Handfuls of Shattered Pieces

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Handfuls of Shattered Pieces Page 24

by Kerry Taylor


  Keira was the first to see us as we all walked back into the house, well Cole and Matt were more hobbling.

  “Cole, Matt! Oh my God! What happened?” She cried as soon as we walked into the kitchen, where she was sitting at her laptop.

  “They’re ok Mom. Just a little banged up.” Kade calmed as he helped Matt over to one of the tall stools to sit.

  “Grant! Get in here!” Keira, who was clearly panicked, yelled at the top of her voice, scaring me and I instinctively covered my ears and stepped behind Kyle.

  “Mom!” Kyle growled as he turned and wrapped his arms around me. I was once again shaking, adrenaline still surging through my body from the terror the whole thing had awoken in me.

  Keira stood from her seat at the island and turned to us.

  “Oh crap. I’m sorry Olivia. Are you ok Honey?” She said more softly. I quickly moved my hands, not wanting her to feel bad about shouting, and nodded. I stepped back from Kyle a little and brushed my wild hair behind my ears nervously.

  “Oh God! You’re hurt too!” She cried as she ran over to me and ran her hands over my grazed arms.

  “What’s going on?” Grant asked as he came into the kitchen dressed in sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. It was strange to see him looking so relaxed.

  “They’re all hurt, all three of them!” Keira cried, then held my arm up to illustrate.

  Grant looked me over, then turned to where Cole now sat beside Matt at the island, his head in his hands.

  “What on earth happened?” He asked.

  “Steve Ellis is what happened.” Matt groaned.

  “Please don’t tell me you two were fighting when you had Olivia with you?” Grant asked sharply.

  “It wasn’t their fault Grant. That guy, Steve, he started the whole thing and the guys were just trying to stop him.” I defended the guys. It hurt to speak after all of the shouting and screaming I had done that night and I was just totally exhausted from the fight, but I had to at least try and explain.

  “Come and sit down too Liv. You’re shaking like a leaf.” Kyle wrapped his arm around me and led me over to sit beside Cole, then he stood behind me, as if he was worried I’d keel over at any minute.

  “Explain please Cole.” Grant pushed.

  “Steve was interested in Livy, but she told him she wasn’t, and we walked away. Later he managed to grab her, and was rubbing himself on her. Matt grabbed her back pretty quick, but we may have both hit him, but again, we walked away and he got off lightly.”

  “Oh Honey. Are you ok?” Keira asked from where she now stood against Grant beside the counter. I just nodded, not wanting to talk about or remember Steve pressing me against him.

  “So how did the three of you end up in this state?”

  “We were leaving. Livy was shaken up so we took her around the side of the house, instead of through the crowd. Steve was waiting for us around the side of the house, with six of his crew. He wanted to get us down so he could get to Livy.” Cole explained.

  “What the hell? Seven of them against two?” Grant growled, clearly angry.

  “Six of them came at us and we fought back, but we were outnumbered. Steve stood back for a while, but when he tried to join in, Livy dived at him.”

  Grant looked across to me with wide eyes, clearly surprised.

  “I had to. They were already really badly hurt.” I said shyly.

  “I knew there was a tough nut in there somewhere.” Keira laughed, making me smile.

  “Kyle turned up before things got bad. I still don’t know how you knew man?” Cole asked.

  “I text him, as soon as we saw Steve and those guys…..I text him and Kade.” I admitted.

  “Where’s this Steve now? He can’t be allowed to get away with this. If you three didn’t know how to defend yourselves they could have killed you.” Grant ranted. He was pacing a short distance, back and forth, clearly irate.

  “I brought a patrol car. I arrested him for assault and had him taken in.” Kade said as he stepped forward from where he’d been standing in the corner listening.

  “Good. We’re pressing charges. This isn’t the first time he’s caused trouble for you two. He’s not getting away with it this time.”

  “He’s eighteen so he’ll be charged as an adult. We need to get pictures of all of your injuries to take things further. Were there witnesses?” Kade asked.

  “There were some people watching, but they came after it all started.” The guys had gone quiet and I knew they must be hurting.

  “Should we take you to the ER? All three of you are looking pale and pretty rough.” Keira walked over to us as she spoke and put a hand on Cole’s shoulder until he lifted his head from the counter to look at her.

  “I’m good. Some bruised ribs and a headache, is all.” Cole assured her.

  “Matt looks to have a mild concussion. I’ll keep an eye on him.” Kyle said when Keira looked up to Matt, and he remained silent, his eyes closed and his head back.


  “I’m ok,” I whispered.

  “No you’re not. None of you are. This is ridiculous. I want this kid punished for this!” Grant raged, then he started walking away.

  “Where are you going Honey?” Keira asked.

  “To speak to the chief of police and the DA. I want to make sure this is properly handled! Get me those photos of every damned injury Kade!” He stormed from the kitchen then, cursing the whole way.

  “Come on, let’s go up and take the pictures, then get cleaned up.” Cole said as he stood, then stumbled. Kyle reacted fast, reaching out to grab and steady him.

  “Take it easy bro.” He said as he wrapped an arm around Cole’s back and held him still.

  “Matt?” I whispered. He was still silent, with his head back and his eyes closed. I was worried.

  “I’m good Carina. My head just really hurts.” He said quietly, then I felt his hand cover mine and squeeze a little.

  “Go on up with Kyle, Love. I’ll help Matt.” Kade whispered. I nodded and hopped down off of the stool. Kyle grabbed my hand and we all headed up stairs.

  Automatically, we all just headed into my room without a word and Cole and I both sat together on the end of my bed.

  “You ok?” He asked as he took my hand in his much nigger one.

  “Tired.” I whispered back.

  “You’ll be able to get some sleep soon. Let’s just get these pictures. Steve needs to pay for what he put you through tonight.”

  “What he put us all through.” I corrected. I had gotten off lightly compared to the guys.

  Cole just nodded, as Kade lowered Matt to the bed on my other side. He took my free hand and we all just had a minute. Cole and Matt pressed tight against me and I felt so safe and warm between them. After all we had been through together that night, I think we needed a minute to just breathe.

  Kade took out his cell phone and started taking photos of Matt’s head injury and any visible bruises and cuts. He did the same with Cole, then photographed my arms.

  “Right, Matt you go first, then you can grab a shower and get some rest.” Kade said. Matt nodded and stood. He stepped forward so he was a few feet from me, then started pulling off his shirt. I blushed like crazy as he revealed his muscular body, but I couldn’t look away. He was so beautiful, like one of those greek God statues posh people have in their houses and gardens. He was all defined lines and rippling muscles, his front a perfect set of hard-worked-for abs, and his biceps defined, but not overly huge.

  “Remember to breathe, brains.” Cole mocked, making me realise I was staring hard, but I really couldn’t look away. I slapped out at Cole blindly, while my eyes locked with Matts and a smug smile washed over his handsome face, that lazy smile that made my stomach flutter every time. .

  I gasped when Matt turned slightly, a few moments later, and his entire right side was black and blue.

  “Matt!” I cried, feeling every bruise with him.

�m good Chica. Stop worrying.” He soothed, but I was worried. He’d taken a real beating and all because of me. I hated it.

  “You’re not good. You forget I know very well, what those bruises feel like.” I cried, angry and upset at the whole situation.

  “They’ll heal. I’m good because you’re safe. That’s all I cared about, protecting you.” He walked over to me and dropped to his haunches, then cupped my face in his hands and wiped the stray tears away that had escaped, with his thumbs.

  “You guys are too good for me. I’m not worth you being hurt.” I whispered tearfully.

  “You are amazing Olivia, and I will always do whatever it takes to keep you safe. You make me want to be whole again.” His words were filled with emotion and I saw tears in his eyes. I felt the urge to kiss him, as I had Cole the week before, but I knew I couldn’t with the other guys all watching. Especially Cole. I may not know much about relationships, but I was pretty sure you weren’t supposed to kiss more than one guy in the same week.

  Instead I leant forward and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, hugging him as tight as I dare, not wanting to hurt him.

  “You make me want to be whole too.” I whispered into his ear, They all did. The four of them made me want to be a normal person for them, to be as strong for them, as they all were for me.

  “Come on bud. I’ll come to your room while you shower, just in case you pass out or anything. How about we all camp out, in here tonight? I think it’d be good to be together after everything?” Kyle suggested.

  “Sounds good. We need to keep an eye on Matt anyway.” Cole agreed.

  “Olivia? It’s up to you Love?” Kade asked.

  “I’d like that. I’m not ready to be on my own.” I admitted. Matt nodded, then kissed my cheek before standing. As he and Kyle walked out of my room I felt a pang in my chest. It was stupid, I knew they were coming back, but I didn’t want them away from me. I needed them close.

  My attention was quickly redirected by Cole though, who stood and started singing a song about a pony, while he danced and stripped off his shirt, the whole time looking at me with what I suspected he thought were sexy faces.

  His faces were hilarious, as was his tone deaf singing, and I clamped a hand over my mouth as I laughed my ass off. I knew it must be hurting him to gyrate around like he was, but he didn’t show it. I also knew the whole show was for my benefit, to make me smile. He was the most amazing person and I knew I was falling fast for him. The problem was, I was also falling equally fast for Matt, Kade and Kyle too.

  Cole’s shirt came off and my laughter died and my mouth just hung open. I had been amazed by the muscles on Matt, but Cole! He was literally solid, tightly packed muscles. His biceps were as wide as my thighs and his eight pack was utter perfection. He was huge, his chest twice the width of me and his shoulders likely over a metre across. I couldn’t take in how much broader and muscleier he looked with clothes off. He had always been a giant to me, but he was even bigger before me now, and absolutely amazing to look at. I didn’t even care if I was drooling. Who wouldn’t, in my place?

  “Livy like?” Cole asked in a weird voice and I forced myself to look up at the dorky face he was pulling.

  “Do you like, live in the gym?” I asked dumbly.

  “I got a lot of shit to work through. What can I say?” He laughed and I remembered the guys telling me they worked out when they were stressed and angry. That would explain why Cole was so ripped, except he never seemed angry or stressed. He was the most laid back easy going guy in the house.

  Kade started taking pictures of the huge purple bruises around Cole’s ribs, where they had been brutally struck, and various other bruises maring his stomach and back.

  “You hide that shit well then. You’re always so happy?” I asked, curious.

  “I always hit the gym when things get dark. It’s why I go there so much. I don’t like to take my crap out on everyone else.” He explained with a shrug.

  “And we tell him he’s a dick. We all unload our shit on him, but he never returns his.” Kade sighed with a roll of his eyes.

  “It’s good to talk through the hard stuff. You told me that Cole.” I pointed out. He had asked me to turn to them when things got tough just days before.

  “I did, and I was right, for you. I can handle my issues. I’m good, Brains.” He assured me, but I knew he couldn’t be. I didn’t even know what Cole had come from, but Kade clearly worried about him, which meant the others did too. I decided I would do what I could to assure him I was there for him, whenever he needed to let it all out once and for all.

  “These ribs could be cracked Cole. These bruises are nasty.” Kade said as he looked closer.

  “They’re not. They’re just bruised. I’ll ice them tomorrow.” Cole said it with the certainty of someone who had experienced cracked ribs and again I wondered what he had been through, what they had all been through.

  “Fine, but take some Tylenol or you’ll never sleep.” Kade suggested and Cole nodded.

  “Go grab a shower. I’ll take photos of Livy and then I’ll bring some mattresses in here for us all.”

  “Cool. I’ll grab us all some drinks and snacks. We can watch a movie.” Cole grabbed his shirt from beside me and turned to leave.

  “Wait!” I cried, panicked. I ran over to him where he stood watching me from the door and pulled him down so I could whisper to him.

  “Kade will see my scars.” I whispered to him then looked up at his face. He was the only one who had seen the mess my body was so far, and I was scared about what the other’s reactions would be.

  “Livy, Love, I only need to see where you’re hurt. You don’t have to strip off like the guys did.” Kade said, obviously seeing I was anxious.

  “You want me to stay?” Cole asked.

  “Yes please and…..will you…..can you warn him?” I knew I should. I didn’t even know why I was scared. Kade wasn’t going to scream I was ugly and throw me out or anything, but I just hated those scars so much and I hated talking about them or letting anyone see them.

  “It’s ok, Babygirl. Kade will be cool, but I’ll tell him.” Cole assured me quietly. I nodded and then followed him over to where Kade was waiting.

  “What’s wrong?” Kade asked as we both neared him.

  “Livy, she has scars, quite a lot, on her back and front. I saw them before, at the hospital, but she’s nervous about you seeing them.” Cole explained as he pulled me tight into his side and held me.

  Kade looked down at me with understanding and smiled.

  “Trust me, Love, I know a thing or two about scars.” Kade whispered, then he lifted the right side of his t-shirt, showing me just a little of his lower back. It was covered in what I knew were burn scars, nasty ones that covered the whole area.

  “Kade…..I’m so sorry.” I gasped.

  “They’re old now, but they cover most of my back.” He said as he put his t-shirt back in place. Old? As in, he was a child? I had no idea how a child would survive burns as severe as those and I wanted to ask what happened, but seeing the pain in his face stopped me. He didn’t want to discuss it.

  “Thank you…..f-for showing me.” I whispered.

  “You shouldn’t worry about scars. Wear them with pride. They prove you survived. They show your strength.” He told me. It was similar to what Cole had said and I knew it was the way I should look at the marks on my body. The problem was, every time I saw them , all I could do was think of the nightmare part of my life that put them there.

  “Come on, beautiful. Let’s get this done and get you cleaned up.” Cole suggested and I was glad to push things on. It was all too much emotion to handle.

  “It’s j-ust my back.” I whispered as I turned away from Kade and lifted my top as much as I could. I watched in the mirror as he and Cole looked at my back, then up to each other. Cole just nodded, but Kade looked really mad, his jaw locked up tight and his face turning red.

  “You have some nasty bruises bac
k here, Brains. If you start feeling ill, you need to tell us and we’ll call Xander. You could have hit your kidneys.” Cole said, as I watched Kade in the mirror. He was frozen, just staring at me and not even taking the pictures of my bruises.

  “I’m ok. It’s just from where he threw me down a couple of times.” I said, hoping to snap Kade out of it. I knew he was shocked by the state of my back. How could he not be? It was repulsive.

  “Hey, shall I……?” Kyle and Matt burst in, but Kyle stopped talking as soon as he looked at me. I watched in the mirror as both he and Matt slowly walked over and looked at my back. I wanted to stop them, to pull my shirt down, but I didn’t. It was easier for them to just see them and to know if they were disgusted or not now, before I got too attached.

  “Jesus Liv. How the hell did you survive?” Kyle gasped and I felt his cold fingers brushing against my patchwork of scars.

  “Kyle, don’t.” Cole snapped, but I turned and looked at the four of them.

  “It’s ok.” I whispered as I took my top off completely and stood before them in my bra, showing them my stomach too.

  “You guys should see them all now. I get it, you know, if they freak you out or whatever?” I whispered, but I had never been so scared of rejection in my life. I was an idiot if I didn’t realise I was already way too attached to these guys to be able to walk away without being really hurt.

  “Carina. No matter what you show us, we will all, always love you. Nothing can scare us away.” Matt said softly. I dared to look up at where he stood before me and my eyes met his. “These scars, they just tell us what we all already knew, that you are the strongest person we have ever known. Our warrior.”

  “You guys…..you love me?” I asked, dumfounded. Matt looked from me, to the others and they all started their silent mind talk for a moment.

  “Come sit down, Princess.” Kyle said, then he took my hand and led me to sit on the end of the bed. He pulled the blanket from the foot of the bed and wrapped it around my quaking shoulders, then sat beside me. Matt sat at my other side and Cole and Kade crouched in front of me. I wondered what was wrong, but then I realised they were going to let me down gently. Matt hadn’t meant to say they loved me. He meant to say they liked me, maybe even cared for me. I could handle the let down, as long as they didn’t hate me. I never really expected one of them, let alone all of them to return the crazy feelings I had developed for each and every one of them.


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