In a Bad Way

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In a Bad Way Page 4

by Karin Tabke

  Her body stilled. What she was doing was so wrong. Groaning with frustration, she broke free of his lips and pressed her forehead to his chest.

  “I want to for all the right reasons, but can’t for the wrong ones.”

  His heart beat chaotically against her cheek. For several long minutes she lay still against his warm, strong body, reveling in the power of him. Fantasizing about what it would be like to have a man like this bend over backward to please her. She sighed and lifted her head and stared at him. “I’m sorry, Prince Charming, but this is the end of the road.”

  Leaning up, she slid her hands along his cheeks and kissed him one last time. His body surged as his lips took control of hers. Izzy gasped and pulled away but his lips chased hers, catching them. Oh, God, no, he was awake.

  “Untie me.” His voice was as clear and crisp, not a hint of a drug induced slur.

  Izzy gasped pushing off him. “Have you been conscious all this time?”

  His blue eyes sparked fire. “Untie me.”

  She scooted back and gasped when the head of his penis penetrated her. “Oh, God,” she gulped, afraid to move. Another few inches, it would be official: Her cherry would be history.

  He yanked his arms hard, snapping the wooden slat of her headboard he was tied to. Roping her in his arms, he swung her around and before she knew it, she found herself spread-eagle beneath him.

  His eyes flared. His hard body pulsed with unleashed passion above her. “You want to make a video?” he demanded, pressing his hips against hers. “Let’s make one.”

  “No! I stopped. I wasn’t really going to! Please.”

  His fingers worked beneath her, as he wrestled the terry cloth belt from around his wrists while keeping her pinned down with his chest. Once free of the belt, he tossed it to the floor and turned heated eyes back on her. “Tell me why you drugged me,” he demanded, enraged.

  Terrified of the consequences of telling him the truth and terrified of what he was going to do to her because of what she’d done, she tensed, preparing for the worst even as she said, “I can’t.”

  His face contorted furiously. “I swear to God if you don’t come clean with me, I’m going to tie you up and make you the star of your video.”

  Pushing hard against him, she tried to wriggle out from under him. “Please don’t. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do anything wrong, I just—I had no choice!”

  “You have a choice now: Tell me the truth or I call Oakland PD and you’ll spend the next ten years in prison.”

  Izzy bit her bottom lip so hard she tasted blood. Hot tears stung her eyes. She was in deep shit. “If I tell you, they’ll hurt me.”


  “The people who made me do it.”

  Some of the fury ebbed from his eyes. “I won’t let that happen.”

  Her stomach churned with uncertainty. “My sister’s missing. I think they know where she is. Andre the floor manager told me to make a video of you and me—doing it. If I did he’d pay me, but I was going to use the video to force Boris the club owner to tell me what happened to my sister.”

  “What’s her name?”

  “She went by Jasmyn at the club, but her real name is Alexandra,” Izzy whispered. “Chastain.”

  His eyes narrowed as he dug through his memory banks. Then widened as realization dawned. “Senator Chastain’s daughter?”


  “If she was missing, he would have reported it. Every news station in the country would be running the story. Try again, this time be more original.”

  “I swear to you, it’s the truth!”

  He reached over and grabbed his cell phone from his trouser pocket and still holding her down, he asked it, “Hey, Siri, how many daughters does Senator Chastain have?”

  Siri responded. “One daughter, Alexandra Michelle Chastain.”

  He set the phone down next to hers on the nightstand and turned back to her. “Nice try.”

  Izzy swallowed hard and knew if she were going to get him even halfway on her side, she would have to tell him what she had never told another living soul. “I’m our father’s dirty little secret.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Prove it.”

  “I can’t, but I swear to you, it’s true,” she cried. “It’s a long story, but the truth is our father, who claims he didn’t know he was my father, kicked me and my mother out when his wife figured it out. I was eleven. I lost contact with my sister until she called me out of the blue a few months ago. Said she was in trouble and needed my help.”

  Izzy squeezed her eyes shut. For so many reasons, she’d told Alex to call someone who cared. But when Izzy’s guilty conscious got the better of her, it was too late; Alex had disappeared.

  “You’re the senator’s bastard?” he asked in disbelief.

  “Yes, and I wish I wasn’t.”

  Flynn’s hands loosened on hers. “I’m sorry.”

  Her eyes flashed open. “I don’t need your pity. I just need to know what happened to my sister. She was working at the Surf’s Up and disappeared over three months ago without a trace. No one filed a missing persons report. She didn’t just up and walk away. She was removed. I want to know where she was removed to and get her back.”

  “And you think the club owner, this Boris, knows where she is?”

  “Boris is a thug. He’s got to know something. Girls have been disappearing and it’s not turnover.”

  She watched him digest that information. Was he starting to believe her?

  “So Boris wanted a video of you compromising a cop so that he could use it to blackmail me for—what?”

  “Andre made the request on Boris’s behalf. I don’t know what he was going to use it for; I just know I was getting my meeting with Boris if I procured the video.”

  “Are you so naïve as to believe that once you gave him the video you wouldn’t end up in a dumpster or perhaps joining your sister?”

  Izzy’s heart pounded. Andre had said the last girl to make a video retired. Did that mean permanently? “Do you think she’s dead?”

  Flynn smoothed her bangs from her eyes. “I don’t know.”

  “You’re a fed, can’t you find out?”

  Flynn picked up his phone again and began to text.

  “Who are you texting at one o’clock in the morning?” she asked.

  Focused on what he was doing, he said, “The Bureau never sleeps.” A minute later he was done and set his phone down on the nightstand.

  “What am I supposed to do now?” Izzy asked. “How will I get the information I need?” She was desperate. If she showed up without a video, she had no idea what would happen to her. Damn if she was going to quit now. She’d come too far to stop.

  Flynn’s full lips pulled into a tight smile, but his eyes blazed with desire. “I guess there’s one way to find out.”

  “Find out what?”

  “What Boris was going to blackmail me for. He must be in deep if he’s willing to blackmail cops.”

  Her jaw dropped. “You mean actually make a video?”

  “You catch on quick.”

  “You aren’t serious!”

  His dick flexed against her thigh. Her body responded by moving beneath him. He smiled when she gasped in surprise.

  “As a heart attack.” He traced a fingertip along the line of her jaw to her bottom lip. “If I’m going to be blackmailed by a sex video, I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have sex with than you.” He pulled the wig off her head and smiled at her short pink-tipped blond hair. He ran his fingers through it. “And, Wild?”

  “What?” she breathed.

  “If you’re lying to me about any of this? I’m going to hook you up so fast it will make that pretty little head of yours spin.”

  “I’m not lying,” she barely managed. His body had warmed up and his penis impatiently moved against her thigh. Her nipples strained for stimulus and damn if she wasn’t soaking wet.

  “Good. Now, you mentioned something earlier about
never having an orgasm with a man?”

  Heat burned her cheeks. All she could do was nod.

  “Is that still something you’re interested in acquiring?”

  “Yes,” she said before she could stop it from slipping out.

  “It just so happens, I’ve had some experience in that department.” His lips dropped to her cleavage. “You have stellar tits, Wild Style.”

  “Shut up,” she said breathlessly as his lips pressed against her hot skin.

  He grinned. “Let me just say for the record, you are very much the kind of girl I’d like to fuck.” His lips traced down her belly and with his teeth, he pulled the hem of her little cammie up above her belly button, exposing all of her. He tugged at the little belly button ring. “I think I like bad girls.” His lips trailed lower, softly kissing her flushed flesh as he moved slowly south. When he came to her smooth mound, he licked her, his tongue catching the edge of her arousal.

  “Oh, God,” she gulped.

  “Oh, God is right.” He licked her again, this time catching more of her clitoris. “You even taste like bubble gum down here.” He swathed her entire clit with his tongue.

  Izzy dug her fingers into the sheets and let her thighs loosen. “That feels really good.”

  “You taste really good.”

  Izzy decided right then and there to allow this man what she had never allowed any man; permission to pop her cherry. With his free hand, he pushed back the skin above her clitoris, giving him maximum exposure.

  Izzy moved hotly beneath his talented mouth. “Do you want to come, Wild Style?”




  “How hard?”

  “Very hard.”

  “After I make you come very hard, what do you want me to do after that?”

  “Make me come very hard again.”

  “I like your style.”

  “Please,” she said breathlessly, “stop talking.”

  Chapter Five

  When he hummed against her core in agreement, Izzy nearly launched. She had had no idea what she had been missing out on. No wonder her mother had been a slave to her father. Special Agent Flynn A. Ryker turned her on in every way possible. She thought, if she did do relationships, he would be the perfect man for her, if he wasn’t such a stripper snob. But damn, there was nothing snobby about him right now. She kind of loved the way he seemed totally into her.

  “Oh, oh,” she gasped, then inhaled a deep breath. His fingers slid along her slick folds. All of the sudden she couldn’t get a deep enough breath. A quick flash of panic swept through her. She’d never been this intimate with herself, much less a stranger! But, oh God, when he slid a finger into her, she moaned so loudly heat flushed her cheeks. How embarrassing. “Oh, no,” she gulped when he slowly slid it in and out of her and pressed his lips back to her straining clitoris.

  She felt his grin against her and wanted to smack him when he said, “I love your sounds. Keep them coming.” He slid a second finger into her. “You are so damn tight, Wild, I can’t wait to sink into you.”

  Her breathing came so hard and so fast all she could do was nod. His touch, his words and his enthusiasm for her drove her nuts. She loved it. When he took her clit all of the way into his mouth and flicked it with his tongue as his fingers glided in and out of her, she cried out as the first non-self-inflicted orgasm of her life tore through her. It was amazingly deep, and she thought she might have just died and gone to heaven.

  “Oh, God, wow. That—” An unexpected second wave rose up and hit her almost as hard as the first. “—was amazing,” she barely managed to say.

  She looked down her belly and nearly lost it. The Special Agent’s face was planted between her legs but his deep blue eyes were riveted on her. The sound that emanated from him feral. When he rose from her, his lips glistened with her wetness. His features were hard, predatory, and supremely arrogant. He knew the strength of his prowess. He had devastated her with his hands and his mouth, and Lord only knew what he was going to do to her with that monster hanging impatiently between them. As he crawled up her, his penis dragged along the inside of her thigh. She made an unladylike sobbing sound of need that stoked the fire in his eyes. He reached past her to his wallet on the nightstand and took out a condom. Expertly he opened the wrapper, withdrew the condom, and slid it down his erection.

  “Take off the cami,” he commanded.

  Izzy pulled it off so fast she ripped the fabric.

  Flynn’s eyes darkened. “Damn,” he said catching a nipple in his mouth, sucking hard. The air left her lungs when he cupped her hot mound and massaged his palm into her sensitive clit.

  “You’re killing me, Special Agent,” she managed.

  He lifted his head from her breasts. “You ruin me every time I touch you.”

  Her jaw dropped and she knew from his look he was as surprised by making his declaration as she was hearing it. He yanked her thighs up and spread them beneath him. “I need to fuck you fast right now, Wild, so I can fuck you slow later.”

  “Okay,” she said breathlessly.

  As he moved to press into her she said, “No, wait.”

  His head jerked back and he speared her with a murderous glare.

  “I mean, it’s okay, it’s just, um, been awhile.”

  His lips lowered to hers and he kissed her, pushing her gently back into the sheets. As he did, he pressed into her, one delicious inch at a time. Involuntarily her body tightened and he stopped.

  “Make up your mind, Wild,” he rasped. “I can’t stand this.”

  Inhaling, she exhaled and let her thighs loosen and as she did, she nodded. He didn’t wait for an extended invitation. He sank deeply into her. Squeezing her eyes shut, Izzy bit back a sharp cry of pain.

  The body above her froze. “Jesus Christ!” he swore and moved to pull out of her, but she locked her legs around his ass, and despite the pain of his initial breach, the way he sank deeply inside, liquefied her.

  “No, please, don’t stop. I want this.”

  He took her head into his hands and scowled at her. His hips flinched against hers.

  “I don’t do virgins.”

  “I’m not a virgin!” Well, not anymore she wasn’t. She’d come too far for him to walk out on her because of a pesky little membrane. “Please don’t ruin this for me.”

  His scowl deepened, but when she gave him the Kegel squeeze, he flexed in response. “The body wants what the body wants, Flynn. Mine wants yours and yours wants mine.” She clenched hard around him again. He looked closer to giving her what she wanted, but he wasn’t quite there. “Please.”

  “I don’t know what the hell’s going on,” he groaned as he seated more deeply inside her. “But you sure as hell are going to tell me.”

  “I will,” she breathed. “After you make me come again.”

  He nipped her bottom lip and thrust into her. “You feel so damn good, Wild.” He thrust again. “So damn tight.”

  The pain receded as pleasure took over. Every cell in her body lit up in succession. Sensitive and oh so receptive to what he did to her. The hot strength of his penis as he drove in and out of her, tapping her core each time he submerged himself, pushed her closer and closer to a precipice she didn’t know existed.

  “Such a perfect little package,” he whispered against her ear before he sucked the lobe into his hot mouth.

  Izzy whimpered like a puppy begging for attention. He was all around her and everything about him turned her on. The hard heat of his body. The clean ocean scent of his skin. The passion that roughened his husky voice. The way his big strong arms cradled her body like she meant something to him. For tonight she did.

  “When you come, Wild, I want you to look right at me. I want to see the pleasure in your eyes and hear it in your screams.”

  He was going to be the death of her.

  If she could crawl into him she would have. Wildly her body undulated beneath his, and she caught her
sobs of pleasure before they escaped, a part of her embarrassed at her wanton reception of his body.

  “Let it go, baby. Dig those nails into my back and let it go.”

  Opening her eyes, she cried out at the intensity of his. Wrapping her arms around his thick biceps, she dug her nails into him and let out a suppressed cry as her clitoris and something else clenched his pistoning penis and in a wild collision of sensation, Izzy experienced the mother of all orgasms. “Flynn,” she screamed as he tore her apart, his big body boring into hers, and just as she reached the final edge of heaven, she felt the hot rush of semen erupt from him.

  Uh-oh, should she be feeling that? Did the condom break?

  She cried out to stop him, but another wave of the orgasm slammed her back into uncontrollable bliss. Flynn continued his drive, pushing her along the orgasm until the waves began to recede, and even then, he slowed his cadence to mirror her slow return to earth.

  Sweaty, breathing like they had both just run a marathon, they lay still, connected in a tangle of limbs and satisfied sighs.

  Melted from the inside out, Izzy lay unabashed beneath the sexiest man she’d ever met. It occurred to her then that she wanted more. Much, much more. He’d told her he’d be gone before she woke up. So maybe she wouldn’t go to sleep. Ever.

  “I want to do that again,” she said, her voice muffled against the side of his chest. Grasping her, he rolled over onto his back, bringing her with him, careful not to break the connection. He was still semi-hard inside of her. She lay sprawled on his chest.

  “Drug me or seduce me?”

  Lifting up on her elbows, pushing damp bangs from her eyes, Izzy smiled indulgently. Would another man ever satisfy her like this one just had? She doubted it.

  “I’m sorry about drugging you, or at least trying to.” She dropped her lips to his nipple and licked it. Smiling against his skin, she suckled him like he had done to her. He swelled inside her. “You taste good,” she said, softly licking him between words. Not lifting her head, but gazing up to him, she asked, “How did you know?”

  “I saw the roofie at the bottom of the glass of water you handed me. I dumped it.”


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