Don't Look Back (Warders of Earth)

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Don't Look Back (Warders of Earth) Page 23


  His hand tightened over mine and I knew we were on the same page. He tugged me closer, fitting me snugly into his side as we strolled off, our bodies brushing against each other with every step.

  As soon as we were out of earshot, I asked the question that had been burning inside my brain for a while now, “All that stuff you told me about your life before you came here was bullshit wasn’t it?”

  “Yeah. I’m sorry. I had to keep to my cover story.”

  “What about your Mum?”

  He sucked in a harsh breath. “I never knew her. I don’t even remember her, the perfume she used, the touch of her hand. It’s possible she never existed.”

  “That’s so sad.” I didn't blame him for dishing me a pile of crap. I understood he needed to maintain his secret but it must have been hard; all those years never being about to relax and be yourself.

  I mulled over his words. “What do you mean by never existed?”

  Alex stopped. We were on the other side of the workshop and standing in front of two doors. One said ‘Office’ and the other ‘Storeroom’.

  “Let’s try the storeroom.” He turned the handle and we stepped inside. The room was pitch black. Closing the door behind us, Alex switched on a mini torch and swept it around revealing lines of shelves nailed to the three walls, one boarded up window and nothing on the lino covered ground.

  “It’s not the Ritz.”

  I laughed. “Definitely. But who cares?”

  The torch clattered to the ground and turned off. The light flickered then died. It was dark in here with only a faint light trickling through the boards over the window. Alex took hold of both my hands. I gripped tight, enjoying the tingle and warmth racing through my veins.

  “Keep talking.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “You’re like me and Dan. Made for a purpose.”

  “In a way. I’m a Warder, part human...” He hesitated. “Part alien. We have one objective; to protect and serve our marks.”

  I gasped, my heart skipping a beat. Wow. That I’d never expected. “Seriously? Alien? How is that possible?”

  “When one of the scout ships arrived here about twenty six years ago, they studied our way of life and made contact with those they considered to be most useful. This is when the research laboratories were built and using their technology we were created. Then the scientists began on GMB’s, genetically modified batches of humans.”

  “So that’s me and Dan and probably a lot of others like us.” Tugging my hands free, I splayed my palms on his chest. “Maybe I’m part alien, too.”

  “You could be.”

  I recalled what Alex had said earlier about there being scout ships from both races. “When did the other scout ship arrive?”

  “Not long after the first one. Apparently, they made contact with people who held positions of power in our governments. They infiltrated defence forces, corporations, research facilities.”

  My breath caught. “Where Mum and Dad worked.”

  “Yeah. The Warders were initially meant to be watchers only but then our education became more intense, more focused on military training. Our mission was re-defined. We became protectors instead. And when the Mundos Novus force grew in strength and numbers, the Warders were forced to work undercover. Mostly alone.”

  “My hero.” I grinned. “Exactly how alien are you?”

  “I’m not certain but one thing I do know, here and now I’m definitely human.”

  Heat warmed my cool flesh. The contact sizzled like a river of fire through my thrumming blood, right through my body to centre in the very heart of my core.

  I wanted him.

  I wanted to sink into him and block out the world.

  If only for a few brief hours.

  I whispered, “I know what I was made for, but what about you?”

  “A Warder protects his mark. At your birth, you were assigned to me. Your brother to my father. When your parents disappeared with both of you, we spent years searching the globe for your whereabouts.”

  “Now you’ve found me. What exactly do you intend to do with me?” I slid my arms up around his neck and threading one hand through his hair pulled his head downwards.

  His warm breath feathered over my face.

  His lips were so close.

  So close.

  Voice rough, he said, “Protect you. Stand beside you. Do everything possible to assist you achieve your destiny.”

  “Is that all? What are you doing after lunch?”

  He dragged his lips down the side of my face, spiking my pulse rate and heating my hormones to fusion point. “That is a Warder’s role. But the man in me intends to love you until his very last breath.”

  Our lips met, fused together, as he pulled me hard up against his body and locked me in his embrace. His mouth, hot, moist, devoured me in a demanding kiss I meet with equal hunger.

  Through my thin tee-shirt, I felt every muscle, every ridge but it wasn’t enough. I wanted skin against skin, wanted to glide my hands over every part of him, feel the silky power of his sex throb under my fingers and, oh heaven, I wanted more.

  Heart pounding, my head full of the roaring of my blood, I pressed closer. His cock was rigid against my belly when I rubbed against him.

  Gasping for air I pulled away and tried to discern his expression but it was too dark.

  His fingers dug into my waist belying his words as he said hoarsely, “It’s fine if you’ve changed your mind.”

  “I haven’t, I want you.”

  He moved his hands to cup my face. His thumbs gently stroked the corners of my mouth, so tenderly I wanted to cry. “I want you too.”

  “Is this relationship between a Warder and what did you call me? Your mark?”

  “I am supposed to use whatever means necessary to achieve my mission. To gain your trust,” he admitted slowly.

  “You shit!” I yanked at his hands, hurt and disappointment souring the moment.

  “Listen, please, Tara. I don’t work that way. I don’t and won’t use people no matter the cause.” His voice rang with sincerity. His knuckles brushed my cheek. “I’ll understand if you don’t believe me.”

  I hesitated. It had only been a few days and yet in some way, I felt he’d been a part of me for a lifetime. Shaking my head, I ran my forefinger along the curve of his lips. “I believe you. I feel some kind of connection to you, deep inside and it’s telling me to trust you.”

  His lips found mine.


  I could have yelled with jubilation but I was too busy. The kiss was tender and sweet and full of promises that caused my heart to expand.

  Then he rested his forehead on mine. “Do you love me?”

  Effing hell. What kind of question is that to ask a girl? “I don’t know,” I answered honestly. I had no room, and definitely no time for pretence in my life. “I feel I could. I like you a lot and I know I want you.” I grinned.

  He laughed softly.

  “But what I do know is I want your clothes off. Now.” Giggling, I grabbed hold of his shirt, my fingers fumbling with the buttons while he tugged at the edges of my tee and tried for another kiss.

  He chuckled and we kissed and pulled at each other’s clothing, our hands greedily wandering over any exposed flesh. We got tangled amongst our clothes which only made us laugh harder.

  He’s fun.

  And kind.

  And oh, so hot.

  I was glad he was my Warder, I thought and flung a bunch of clothes over my shoulder.

  Breathing heavily, Alex held me at arms’ length. “Wait. My boots. I’m dammed if I’m going to make love to you with them on.”

  A few seconds his boots hit the ground while I toed off my shoes. It seemed too much effort to worry about my socks as we came together in a desperate clutch.

  I was full with a frantic desperation, a need to have this one time with him before it was all snatched away.

  By the sou
nd of his rapid breathing, the racing beat of his under my hand, I guessed he felt the same.

  “Am I going too fast?” he panted as he sucked and nipped at my ear. I shivered with delight, my flesh puckering all over. He’d filled his hands with my breasts and they swelled, growing fuller, heavier, my nipples shrinking into tight buds that ached for his mouth.

  “No.” My nether lips moistened, my muscles softening as my body hummed for him. Pulse drumming, I swept my tongue down the column of his throat enjoying the faint tang of salty sweat. My hands were busily roaming his shoulders, down his back sneaking around his flat stomach and inching lower.

  I trembled, knowing whatever time we did have was going to be too short.

  We could be interrupted at any second.

  It was enough to make a girl want to cry.

  As if the same thought had entered our heads instantaneously, we knelt down on the hard ground.

  “Wait.” Alex moved about in the dark.

  Without his hands and body keeping me warm, my skin cooled quickly. I shivered even though the night wasn’t cold. When he reached for me again and pulled me down before rolling on top of me, I realised he’d positioned his clothes to insulate me from the concrete.

  A small act but one that raised him higher in my eyes.

  “I hope this isn't too uncomfortable. We'll go with you on top next time when we're somewhere safer.”

  I scoffed, “What makes you think there'll be a next time?”

  “I don't make promises I won’t keep.”

  This guy was a protector, through and through. He was special. God, I was lucky he was mine. I wound my arms around his back and hugged him tight, hiding my face in the curve of his neck and shoulder.

  “Hey,” he said softly and gently tilted my chin. “Is everything okay?”

  It wasn’t my style to inflate a guy’s ego, so I said, “Yeah. I was thinking.”

  “Too much thinking and your brain will explode.”

  I laughed. “Is that right?”

  “Scouts honour. I’m sure I read it on the Net.”

  “Then it must be true.” I nuzzled his ear and whispered, “I’m not going to think anymore.”

  “Neither will I.” His mouth came down on mine.

  Hell yeah. This guy could kiss.

  His touch seared into me. All I could feel was him, all I could think of was him. I wanted more.

  Our tongues danced while his hands cupped my breasts, slid down over my tummy, explored my butt so thoroughly my entire body sizzled and tingled. Back arching, I offered myself to him. Every part of me throbbed, especially that certain place between my legs. Any moment and I was going to burst into flames. Or turn into a nerveless puddle of lust.

  I heard the crackling sound of plastic being ripped.

  “What?” At this point, my hazy brain was beyond thinking. I was so into him.

  “Shush,” Alex panted, his weight crushing down on me as he shifted. “Sorry, hope I’m not squashing you. Just slipping on protection.”

  “Good idea,” I said not really giving a hoot. As long as this pulsing throb wracking my body was satisfied, I’d agreed to anything. I ran my tongue up and down the little valleys of his ear then sank my teeth nipping his lobe. Hoping he’d get the hint and get a move on.

  He hissed and I smiled.

  “Done.” His weight eased. His fingers found my curls at the junction of my legs.

  Yes, please. I wiggled them wide, raising my lower body, my eyes squeezing shut as he slipped his fingers through my damp folds.

  I gasped. Or was it a groan?

  His thumb found my nub and he rubbed. Slowly at first then faster and faster. The sound of his heavy breathing was like music. The heat of his body enfolded me. The touch of his hands, so tender and yet demanding spoke to me on a primeval level that made me feel all woman.


  Glory waited just over the threshold.

  “Quick!” I said clutching his buttocks and pulling him down.

  He moved. His sex prodded my opening. I locked my legs over his backside, lifting, clenching, rocking, urging him on.

  Alex thrust. “I hope you’ve done this before,” he grunted and filled me to the hilt.

  My breathing seized. “Once or twice.” I clenched my inner muscles, loving how he dragged in a strangled breath. “Okay, maybe a few times. What about you? You seem a little out of practice.”

  Alex guffawed. “What do you think?”

  Withdrawing a bit, Alex thrust again.

  We settled into a hungry rhythm. I forgot to breathe as my world shrank to this one precious moment. Pleasure rippled through me as Alex’s mouth settled over my breast and sucked.

  “Tara,” Alex mumbled, his voice strained as he thrust into me.

  I squirmed, rubbing my nub against his groin. Lights danced behind my eyes. Ecstasy exploded like a million firecrackers. My body one mass of quivering convulsion that pounded through me with every fierce thrust. For one full minute I lost the ability to think, given over to the moment.

  Alex stiffened. His breathing hitched then he grunted as he gave three rapid thrusts, joining me in a haze of lust and love.

  I came back to Earth slowly and realised my nails were still dug into his back. Sorry. I didn’t speak the words.

  He chuckled but my ears heard no sound. That’s okay. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

  Holy crap! Did I imagine that? I snapped my eyes open, not that I could see anything. Tentatively I reached out with my mind and found Alex; there, right there, inside my head.

  Easy. Don’t freak out. I wasn’t certain it would work.

  What would work?

  Mind melding.

  It’s how you’ll communicate with the aliens – through me. You’re the voice, I’m the vessel.

  Then Sudden tears pricked my eyes. My silly fantasy imploding before me.

  “No!” He shifted suddenly, pulled out of me and rolled onto his back, pulling me with him so I lay on top of him. His hands gripped my face. I knew he was straining to read my expression in the darkness. I could sense the intensity of his stare.

  “Mind melding can be done without any physical connection. This, what we did, is something different. Something special.”

  When I didn’t speak, he asked hesitantly, “Tara?”

  Something special he’d said. He was right. Whatever it was between us was special, fragile even and I had no intention of shattering one of the best moments of my life. I’ll take my chances with this guy. I’ve got my big girl panties on now.

  I sifted my fingers through his hair, smiling. “I’m good. We’re good.”

  The tenseness in his body evaporated. He rolled onto his side and spooning against him, I snuggled closer. His arms wrapped round my back hugging me tight in a way that brought those bloody tears back into my eyes.

  “Thank you for your faith in me. I won’t let you down,” he vowed.

  “I know.”

  When he went to move, I stopped him. “Just a little bit longer.” I could lie here forever.

  Yeah, me too.

  Closing my eyes, I sighed feeling sated and content. He stroked my back in slow, long movements that evoked a well of tenderness in my heart. We lay there in the dark for some time until a single gunshot cracked through the night.

  His hand stopped moving and I knew he was straining his senses seeking the source of any danger. I stirred and lifted my head from where I’d been listening to the steady beat of his heart and day-dreaming of happy-ever-afters in another time.

  Another place.

  The sound faded away, leaving bleakness in its wake.

  Alex had tensed, readying his body for battle. His mind severed its link with mine and the loss was bittersweet when I felt his conscious thoughts focus on the intruding cold reality.

  One gentle push but it was all the hint I needed. I never had to be told twice. I wriggled away from him, hunting about for my clothes, my fingers scrabbling over the concrete
floor. Finally, I located everything and pulled them on. From the rustling noises beside me, I knew Alex followed suit.

  “Dressed?” His voice velvet soft was like the brushstrokes of an artist, discerning and loving. My chest swelled while I railed inwardly at all I was going to lose.

  “Yes,” I finally croaked.

  His hand found mine unerringly and he helped me to my feet.

  “Do you think when we get back to the others, they’ll know...know what we’ve been doing?”

  His snuffled laugh loosened a little of my anxiety. “Yeah. Will that bother you?”

  “I guess not.”

  “Lets make a quick dash to the bathroom first.”


  We walked the few metres to the restrooms in silence with Alex holding my hand and leading the way. When he pushed open the door, I blinked to adjust my sight to the moon lit room. Heat burned over my face and throat as I caught sight of our images in the mirror. Swollen lips mouths, mussed hair, a faint rash on my cheeks from his day-old stubble. I dropped his hand and scuttled off to use the facilities.

  After washing my hands, I stared at my dim reflection and poked at my hair. I looked the same as always, apart from my love-fest. Why then, did I feel so different?

  Chapter 17 – CONVERSATIONS

  Alex emerged from the stall, zipping up his pants. He used the taps then dried his hands on the back of his pants.

  “Ready?” His steady gaze settled the galloping fear clomping about inside me.

  Hand in hand, we left the bathroom and hurried across the workshop floor.

  Three oil lamps had been lit to alleviate the gloom and their meagre, yellowy light revealed Garroway pacing in a tight circle.

  “Where have you been?” His lips curled downwards as he examined us.


  Garroway sighed. “With me, Alex.” He marched off.

  “Later, okay?” Alex brushed my cheek with his knuckles before following.

  I stood there, thinking and still glowing inside. I was glad I’d taken a leap of faith straight into his arms.

  “Sis? I need to talk to you.” Dan touched my arm.

  When I opened my mouth to speak, he cut in quickly, “Not here.”


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