to each other without barriers. Show to one another the purity of heart and openness of spirit to which you offer yourself to the other.” Both Henessa and Merx removed their draping and stood in their original position, facing each other nude. Merx’s face flushed, but his excitement went unnoticed. “Henessa, the last surviving member of the House of Sar, do you invite this man as he stands before you today into your house?”

  “I do.” Her voice betrayed her emotion by cracking.

  “Merx, do you welcome her invitation into the House of Sar?” Dak folded his hands before him, and although the room was silent, no one doubted what came next.

  “I do.”

  “Will the most trusted please join us?” Kala stood and approached the circle. Before entering it, Dak spoke to her, “You are most trusted by the two who present themselves today. Do you come to join them in union?”

  “With great pleasure, I come to witness their union, and to see it sealed with the blood of their houses.” Kala waited for Dak to gesture her permission to enter the circle. She stood on the other side of the table from both Henessa and Merx. She lifted the infinity blade. “This blade is a gift. It welcomes your two families into one union together. It is upon the blood of your houses your bond will be sealed. Please present your hand, palm facing the openness of the sky.”

  Both of them placed their hand over the bowl of bark and embers. The backs of their hands were warmed by the heat of the fire.

  Kala gently laid the infinity dagger firmly upon Henessa’s hand until blood trickled
from a thin wound. “As the blood from the house of Sar was shed to create the house, so let this seal the foundation for the future.” She then slid the infinity dagger across Merx’s palm until it also bled. “When the blood from house of Tol joins with the blood from the house of Sar may it create the bond as everlasting as the love they both share.”

  She placed their hands together, well above the embers, before placing the blade into the fire directly. The couple intertwined their fingers, as Rouen approached and used the scarf to tie their hands together as tightly as possible. Henessa and Merx stood palm to palm, blood dripping between them.

  Palrion spoke again, “As the color of the scarf comes from the strong seas upon our planet, may your lives become stronger together than they were apart. May your love wash through each of you, as your love has washed through all of us present. May the strength one has, find a home with the other, and may the blessing the other shares become a comfort to the first. Let the love surround your every choice as the water moves around Xenonia. Bring life to each other always.” He paused for a dramatic moment and then he untied their hands. “Henessa, you may now heal the hand of your husband.”

  Henessa’s hand shook as she lifted the infinity blade from the fire and blew the embers off the blade. “With this choice, I end the bloodshed by the house of Tol through this man, whom I do love.” She placed the hot blade against his skin for just a moment, cauterizing the bleeding, and forcing the skin to scab over. When she removed the knife, and placed it back into the embers, she saw the mark of infinity upon his hand, and her eyes twinkled.

  Merx then lifted the infinity blade from the hot embers. “With this choice, I bring to an end, the bloodshed this day by the House of Sar, through this woman, whom I do love.” He placed the blade against her hand long enough to stop the bleeding, and leave a matching infinity mark. With tears of joy welling in their eyes, they looked upon each other.

  “Before witnesses present and before each other, you are now bonded.” Palrion’s voice resonated throughout the room. “To all that see, I present to you, Henessa and Merx of the House of Sar. Let their lives be long, and full of love.”


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