A Christmas Seduction: A Regency Anthology

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A Christmas Seduction: A Regency Anthology Page 5

by Anthology

  “Well, what?” Lucas placed his hands on his hips, drawing Meredith’s eye to the broad shoulders and trim waist he boasted.

  “Er… has your mother added a clock to the maze of recent?” She shook her head, trying to dispel the feverish thoughts.

  “Clock? No…” He rubbed his chin. “But a sundial! She added one last summer. It’s in the — wait, let me read this.” He snatched the missive from her hands. After reading it quickly, a smile broke through and as his gaze lifted to meet hers, merriment danced within. “I know exactly where this is. Hurry along or else I’ll be forced to carry you once more, only this time I’ll toss you over my shoulder. The maze being narrow and such.” He winked and ran off.

  “Wait!” Meredith called, then fumed as he ignored her. Running as fast as her miserable corset would allow, she met him at the entrance to the maze.

  “Stay close, it’s quite easy to find oneself lost within.” He wagged his eyebrows and held out a hand.

  “As if I haven’t played in this very maze a thousand times,” she replied with a sarcastic hint to her voice.

  “My mother changed it last year.”

  “Pardon?” Meredith asked as they wound around the first corner, and just as he said, it was clear to see that her usual path through the maze was re-routed.

  “It was a simple redesign, but she thought it would be a good change since we all have memorized the way out.”

  “I’m assuming you know the rerouted exit?” she asked as they wound around another bend in the hedge. The night was thick with darkness; even the moonlight seemed small as the hedge closed in upon them. “Where are all the torches?”

  “Yes, I know the exit. Must you even ask? And as for the torches…” A dark chuckle escaped his lips. “They have a nasty habit of lighting up that which needs to be more… private.”

  “Oh.” Meredith felt her cheeks heat with his implication.

  “Lucky for you, I’ll not take shameless advantage of cloak of night… yet. I’m far too interested in winning this contest. Then you’ll be subject to my company for far more than one evening’s diversion.”

  “Lucky me.”

  “Sarcasm does not become a lady.”

  “Gentlemen do not—”

  “There!” Lucas’ voice interrupted her remark and drew her attention to a small sundial on a pedestal. Sure enough, a moment later Lucas opened the envelope.

  “I think this is the last one.” He cleared his throat and began to read. “Wine is sweet, and smooth indeed, but there is a deeper passion where it can lead.”

  “The cellar!” Meredith exclaimed, and spun on her heel to find the little known hiding place.

  “Not so fast.” Lucas grasped her hand before she could get away, and halted her escape.

  Even in the darkness, his gaze smoldered as he slowly closed the distance between them. “I may have lied.”

  “Lied?” Meredith felt her brow furrow even as her heart pounded with expectation at the expression in his eyes.

  “Just a little.” He shrugged, his grin widening.


  “You see… I find I am quite impatient…”

  “My, my, how this comes as a surprise.” Meredith tried to lighten the thick tension with humor, but it came up short.

  “It’s quite lovely, you know… to be known so well by another.” His hand gently released her fingers and slowly trailed up her arm, sending shivers all throughout her body as his touch danced along till he reached her shoulder. Gently drawing her closer, she was captive in his gaze and stepped towards him.

  “Oh?” Was all the intelligent response she could muster.

  “Indeed.” His fingers traced her shoulder till they rested against the small of her back, closing the distance between them. “And as miserable as it can be to my pride, for you to know truly every trespass—“

  “Since they were against me and my sisters,” she finished, unable to suppress the smile his words provoked.

  “To have nothing to hide… no need to pretend. It is quite… freeing.” He leaned forward and rested his forehead against hers. “Intoxicating.”

  “Threatening?” Meredith added, startled at her own admission.

  He leaned away slightly, only enough to make eye contact. “Terrifying.” His gaze darted to her lips. He bent forward slightly then paused.

  Waiting for her to meet him, to acknowledge the passion, to admit the attraction… to be caught, rather than simply chased.

  After a flicker of indecision, she met his lips, savoring the sweet warmth that coursed through her the moment they touched. As if only needing the slightest encouragement, his arms wound around her, pulling her in tightly against his frame and commanding the kiss from that moment on. Just as before, his kiss was wild, passionate and powerful, and she gave herself over to the sensations he awoke within her.

  His tongue teased her lips apart then dipped within and tangled with her own, enlivening her senses and creating such a burning in her that made her boldly reach up to run her fingers through his dark hair. The texture was soft and thick, adding to the spell of seduction around them. Her hungry fingers traced down his neck to his back, exploring the hills and valleys of his powerful frame. As if her touch further ignited his own arousal, his hands moved from her back, to her waist, then settling on her hips, holding them firmly, and pulling her in till there was no space between them.

  As his lips left hers with a tingling sensation, he trailed kisses down her jawline and to her neck, where he playfully nipped her skin. Goose bumps prickled all over, but not from the cold, rather from deep arousal. Even pressed so scandalously against him, she wanted — needed — more. “Lucas,” she gasped, not even recognizing her own voice.

  His mouth silenced her words as he ravaged her lips once more, his hands exploring her curves further. “Temptress,” he murmured against her lips, drawing her lower lip into his mouth and biting it playfully.

  “Rake,” she quipped, once he released her lip.

  “Seductress,” he whispered, slowing the kiss, allowing her to savor the distinct taste of his mouth.

  “Rogue,” she countered, stepping closer just as he pulled away.

  “Thief,” he accused softly, lifting his gloved hand to tilt her chin.

  She drew back slightly. “Thief?”

  “Yes, you are indeed a thief.” He lowered his hand and grasped hers, leading them away.

  Meredith followed, still trying to figure out his meaning. Her lips buzzed with the after-sensations from their ardent kissing. She could imagine the berry color they boasted from the recent passionate assault.

  Surely Lucas’ lips carried the same evidence.

  A powerful sense of possession swept over her. He wore her kiss.


  “You are a thief because that which you take, I fear I’ll never regain. The question is…” He glanced back to her, pulling her from her thoughts.

  “Yes?” she asked, entranced by the flame of attraction in his eyes.

  “The question is… do I want it back? And the answer? No.” He led them around a bend and down a narrow path. “And do you know why?”

  Meredith shook her head then answered, “No.”

  “Ah, Meredith…” His voice was laced with amusement. Without warning, he led her around another turn in the maze, and pressed her against a stone column. Kissing her soundly, she melted into the welcome warmth he offered. “I have a secret as well… you see.” He kissed her once more, teasing her bottom lip before releasing it. “I’m a thief as well. And what I stole, I’ll never give back. Ever.” He kissed her once more, quickly, yet thoroughly, and led them away, the exit looming before them.

  “And just what did you steal?” Meredith asked once her senses came back into focus.

  He paused just before leaving the maze, his gaze locking with hers.” Your heart.”


  LUCAS KEPT HIS GAZE ahead, searching for the small cellar. He didn’t want to see t
he expression in Meredith’s eyes after such a bold announcement. Part of him was afraid; the other part knew she needed space. It was odd, to come to the realization that he knew someone so well… and was known so well by her. It was terrifying, delightful, and completely insane. Yet it was the truth. Meredith had watched him from a young age grow into who he was now. Granted those years were full of warfare, but that didn’t inhibit them from knowing each other.

  Known. What a strange word that would be, the premise for love. But it was the truth. Meredith knew him. She knew his likes, dislikes; she knew his fears and what truly made him irate. And now she knew what ignited passion within him, what aroused him further and the flavor of his kiss. It was so simple, yet… not. Because he’d been honest in his earlier teasing; she had surely stolen his heart, yet part of him feared that she held his heart far tighter than he was able to hold hers.

  It was an alarming prospect. Yet, what choice did he have? He could easily compromise her… it would be a delightful solution. At even the thought his body responded, tightening, and reminding him of her soft and feminine form pressed against his.

  But it wouldn’t be the same… he wanted her to choose him. Not have any other option. Yet her kiss tasted of surrender. Did she not meet his invitation?

  “I don’t remember this cellar being so far from the maze.” Her voice interrupted his thoughts.

  “The cellar didn’t move. The exit to the maze, however, did,” he replied.

  “Oh. I suppose that makes sense.”

  “Nice to know you believe me.”

  “It’s a risk I’ll have to take,” she answered, her tone belabored. But he could easily tell that she was amused, simply flirting and teasing him.

  How he loved that! Life with Meredith would never be dull.

  Heaven forbid.

  “Your adventurous spirit has paid off, see?” He pointed to the dimly lit entrance to the cellar.

  “Race you!” Meredith released his hand and ran towards the entrance, trying to attain the envelope first.

  Laughter erupted from him at her attempt to run in her gown. She truly did quite well, but it was not the same as when they were young and unencumbered by corsets and cravats.

  His predatory instinct kicked in, and after giving her a moment of a head start, he gave chase, anticipating the glory of sweeping her into his arms once more.

  He accelerated, caught up with her, and, just as he was about to wrap his arms around her, she came to a complete stop!

  Blowing past her, he almost tumbled upon the grass, his balance completely compromised. Her laughter teased him as she quickly sidestepped where he foundered and ran onward toward the cellar.

  “Foul!” he called out through his mirth.

  “Slow!” she called back,

  “We’ll see about slow,” he muttered, racing to catch up with her. The cellar was only a few yards before them when he caught up with her, but rather than sweep her up; he simply passed her, grabbed the envelope and held it up high over his head.

  “You never were very fast.” He shook his head, a smile teasing his lips.

  “You never could stop gracefully,” Meredith answered, and then she jumped, trying to grasp the envelope.

  “You’re quite short.” Lucas waved the envelope, dipping lower then raising it when she jumped again.

  “You’re freakishly tall,” she accused, her eyes narrowing, her gaze darting between the envelope and his face.

  “Tall, dark, and handsome has never been issued as complaint before.”

  “Tall, annoying, and passable is a little more likely.”

  “Oh? Is that how we are to play?” He lowered the envelope until it was just in front of her face and wiggled it.

  “Give me that!” She swiped for it and failed.

  “Not till you take back that nasty lie you told.”

  “What lie?” She bit out.

  “About me.” He shrugged, waving the envelope again.

  “I don’t want to win that badly.” She took a step away, arching a brow.

  “You just admitted you lied.”

  “I did nothing of the sort!”

  “Yes, you did. You simply said you didn’t want to win that badly, leaving the assumption that you want to stick with your lie more than you want to win. If you were simply telling the truth, your answer would have been more along the lines of, ‘To take back my words would be the only lie.’“ He finished in a falsetto voice.

  “That was awful.” She shook her head, but a giggle escaped at his theatrics.

  “I never was one for the theater.”

  “No… your mother would have to blackmail you to get to you to darken the door of Drury Lane.”

  “She still does,” he admitted.

  “Some things never change.” Meredith grinned, her expression without guile.

  “Some things do.” He held out the envelope, like a peace offering.

  Her eyes darted from the envelope to his, then back. Slowly she took a step forward, then another, till the clue was within reach. She plucked the envelope from his hand. The delicate white lace of her glove brushed against his sleeve. He hadn’t felt it; yet the fleeting touch stirred him to distraction.

  “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure.”

  Her gaze locked with his, the air humming with energy. Somehow, she broke the spell and looked away, breaking the seal with her fingers.

  “You’ve reached the end, which is only to say you’re finally ready to begin.”

  “Well said.” He reached out and clasped her hand. And to his delight, she didn’t shy away, but tightened her fingers around his hand in return. “Shall we find my mother and claim the victory?”

  “How do you know that someone hasn’t already won?”

  “I’m confident, and of course, we were the ones that broke the seal.”

  “You always were overly self assured.”

  “I always will be. You should take note.” He led her along back toward the center garden.

  “I’ll add it to my volumes on your person.”

  “I always knew you were secretly obsessed with me,” he whispered in her ear, biting his laughter when she gasped.

  “Was not! You started this whole — thing,” she sputtered, her face blooming with color.

  “And you are ending it?” he asked. Though he spoke jokingly, part of him shivered in anticipation of how she’d respond.

  “A true thief doesn’t return what’s been rightfully stolen,” she answered, winking and tugging on his hand to increase their pace.

  “And you are a true thief?” he asked, pleasure coursing through him.

  “True enough.”

  His gaze scanned her face as the moonlight illuminated the delicate lift of her smile, the enchanting crinkle of her eyes. She was astounding, both in wit and in form, and she would be his.

  He’d see to it.


  SURE ENOUGH, THEY HAD won the contest, much to Louisa’s dismay. Although, Meredith did find it suspicious that Hugh and Louisa were the last to finish the scavenger hunt. Hugh’s gaze lingered on her sister, not so unlike the way Meredith often caught Lucas watching her. It was an altogether dizzying sensation. So when the evening activities ended, it was with high anticipation that Meredith sought out both her sisters.

  “Louisa?” She knocked softly on her sister’s door, glancing down the darkened hall, hoping no one saw her in her night robe.

  “Yes?” Louisa’s voice responded through the thick wood.

  “May I come in?” The door cracked open slightly.

  “Meredith? Why in heaven’s name are you in your nightclothes! Someone could see you?” The door opened wider, displaying her sister, still fully dressed but not in the dress she’d worn that evening; rather, a walking gown of soft muslin.

  “Why are you not ready for bed? It must be near one in the morning!” Meredith studied her sister.

  “I wasn’t tired.” Louisa shrugged, but her gaze d
arted down the hall.



  “Are you meeting Hugh?” Meredith pushed her way past Louisa and into her room.

  Louisa reluctantly closed the door, and turned to face her sister. “That’s none of your concern.”

  “Do you realize this is Hugh…?” Meredith crossed her arms, studying her sister.

  “You do realize you’re being quite the hypocrite. Lucas is just as attentive as Hugh… more even.” She hitched a shoulder.

  “Yes but…”

  “No excuses. I’ll let you have your secrets… but let me have my own as well,” Louisa spoke kindly, her gaze gentling with a soft smile.

  It went against Meredith’s inclination, to let her younger sister have a secret, and about a gentleman no less. Yet, even though younger, Louisa was just as much friend as sister, and able to handle her own affairs.

  “Very well, though I’ll expect a full report in the morning, mind you.”

  “Yes, mother,” Louisa replied with a saucy grin.

  “I’ll leave you to your… secrets then. Does Sara have any such secrets or will I find her in her room?” Meredith asked as she walked towards the door.

  “I’m not sure. You’ll have seek those answers yourself.” Louisa glanced down the hall once more then turned back and winked at her sister.

  The door shut firmly, and Meredith glanced down the hall as well, just in case. Seeing nothing out of ordinary, she padded to Sara’s room, the cool winter air seeping through the stone wall and nipping at her feet. Earlier that evening it had been warmer, but it seemed as if the temperature had dropped. Wrapping her robe tightly around her, she lifted her hand to knock on Sara’s door, but paused upon hearing a creak down the hall.

  Sucking in a tight breath, she flanked towards the direction of the sound and watched. Nothing moved, save the flicker of a few candles illuminating the corridor.

  She raised her hand once more. “Meredith,” a voice whispered, and she turned towards the sound, seeing Lucas step from the shadows, a grin on his face and his finger to his lips, reminding her to be silent.

  “Lucas?” she mouthed, glancing down the hall, then back to him.


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