Handfuls of Shattered Pieces

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Handfuls of Shattered Pieces Page 18

by Kerry Taylor

  “Ok, cool. I can’t wait for you to see my ballet.” Evie cried, then she turned and ran toward her room.

  I stood up carefully, still feeling pretty stiff and achy, and found Grant watching me with concern.

  “How are you feeling?” He asked.

  “I’m good. Just a little achy, like Xander said I would be.”

  “Good. I know the guys will have been lecturing you all day, so I won’t add to it again. I just want you to know you are a part of this family Olivia. We all care for you very much and you scared us all last night when we thought we could have lost you. Please sweetheart, never do that again. If you need anything, including time alone, all you have to do is ask.”

  “I know. Thank you. I’m so sorry about yesterday. I never intended to cause a fuss. It was all just too much to handle for me and I ran. It won’t happen again.”

  “Glad to hear it. Where are the guys?”

  “In the kitchen, eating as usual.” I laughed. Those guys had bottomless stomachs.

  “You do surprise me.” Grant laughed as he beckoned for me to follow him through to the kitchen.

  Matt was at the stove, placing the huge lasagne we made earlier into the oven when we walked in, and Kyle and Cole were sat at the island, eating cookies and playing on their cellphones.

  They all looked up as we entered and I rounded the counter to sit beside Cole at the island. It felt more comfortable than standing with Grant. Not that I didn’t like him. He had been nothing but good to me, but he just didn’t make me feel as at ease as the guys did.

  “Hey Dad.” Kyle greeted, his mouth full with cookies.

  “Hi guys. Everything been ok today?” He had come to lean on the counter and was leant casually with his arms folded over his wide chest.

  “Yeah, fine. Why?” Cole asked. He looked at me as he spoke, then handed me a cookie with a sweet smile. He really was such a sweet, thoughtful guy.

  “The press have worked out Olivia is living here. There are already stories on the news and in the papers and there’s a mob of reporters and photographers outside the gates.”

  “Fuck! How did they get that information?” Kyle cursed.

  “One of them likely recognised Kade the other day. He’s been in the news for a few of his big cases. It wouldn’t take long to work the rest out after they had his name.”

  “W-what do they want?” I asked shakily. I hated all of this. I didn’t want people to know what happened to me. I just wanted to be able to move on with my life.

  “A happy ending. Your kidnaping was big news Olivia. You returning after so many years is a big story.” Grant explained.

  “I can’t.” I whispered, already emotional. “I can’t talk to them. They’ll want to know…..details…..they’ll want details and I…..” Breaths were getting shorter and shorter and harder to find and I felt too hot all of a sudden.

  “Hey, hey! Livy, look at me.” Matt demanded as he suddenly appeared before me. He was crouched down, his eyes level with mine. “You do not have to speak to anyone about anything. Everything will be alright. Just breathe Carina. Big deep breaths for me now.” He said calmly.

  “He’s right, Beautiful. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. We’re here. We’ve all got you.” Cole agreed and I felt his warm hand rubbing up and down my back soothingly. I reached around on my left side until I got ahold of the bottom of Cole’s henley, then I clung to it tightly as I started into Matt’s deep eyes and tried to calm down.

  Matt stayed right with me until my breathing was back to a more normal rate, then he stepped back just a little, staying close. I was still clinging to Cole, not ready to let go yet.

  “I don’t want you to worry about this Olivia. We will handle it. Kyle already has security, from the company he works for, outside, in preparation for this, and they will prevent anyone from getting onto the property. You are completely safe in the back gardens, they are secure and very private. Maybe just avoid leaving the house until things settle down, ok?”

  “Ok…...Thank you, a-and thank you too Kyle.” I whispered, once again worn out mentally.

  “Like Cole said, we got you.” Kyle replied and I smiled, so grateful to have all of them on my side.

  “I’m ready Daddy!” Evie declared loudly as she twirled into the kitchen in a pink leotard and tutu. Covered over with a red hooded jacket.

  “Excellent. Good job Honey.” Grant beamed at her and I knew he must be proud. She was such a beautiful, smart little thing. “Let’s get going.”

  We all said goodbye, smiling brightly for Evie, but as soon as she was gone, I couldn’t smile anymore. Since I escaped things just seemed to be getting harder and harder, and this, the press wanting a piece of me that I simply I didn’t have left to give, it was just too much.

  “Liv, talk to us Princess.” Kyle asked. I turned around in the chair so I could see all of them, the whole time still clinging to Cole’s shirt.

  “It’s just too much. Why can’t they see after eight years held by some sick monster, I just need time and space to try and fix what’s left of me? Why can’t they just leave me alone? I don’t h-have anything left to give them!” I cried, the end coming out between blubbering sobs.

  “Dad was right. You don’t need to be worrying about them. We will handle this. Dad will find a way to get them away from our house, and to keep them from hounding you. You’re still underage so there will be laws against them harassing you, He meant it when he said he would handle it, and until he does you’re safe. Kyle has extra security here and we will all keep you safe.” Matt explained calmly as Cole and Kyle both grabbed and held one of my hands each.

  “But Grant said it’s on the news. Wh-what if…..do you think he will see it and come for me?” I asked, my entire body quaking at the thought of ever having to be near The Shadow ever again.

  “Doesn’t matter. He will never get near you again Liv. The guys outside are aware of the situation and are very good at their jobs. I’m staying here with you too until that monster has been caught. I already cleared the time off with my boss. Even Kade has cut back to make sure he’s here every night with us. We will keep you safe, always.” Kyle said firmly and I felt overwhelmed they would alter their lives so much just for me.

  “Thank you…..all of you. I don’t know how I’d have gotten through the last week without all of you.” I said emotionally.

  “We’re not going anywhere Brains. You’re stuck with the lot of us now.” Cole laughed as he released my hand and instead pulled me in for a half hug. I let my head relax against his chest and just allowed myself a minute to feel safe in his hold.


  A week had passed since the day the press had arrived outside the house, and since then things had settled down a lot.

  Grant, as he promised he would, did his legal magic and somehow had the front of the house cleared of all reporters and photographers within twenty-four hours.

  I was getting a ton of phone calls about doing interviews and giving a statement about my abduction, but the guys were screening all of those for me, not even allowing me to answer the phone any more. Luckily my cell number seemed to have remained private, so I could still use that.

  I had considered just making a short statement, even talked it over with Keira. I was hoping maybe if I gave them something I would be left alone, but then the ridiculous stories had hit the newspapers and I had decided to just stay out of it. The papers had printed photos of the guys getting me to the car that day, outside the restaurant, and reported that I was in a relationship with all four of them. There were suggestions the guys had whisked me away after I had been found and preyed on me because I wasn’t mentally competent, after being held captive for so long. They started digging into the guys, reporting them as trouble making kids with questionable pasts. I knew there was more, but after two days of that crap, the guys had stopped the papers from coming to the house, hating how upset it was all making me. It was the four of them I was upset for really
though, their whole lives were being torn to shreds in the papers because they tried to be good to me, and I hated it.

  Aside from all of that drama, things in the house were going well. I had started my online classes and was relieved to find I could follow most of the curriculum pretty well. Maths was a cinch, laughable really that I even had to complete it, but the other subjects required more study for me. I enjoyed it though, the challenge of the assignments and the vast amounts of reading. It had been so long since I had something like that, something so focussed to work on. I needed it. It helped me take my mind away from the memories and darkness that fought for attention at every moment,

  I was getting better, very slowly. Loud noises were still an issue, but I was learning to deal with Evie shouting and screaming around the place. My anxiety had become less with the guys around and I became better able to push through flashbacks and take control before panic took a firm hold. Nightmares were still an issue, some nights worse than others, but sleep was still not my friend, and I doubted it ever would be again.

  The guys continued to be with me at night, taking it in turns, even Xander coming over one night to be with me and it did help, having them there when the nightmares struck. They were great at calming me and bringing me back to reality gently, but they couldn’t stop the nightmares, no one could. Every night, every time I allowed sleep to pull me under deep enough, there he would be, The Shadow, just waiting with that sneer on his face, ready to tear me apart again and again.

  “Hey you. You ok?” I looked up from where I was laid out on the sectional in the media room. It was just after lunch and I had done all of my school work for the day and been fed way too much by Matt, as usual. I knew he wanted me to gain some weight, since I was still sickly looking and way too thin, but eating still proved a struggle for me, and if I forced more than was comfortable, I usually ended up with bad stomach pain.

  That was my issue that afternoon. Matt had insisted I least finish half of the turkey sub he made me, which I had done, not wanting him to worry, but now I felt bad for it. My stomach was bloated and painful, hence why I had gone to lie down in privacy for a while.

  Kade was walking into the room, a gentle smile on his handsome face. I hadn’t seen as much of him as I would have liked over the last week. He had been working like crazy on the killer he was chasing, and on my kidnapper. As promised he had been home every night, but he usually worked in his room until the small hours and I knew he was worn out. Still, even with shadows beneath his eyes and a little paler than usual, he looked damn good.

  “Yeah. I just needed a lie down.” I sighed as I forced myself to sit up enough to look at him properly. I sat with my back against the armrest and pulled my knees up to my chest, trying to alleviate the stomach ache. “What are you doing home?”

  “I’ve hit more dead ends and it was driving me crazy. My chief sent me home, sick of hearing me grumbling, I guess.”

  “Well I’m glad you’re home. You work too hard.” I smiled, as he sat on the sofa beside my feet and sighed deeply.

  “It has been a crazy few weeks.” He agreed.

  “Did you eat? I could make you a sandwich or something?” I offered, wanting to do something for him, seeing as most of the crazy he spoke about was down to me and my mess.

  “Nah, I’m good, Love, but thank you. Actually I came to see if you were doing anything this afternoon. I want to get out of the city and take a breather. Thought you might want to join me?”

  “Where to?” I asked unsure. I hadn’t left the house once since the incident in the restaurant over a week ago. I was too scared of reporters seeing me again.

  “Somewhere quiet and peaceful where no one will bother us. Promise. It will just be the two of us and some beautiful views.” He explained and I had to admit, it sounded ideal. It would be good to get out of the house. I was going a little stir crazy there.

  “Yeah, ok. That sounds great.” I agreed.

  “Yeah? Good. You’ll need to change into warmer clothes though.”

  “Ok. When do you want to go?” I turned in the seat and dropped my feet to the ground, ready to move.

  “You go and get changed. I’ll grab some water and supplies and meet you out front in say….ten minutes? That ok?”

  “Ten minutes.” I agreed with a nod, then I jumped up and hurried off, excited to get out for a while.


  “Oh my goodness Kade! This is amazing!” I gasped just over two hours later. We had driven about an hour out of the city and ended up parked up at the beginning of numerous trails leading into a huge national park.

  As soon as we climbed out of his SUV, Kade had handed me an extra sweater, to wear over the one I already had on, then coat, hat and gloves as he pulled on much the same, along with a backpack filled with who knew what?

  We had quite a hike then, one I had not been expecting and was totally not fit enough for. Kade had been patient, allowing me to stop often and plying me with water. It really hadn’t been that far, but I was just so damned weak, and lacking so much muscle. I had no idea how I ever walked as far as I did the day I escaped, because the forty minute hike with Kade almost finished me off.

  I didn’t complain though, because it was good to be out, even though it was pretty damn cold that day. The trees all around us were bare and leaves crunched under foot. The sun shining down felt warming and empowering. It all just reminded me how lucky I was to be free and I liked that feeling.

  Now we were at the top, having reached the most amazing look out point. I stood close to the edge, just in awe of the beauty all around me. I could see over the valley for what felt like miles, and all there was to see was nature, amazing wonderful nature. Trees stretched out as far as the eye could see, and there was a deep valley leading down to a beautiful body of water, off which the bright sun was reflecting. A group of birds, all flying in some formation flew past at that exact moment, as if it had been planned and it was just bliss, peaceful, wonderful bliss.

  “I know. Pretty cool huh?” Kade agreed and he stepped up beside me. “I love it out here.”

  “It’s just so beautiful.” I couldn’t take my eyes from the vista before me. I was transfixed by the perfection of it all. Tears filled my eyes as I realised how close I had come to never being able to see any of what lay before me, or anything but that damned room, ever again. I still had no memory of how I escaped, but I knew I was damned lucky I had. It could all have ended so differently. There was no way, without whatever miracle happened, I would have ever left that cabin alive.

  “Hey,” Kade whispered when he saw the first tears fall. In an instant I was pulled into his front, wrapped in his huge arms. “What’s wrong? I didn’t want to upset you.”

  “You didn’t.” I whimpered. “I just….I was realising how lucky I am that I get to see this, to see anything. It could have ended so differently Kade.”

  “I just thank the powers that be, that it didn’t, and that I get to be here with you right now.” He sighed as he pulled me against his hard body even tighter.

  “Me too.”

  “I will catch him, Livy. I promise you, he will never touch you ever again.”

  “I know. I won’t let that happen either.” I said firmly. “I was a kid when he took me before, too scared to fight back or protect myself. Now I know I’m not that kid anymore. I’m stronger and I know I’d die before I ever let that monster touch me again.” I had been thinking about it a lot recently. I had been questioning over and over if there was more I could have done, had I not let fear rule me, if there had been opportunities to escape sooner and I knew there had been. He had become complacent, since I did as he said for the most part, and I could have taken my opportunity much earlier. I hadn’t because I had been so damned scared of The Shadow, so scared of what he would do to me if I failed to get away. I never once stopped to consider all I would gain if I did get away, how very much it was worth the risk, if it resulted in getting out.

  “It will never come to th
at, but I’m glad you’re starting to see how strong you are.” He ran a hand down my back soothingly and I had the thought that I could happily spend the rest of my days in that beautiful place, safe in his arms.

  We stayed like that for a while, him just holding me like he too never wanted the moment to end. Then, when I thought it couldn’t be any more perfect, huge white snowflakes began to flutter down on us and the whole thing became completely magical, like some fairytale my Mom read me as a little girl.

  “It’s snowing!” I cried excitedly as I moved my hand from Kade’s waist and held it out to catch the huge flakes.

  “Yeah, I noticed. It wasn’t forecast though. I wouldn’t have brought you out here if I knew.”

  “Why not?” I stepped back and looked out over the view again. “Look, it’s so beautiful.” I gasped as I saw the trees already gathering glistening snow, the flakes catching on the bare tree branches and laying across the land, blanketing it in sparkling white.

  “I know Love, It really is and I hate to drag you away, but this snow is coming thick and fast. We need to get back to the car before we get trapped.”

  “Oh.” I instantly realised why he was worried. It had taken us forty minutes to hike up there and in just the last few minutes, there was already a heavy covering of snow around us.

  “It’s ok. We’ll get back. My car is all terrain. We just need to get back to it, ok?”

  “Ok. Yeah, I can do that.” I agreed, feigning confidence. Kade smiled and nodded, but I could see the worry in his face.

  “Come on Love, we better go.” He held out his hand and I took it gratefully, needing the comfort to ease the panic beginning to build in me. I couldn’t shake thoughts of us getting stranded in the snowstorm which was rapidly picking up speed around us.

  “Will you bring me back? I love it here.” I was reluctant to leave the beauty of it all, but I knew we had to go.

  “With pleasure. When it’s warmer we could even come and camp up here.”


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